War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

It is not infinity but it does fluctuate. If it were infinity in one year nothing could ever be produced after that. That would require it to be more than infinity.

I never said wealth in one year is infinite.

Wealth is constantly being created. There is not a limit on how much can ultimately be created. Occutarded Liberals believe that wealth is finite, that we only have so much and greedy rich people have it all. The rich have most of the wealth because they are the rich and as such, are supposed to have all the wealth. If they didn't have most of the wealth, they wouldn't be "the rich!"

Our free market, free-enterprise capitalist system, along with the constitutional freedoms we have in this country, is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever contrived by man. Bar none, nothing else even comes remotely close. The so-called "middle class" is declining because they are becoming wealthy, not because they are becoming poor. The poor are also declining, but at a slower rate than the middle, as they become wealthier and join the middle.

I think a much better policy would be for you to stop trying to sock it to the rich and purposefully bloating the tax burden to chase Utopian dreams.

Again, I have no problem with the rich, who use their wealth to live reasonably luxurious, comfortable and secure lives. I regard the success they have achieved by making honest and productive use of this Nation's abundant resources as the uppermost level of what is popularly known as the American Dream.

It is the money hoarding, deviously exploitative super-rich whom I regard as being more harmful to the overall health of the American democracy than any Middle-Eastern "terrorist" organization. These money hoarders are metaphorical tumors, malignant growths which must be removed by whatever radical means necessary.

And you may rest assured that, based on the obvious intention of our Constitution, if its Framers, most of whom were "rich" men, could have anticipated the kind of phenomenally excessive wealth the then-infant Nation was capable of eventually generating, and the kind of devious and greedy manipulations that might arise to create a politically dominant financial aristocracy, they would have added strict provisions to prevent any such unreasonable accumulation of wealth and the emergence of a new monied royalty.

YOU don't fucking GET to decide what is "reasonable" for ME!

No, I think it's terrible that the homeless man has to pay 50% of his winnings in taxes.

But you have no problem with the fellow who can afford to invest in tax-free bonds and pay no taxes on the earnings?

Well if you want to tax my earnings then you'll get less of me investing in tax-free bonds. Municipalities will fail, projects for municipal growth will cease to happen, basic upgrades to infrastructure will stagnate. I'll move money to another country who values it more than you do.

I invest in tax-free municipal bonds because they are tax-free... not because this is something I have to do. And this is why your "war on the rich" is so utterly stupid. Unless you're going to do as Chairman Mao did and come with the guns to seize my wealth and kill me, you aren't getting my wealth. The more you attempt to tax what I do with my wealth, the less of that activity you get, which only hurts the middle class and poor, it doesn't effect me.
I doubt you were born anywhere near 1930.
I was born in 1936, in Brooklyn NY, to parents who suffered through the Great Depression and whose frequent recollections have shaped my views and attitudes where poverty vs excessive wealth are concerned.

There will always and forever be a "Wealthiest 1%" ...regardless of anything you can ever do. There has never been a time since "wealth" became a thing, that this was not the case.
The only time in American history when the kind of wealth disparity we are seeing today ever existed was during the "Robber Baron" era, which precipitated the Great Depression.

The New Deal and the Union Movement were brought to bear against the exploitative elements of that era resulting in the most prosperous and productive decades in our history, the 40s through to the 80s, when Ronald Reagan tossed the "Supply Side" economics monkey wrench into the machinery -- resulting in the emergence of a more politically subtle, surreptitiously evolved, and cleverly modernized version of the Robber Baron era.


Again, the bottom line is never before in our history has this kind of wealth disparity existed -- except during the shameful era that brought about the Great Depression.
Blah Blah Blah... more Marxist rhetoric and pie charts!

The "shameful era of the 'robber barons'" brought forth the Industrial Revolution, to which we all owe a huge debt of gratitude. It's the very reason we're not living like we're in a third-world shithole. Government did not invent the lightbulb, the process for manufacturing steel, or the process for refining and transporting oil resources and natural gas. The people who did those things were the so-called "robber barons".

Your big labor unions became greedy self-serving leviathans in the 70s and 80s, which literally drove the manufacturing sector out of this country. You can't pay people $30 an hour with unlimited benefits to assemble washing machines. There is just not a way to do that and remain competitive with the rest of the world.
Worse is the GOP's war on the middle class.

Prosperity through lower wages. Bad idea. Try to figure out why.
I was born in 1936, in Brooklyn NY, to parents who suffered through the Great Depression and whose frequent recollections have shaped my views and attitudes where poverty vs excessive wealth are concerned.

I say you are between 25~35 and college educated. You come from a typical middle class family, never had a particularly tough life, and have always had somewhat liberal political views. You think it lends to your credibility if you claim to be older because you conflate older with wiser.

