War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

In any industry or or company, there's a certain sized market. That market can be grown to some degree but generally, individual industries or companies grow by increasing their market share. Within a company, the generally finite amount of money that's earned is distributed in some way to the people within it. If one guy gets more than he deserves, everybody else gets less. The difficulty is in determining a fair distribution.

There is nothing finite about the amount of money a company can earn. Have you ever gone to the store to find it closed because they have earned the most they can earn in a day? I've never seen it, and I don't think many have. Markets are fluid and ever-changing. They can fluctuate greatly depending on all kinds of factors.

Money that is earned (profit) in a company, is most certainly distributed in many ways, but it's not all to the people within it in some way. Some money is used to pay expenses, taxes, fees, maintenance, advertising, public relations, expansion, upgrades, new technologies, etc. Sometimes money may have to pay off loans to investor capitalists. But with ANY capitalist company, the objective is to return a profit, so it's very unlikely the capitalist is squandering money on people who don't deserve the money. This totally defies the objective of all capitalists.

What I was trying to get you to see is that money on its own does nothing. It's people who perform various functions who generate that wealth and energy is their force multiplier. When energy production peaks or plateaus, overall wealth generation will also plateau and the distribution of that wealth will not be the only problem that capitalism will face.

The only thing posing a problem to capitalism is anti-capitalists who want to roadblock it and not allow it to work as designed. When we've unleashed the power of capitalism in a free market system, it has generated unbelievable wealth and prosperity for millions and millions of people. In fact, there has never been a more successful system in the history of man.

Your problem is, you are still trying your best to rationalize and justify the false meme that wealth is finite. This is an important construct to Marxism and must be defended. It's how you can justify the entire ideology and work people into such a frenzy. You have to convince them to see wealth as finite and limited.
In 2008, we unleashed the power of capitalism and it collapsed the economy

It was much earlier than any of the aughts, go back a ways to 1980... or to Nixon ...to view the lay-up that set Reagan up, but definitely before the aughts.
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Yeah, every time Capitalism fails, and obviously it has failed everywhere since it is being practiced nowhere in the world, it wasn't really Capitalism.
Excuse me dingle berry, where was it practice?

When was Capitalism given a chance by megalomaniac demagogue politicians and the parasitic element?

If wealth were truly infinite, what would it matter to the capitalists how much their underlings were paid?

I've been through this as well, I am not going to just repeat the thread here. You need to go back and read all my posts. This was addressed back on the first several pages.

"Wealth is infinite" does not mean there is some mythical endless pile of it somewhere for the taking. It means wealth is infinitely acquirable. It still has to be obtained.

The capitalist doesn't mind you establishing a baseline for labor with a minimum wage. It makes their job easier in terms of formulating costs because they don't have to compete for labor anymore. And you can raise that baseline, the capitalist will protest because it interferes with their capitalism, but they will adapt to whatever you establish. You want to pay McDonald's workers $15 an hour? Okay, Big Macs will now cost $10. Or maybe automated technology replaces 80% of the labor and you order through a terminal? The capitalist will work it all out... OR they will simply close the doors and do something else.

I realize that you attribute all good things to capitalism and apparently no bad. I'll grant that capitalism has some good attributes. The best capitalism is the European type that has a safety net, environmental regulation and public support systems applied to it. Pure capitalism has no purpose but to maximize profit for the capitalists. The list of bad attributes of unbridled capitalism is long and heinous.

Free market capitalism is the best form of capitalism. What they have in Europe varies from place to place, but none of those nations enjoy the free market type system we have in America. The great and wonderful thing about free market capitalism is that it enables the capitalist to maximize profits. There is nothing "bad" about that. If a capitalist is successful in a free market system, it means that consumers had a need that was met and they were satisfied. Nothing whatsoever "bad" about that. If they showed record profits it means their stocks went up in value... nothing "bad" about that if you own the stock.

We've never had "unbridled" capitalism in America. We have free market capitalism. Our Constitution, by virtue of the Commerce Clause, gives government the power to regulate capitalism, and our government has done so. In fact, they have so perverted the Commerce Clause, they are now regulating capitalism in ways they were never empowered to do.

