War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

Think zeke.. pick a product or service people need and do a good job providing it... they will pay for it. You reap the reward for taking the risk. Or you can work for someone else that took the risk to build a company and complain they don't pay enough.

Conservatives just ignore facts and reality. They have "faith" that their ideology is correct.

You know what happens when you have a very static and simplistic view of a very dynamic and complex system? You find yourself being wrong almost all the time.


1%er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead to Violent Class Revolution

Though Charles and David Koch may be grabbing the headlines promoting a 1% neo-feudal agenda, not everyone in the upper echelons of the American plutocracy is on board. Nick Hanauer, a super rich venture capitalist, recently wrote a piece condemning neoliberalism – often called “trickle-down economics” – saying the current economic system is not only unfair and causing resentment but counter-productive to a thriving middle class saying “These idiotic trickle-down policies are destroying my customer base.”

1 er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead To Violent Class Revolution FDL News Desk
Yeah well 1%er is a democrat.

Look at those 70k jobs I found. Now how many of those jobs do not require college degrees?

The total projected number of those jobs is 2,768,000. And 2.1 million of those jobs were in one field.

So tell me again how many million and million of jobs there are out there paying 70k to a high school graduate.
Which is where this discussion started. High school grads.
Tell me who ever said there were millions and millions of any job out there? (rkm said it)

All I asked is why you idiots think that only a job that pay millions a year is your yardstick for achievement? And why do you think everyone has to work for someone else?

The simple fact is no one is stopping you from getting a job that pays more except you.

No one is keeping you poor. No one is holding you down.

So stop fucking whining already

What the fuck are you going on about there skull? Just because you make yourself look stupid doesn't mean that I am poor. Why you would think that is another example of your fucked up thinking.

Me and you are middle class. Maybe upper middle. But after looking at personal financials for 18 years writing mortgage loans, I'll put my "poor persons net worth" against most anybody in that middle range. Paid for rentals helps a lot in net worth and income. Sch E. is my friend.

And you should see how much my computer whiz wife makes. Don't worry. We won't take any of your money for our upkeep.

We be poor but we be stubborn about "getting by" on our own. LMAO. Right from the middle.

ps there skull. your buddy rkm was the one claimed millions of jobs were out there. You should try reading some of the shit he writes.

Only an idiot would think there are less than millions of jobs out there that pay 70k for non-HS graduates.
I don't know any engineers that make less than 70k. I don't know many managers that make less then 70k. I don't know many professionals that make less than 70k. For that matter even high school teachers end up making 70 with tenure. IMO one would have to try really hard to not get to the point where they are making 70k. Really really hard to find excuses to not get into a position to make 70k.

You don't read and comprehend very well rkm. If you did, you would have seen that I wrote "person with the high school education". Do you now see where I wrote that?

And of the group you mentioned all making 70k a year, I swear I do believe that those position require a college education. Engineers, teachers, managers? and professionals (whatever they are).

Are there more high school graduates in American than there are college graduates? Why yes there are.
Are there lots of jobs paying 70k for high school grads? Not any more.
Sure there are millions of jobs paying more than 70k for high school grads. for example, company owners. It's not hard to start your own business. All it requires is effort, ability, and some street smarts. My reading comprehension is fine. FYI community and online colleges are available for high school grads.

for example,,,,,,,,rkm why don't you post some hard factual numbers on the number of start up companies that 1.survive for longer than 2 years. and 2. how many of the owners make 70k.

Just curious. I mean you claim there are "millions of jobs paying more than 70k". Prove it. Should be easy for you.
You are confused by the term "average" salary. Average does not mean top or bottom, it means top, bottom, and middle all added together then divide by the number of people. For example half of all electricians and plumbers make more than the other half. Making 35 an hour is a very easy thing for an electrician or plumber to achieve. Guess how many electricians and plumbers there are?

100 Top Entrepreneurs Who Succeeded Without A College Degree

"Making 35 an hour is a very easy thing for an electrician or plumber to achieve. Guess how many electricians and plumbers there are?"


