War on Trump is Spreading

Yep, the left is against trying to stage an insurrection, intimidating elected officials to "find" votes, sexual assault, human trafficking. All things you favor.
Actually you are for all those things and simply try to blame it on your political enemies
What you call bias is honest reporting...anything that you don't like is bias.

The leftist controlled media is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Biden politburo. Censorship by Google and Facebook that focused on what they defined as conservative speech was so blatant that they were hauled in before Congress.
It also helps if you want to avoid jail.
I do, which is why I obey laws that I dont agree with

But democrats have more freedom of action in the Deep State banana republic America is evolving into
It's easy to see Trump is being persecuted. Americans still think the election was stolen. Maybe a similar "War on Biden" should happen.

---Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns 'War' on Trump is Spreading---

MTG, what a Buffoon. Inform dumbo MTG that it’s not war to use the rule of law to hold criminals accountable. MTG, she even gives dumb blondes a bad name
I do, which is why I obey laws that I dont agree with

But democrats have more freedom of action in the Deep State banana republic America is evolving into
They don’t. You’ve been given this impression by right wing media to manipulate you.
You leftards are a little thick between the ears.

You seem to have a perverse "understanding" of what that activity actually is

It's not a rubber stamp. If we wanted a rubber stamp we wouldn't need a vice president.
I know exactly what activity it was it was the certification of a national election and the mob tried to stop it, it's not a case of being thickheaded it's a case of insurrection.
Out of all the major nations. We can be a slum doing better than other slums and have the best economy out of all of them.
Sure it could be that way, in your head...I suppose...? But that is NOT what is happening!
Sure it could be that way, in your head...I suppose...? But that is NOT what is happening!
/-----/ Wrong again, Libtard.
However, look at it a little more closely in relation to other countries. We're often told that to be poor in the US is much worse than being poor in the social democracies of Europe. And the bottom 10% in the US are indeed worse off than the bottom 10% in Sweden. But they're better off than the bottom 10% in Germany or France: places where we are told that there is indeed that social democracy.
Maybe there's something for this capitalism red in tooth and claw then: given that it does seem to improve the lives of the poor.
Take another look as well: we know that Russia is where bloated plutocrats loot everything from the country: and yet the bottom 10% in the US have, by this measure at least, better lives than the top 10% in Russia. And the top 10% in Portugal (where I live) and Mexico.
I think we really might have to do some thinking about what is indeed the best system for the poor. Maybe it really is to let rip with capitalism, allow the inequality to grow but make the poor richer at the same time?

Then there's this rather older one. It comes from the EPI's State of Working America Report (2004 vintage I seem to recall):
This is now purely economic numbers: nothing about civic engagement and all the rest. It's after all taxes and benefits, it using PPP (so we have adjusted for price differences between countries) and it's incomes of the top 10% and bottom 10% compared to the US median income. And we see very much the same story as we do at the top. The US is a much more unequal place than other countries. But notice also that we're told that the US bottom 10% have a living standard very similar to those of Finland and Denmark: you know, those icy social democracies where they care more about the poor.
They might indeed care but caring doesn't seem to do all that much to improve their living standards.

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