When government is tinkering around with, and meddling in the affairs of free market capitalism, it is generally doing more harm to capitalism than good. It does so on your behalf, in order to appease your demands, and in the process it blows another hole in the hull of your own ship. It doesn't affect the rich, they don't have to be capitalists.
Yeah, every time Capitalism fails, and obviously it has failed everywhere since it is being practiced nowhere in the world, it wasn't really Capitalism.

I think the point being made is that the definition most Capitalists favor - that of free trade capitalism - has not been in practice. I must agree. They themselves set up all sorts of protections that protect only themselves, to the detriment of smaller tradesmen. That was the bitch that put all that tea in Boston Harbor. It wasn't of those who currently fund the current astroturf tea party movement who put that tea in the harbor though, it was those who were shut out of trade by the protectionist racket who did that. This misunderstanding is just one of the reasons we find ourselves talking past each other, rather than to each other. We all have a little common reference to work with, but the root definitions of terms are so different as to be an entirely different language.
Yeah, every time Capitalism fails, and obviously it has failed everywhere since it is being practiced nowhere in the world, it wasn't really Capitalism.
Excuse me dingle berry, where was it practice?

When was Capitalism given a chance by megalomaniac demagogue politicians and the parasitic element?


And then, of course, is the above. Nothing to do there.
So you admit that it is fundamental to capitalism that the capitalist has every right to exploit workers to any extent he is able in pursuit of the objective of profit...

So you admit that it is fundamental to parasitism that the lazy motherfucker has every right to exploit the taxpayers and neighbors to any extent he is able in pursuit of the object of theft.


You just described the Walton family.
Yeah, every time Capitalism fails, and obviously it has failed everywhere since it is being practiced nowhere in the world, it wasn't really Capitalism.

I think the point being made is that the definition most Capitalists favor - that of free trade capitalism - has not been in practice. I must agree. They themselves set up all sorts of protections that protect only themselves, to the detriment of smaller tradesmen..


Yeah, every time Capitalism fails, and obviously it has failed everywhere since it is being practiced nowhere in the world, it wasn't really Capitalism.

I think the point being made is that the definition most Capitalists favor - that of free trade capitalism - has not been in practice. I must agree. They themselves set up all sorts of protections that protect only themselves, to the detriment of smaller tradesmen..



Really? So...under that understanding, capital should be just as divorced from government policy as religion is supposed to be, and the old rules should apply from back to our country's founding? to wit:

The likelihood of corporate grasping and abuse is why corporations originally ran under state and national charters. As planned by the founding fathers, a state granted corporate charters, which did not grant rights to corporations, but instead granted them limited dispensation to operate their businesses until or unless they abused the terms of their contract, in which case the state revoked the charter and the privilege it conveyed. These charters limited corporate ability (rather than liability) to avoid responsibility for their actions, set limits on what they could damage, and regulated how they could operate in order to make sure that what they did, at the very least, did not damage the fabric of a decent society.

After fighting a bloody war for independence from King George over the unbridled power of the East India Trading Company, ―the states passed hundreds of laws restricting and restraining corporations.‖173 The war was not about tea; the colonists had an aversion to ginormous corporations that (rather than who) put local businesses and small trades people at a disadvantage.

Once upon a time in America, it was a criminal act, punishable by prison time and a painful financial penalty, for a politician to collude with corporate sponsors regarding anything political, legal or having to do with elections.

Hartman, Thom, Screwed: the undeclared war against the middle class-and what we can do about it, 99-101

The “we want our county back” folks might want to revisit these parts of our vainglorious past.

Yeah, every time Capitalism fails, and obviously it has failed everywhere since it is being practiced nowhere in the world, it wasn't really Capitalism.
Excuse me dingle berry, where was it practice?

When was Capitalism given a chance by megalomaniac demagogue politicians and the parasitic element?