The average rate for a Plumber is $19.99 per hour

Hourly Rate $13.39 - $33.16

Plumber Salary United States


Plumbers, electricians, plasters, carpenters, etc. VERY heavy into the building trades Bubba, what other lie do you have?

You're a fucking retard and so are the people you know.
Think zeke.. pick a product or service people need and do a good job providing it... they will pay for it. You reap the reward for taking the risk. Or you can work for someone else that took the risk to build a company and complain they don't pay enough.

Conservatives just ignore facts and reality. They have "faith" that their ideology is correct.

You know what happens when you have a very static and simplistic view of a very dynamic and complex system? You find yourself being wrong almost all the time.


1%er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead to Violent Class Revolution

Though Charles and David Koch may be grabbing the headlines promoting a 1% neo-feudal agenda, not everyone in the upper echelons of the American plutocracy is on board. Nick Hanauer, a super rich venture capitalist, recently wrote a piece condemning neoliberalism – often called “trickle-down economics” – saying the current economic system is not only unfair and causing resentment but counter-productive to a thriving middle class saying “These idiotic trickle-down policies are destroying my customer base.”

1 er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead To Violent Class Revolution FDL News Desk
Yeah well 1%er is a democrat.

Oh a thinking man
No need in chronicling the various left-wing memes, we see them daily being presented as "arguments" for justifying this insidious war against the wealthy. Form the anti-capitalists bemoaning "multi-national corporations" to the Occutards who seem to think "Wall Street" is this lumbering out-of-control monster that is gobbling up everyone's wealth except for the wealthiest. Oh... and those evil "bankers" who simply have all this unlimited supply of money and won't willingly hand it out to deadbeat liberals because they are just mean and greedy.

On and on, these people have convinced themselves that it's a great idea and 'noble cause' to wage all-out war on the rich. It is arguably the most stupid political idea ever in the history of mankind, and I am here to tell you why.

The first and foremost reason is, it's a losing strategy. In fact, it is worse of a boondoggle than Vietnam ever could have hoped to be. It's literally a war that cannot ever be won. Rich people, it just so happens, are very smart when it comes to their wealth. This fact of the matter has prompted the formation of such sayings as... "A fool and his money are soon parted." Their ability to be one step ahead of you is astonishing and impressive to say the least. No matter how much you may believe that we can use the forces of government to confiscate the wealth of the rich, it ain't ever going to happen. The more you try, the more you fail.

What you manage to do in the process is bomb your own facilities and resources. You plant land mines for unsuspecting middle-income people trying to obtain wealth through small business. You rig booby-traps for poor people who are struggling to get to middle-income with better jobs. The so-called "rich" are rarely ever affected by your actions. They simply remain a few moves ahead of you, and we never touch their wealth.

Okay, so we're going to "punish" these wealthy people and corporations by burdening them with high income taxes and corporate tax, more regulations and fines, more penalties and fees... but it never works. Tax the rich person's earned income more and they stop earning income, because they are rich and don't have to earn income anymore. Make it harder for a corporation and they close the doors or move someplace else. More regulations, mandates, burdens... they simply eliminate jobs. Obamacare alone is responsible for trillions of dollars in potential raises and bonuses for the middle-income that will never be realized now. You see, you gifted to them the ultimate excuse... "no pay raise this year... Obamacare!"

Wall Street is a location in New York City, it's where capitalists go to trade public stocks with each other in our free market capitalist system. All the crap we hear about Wall Street would lead one to believe a silver stake is needed to kill this horrible evil creature who is destroying us all. If we don't have this location in NYC where capitalists can freely trade their public stocks, what do you think will take the place of it? Because, capitalists are still going to be capitalists, it's what they do. So think about that for a moment, and explain to me what you envision the alternative would be to a Wall Street?

