War on Trump is Spreading

Those with brains know to scroll to the bottom and check the sources and references of any Wiki item.
BTW Wiki tends to be a better and more reliable source than most of the Leftist MSM.
CNN and MSNBC are rinos, certainly not Democratic propaganda. At least not nuts like Fox or ridiculous internet conspiracy nut jobs....like you I suppose....
We have the best economy of any major country and Putin caused worldwide inflation. CNN and MSNBC are rinos, Fox is pure Murdock BS.
Thanks to DemocRAT lockdowns during Biden's early years in office, the mountain of deficit and debt he's piled up passing out pork to the Leftist thieves, this country's economy is in far worse shape than would have been had Trump been elected and finished his agenda. Such as draining the Deep State swamp.
Thanks to DemocRAT lockdowns during Biden's early years in office, the mountain of deficit and debt he's piled up passing out pork to the Leftist thieves, this country's economy is in far worse shape than would have been had Trump been elected and finished his agenda. Such as draining the Deep State swamp.

TOTAL BS Try reality
Thanks to DemocRAT lockdowns during Biden's early years in office, the mountain of deficit and debt he's piled up passing out pork to the Leftist thieves, this country's economy is in far worse shape than would have been had Trump been elected and finished his agenda. Such as draining the Deep State swamp.
Lockdowns were thought necessary because so many GOP dupes didn't get vaccinated.....thanks to Trump scaring them...many more GOP dupes died...
Lockdowns were thought necessary because so many GOP dupes didn't get vaccinated.....thanks to Trump scaring them...many more GOP dupes died...
Lockdowns* started this time in 2020, barely into COVID scamdemic.
Vaccines still over a year away.
Meanwhile, as usual you have no valid sources to cite.

*In my state, DemocRAT governor tyrant did the "essential" (mostly guv'mint and Large Corporations) could go on as normal, and "non-essential" (mostly private sector, small businesses, self-employed, farmers, = the "little people") got lockdown forced upon them.

Just as many DEM dupes died as well since they tend to have more co-morbidity and vaccines didn't (still don't) work as promised. Not to mention heart issues side-effects.
The House democrats already investigated the Saudi's investment into Kushner's business AFFINITY (a real business, not a shell).

The Saudis can invest their own money wherever they want.
Sigh..... Ya gotta keep up with the NEWS kyzr!

Republicans took the Majority in the 2022 election...Rep Comer, now the head of the Committee, KILLED THE INVESTIGATION in to Kushner and the Saudi $3 billion deal, and decided Hunter was more politically beneficial to them....

Comer secured the gavel for the House Oversight and Accountability Committee in January, when Republicans officially took control of the lower chamber. The panel plays a central role in the House GOP’s investigative oversight, and the conference has vowed probes into a number of areas, including President Biden’s family...

In his roughly first two months on the job, Comer eliminated a probe looking into Kushner’s business dealings, according to the Times.

The panel launched an investigation into Kushner in June 2022, when it was still in Democrats’ hands, zeroing in on whether or not the president’s son-in-law’s personal financial interests improperly influenced U.S. foreign policy during the Trump administration. Democrats asked Kushner for documents related to an investment his firm, A Fin Management, LLC (Affinity), received from the Saudi Government once he departed the White House...
Wait are we pretending we're still gonna have a united nation after the election this year?

That's cute.
Thanks to DemocRAT lockdowns during Biden's early years in office, the mountain of deficit and debt he's piled up passing out pork to the Leftist thieves, this country's economy is in far worse shape than would have been had Trump been elected and finished his agenda. Such as draining the Deep State swamp.
The same swamp he kept hiring?
Wait are we pretending we're still gonna have a united nation after the election this year?

That's cute.
Do you think life would be better in the USA, if we have that Civil War you and others have been touting and hoping for...?
His actions on 1/6 constituted using the mob to stop a congressional activity required by law.
You leftards are a little thick between the ears.

You seem to have a perverse "understanding" of what that activity actually is

It's not a rubber stamp. If we wanted a rubber stamp we wouldn't need a vice president.
The same swamp he kept hiring?
The swamp that has been there and growing for about a century now.
To "drain it" means firing about 80-90% of Federal workers, from top management on down.
You think that can be done in one four year POTUS term without serious economic repercussions across the nation?
He's saying that Trump knew and was all in on the fake electors scheme
Alternate electors are the oldest game in the book. They're not illegal. You may be too young to remember the smoke filled rooms, but I'm not. These days they chew No-Doz and nicotine gum so they can pretend they're teetotalers but everyone knows they're not
The swamp that has been there and growing for about a century now.
To "drain it" means firing about 80-90% of Federal workers, from top management on down.
You think that can be done in one four year POTUS term without serious economic repercussions across the nation?

Are you trying to be funny or do you think peddling bullshit as some sort of insight makes you sound intelligent?

He hired career politicians. Are you saying he didn't have control of who he was able to hire?

Poor Donald--always the victim.
/——/ Dr Phil exposes Dementia Joe’s child sex ring and sweatshop jobs program.

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