War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

Well I am sure you would have worked 5 jobs if you needed to. Right?

Personally, I've only had one job my entire life. That was to provide for myself and my family. I exchanged labor for money with a variety of people in the process of that job. I also exchanged my creative talents and wisdom for money. Sometimes I even used money and wisdom to create even more money. I've never been poor, although there have been times when I didn't have a lot of money.
If you want to think that the 50k guy is equal to the 10 million dollar income......

But that can certainly be the case. Income is not wealth. I could invest my entire wealth in tax-free municipal bonds, earn less than $50k and never pay a dime of tax. Meanwhile, a homeless man drops a quarter in a slot machine and wins $10 million. He's not more wealthy than me, he will just happen to earn more income this year, and will be subject to your high tax rates. So he will instantly lose half of his wealth before he leaves the casino.
Man what a pussy you are skull. Couldn't find that statement you attributed to me about "people underwater".

So you just change the topic. Use the "quote" function you whined. Learn to read I say.

And who is keeping you down skull? Is it "da poor MAN"

And why the fuck would I be interested in comparing one middle class person with 100k income to another middle class with 50k income.

This ENTIRE thread has been about the rich. Not the middle. If you want to think that the 50k guy is equal to the 10 million dollar income......well we have already established that you are stupid and can't read.

It's the poor person keeping you down isn't it? That's what you are so upset about. The poor is taking your hard earned money and you want to keep it. You need the poor person to look down on. Not because of the effect on your net worth.

Your condescension is for your self worth. That's fucked up.
This ENTIRE thread has been your usual fucking whine fest.
This ENTIRE thread has been about the rich.

No, this thread is about the War on the Rich, and how it's the Dumbest Idea in History of Man. For 178 pages, you've been shown just how stupid your war is, and why you will never see victory.
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Man what a pussy you are skull. Couldn't find that statement you attributed to me about "people underwater".

So you just change the topic. Use the "quote" function you whined. Learn to read I say.

And who is keeping you down skull? Is it "da poor MAN"

And why the fuck would I be interested in comparing one middle class person with 100k income to another middle class with 50k income.

This ENTIRE thread has been about the rich. Not the middle. If you want to think that the 50k guy is equal to the 10 million dollar income......well we have already established that you are stupid and can't read.

It's the poor person keeping you down isn't it? That's what you are so upset about. The poor is taking your hard earned money and you want to keep it. You need the poor person to look down on. Not because of the effect on your net worth.

Your condescension is for your self worth. That's fucked up.

I need to ask you since when does a person with a 100K income count as "middle class"?

Last time I checked 100K put one firmly in the top 15%.

And tell me where did I ever say i was being kept down? No one has ever stood in my way when I wanted to change jobs or start a business. In fact the biggest speed bumps I ever had were caused by government bureaucracy and permit hold ups due to incompetency on the part of government employees.
In fact the biggest speed bumps I ever had were caused by government bureaucracy and permit hold ups due to incompetency on the part of government employees.

But of course, don't you see? That's part of the war effort! We have to stop all this getting rich stuff! As long as free market capitalism is churning out more millionaires and billionaires than any other system ever invented, how are we going to ever give Marxism a fair shot?

We have to construct all these artificial government roadblocks to becoming wealthy, so as to simulate 19th century tyranny and oppression. Keep people down, make it impossible for them to ever climb out of poverty, then they will rise up and demand totalitarian socialism. In the meantime, it's important to keep repeating the same tired mantras and brainwashing the ignorant into believing their situation is hopeless. How else are we ever to usher in Utopia?

No one has ever stood in my way when I wanted to change jobs or start a business. In fact the biggest speed bumps I ever had were caused by government bureaucracy and permit hold ups due to incompetency on the part of government employees.

So skull make up your mind. Did da government man hold you down as you say, or did no one ever stand in your way to your amazing level of success and accomplishment? (sarcasm)

Can't be both. Or can it. With you, who the fuck knows.

Hey and boss, ever since I figured out you barely got a pot to piss in, your version of what the wealthy say and do, well I just can't give it much credence. Matter of fact, most of what you write is out and out bullshit. But that's ok.
This entire board is for straight out bullshitting. Nothing wrong with that. It's kinda fun.
No one has ever stood in my way when I wanted to change jobs or start a business. In fact the biggest speed bumps I ever had were caused by government bureaucracy and permit hold ups due to incompetency on the part of government employees.