Okay, so we're going to "punish" all these greedy capitalists on Wall Street by implementing all sorts of trade restrictions and penalties, heap more hassle and burden on them to prevent them capitalizing TOO much... Wrong! What you are going to do is force capitalists away from your market and allow foreign markets to obtain a portion of their wealth instead. *You see, as much as you may hate the rich, other countries seem to really LIKE the rich. (*I mention this for the sheeple out there who like to follow what other countries do.)

For the past 8 years of this de facto "war against the rich" being waged by the left, we've managed to keep the economy floating by borrowing and printing more money. We've infused trillions of dollars so far, and will continue to do this as long as Obama and the Democrats are in charge politically. Now this is all money we will have to repay at some point, but for now, it's keeping the economy of America from going tits up. As this has happened, the screws have been tightened on the 'rich greedy capitalists' but the results are not forthcoming. In fact, they are moving in the opposite direction rather rapidly. Wealthy capitalists are at least two moves ahead at all times. It's how they got to be rich, for the most part.

So, ostensibly, you are waging a war you can't win against an enemy who cannot be defeated. In the process, you are destroying yourself and your only remaining resources. You will only be able to borrow and print for so long to float the economy. The only proven thing in the history of man to ever recover any failing economy is free market capitalism. Some will brazenly claim "Keynesianism" has worked, but the only times where Keynes policies ever were successful, were under a ripe and ready capitalist economy. You can't have Keynesianism without Capitalism, the numbers simply don't work.

Oh, but what about the terrible growing disparity in wealth? Well, what about that? Okay, imagine a marathon race... this represents the acquisition of wealth. In the marathon are competitors who are well-trained athletes, who know how to win, who have trained hard to win, and will ultimately be in a position to win. Also, we have some couch potatoes who have never had much interest in the race, they are just there for the free gatorade. Then there are a whole bunch of people in the middle, who are not couch potatoes or athletes, but honestly hope to be able to compete and do well in the race. Now.... logically speaking, who is going to likely lead this race and extend their lead as the race progresses? Is there ever going to be a time where the couch potatoes are gaining more ground on the athletes and catching up, or are the athletes always going to be pulling away?

The point of the analogy is, the wealthy naturally become wealthier at a faster rate than the poor. So, this "gap" is normal in a free capitalist system and it's normal for the "gap" to continue to grow. Now, what can be done about this? Well, one thing that doesn't ever work is to hobble the athlete so the couch potatoes can catch up, because the couch potato is only interested in free gatorade, they had just as soon not race at all. The best alternative to deal with this growing disparity is to motivate the couch potato. Get them into the race. They may not ever win, they may not ever catch the athlete, but if they are at least competing, they are improving the situation and limiting the growing disparity. At the same time, you encourage the athletes to mentor the competitors in the middle who earnestly want to learn to be a better athlete. There are any number of free market ways to do this, we just need to explore those possibilities. But we first need to take the ball and chain off the legs of the athletes and admit this is a stupid idea.

Or now.... We CAN do as Chairman Mao tried to do in China... Gather all the rich greedy capitalists in front of an open ditch and put a bullet in their head, confiscate their assets and try to implement anti-capitalism as a legitimate form of government. Last time, it resulted in 70 million deaths and still didn't work.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

That is the point of that bible quote "it is easier for a camel to pass through they eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven", that of course exposes all the wealthy bible thumpers for the frauds that they are!
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

That is the point of that bible quote "it is easier for a camel to pass through they eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven", that of course exposes all the wealthy bible thumpers for the frauds that they are!

No and no. You're both wrong.

Look at those 70k jobs I found. Now how many of those jobs do not require college degrees?

The total projected number of those jobs is 2,768,000. And 2.1 million of those jobs were in one field.

So tell me again how many million and million of jobs there are out there paying 70k to a high school graduate.
Which is where this discussion started. High school grads.
Tell me who ever said there were millions and millions of any job out there? (rkm said it)

All I asked is why you idiots think that only a job that pay millions a year is your yardstick for achievement? And why do you think everyone has to work for someone else?

