War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

As I've already stated, I would like to see a twenty million dollar limit imposed on personal assets...

What fucking part of FREE are you not comprehending here? You do not have the right to impose limits on how much wealth someone can obtain in a FREE market system. That is quite literally a CLOSED market system, by which YOU set the parameters. In essence, it is Communism.

And what gave you the impression I would like every American to be chained to whatever job they have at whatever pay they got and be happy with it?

Because of the authoritarian totalitarian Marxist socialist COMMUNISM you propose!

When you start proposing arbitrary limits, then whatever limit you select becomes the top... so what happens when $20 million is equivalent to $30k? Then everyone is working for your limit and thankful they have that much. Meanwhile... there will STILL be a wealthiest 1% who control most of the wealth! You've merely chopped off your hands and feet and have no way of ever obtaining such status.
Boss, you are falling into MikeK's trap. He has you slobbering and spitting all over your keyboard.
That's no way to act for a muti millionaire like YOU. Stop it. You are making a rich person such as myself look bad. MikeK is not going to take away your binky.........I mean your money in excess of 20 million.

Didn't you watch the election results? We won. Things are gonna be fine now. Chill out.
Boss, you are falling into MikeK's trap. He has you slobbering and spitting all over your keyboard.
That's no way to act for a muti millionaire like YOU. Stop it. You are making a rich person such as myself look bad. MikeK is not going to take away your binky.........I mean your money in excess of 20 million.

Didn't you watch the election results? We won. Things are gonna be fine now. Chill out.

Good morning zeke, I assure you, I am fine. I am not the least bit worried about you or Mikey stealing my wealth. All you have been able to do so far is make me more money. In fact, today I am depositing a check for $77,653 from good old Uncle Sam for my "green energy" efforts! Hey... together, we are saving the planet! Thank you SO much! ...Can we do more????
What fucking part of FREE are you not comprehending here? You do not have the right to impose limits on how much wealth someone can obtain in a FREE market system.

Perhaps I should have mentioned early in that message, like you, I am an ordinary citizen, not the emperor, and what I proposed was a suggestion, not a mandate. So relax. And above all keep in mind that as a free American citizen, like you, I have a right to express my wishes for political change.

With regard to the purpose of our Constitution, FREEdom does not mean or imply unconstrained license. The rules governing the operation and order of our society exist to ensure the best interests of the Nation. This is why there are speed limits on our roads and highways. So if the public debate via its representatives determines that a limit on individual accumulation of the Nation's wealth resources is in the best interest of the Nation's overall political health, the question would then be who are you to say it isn't.

At this point the issue is up for debate. I've proposed it and I am interested in reading opposing views and knowing what they are based on.
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Because of the authoritarian totalitarian Marxist socialist COMMUNISM you propose!
What functional communist entity are you aware of in which its subjects are (or were) permitted to accumulate extraordinary amounts of personal wealth?

Do you not consider twenty million dollars to be an extraordinary net worth by contemporary American standards? Presuming you do, please explain how you manage to define a recommendation which allows individual accumulation of such exceptional wealth as communist or Marxist?
When you start proposing arbitrary limits, then whatever limit you select becomes the top... so what happens when $20 million is equivalent to $30k? Then everyone is working for your limit and thankful they have that much. Meanwhile... there will STILL be a wealthiest 1% who control most of the wealth! You've merely chopped off your hands and feet and have no way of ever obtaining such status.
The hypothetical prospect of such devastating inflation as you've suggested notwithstanding, the difference would be transition from vertical to horizontal distribution of the Nation's wealth resources. In other words there would be many more millionaires but no billionaires.

Because of the imposed limit on individual accumulation there could not be a controlling One Percent.
Good morning zeke, I assure you, I am fine. I am not the least bit worried about you or Mikey stealing my wealth. All you have been able to do so far is make me more money. In fact, today I am depositing a check for $77,653 from good old Uncle Sam for my "green energy" efforts! Hey... together, we are saving the planet! Thank you SO much! ...Can we do more????
As long as your bottom line does not exceed $20million I sincerely wish you all the happiness and comfort such exceptional wealth can provide. But if you're hiding more under your mattress, what is your need for all that money?