Then how can the Right give credit to Capitalism for creating the most billionaires if it has never been practiced anywhere. If you are to be believed then something other than Capitalism created all the world's wealth, Capitalism could not do it on its own!
A narrowing of the gap between Rich and Poor, provided it moves from both ends, reduces the reliance on government programs for those at the poor end.
But they dont pay income taxes.
How is it fair for libs to scream that "the rich" ought to pay more of their income when many middle class people and working class people aren't paying anything?

If I receive 10 million dollars a year in capital gains, that is my "income".It is what I show on my tax returns. By law I get to pay a specific tax known as the "capital gains tax". By bribing politicians I get to pay a lower tax on my capital gains than you do on your W2 income. But income is income. W2 or capital gains.

What the fuck is wrong with you people. Just plain stupid or what? That's twice where I've read the capital gains isn't "income". What the fuck you think it is; outgo?
Again, it is only "income" if it is REALIZED, so if your capital assets grew by 10 million and you only cashed in 1 million, you are taxed ONLY on that 1 million and at a lower rate than wages depending on how long you held the capital asset before you realized any income from it. The remaining 9 million are untaxed.
You listen to Rush. i don't

And it's the people on this thread confusing income and wealth. But capital gains are reported on income tax filings so the so called wealthy that pay capital gains are paying income taxes.

Maybe you should figure out what you're talking about.
But only when the Cap Gains are REALIZED, and then at a lower rate then wage income. Until the Cap Gain is realized/cashed in, it grows TAX FREE like an unlimited IRA but with no early withdrawal penalty and at a lower tax rate when cashed in no matter what your age. If you lose money on your Cap Gains you get to deduct it from your taxes, so Cap Gains are a risk free investment. And still the wealthy bitch that they are over taxed. They should have their taxes raised 1% automatically every time they bitch!

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Taxing wages at a higher rate than profits is wealth redistribution.

I know how capital gains work. They are still income taxes and are taxed more than some earned income and less than other earned income.

And you really should wonder who is screwing the middle class when the government taxes all the gains in a retirement plan as regular income and not capital gains.

And your max deduction for losses is only 3000 a year or didn't you know that either. You can't take a bath and write off millions in losses.

And I have to ask how much of your day do you spend taking notes on what Rush Limbaugh says?
You can deduct $3,000 each and every year until all your loss is deducted, all loss not deducted in a year is carried over forever until all of it is deducted.

But they dont pay income taxes.
How is it fair for libs to scream that "the rich" ought to pay more of their income when many middle class people and working class people aren't paying anything?

If I receive 10 million dollars a year in capital gains, that is my "income".It is what I show on my tax returns. By law I get to pay a specific tax known as the "capital gains tax". By bribing politicians I get to pay a lower tax on my capital gains than you do on your W2 income. But income is income. W2 or capital gains.

What the fuck is wrong with you people. Just plain stupid or what? That's twice where I've read the capital gains isn't "income". What the fuck you think it is; outgo?
Again, it is only "income" if it is REALIZED, so if your capital assets grew by 10 million and you only cashed in 1 million, you are taxed ONLY on that 1 million and at a lower rate than wages depending on how long you held the capital asset before you realized any income from it. The remaining 9 million are untaxed.
You listen to Rush. i don't

And it's the people on this thread confusing income and wealth. But capital gains are reported on income tax filings so the so called wealthy that pay capital gains are paying income taxes.

Maybe you should figure out what you're talking about.
But only when the Cap Gains are REALIZED, and then at a lower rate then wage income. Until the Cap Gain is realized/cashed in, it grows TAX FREE like an unlimited IRA but with no early withdrawal penalty and at a lower tax rate when cashed in no matter what your age. If you lose money on your Cap Gains you get to deduct it from your taxes, so Cap Gains are a risk free investment. And still the wealthy bitch that they are over taxed. They should have their taxes raised 1% automatically every time they bitch!

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Taxing wages at a higher rate than profits is wealth redistribution.

I know how capital gains work. They are still income taxes and are taxed more than some earned income and less than other earned income.

And you really should wonder who is screwing the middle class when the government taxes all the gains in a retirement plan as regular income and not capital gains.

And your max deduction for losses is only 3000 a year or didn't you know that either. You can't take a bath and write off millions in losses.