The simple fact is no one is stopping you from getting a job that pays more except you.

No one is keeping you poor. No one is holding you down.

So stop fucking whining already

What the fuck are you going on about there skull? Just because you make yourself look stupid doesn't mean that I am poor. Why you would think that is another example of your fucked up thinking.

Me and you are middle class. Maybe upper middle. But after looking at personal financials for 18 years writing mortgage loans, I'll put my "poor persons net worth" against most anybody in that middle range. Paid for rentals helps a lot in net worth and income. Sch E. is my friend.

And you should see how much my computer whiz wife makes. Don't worry. We won't take any of your money for our upkeep.

We be poor but we be stubborn about "getting by" on our own. LMAO. Right from the middle.

ps there skull. your buddy rkm was the one claimed millions of jobs were out there. You should try reading some of the shit he writes.

Only an idiot would think there are less than millions of jobs out there that pay 70k for non-HS graduates.

Sure there are you fucking fool. It's just that you can't show that there are now can you? Even skull didn't buy that bullshit.

What the fuck makes you think anyone would take YOUR word for what jobs are out there without some real proof? Ain't happenin. YOU made the claim. Back it up or stfu about it.
While these are in fact requirements of some high-figure salaries, they aren't a prerequisite for all of them.

What many workers don't know is that there are numerous jobs that pay well above the average full-time worker's salary of $33,634* -- that don't require a Ph.D. or at least 10 years experience.

That's not to say that the following positions are easy to come by -- like any position, no matter what the salary, you do have some qualifications to score the job.

To help you figure out your options, we came up with a list of 15 jobs that earn in the $70,000 range and are expected to increase in demand between now and 2016.

They require various levels of experience and education so take a peek and see if there's something for you:

Radiation therapistAnnual median income: $70,010
Projected employment in 2016: 18,000**
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 25 percent

Don't Miss

Nuclear power reactor operatorAnnual median income: $70,410
Projected employment in 2016: 4,200
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 11 percent

Management analystAnnual median income: $70,990
Projected employment in 2016: 827,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 22 percent

Industrial-organizational psychologistAnnual median income: $86,420
Projected employment in 2016: 2,400
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 21 percent

Environmental engineerAnnual median income: $72,350
Projected employment in 2016: 68,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 25 percent

First-line supervisor/manager of police and detectivesAnnual median income: $72,620
Projected employment in 2016: 102,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 9 percent

Computer systems analystAnnual median income: $73,090
Projected employment in 2016: 650,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 29 percent

Advertising and promotions managerAnnual median income: $73,666
Projected employment in 2016: 50,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 6 percent

Administrative law judges, adjudicators, and hearing officerAnnual median income: $74,170
Projected employment in 2016: 15,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 0 percent

Administrative services managerAnnual median income: $75,083
Projected employment in 2016: 276,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 12 percent

Education administrator, post-secondaryAnnual median income: $75,780
Projected employment in 2016: 150,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 14 percent

Marine engineers and naval architectAnnual median income: $76,200
Projected employment in 2016: 10,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 11 percent

Physician assistantAnnual median income: $78,450
Projected employment in 2016: 83,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 27 percent

Agricultural sciences teacher, post-secondaryAnnual median income: $78,460
Projected employment in 2016: 2.1 million (post-secondary teachers)
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 23 percent

VeterinarianAnnual median income: $79,368
Projected employment in 2016: 84,000
Increase between 2006 and 2016: 35 percent

Look at those 70k jobs I found. Now how many of those jobs do not require college degrees?

The total projected number of those jobs is 2,768,000. And 2.1 million of those jobs were in one field.

So tell me again how many million and million of jobs there are out there paying 70k to a high school graduate.
Which is where this discussion started. High school grads.
Tell me who ever said there were millions and millions of any job out there?

All I asked is why you idiots think that only a job that pay millions a year is your yardstick for achievement? And why do you think everyone has to work for someone else?