If you think my $20million limit is too constraining and should be expanded, tell us why. And tell us what you think a more appropriate limit would be -- and why.

But IF you had your way, no one would EVER become a millionaire! Every working American would be chained to whatever job they had at whatever pay they got, and would be thankful that they had that much. THAT is the system you want! THAT is what you want to replace free market capitalism with.
Your perceptions are distorted by what seems to be a flammable hostility when some deeply embedded ideas you have are challenged.

As I've already stated, I would like to see a twenty million dollar limit imposed on personal assets, yet you insist I oppose anyone becoming a millionaire. Twenty million dollars is more money than the vast majority of Americans can hope to acquire. It exists as a motivation for anyone to aspire to and to seek wealth and It interferes with your wish to dismiss me as a communist.

I have no problem with the garden variety millionaires who have always inhabited the American landscape. Provided they have achieved their success honestly and without harming others I feel they are entitled to enjoy it. So please adjust your sights because you are way off the mark.

And what gave you the impression I would like every American to be chained to whatever job they have at whatever pay they got and be happy with it? Whatever distorted process brought that impression about I assure you it is false and it plainly demonstrates a tendency to fabricate according to what you wish to believe.
ROFL yeah cause chaining the rich down to oars and making the bastards row has been such a successful way to improve economies. What are we gonna do with the all the mansions and people who work for them? Burn them down? Make them museums? ROFL. 20mil cap rofl... 20mil is chump change. MikeK wants to turn this country into a banana republic.
20mil cap rofl... 20mil is chump change.

Hey me and da Boss resent that. Our 20 million puts us in the top 1%. Maybe not the top 1/10 of 1% but we are doing ok. We are RICH.

Whadda you got? 20 Billion? You listed in Forbes 100 Richest?
ROFL yeah cause chaining the rich down to oars and making the bastards row has been such a successful way to improve economies. What are we gonna do with the all the mansions and people who work for them? Burn them down? Make them museums? ROFL. 20mil cap rofl... 20mil is chump change. MikeK wants to turn this country into a banana republic.
Making the rich a bit less rich is not exactly chaining them to oars.

With twenty million dollars I can buy a beautifully furnished home in a desirable location. I can buy a couple of fine cars. I can pay for several university educations, the best insurance available, a fine wardrobe, even a nice boat -- and still have enough left over to invest and earn $100,000 annual interest to live comfortably on.

As for the mansions; little museums, schools, hospitals, clinics, old-age homes for wealthier seniors are a few possibilities.

The horizontal distribution of the Nation's wealth resources created by a $20million limit would produce such expanded demand for products and services there would be no shortage of jobs of all kinds and at all levels. Thus the advantage of demand side economics vs the Reaganomics' supply side atrocity which has all but totally eliminated the middle class.
ROFL yeah cause chaining the rich down to oars and making the bastards row has been such a successful way to improve economies. What are we gonna do with the all the mansions and people who work for them? Burn them down? Make them museums? ROFL. 20mil cap rofl... 20mil is chump change. MikeK wants to turn this country into a banana republic.
Making the rich a bit less rich is not exactly chaining them to oars.

With twenty million dollars I can buy a beautifully furnished home in a desirable location. I can buy a couple of fine cars. I can pay for several university educations, the best insurance available, a fine wardrobe, even a nice boat -- and still have enough left over to invest and earn $100,000 annual interest to live comfortably on.

As for the mansions; little museums, schools, hospitals, clinics, old-age homes for wealthier seniors are a few possibilities.

The horizontal distribution of the Nation's wealth resources created by a $20million limit would produce such expanded demand for products and services there would be no shortage of jobs of all kinds and at all levels. Thus the advantage of demand side economics vs the Reaganomics' supply side atrocity which has all but totally eliminated the middle class.
ROFL... 100k annual is not even half what most middle class professionals make. But thanks for proving what marxists like you are really about.
Hell no, I just don't want to live in a country that caps wealth.
But if the change in economic policy results in a vast improvement in the general standard of living and the virtual elimination of poverty, why not. Unless you now have more than $20 million, in which case you might be happier living in another country.