And I have to ask how much of your day do you spend taking notes on what Rush Limbaugh says?
You can deduct $3,000 each and every year until all your loss is deducted, all loss not deducted in a year is carried over forever until all of it is deducted.
and how long will it take to deduct millions in losses?

Hint you won't live that long.

Capital loss deductions are small potatoes
How many individuals lose millions in Cap Gains? They are even smaller potatoes.
So why bring it up at all when the real injustice here is taxing the gains in a retirement account as regular income?
One of the flaws of capitalism, a stable economy is a loser, stable growth linked to population growth would transform mankind into a relative utopia but the capitalists would be jumping out of windows if that happened. Growth must always occur, always, in the absence of real growth cutting costs is the only way to increase the profit margin. For far too long gains have been made mostly in productivity and not nearly enough in revenue, and so gains have been made to the detriment of the workforce. Is it wrong to see this negative movement in wages as a death spiral of endless bubbles?

The greatest flaw in collectivism is the inability to accept reality. Collectivism is always based on fantasy. From the days in caves, chipping flint into spear heads, the nature of man manifests in the improvement of his tools and environment. Talk of utopia is the domain of fools, I have no interest in foolishness

There are two states to human endeavors, growth and decline. Stagnation is simply decline at a slow pace. That which is not growing is dying.

Gains in productivity have changed the lives of every person on the planet. Collectivists seek to focus on the gap between rich and poor, to focus on envy because someone has more than they. The looter will never look at what they have, only what others have.

Poor people in America live lives of luxury that Henry the VIII never dreamed of. The richest man in the world 500 years ago could not enjoy the quality of food, entertainment, transportation, and medical care that a Walmart greater enjoys today. Were you to claim that Henry the VIII was exploited, even the most obtuse of the looter class would stare at you in shock. Why should the productive class not react in the same way when you make claim of exploitation of the Walmart greeter who enjoys luxuries denied to a King?

Why do looters do this? Why do looters pretend that Americans live in squalor? To foment envy for the purpose of gaining power, of course. You should be thanking the industrialists for giving you a standard of living that is greater than any time or place in human history, instead you damn them because you follow corrupt men who lust for power that have convinced you that it's "NO FAIR, he has more than me."
If wealth were truly infinite, what would it matter to the capitalists how much their underlings were paid?

I've been through this as well, I am not going to just repeat the thread here. You need to go back and read all my posts. This was addressed back on the first several pages.

"Wealth is infinite" does not mean there is some mythical endless pile of it somewhere for the taking. It means wealth is infinitely acquirable. It still has to be obtained.

The capitalist doesn't mind you establishing a baseline for labor with a minimum wage. It makes their job easier in terms of formulating costs because they don't have to compete for labor anymore. And you can raise that baseline, the capitalist will protest because it interferes with their capitalism, but they will adapt to whatever you establish. You want to pay McDonald's workers $15 an hour? Okay, Big Macs will now cost $10. Or maybe automated technology replaces 80% of the labor and you order through a terminal? The capitalist will work it all out... OR they will simply close the doors and do something else.

I realize that you attribute all good things to capitalism and apparently no bad. I'll grant that capitalism has some good attributes. The best capitalism is the European type that has a safety net, environmental regulation and public support systems applied to it. Pure capitalism has no purpose but to maximize profit for the capitalists. The list of bad attributes of unbridled capitalism is long and heinous.

Free market capitalism is the best form of capitalism. What they have in Europe varies from place to place, but none of those nations enjoy the free market type system we have in America. The great and wonderful thing about free market capitalism is that it enables the capitalist to maximize profits. There is nothing "bad" about that. If a capitalist is successful in a free market system, it means that consumers had a need that was met and they were satisfied. Nothing whatsoever "bad" about that. If they showed record profits it means their stocks went up in value... nothing "bad" about that if you own the stock.

We've never had "unbridled" capitalism in America. We have free market capitalism. Our Constitution, by virtue of the Commerce Clause, gives government the power to regulate capitalism, and our government has done so. In fact, they have so perverted the Commerce Clause, they are now regulating capitalism in ways they were never empowered to do.