So skull make up your mind. Did da government man hold you down as you say, or did no one ever stand in your way to your amazing level of success and accomplishment? (sarcasm)

Can't be both. Or can it. With you, who the fuck knows.

Hey and boss, ever since I figured out you barely got a pot to piss in, your version of what the wealthy say and do, well I just can't give it much credence. Matter of fact, most of what you write is out and out bullshit. But that's ok.
This entire board is for straight out bullshitting. Nothing wrong with that. It's kinda fun.
Where did I say the government held me down?

I specifically said "speed bumps" You might get held down by a speed bump but we all know that's not your fault it's everyone else's.

And I never said what was wealthy or what wasn't. All I ever talked about was the ability of people to increase their own personal net worth (wealth). It's you who seem to think one can't increase his own wealth and that if some imaginary magic number you pull out of your ample ass isn't reached then you're not better off and in fact someone else held you back.
Hey and boss, ever since I figured out you barely got a pot to piss in, your version of what the wealthy say and do, well I just can't give it much credence.

Barely have a pot to piss in? Whatever gave you THAT idea? I disclosed that I live a modest lifestyle, not that I barely have a pot to piss in. It's things like this which confirm to me that you are a complete imbecile. Just basic simple conversation is such a challenge for you.
Matter of fact, most of what you write is out and out bullshit. But that's ok.

Well great, how about actually addressing some of that out and out bullshit instead of just yapping about it? It shouldn't be all that hard to refute out and out bullshit, even for an nincompoop such as yourself. I've merely pointed out how your War on the Rich is failing and is the Dumbest Idea in History of Man.
But that can certainly be the case. Income is not wealth. I could invest my entire wealth in tax-free municipal bonds, earn less than $50k and never pay a dime of tax. Meanwhile, a homeless man drops a quarter in a slot machine and wins $10 million. He's not more wealthy than me, he will just happen to earn more income this year, and will be subject to your high tax rates. So he will instantly lose half of his wealth before he leaves the casino.
Do you think that kind of economic policy is good or bad for the overall health of the Nation?
Well great, how about actually addressing some of that out and out bullshit instead of just yapping about it? It shouldn't be all that hard to refute out and out bullshit, even for an nincompoop such as yourself. I've merely pointed out how your War on the Rich is failing and is the Dumbest Idea in History of Man.
You are fixated on this "war on the rich" notion but you avoid defining what "rich" is.

As previously mentioned, there always have been "rich" Americans. And while I've been around since the mid-1930s until recently I've never heard the "war on the rich" lament which recently has risen from the pulpits of the multi-millionaire right-wing radio propagandists like Limbaugh and Hannity.

Are you talking about the ordinary rich who are the natural and diametric opposite of the poor and who comprise a natural component of our societal framework? Or are you talking about the super-rich, aka the "One Percent," who are a relatively new and imposing presence in the rapidly changing character and composition of the American culture?
But that can certainly be the case. Income is not wealth. I could invest my entire wealth in tax-free municipal bonds, earn less than $50k and never pay a dime of tax. Meanwhile, a homeless man drops a quarter in a slot machine and wins $10 million. He's not more wealthy than me, he will just happen to earn more income this year, and will be subject to your high tax rates. So he will instantly lose half of his wealth before he leaves the casino.
It's been my observation and increasingly is my considered opinion that those who most aggressively defend exploitive capitalism and its lavish rewards do so to convey an impression for purely onanistic gratification but typically don't have a pot to piss in. In this regard they are equivalent to those men who boast about their sexual conquests but who in fact couldn't get laid in the proverbial women's prison.
I wish to propose what I believe will be a critically important first step in a radical political revolution which will reverse the decline of the Great American Nation. That step is a twenty million dollar limit imposed on accumulated personal assets. Any personal assets in excess of that limit to be confiscated by the IRS.

Against that proposal I anticipate a vigorous and angry protest from financial daydreamers who have as much chance of ever accumulating even one million dollars in assets as I have of swimming the Atlantic Ocean.
But that can certainly be the case. Income is not wealth. I could invest my entire wealth in tax-free municipal bonds, earn less than $50k and never pay a dime of tax. Meanwhile, a homeless man drops a quarter in a slot machine and wins $10 million. He's not more wealthy than me, he will just happen to earn more income this year, and will be subject to your high tax rates. So he will instantly lose half of his wealth before he leaves the casino.
Do you think that kind of economic policy is good or bad for the overall health of the Nation?