Which country would you prefer to live in, and why?
Hell no, I just don't want to live in a country that caps wealth.
But if the change in economic policy results in a vast improvement in the general standard of living and the virtual elimination of poverty, why not. Unless you now have more than $20 million, in which case you might be happier living in another country.

Which country would you prefer to live in, and why?
I prefer to live in a country that promotes liberty. Albeit with a government that breaks up monopolies that restrict access to the public market. The reason why, is promoting failure while punishing success is a recipe for failure, not success.

Why would anyone with 20mil invest money if there was no possible benefit?

Why would anyone lift a finger to produce if government mandated success?
ROFL... 100k annual is not even half what most middle class professionals make. But thanks for proving what marxists like you are really about.
I haven't mentioned annual earnings. I've proposed a limit on accumulated wealth.

If you can earn a million a year or more, fine. But you must somehow dispose of every penny over $20million net worth, or IRS will confiscate it, with penalties.

The idea is to keep the Nation's wealth resources moving, circulating, which is critically important to a healthy society.
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ROFL... 100k annual is not even half what most middle class professionals make. But thanks for proving what marxists like you are really about.
I haven't mentioned annual earnings. I've proposed a limit on accumulated wealth.

If you can earn a million a year or more, fine. But you must somehow dispose of every penny over $20million net worth, or IRS will confiscate it, with penalties.

The idea is to keep the Nation's wealth resources moving, circulating,[/i] which is critically important to a healthy economy. Horizontal distribution.
ROFL so if I build a company from the ground up and it's net worth grows to 41mil in the first year I have to "divest" my company in the first year by firing everyone and selling it for parts or I have to "give" ownership of my company away either to donations or the federal government. ROFLLLLFLFOOOOLFOFOOFLLLF
I prefer to live in a country that promotes liberty.
Liberty is not license.

Under the existing system one is permitted to accumulate and hoard as much of this Nation's wealth as is possible to acquire. The increasing imbalance in distribution is very unhealthy for the economy because it impedes circulation and it poses a serious threat to political stability via vastly enhanced bribery potential. We don't have liberty to drive as fast as we like, and it should be obvious by now that the existing economic system is dangerous to the Nation's health and constraints are needed.

Why would anyone with 20mil invest money if there was no possible benefit?
Why is there no possible benefit? Give it to children, relatives, less fortunate friends, donate to charities or causes, etc. Invest it in a growing business (no limit on corporate assets).

Keep in mind the main objective here is horizontal distribution. Spread it around. Increase circulation, which increases spending, which increases demand for products, which increases jobs.

Why would anyone lift a finger to produce if government mandated success?
I prefer to live in a country that promotes liberty.
Liberty is not license.

Under the existing system one is permitted to accumulate and hoard as much of this Nation's wealth as is possible to acquire. The increasing imbalance in distribution is very unhealthy for the economy because it impedes circulation and it poses a serious threat to political stability via vastly enhanced bribery potential. We don't have liberty to drive as fast as we like, and it should be obvious by now that the existing economic system is dangerous to the Nation's health and constraints are needed.

Why would anyone with 20mil invest money if there was no possible benefit?
Why is there no possible benefit? Give it to children, relatives, less fortunate friends, donate to charities or causes, etc. Invest it in a growing business (no limit on corporate assets).

Keep in mind the main objective here is horizontal distribution. Spread it around. Increase circulation, which increases spending, which increases demand for products, which increases jobs.

Why would anyone lift a finger to produce if government mandated success?
ROFL oh I see so if I create a harem of 100 women I can add two more zeroes to the 20mil figure. ROFL
so if I build a company from the ground up and it's net worth grows to 41mil in the first year I have to "divest" my company in the first year by firing everyone and selling it for parts or I have to "give" ownership of my company away either to donations or the federal government.
One does not build a $41million enterprise as easily as starting a successful delicatessen. The remote possibility that you build such an enterprise on your own leaves you free to sell it and to give the excess away, or to invest in another business (no limit on corporate assets). But if you have a junior partner, you wish him well as you retire to your leisurely life.

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