When government is tinkering around with, and meddling in the affairs of free market capitalism, it is generally doing more harm to capitalism than good. It does so on your behalf, in order to appease your demands, and in the process it blows another hole in the hull of your own ship. It doesn't affect the rich, they don't have to be capitalists.

Nonsense. US capitalism is the same as Western Europe, tax policy is the only real difference and the inability to have the heavy monopolies the US does!

When the United States became independent from Britain it also rebelled against the British System of economics, characterized by Adam Smith, in favor of the American School based on protectionism and infrastructure and prospered under this system for almost 200 years to become the wealthiest nation in the world. Unrestrained free trade resurfaced in the early 1900s culminating in the Great Depression and again in the 1970s culminating in the current Economic Meltdown.

Closely related to mercantilism, it can be seen as contrary to classical economics. It consisted of these three core policies:
  1. protecting industry through selective high tariffs (especially 1861–1932) and through subsidies (especially 1932–70)
  2. government investments in infrastructure creating targeted internal improvements (especially in transportation)
  3. a national bank with policies that promote the growth of productive enterprises rather than speculation

    It is a capitalist economic school based on the Hamiltonian economic program. The American School of capitalism was intended to allow the United States to become economically independent and nationally self-sufficient.

    Frank Bourgin's 1989 study of the Constitutional Convention shows that direct government involvement in the economy was intended by the Founders.

    The goal, most forcefully articulated by Hamilton, was to ensure that dearly won political independence was not lost by being economically and financially dependent on the powers and princes of Europe. The creation of a strong central government able to promote science, invention, industry and commerce, was seen as an essential means of promoting the general welfare and making the economy of the United States strong enough for them to determine their own destiny.

American School of Economics
American School economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...
One of the flaws of capitalism, a stable economy is a loser, stable growth linked to population growth would transform mankind into a relative utopia but the capitalists would be jumping out of windows if that happened. Growth must always occur, always, in the absence of real growth cutting costs is the only way to increase the profit margin. For far too long gains have been made mostly in productivity and not nearly enough in revenue, and so gains have been made to the detriment of the workforce. Is it wrong to see this negative movement in wages as a death spiral of endless bubbles?

The greatest flaw in collectivism is the inability to accept reality. Collectivism is always based on fantasy. From the days in caves, chipping flint into spear heads, the nature of man manifests in the improvement of his tools and environment. Talk of utopia is the domain of fools, I have no interest in foolishness

There are two states to human endeavors, growth and decline. Stagnation is simply decline at a slow pace. That which is not growing is dying.

Gains in productivity have changed the lives of every person on the planet. Collectivists seek to focus on the gap between rich and poor, to focus on envy because someone has more than they. The looter will never look at what they have, only what others have.

Poor people in America live lives of luxury that Henry the VIII never dreamed of. The richest man in the world 500 years ago could not enjoy the quality of food, entertainment, transportation, and medical care that a Walmart greater enjoys today. Were you to claim that Henry the VIII was exploited, even the most obtuse of the looter class would stare at you in shock. Why should the productive class not react in the same way when you make claim of exploitation of the Walmart greeter who enjoys luxuries denied to a King?

Why do looters do this? Why do looters pretend that Americans live in squalor? To foment envy for the purpose of gaining power, of course. You should be thanking the industrialists for giving you a standard of living that is greater than any time or place in human history, instead you damn them because you follow corrupt men who lust for power that have convinced you that it's "NO FAIR, he has more than me."

ONE state or nation to EVER use your libertarian nonsense? lol

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."
Thomas Jefferson

"Dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise. Equality of opportunity has been on the decline. A progressive and meaningful estate tax is needed to curb the movement of a democracy toward plutocracy." Warren Buffett
You are SO fucking stupid.

The issue isn't who gives the CEO his/her 5 million. It is not what the fuck a CEO does.

It is the fact that their income goes up dramatically. AND THE PRICE OF EVERYTHING DOES NOT GO UP.

So how do the guys and gals making a little higher (9 bucks lets say) minimum wage make the price of everything go up but CEO's getting millions of bonus money each year in income doesn't cause prices for everything to go up?