The simple fact is no one is stopping you from getting a job that pays more except you.

No one is keeping you poor. No one is holding you down.

So stop fucking whining already

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."
Thomas Jefferson
So tell me who has stopped you from increasing your net worth?

You have yet to answer that question.

Maybe it's because you can't because no one has ever stopped you from bettering yourself
Hey skull, what is your hang up with increasing net worth. If a persons net worth is 2 thousand dollars and they increase it to 2200 dollars by paying off a debt, what did it do for them?

And skull, when I graduated from high school in 1971, I had already served 6 months of my tool makers apprenticeship. I had a good job to complete my apprenticeship when I graduated. I could have quit my job in the AM and in the same day had another one two or three jobs offers as a machinist. I have never not had a job unless I didn't want a job.

I have had more jobs in more career fields than you or anyone else on this board.

So I am gonna answer your question; no one "stopped" me from increasing my net worth. Of course no one "helped" me increase my net worth except my wife. In the same token, there are not a lot of people that I have met that have the skills and the work ethic that I do to succeed. And most importantly, the opportunity to succeed now is nothing like it was when I was starting out.

Back when I was a kid and we manufactured everything in this country, there was good opportunity everywhere you looked for high school grads. I grew up in a UAW town and there were thousands of solid, middle class high school grads living the good life off a manufacturing job.

Hard to live the good life on 10 dollar an hour jobs. And real hard to increase your net worth. Hard to find an apprenticeship position. Hard to get a bank loans without great collateral or credit.

Your problem is you refuse to accept that things have changed dramatically since you and I started out.
You seem to think the same opportunities exist now as back then. They don't. Times have changed.

Look at those 70k jobs I found. Now how many of those jobs do not require college degrees?

The total projected number of those jobs is 2,768,000. And 2.1 million of those jobs were in one field.

So tell me again how many million and million of jobs there are out there paying 70k to a high school graduate.
Which is where this discussion started. High school grads.
Tell me who ever said there were millions and millions of any job out there? (rkm said it)

All I asked is why you idiots think that only a job that pay millions a year is your yardstick for achievement? And why do you think everyone has to work for someone else?

The simple fact is no one is stopping you from getting a job that pays more except you.

No one is keeping you poor. No one is holding you down.

So stop fucking whining already

What the fuck are you going on about there skull? Just because you make yourself look stupid doesn't mean that I am poor. Why you would think that is another example of your fucked up thinking.

Me and you are middle class. Maybe upper middle. But after looking at personal financials for 18 years writing mortgage loans, I'll put my "poor persons net worth" against most anybody in that middle range. Paid for rentals helps a lot in net worth and income. Sch E. is my friend.

And you should see how much my computer whiz wife makes. Don't worry. We won't take any of your money for our upkeep.

We be poor but we be stubborn about "getting by" on our own. LMAO. Right from the middle.

ps there skull. your buddy rkm was the one claimed millions of jobs were out there. You should try reading some of the shit he writes.

Only an idiot would think there are less than millions of jobs out there that pay 70k for non-HS graduates.

Sure there are you fucking fool. It's just that you can't show that there are now can you? Even skull didn't buy that bullshit.

What the fuck makes you think anyone would take YOUR word for what jobs are out there without some real proof? Ain't happenin. YOU made the claim. Back it up or stfu about it.

I'm laughing at you. You think no one is working in these jobs I mention. Here's more:

11 High Paying Six Figure Jobs without a College Degree
Hey skull, what is your hang up with increasing net worth. If a persons net worth is 2 thousand dollars and they increase it to 2200 dollars by paying off a debt, what did it do for them?

And skull, when I graduated from high school in 1971, I had already served 6 months of my tool makers apprenticeship. I had a good job to complete my apprenticeship when I graduated. I could have quit my job in the AM and in the same day had another one two or three jobs offers as a machinist. I have never not had a job unless I didn't want a job.

I have had more jobs in more career fields than you or anyone else on this board.