But HEY... This is the good ol' Interwebz... people can BE whatever they please here!
I doubt you were born anywhere near 1930.
I was born in 1936, in Brooklyn NY, to parents who suffered through the Great Depression and whose frequent recollections have shaped my views and attitudes where poverty vs excessive wealth are concerned.

There will always and forever be a "Wealthiest 1%" ...regardless of anything you can ever do. There has never been a time since "wealth" became a thing, that this was not the case.
The only time in American history when the kind of wealth disparity we are seeing today ever existed was during the "Robber Baron" era, which precipitated the Great Depression.

The New Deal and the Union Movement were brought to bear against the exploitative elements of that era resulting in the most prosperous and productive decades in our history, the 40s through to the 80s, when Ronald Reagan tossed the "Supply Side" economics monkey wrench into the machinery -- resulting in the emergence of a more politically subtle, surreptitiously evolved, and cleverly modernized version of the Robber Baron era.


Again, the bottom line is never before in our history has this kind of wealth disparity existed -- except during the shameful era that brought about the Great Depression.
And yet our poor are fat as pigs...
The rich have most of the wealth because they are the rich and as such, are supposed to have all the wealth. If they didn't have most of the wealth, they wouldn't be "the rich!"

Boss dude. you are DEAD on it tonight. Outstanding logic....rich in bullshit and deep in the weeds.

But HEY... This is the good ol' Interwebz... people can BE whatever they please here!

I've noticed that. And you decided to be "rich". Me to. Batten da hatches and hide the gold, we under attack. Ima with you boss. Us rich gotta stick together. Like glue. Right.
resulting in the emergence of a more politically subtle, surreptitiously evolved, and cleverly modernized version of the Robber Baron era.


Blah Blah Blah... more Marxist rhetoric and pie charts!

The "shameful era of the 'robber barons'"

Boss, no need for you to apologize for the robber barons. Yes, we took a few inventions and some oil and made a fucking fortune. But hey, that's what us rich do. If we ran over a few people and things doing what we had to do, well we are rich and sometimes you just got to work people to death so we can be rich.

Am I telling the truth here boss or not?

So when you see those pie charts showing all those other people with their little bittie share of the pie, (and smile and think how big our piece of pie is) just say to yourself; well fuck em, they shoulda got rich like me.
This is America, everybody can be rich like me and you.

But don't fuck with my pie. Right boss?

The "shameful era of the 'robber barons'" brought forth the Industrial Revolution,[...]
World War Two, the New Deal, the Union Movement, several technological innovations and developments brought on the Industrial Revolution. Purging of the Robber Barons and the era of tyrannical exploitation and hoarding they prevailed over are what enabled the growth of the middle class and the ability of such individuals as you emulate to thrive.

In the Robber Baron era, both you and I would in all likelihood be limited to living in hovels and working 80 hour weeks for whatever wages our bosses could get away with paying us -- in addition to zero benefits, no pensions, no vacations, and dangerously unsafe working conditions.

You desperately need to study the history of labor in America. I recommend the following books to you:

There is Power in a Union: The Epic Story of Labor in America
by Philip Dray

Triangle: The Fire That Changed America
by David von Drehle

Growing Up in Coal Country
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

Trade Unions Under Capitalism
by Tom Clarke

Sweat and Blood: A History of U.S. Labor Unions
by Gloria Skurzynski

Power and Privilege: Labor Unions in America
by Morgan O. Reynolds

Why Unions Matter
by Michael D. Yates

Strike: Mother Jones and the Colorado Coal Field War
by Lois Ruby

Which Side Are You On?: The Story of a Song
by George Ella Lyon

And if you don't care to buy and read any books, here are some movies which entertainingly dramatize some interesting historical facts:

Harlan County USA

Norma Rae

The Molly McGuires

On The Waterfront




It's all true.
When one thinks about the post" war on the rich" one must say to themselves "where is there a war on the rich"? They have it made here like no other country in the world and they have all the money in the world to protect their fortunes. So the whole thread topic is a façade. There is no such thing as a war on the rich.
Wealth is constantly being created. There is not a limit on how much can ultimately be created.[...]
Fiat wealth is infinite.

But if we proceed from the logical principle that every penny of real wealth represents an established amount of human effort and/or the established value of a material product, the fact that real wealth is finite is easily demonstrated.

E.g., if a farmer's wealth is derived from producing corn from every available acre of his property and selling the corn, the amount of wealth he can derive from that corn is finite.

Can you suggest a means by which the corn farmer's crop, i.e., his wealth, can be made infinite?

Again, I'm referring to real wealth. Not fiat wealth, which is predicated on such peripheral influences as oppressive military power.
Wealth is constantly being created. There is not a limit on how much can ultimately be created.[...]
Fiat wealth is infinite.