How the fucks that work? Those little guys with their little incomes have more economic power than those multi millionaires do. You really believe that?

Comrade; if the CEO of Walmart were given a compensation of zero, and his entire compensation package, salary, stock options, bonus, etc. were used to give a raise to all the employees if Walmart, how much of a raise would each get?

A).$50 an hour
B.) $20 an hour
C.) $5 an hour
D.) $1 an hour
E.) Less than $0.01 an hour

IF you answer this correctly, you might grasp just how fucking stupid your post was.


  • upload_2014-10-21_10-39-1.png
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If I receive 10 million dollars a year in capital gains, that is my "income".It is what I show on my tax returns. By law I get to pay a specific tax known as the "capital gains tax". By bribing politicians I get to pay a lower tax on my capital gains than you do on your W2 income. But income is income. W2 or capital gains.

What the fuck is wrong with you people. Just plain stupid or what? That's twice where I've read the capital gains isn't "income". What the fuck you think it is; outgo?
Again, it is only "income" if it is REALIZED, so if your capital assets grew by 10 million and you only cashed in 1 million, you are taxed ONLY on that 1 million and at a lower rate than wages depending on how long you held the capital asset before you realized any income from it. The remaining 9 million are untaxed.
But only when the Cap Gains are REALIZED, and then at a lower rate then wage income. Until the Cap Gain is realized/cashed in, it grows TAX FREE like an unlimited IRA but with no early withdrawal penalty and at a lower tax rate when cashed in no matter what your age. If you lose money on your Cap Gains you get to deduct it from your taxes, so Cap Gains are a risk free investment. And still the wealthy bitch that they are over taxed. They should have their taxes raised 1% automatically every time they bitch!

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Taxing wages at a higher rate than profits is wealth redistribution.

I know how capital gains work. They are still income taxes and are taxed more than some earned income and less than other earned income.

And you really should wonder who is screwing the middle class when the government taxes all the gains in a retirement plan as regular income and not capital gains.

And your max deduction for losses is only 3000 a year or didn't you know that either. You can't take a bath and write off millions in losses.

And I have to ask how much of your day do you spend taking notes on what Rush Limbaugh says?
You can deduct $3,000 each and every year until all your loss is deducted, all loss not deducted in a year is carried over forever until all of it is deducted.

If I receive 10 million dollars a year in capital gains, that is my "income".It is what I show on my tax returns. By law I get to pay a specific tax known as the "capital gains tax". By bribing politicians I get to pay a lower tax on my capital gains than you do on your W2 income. But income is income. W2 or capital gains.

What the fuck is wrong with you people. Just plain stupid or what? That's twice where I've read the capital gains isn't "income". What the fuck you think it is; outgo?
Again, it is only "income" if it is REALIZED, so if your capital assets grew by 10 million and you only cashed in 1 million, you are taxed ONLY on that 1 million and at a lower rate than wages depending on how long you held the capital asset before you realized any income from it. The remaining 9 million are untaxed.
But only when the Cap Gains are REALIZED, and then at a lower rate then wage income. Until the Cap Gain is realized/cashed in, it grows TAX FREE like an unlimited IRA but with no early withdrawal penalty and at a lower tax rate when cashed in no matter what your age. If you lose money on your Cap Gains you get to deduct it from your taxes, so Cap Gains are a risk free investment. And still the wealthy bitch that they are over taxed. They should have their taxes raised 1% automatically every time they bitch!

January 09, 2013
RUSH: Taxing wages at a higher rate than profits is wealth redistribution.

I know how capital gains work. They are still income taxes and are taxed more than some earned income and less than other earned income.

And you really should wonder who is screwing the middle class when the government taxes all the gains in a retirement plan as regular income and not capital gains.

And your max deduction for losses is only 3000 a year or didn't you know that either. You can't take a bath and write off millions in losses.

And I have to ask how much of your day do you spend taking notes on what Rush Limbaugh says?
You can deduct $3,000 each and every year until all your loss is deducted, all loss not deducted in a year is carried over forever until all of it is deducted.
and how long will it take to deduct millions in losses?