No, I think it's terrible that the homeless man has to pay 50% of his winnings in taxes. I also think it is terrible that I am not allowed to use my wealth to help the economy unless I'm going to be taxed out the ass for my troubles. I think a much better policy would be for you to stop trying to sock it to the rich and purposefully bloating the tax burden to chase Utopian dreams.

Well great, how about actually addressing some of that out and out bullshit instead of just yapping about it? It shouldn't be all that hard to refute out and out bullshit, even for an nincompoop such as yourself. I've merely pointed out how your War on the Rich is failing and is the Dumbest Idea in History of Man.
You are fixated on this "war on the rich" notion but you avoid defining what "rich" is.

As previously mentioned, there always have been "rich" Americans. And while I've been around since the mid-1930s until recently I've never heard the "war on the rich" lament which recently has risen from the pulpits of the multi-millionaire right-wing radio propagandists like Limbaugh and Hannity.

Are you talking about the ordinary rich who are the natural and diametric opposite of the poor and who comprise a natural component of our societal framework? Or are you talking about the super-rich, aka the "One Percent," who are a relatively new and imposing presence in the rapidly changing character and composition of the American culture?

I doubt you were born anywhere near 1930. You and your entire ilk have proven yourselves to be outright liars, frauds and unethical people. There will always and forever be a "Wealthiest 1%" ...regardless of anything you can ever do. There has never been a time since "wealth" became a thing, that this was not the case. The objective should be to try and reach that level of wealth, not destroy the possibility of it. The goal should be for everyone to have that opportunity, not just the rulers and tyrants who control power over the masses.

But that can certainly be the case. Income is not wealth. I could invest my entire wealth in tax-free municipal bonds, earn less than $50k and never pay a dime of tax. Meanwhile, a homeless man drops a quarter in a slot machine and wins $10 million. He's not more wealthy than me, he will just happen to earn more income this year, and will be subject to your high tax rates. So he will instantly lose half of his wealth before he leaves the casino.
It's been my observation and increasingly is my considered opinion that those who most aggressively defend exploitive capitalism and its lavish rewards do so to convey an impression for purely onanistic gratification but typically don't have a pot to piss in. In this regard they are equivalent to those men who boast about their sexual conquests but who in fact couldn't get laid in the proverbial women's prison.

Your opinion is that of an idiot and moron. All you have is Marxist propaganda from the 19th century, class warfare, outdated Maoist rhetoric, a trail of failure throughout history and an arsenal of personal denigrations and insults. Go Fuck Yourself!

I wish to propose what I believe will be a critically important first step in a radical political revolution which will reverse the decline of the Great American Nation. That step is a twenty million dollar limit imposed on accumulated personal assets. Any personal assets in excess of that limit to be confiscated by the IRS.

Against that proposal I anticipate a vigorous and angry protest from financial daydreamers who have as much chance of ever accumulating even one million dollars in assets as I have of swimming the Atlantic Ocean.

Again, you are an idiot and moron who wants to impose Communism. Since 1911, we have been implementing YOUR policies, the ones which are supposed to be "reversing the decline of the Great American Nation." The New Deal, The Great Society, The War on Poverty, and now the War on the Rich. What continues to fail are YOUR policies.

Listen to the sheer absurdity of what you're now proposing. Personal assets are PROPERTY! You want the IRS to essentially violate the 4th Amendment to the Constitution and seize the property of people you detest. That is how insane the left has become as their Utopian policies continue to crumble before our very eyes.

Your diabolic plan has a huge problem. Wealthy people can move their wealth to another country where you can't touch it... unless you are going to militarily start taking over foreign countries. You can't prevent that unless you want to become economically isolated like China was for 40 years. You continue to demonstrate just how fucking DUMB you are.
It's been my observation and increasingly is my considered opinion that those who most aggressively defend exploitive capitalism and its lavish rewards do so to convey an impression for purely onanistic gratification but typically don't have a pot to piss in.

Hey now. Boss does have some assets. A Toyota. And he lives on 15k a year in a shack in the woods. But he is a multi millionaire. He says so. And people are waging war on him. Yep. Waging war. And he is losing. That's why he's so pissed.
It's been my observation and increasingly is my considered opinion that those who most aggressively defend exploitive capitalism and its lavish rewards do so to convey an impression for purely onanistic gratification but typically don't have a pot to piss in.