So I am gonna answer your question; no one "stopped" me from increasing my net worth. Of course no one "helped" me increase my net worth except my wife. In the same token, there are not a lot of people that I have met that have the skills and the work ethic that I do to succeed. And most importantly, the opportunity to succeed now is nothing like it was when I was starting out.

Back when I was a kid and we manufactured everything in this country, there was good opportunity everywhere you looked for high school grads. I grew up in a UAW town and there were thousands of solid, middle class high school grads living the good life off a manufacturing job.

Hard to live the good life on 10 dollar an hour jobs. And real hard to increase your net worth. Hard to find an apprenticeship position. Hard to get a bank loans without great collateral or credit.

Your problem is you refuse to accept that things have changed dramatically since you and I started out.
You seem to think the same opportunities exist now as back then. They don't. Times have changed.
This thread began as a whine fest about the rich and there were several pages devoted to the definition of wealth and whether wealth was a finite pie.

And the only measure of success as far as I am concerned is one's net worth. You people confuse income and wealth all the time.

Maybe you didn't know that a person with a 50K income can have a net worth significantly higher than a guy with twice that income.

If one 10 an hour job isn't enough then get 2. It's called sacrifice and nothing that matters is achieved without it.

But as usual you people want to whine and say that some rich guy is holding you back, keeping you down etc etc etc

It's getting to be a bit nauseating.
It's getting to be a bit nauseating.

Nah skull. What's getting nauseating is your holier than thou I worked 5 jobs at the same time and you all just don't appreciate just what the skull had to do to obtain this great measure of net worth that you almost claim to have. Though you can't say what business you are in. Or what that net worth actually is.

That holier than thou bullshit is nauseating. I agree.

Well that and the fact your reading comprehension skills absolutely suck.
Hey skull you think the guy with the 50k income, you think he has a higher net worth than the guy with 10 million in come?

Probably huh? You just don't get it that high income USUALLY equates to higher net worth. Not always. But more than likely. The 50 k guy, he's just getting by if raising a family. His house (if he held on to it) lost a ton of value.

Did you know that most of the middle class new worth was tied up in equity in their homes. Now what was it that happened to home values?
It's getting to be a bit nauseating.

Nah skull. What's getting nauseating is your holier than thou I worked 5 jobs at the same time and you all just don't appreciate just what the skull had to do to obtain this great measure of net worth that you almost claim to have. Though you can't say what business you are in. Or what that net worth actually is.

That holier than thou bullshit is nauseating. I agree.

Well that and the fact your reading comprehension skills absolutely suck.
I've never worked just 40hrs. What's it like being lazy?
It's getting to be a bit nauseating.

Nah skull. What's getting nauseating is your holier than thou I worked 5 jobs at the same time and you all just don't appreciate just what the skull had to do to obtain this great measure of net worth that you almost claim to have. Though you can't say what business you are in. Or what that net worth actually is.

That holier than thou bullshit is nauseating. I agree.

Well that and the fact your reading comprehension skills absolutely suck.
Here you go again cherry picking extreme examples.

I never worked 5 jobs at once but for most of my life I never worked less than 2.

And I have never made any claims as to what my net worth is have I?

But I can tell you it is higher than it was a year ago and it will be higher next year than it is now.

But you think it can't be done because there is some guy out there with a 10 million dollar salary and that somehow is stopping you and others from improving your financial situation and yet you can't tell me how exactly that works can you?

Here's the difference you think people don't do something because they can't or that someone else is stopping them and I know that just because people don't do something doesn't mean they can't.

But you would rather blame others for everything rather than yourself.
Hey skull you think the guy with the 50k income, you think he has a higher net worth than the guy with 10 million in come?

Probably huh? You just don't get it that high income USUALLY equates to higher net worth. Not always. But more than likely. The 50 k guy, he's just getting by if raising a family. His house (if he held on to it) lost a ton of value.