Hint you won't live that long.

Capital loss deductions are small potatoes
How many individuals lose millions in Cap Gains? They are even smaller potatoes.
So why bring it up at all when the real injustice here is taxing the gains in a retirement account as regular income?

The Top 0.1% Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains

about 315,000 individuals out of 315 million– are making about half of all capital gains on the sale of shares or property after 1 year; and these capital gains make up 60% of the income made by the Forbes 400.
The Top 0.1 Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes

You are SO fucking stupid.

The issue isn't who gives the CEO his/her 5 million. It is not what the fuck a CEO does.

It is the fact that their income goes up dramatically. AND THE PRICE OF EVERYTHING DOES NOT GO UP.

So how do the guys and gals making a little higher (9 bucks lets say) minimum wage make the price of everything go up but CEO's getting millions of bonus money each year in income doesn't cause prices for everything to go up?

How the fucks that work? Those little guys with their little incomes have more economic power than those multi millionaires do. You really believe that?

Comrade; if the CEO of Walmart were given a compensation of zero, and his entire compensation package, salary, stock options, bonus, etc. were used to give a raise to all the employees if Walmart, how much of a raise would each get?

A).$50 an hour
B.) $20 an hour
C.) $5 an hour
D.) $1 an hour
E.) Less than $0.01 an hour

IF you answer this correctly, you might grasp just how fucking stupid your post was.

How about if owners of the stock took 1% less dividends? lol
Yeah, every time Capitalism fails, and obviously it has failed everywhere since it is being practiced nowhere in the world, it wasn't really Capitalism.

I think the point being made is that the definition most Capitalists favor - that of free trade capitalism - has not been in practice. I must agree. They themselves set up all sorts of protections that protect only themselves, to the detriment of smaller tradesmen..



So there has NEVER been capitalism?
One of the flaws of capitalism, a stable economy is a loser, stable growth linked to population growth would transform mankind into a relative utopia but the capitalists would be jumping out of windows if that happened. Growth must always occur, always, in the absence of real growth cutting costs is the only way to increase the profit margin. For far too long gains have been made mostly in productivity and not nearly enough in revenue, and so gains have been made to the detriment of the workforce. Is it wrong to see this negative movement in wages as a death spiral of endless bubbles?

The greatest flaw in collectivism is the inability to accept reality. Collectivism is always based on fantasy. From the days in caves, chipping flint into spear heads, the nature of man manifests in the improvement of his tools and environment. Talk of utopia is the domain of fools, I have no interest in foolishness

There are two states to human endeavors, growth and decline. Stagnation is simply decline at a slow pace. That which is not growing is dying.

Gains in productivity have changed the lives of every person on the planet. Collectivists seek to focus on the gap between rich and poor, to focus on envy because someone has more than they. The looter will never look at what they have, only what others have.

Poor people in America live lives of luxury that Henry the VIII never dreamed of. The richest man in the world 500 years ago could not enjoy the quality of food, entertainment, transportation, and medical care that a Walmart greater enjoys today. Were you to claim that Henry the VIII was exploited, even the most obtuse of the looter class would stare at you in shock. Why should the productive class not react in the same way when you make claim of exploitation of the Walmart greeter who enjoys luxuries denied to a King?

Why do looters do this? Why do looters pretend that Americans live in squalor? To foment envy for the purpose of gaining power, of course. You should be thanking the industrialists for giving you a standard of living that is greater than any time or place in human history, instead you damn them because you follow corrupt men who lust for power that have convinced you that it's "NO FAIR, he has more than me."

ONE state or nation to EVER use your libertarian nonsense? lol

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."
Thomas Jefferson

"Dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise. Equality of opportunity has been on the decline. A progressive and meaningful estate tax is needed to curb the movement of a democracy toward plutocracy." Warren Buffett

You have no brain and cannot posit a cogent response. You failed to find a cut & paste so you spewed nonsense.

"Occupied" appears to be your intellectual superior (as my Dingo also is) so I have hopes he will post a well reasoned response.

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