Hey now. Boss does have some assets. A Toyota. And he lives on 15k a year in a shack in the woods. But he is a multi millionaire. He says so. And people are waging war on him. Yep. Waging war. And he is losing. That's why he's so pissed.

zeke, I never told you what assets I have. I told you a few details about my lifestyle. It is always a risk to reveal such things on the Internet, because low-life trolls like you will distort it and throw it back in your face, 99 times out of 100.

To clear the record, my daily driver is a 2006 Scion Xb (Toyota) with 166k miles. I live in a cabin in rural Alabama, it is a very nice cabin and not a shack. I live on less than $20k per year, which comes to about $385 per week, which covers my groceries, utilities, gas and spending money. I live this way because I CHOOSE to, not because I HAVE to. I have not recently tabulated my net worth, but it is in excess of a million by a very substantial margin. I am not a billionaire yet.

Among my assets are about 70 antique cars in warehouse in NY which I own. I also own several properties in NY as well as Florida, Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina. I own 7 rental properties. I own a 100 acre farm and I am part owner of a power company in Maine. I own a biofuel recycling company. I have investments in probably 20 different businesses, as well as foreign investments. So my assets are considerably more than a Toyota and a shack.

The Left is clearly waging a war on the rich. If you deny this, you are either lying or split from reality. I have not said that I am losing or they are winning... to the contrary... I continue to gain wealth and the war on the rich continues to be a dismal failure. I'm not pissed. I enjoy my life, I enjoy being wealthy and not having to earn a living. Any concerns I have are for the country at large. Your 'war on the rich' policies are killing small business, crippling the middle class, and keeping poor people poor. While rich fuckers like me continue to gain wealth and do just fine.

Your policies are not hurting me, in fact they are actually starting to help me because money is so tight. Investment capital is at a premium right now, mainly due to your policies. I just worked a deal where I will get a 45% return on my investment over 3 years. That is the highest ROI that I have ever had. All due to your anti-capitalist War on The Rich policies. ~THANKS!!
The wealth of any nation is finite. The more of it the rich concentrate in their own hands, the less there is left for everyone else.

Wrong! Wealth is NOT finite, it is infinite. People generate wealth through their labor, creativity, talents, etc. This is your key problem, the failure to understand wealth is not finite. When you believe such a fallacy, it causes you to think the wealthy should only become so wealthy else the poor can never become wealthy. It makes you believe there is only so much wealth and the wealthy have it all.

The truth is, wealth is generated, so wealth is limitless. Now the people who are wealthy in a nation, especially a free market economy nation like our own, generally got wealthy because they were smart with their money, were successful at free market capitalism, and had the drive, motivation and ambition to succeed. Many came from abject poverty to become wealthy. Seems to me, the really "smart" person might want to listen to them, learn from them, try to emulate them and find out about how they were successful.

Just total opposite of what you want to do.

How can wealth be infinite. Is the annual GDP number 'infinity'?

A nation can only generate so much wealth per year; the more of it the Rich keep, the less for the rest of us.

If wealth were finite, the GDP would always and forever be 0. A nation can generate a tremendous amount of wealth in any given period, but thank you for admitting you were wrong and that wealth is not finite.
It is not infinity but it does fluctuate. If it were infinity in one year nothing could ever be produced after that. That would require it to be more than infinity.

I think a much better policy would be for you to stop trying to sock it to the rich and purposefully bloating the tax burden to chase Utopian dreams.

Again, I have no problem with the rich, who use their wealth to live reasonably luxurious, comfortable and secure lives. I regard the success they have achieved by making honest and productive use of this Nation's abundant resources as the uppermost level of what is popularly known as the American Dream.

It is the money hoarding, deviously exploitative super-rich whom I regard as being more harmful to the overall health of the American democracy than any Middle-Eastern "terrorist" organization. These money hoarders are metaphorical tumors, malignant growths which must be removed by whatever radical means necessary.

And you may rest assured that, based on the obvious intention of our Constitution, if its Framers, most of whom were "rich" men, could have anticipated the kind of phenomenally excessive wealth the then-infant Nation was capable of eventually generating, and the kind of devious and greedy manipulations that might arise to create a politically dominant financial aristocracy, they would have added strict provisions to prevent any such unreasonable accumulation of wealth and the emergence of a new monied royalty.

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