Did you know that most of the middle class new worth was tied up in equity in their homes. Now what was it that happened to home values?
OK let's address equity.

Did you know that most people who got underwater in their homes actually kept refinancing every time their home value went up or they traded up to a bigger "better" home that they could barely afford?

A lot of these people ran up debt using their homes a credit cards. But I guess that was someone else's fault too
Hey skull you think the guy with the 50k income, you think he has a higher net worth than the guy with 10 million in come?

Probably huh? You just don't get it that high income USUALLY equates to higher net worth. Not always. But more than likely. The 50 k guy, he's just getting by if raising a family. His house (if he held on to it) lost a ton of value.

Did you know that most of the middle class net worth was tied up in equity in their homes. Now what was it that happened to home values?
OK let's address equity.

Did you know that most people who got underwater in their homes actually kept refinancing every time their home value went up or they traded up to a bigger "better" home that they could barely afford?

A lot of these people ran up debt using their homes a credit cards. But I guess that was someone else's fault too

Hey skull. You want to offer proof of your statements? Or is what you stated just something that you "feel" you know?

Point out where I said "people got underwater". I did say that people lost equity in their homes which in turn effected their net worth. If you didn't know that, I can't help you are stupid. Who fault it that?

And your reading comprehension does suck. You just make shit up. Then address it. Oh and it wan't 5 jobs? Well I am sure you would have worked 5 jobs if you needed to. Right?

But really skull, does the guy with 10 million in income probably have a higher net worth than the guy making 50k?
Can you make up some shit now about how that probably isn't the case? I am sure you know lots of people (maybe yourself) that makes 50k and has a higher net worth than people making 10 million.
Lets hear about them.
Hey skull you think the guy with the 50k income, you think he has a higher net worth than the guy with 10 million in come?

Probably huh? You just don't get it that high income USUALLY equates to higher net worth. Not always. But more than likely. The 50 k guy, he's just getting by if raising a family. His house (if he held on to it) lost a ton of value.

Did you know that most of the middle class net worth was tied up in equity in their homes. Now what was it that happened to home values?
OK let's address equity.

Did you know that most people who got underwater in their homes actually kept refinancing every time their home value went up or they traded up to a bigger "better" home that they could barely afford?

A lot of these people ran up debt using their homes a credit cards. But I guess that was someone else's fault too

Hey skull. You want to offer proof of your statements? Or is what you stated just something that you "feel" you know?

Point out where I said "people got underwater". I did say that people lost equity in their homes which in turn effected their net worth. If you didn't know that, I can't help you are stupid. Who fault it that?

And your reading comprehension does suck. You just make shit up. Then address it. Oh and it wan't 5 jobs? Well I am sure you would have worked 5 jobs if you needed to. Right?

But really skull, does the guy with 10 million in income probably have a higher net worth than the guy making 50k?
Can you make up some shit now about how that probably isn't the case? I am sure you know lots of people (maybe yourself) that makes 50k and has a higher net worth than people making 10 million.
Lets hear about them.
Why are you fixated on the 10 million number when in my post I specifically used 50K and twice that which is 100K not 10 million.

You really to have a handicap when it comes to math don't you?

If and when you want to quote me then use the quote function that way you have to address what I said without making shit up.

So now tell me how the guy with that 10 million salary is keeping you down
Man what a pussy you are skull. Couldn't find that statement you attributed to me about "people underwater".

So you just change the topic. Use the "quote" function you whined. Learn to read I say.

And who is keeping you down skull? Is it "da poor MAN"

And why the fuck would I be interested in comparing one middle class person with 100k income to another middle class with 50k income.

This ENTIRE thread has been about the rich. Not the middle. If you want to think that the 50k guy is equal to the 10 million dollar income......well we have already established that you are stupid and can't read.

It's the poor person keeping you down isn't it? That's what you are so upset about. The poor is taking your hard earned money and you want to keep it. You need the poor person to look down on. Not because of the effect on your net worth.

Your condescension is for your self worth. That's fucked up.

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