But if we proceed from the logical principle that every penny of real wealth represents an established amount of human effort and/or the established value of a material product, the fact that real wealth is finite is easily demonstrated.

Wealth is constantly being created. There is not a limit on how much can ultimately be created.[...]
Fiat wealth is infinite.

But if we proceed from the logical principle that every penny of real wealth represents an established amount of human effort and/or the established value of a material product, the fact that real wealth is finite is easily demonstrated.

E.g., if a farmer's wealth is derived from producing corn from every available acre of his property and selling the corn, the amount of wealth he can derive from that corn is finite.

Can you suggest a means by which the corn farmer's crop, i.e., his wealth, can be made infinite?

Again, I'm referring to real wealth. Not fiat wealth, which is predicated on such peripheral influences as oppressive military power.

Can you suggest a means by which the corn farmer's crop, i.e., his wealth, can be made infinite?

Again, I'm referring to real wealth. Not fiat wealth, which is predicated on such peripheral influences as oppressive military power.
"Again, I'm referring to real wealth. Not fiat wealth, which is predicated on such peripheral influences as oppressive military power."

Isn't Economics the study of how to distribute scarce resources?
The rich have most of the wealth because they are the rich and as such, are supposed to have all the wealth. If they didn't have most of the wealth, they wouldn't be "the rich!"

Boss dude. you are DEAD on it tonight. Outstanding logic....rich in bullshit and deep in the weeds.

Nothing I said was bullshit. It was very simple logic. You act as if you honestly expect rich people to not be so stinking rich! I mean, how DARE they! lol

But HEY... This is the good ol' Interwebz... people can BE whatever they please here!

I've noticed that. And you decided to be "rich". Me to. Batten da hatches and hide the gold, we under attack. Ima with you boss. Us rich gotta stick together. Like glue. Right.

Well we know you're not rich. Not sure how much of my tax money you're soaking up, but we can be certain you are getting some kind of benefit, (if not... I suggest disability due to mental illness.) In any event, I say... DON'T batten down the hatches... Let's Elect Hillary and keep it going in the crapper another 8 years! Keep on blowing holes in your own boat trying to get the rich! As long as you are making capitalism obsolete, my wealth continues to grow in value.

Interesting statistic, since I know you guys like them: In the past 8 years, during the economic meltdown, the number of billionaires has doubled. So keep up the GOOD work!
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Wealth is constantly being created. There is not a limit on how much can ultimately be created.[...]
Fiat wealth is infinite.

But if we proceed from the logical principle that every penny of real wealth represents an established amount of human effort and/or the established value of a material product, the fact that real wealth is finite is easily demonstrated.

E.g., if a farmer's wealth is derived from producing corn from every available acre of his property and selling the corn, the amount of wealth he can derive from that corn is finite.

Can you suggest a means by which the corn farmer's crop, i.e., his wealth, can be made infinite?

Again, I'm referring to real wealth. Not fiat wealth, which is predicated on such peripheral influences as oppressive military power.

Bullshit. First of all, you weirdos always tend to pick out ONE example of how people generate wealth and pretend the whole entire nation is doing that same thing... that's not so.

YES... I can explain how the farmer's wealth can be made infinite... The farmer records a song called It's Boring Growing Corn in a Cornfield, and it becomes a country hit. He makes an infinite amount of wealth on royalties from future sales for generations to come. His wife writes a cookbook: 1001 Best Corn Dishes! It goes viral on Amazon and the family becomes famous, so they do a Reality Show on A&E, Life on the Corn Farm! Then the daughter gets to go on Dancing With The Stars!

Get the point?
When one thinks about the post" war on the rich" one must say to themselves "where is there a war on the rich"? They have it made here like no other country in the world and they have all the money in the world to protect their fortunes. So the whole thread topic is a façade. There is no such thing as a war on the rich.

Brilliant post!!

Poor tea party schmucks will defend anyone Fox News tells them to.

They truly suck Koch.
Fiat wealth is infinite.

There's no such thing as "fiat" wealth, there is just wealth.

There is "fiat" currency, and some people in political power have found ways to get wealthy using it... but that is a corruption and ethics problem. The Federal Reserve should be audited.
When one thinks about the post" war on the rich" one must say to themselves "where is there a war on the rich"? They have it made here like no other country in the world and they have all the money in the world to protect their fortunes. So the whole thread topic is a façade. There is no such thing as a war on the rich.

Hey... really Libs... I do get it! Your War on The Rich sucks SO bad, you don't want to call it that! Oooo... Woe is ME! ....If only we could one day DREAM of being able to wage war on the rich! But alas, we are just poor enslaved serfs without a hope.... Yeah, I get that... totally!

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