War on Trump is Spreading

Off-course, due to his crimes and constantly breaking the law.

Only MAGA's and they ain't a majority

So what's stopping you or your crowd? oh yeah right, a lack of proof

Aka - MAGA's are simply too dumb to find evidence, or there is no evidence - your choice.
Gotti said the same thing

Why are they always coming after me!
A bunch of fun stuff in this thread this morning. It's sorta like going to the driving range at the golf course. Just to hit a bunch of balls into the stratosphere.



his country's economy is in far worse shape than would have been had Trump been elected and finished his agenda.
Actually, no. Today's economy is far better than Trump's despite Trump riding on the tailwind and benefitting by the Obama economy. Thankfully, Trump didn't get the full opportunity to drive America into bankruptcy and failure as he did so many of the businesses that he did have complete control over.

Thanku, Jesus.

To "drain it" means firing about 80-90% of Federal workers, from top management on down.
No kidding? Howdja come up with that number? What are your bona fides for judging the totality of the Federal government's workforce of 2.95 million?
And then there are those 'federal employees' that are enlisted in the military, 2.86 million. So, that gives us...roughly ..... 5,800,000 federal employees.. And earnest poster Stryder wants to see between 4,600,000 and 5,200,000 of them 'fired'.
Kinda leaves us with a skeleton work force and military protection, IMHO.

See? That is why the MAGA/QAnon world of posters here is so dissed, dismissed, and disrespected. Fringie crazos.
Other than that, I'm sure there are very fine people on that side. It's just that the MAGA/Q's give 'em such a bad reputation.

Alternate electors are the oldest game in the book. They're not illegal.
But you see there is a distinction between 'alternative' and 'legally authorized'.

Meaning'.....they swore and signed documents stating they WERE the legally authorized official electors.
They then submitted that to the U.S. Archivist.
That's an unfortunate bo-boo on their part.
For which......many of them have now been criminally indicted.

Life can be a real challenge for those who don't do their due diligence. Or trust the wrong untrustworthy people. IMHO

The Deep State is very powerful It can make you confess to anything it wants you to
................in the Deep State banana republic America is evolving into
I hear so much about this "Deep State" ominousness. Yet, all those who shrill about it never name names. Never describe how they know who is who in this sinister 'Deep State'. Never explain how one gets to join....or gets kicked-out of.....this Deep State.
I dunno why it has such a vagueness about it. If it is that powerful, that ubiquitous, and omniscient.....then everybody would be familiar with it. Yet, those MAGA-Q's who hissyfit about it seemed to be.....and no disrespect intended......the most ignorant about it.
Why is that?


Censorship by Google and Facebook that focused on what they defined as conservative speech was so blatant
Ah, sincere poster Hollie, mi amiga......have you paid attention to much of the MAGA-Q Conservative postings on this venue?
Most of them can't get out of the way of their own misogyny, racism, and f-bombs. Why haven't you notice?

MTG, she even gives dumb blondes a bad name
NOW.......THAT.....is funny. A hat-tip, to poster Dagosa.

We do have the best economy out of all major nations....
True that. Yet, we have too many ne-er-do-well bottom-rungers on this venue who moan, groan, hiss, and wail about how tough their life is. Bread is too high, eggs too expensive, gas unaffordable, yadda, yadda, yadda.
But, they do have the time to waste on the internet whining and complaining.....instead of out their in the American Land of Opportunity making a better more successful life for themselves and their families.

Yeah, me too. I don't get it either.

Old Phil trying to get back into the spotlight playing the pillow man
Now.....that too.....is funny. PillowBoy ignominiously leaves.....and up pops the devil in a brand new suit, as Doctor Phil.

Phil and his show rode out on a tsnuami of 'Good Riddances'.
For example----

  • " a dozen current and former Dr. Phil employees who said they’d experienced a miserable work environment where they were encouraged to inflate onscreen racist stereotypes and, in one instance, ensure a guest was not properly medicated before her appearance so she’d look unstable. "

  • ".... the exploitation of these stories and the exploitation of people who were in a crisis state to peddle sponsors’ products,” Hampton continued. “It was well known that if you want to up your admission rates at your treatment facility in Malibu, or sell your virtual reality treatment program that’s rooted in zero science, then you just need to do a sponsorship with Dr. Phil’s show. From my community, it’s good riddance.”

Out of all the major nations. We can be a slum doing better than other slums and have the best economy out of all of them.
Look, amigo. Quality of life is relative. Duh!
'Better than before. Better than them. Better than that. Better than you, etc.

Don't be a snowflake. If life is better in America....live it, enjoy it, be grateful for it.
Or, go live in some "other slum"..... that you prefer. You have choices. Don't trap yourself in a cycle of depression and 'what-coulda-beens'.

Or, go be you somewhere else. America doesn't care for snowflake Debbie Downers. America is the land of opportunity and....optimism.

...for the 1%. The rest of us are getting hosed by Bidenflation.
I ain't in that mythical 1%. I'm in the very real 95 to 99%.
Life is good here. And the rest of us over here in that 95% demographic are regretful that those ne'er-do-wells who live --and relish --- being on the 4% bottom rungs are so whiney and snowflakey.

They harsh our mellow. IMHO
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Trump is not a criminal and has committed no crimes.
Look at the evidence... Even the stuff publicly available is pretty damning...

He is up on 91 felonies... Some of them in the Documents case he has pleaded guilty on TV...

He doesn't own top secret documents... He withheld them from the FBI and lied about it... That is a crime, he admits to doing it..

Trump tried to claim that he owned the documents, he doesn't... Unlike Biden or Pence who discovered they had them in error, Trump found he had them, hid them and then lied about it...

Biden and Pence didn't pack there boxes (either do I think Trump do it either)... We have no proof on any of the three men that they ordered someone to pack government owned documents and send them to there homes. Federal employees did that, no proof exists that we know of them making anything but a mistake for all three men...
Difference is, Biden and Pence found out they had property which Government owns and reported it imediately... Trump found out, hid it, then when found refused to hand it back... Then he haded some back and said it was all of it... Then he moved them around Maralargo to conceal it from searches... This is all on tape or admitted by Trump himself...

These are criminal actions, thus Trump is a criminal... He gets innocent until proven guilty but the evidence is overwhelming and the crimes are serious, there are people serving years in jail for mishandling these types of documents..
...drill baby drill, cut energy costs, that should help bring prices down, also, deport all illegals, that should reduce demand for goods and services and also bring prices down.
It will reduce services and drive up the price of those services. Fewer workers means you pay more for labor.
A bunch of fun stuff in this thread this morning. It's sorta like going to the driving range at the golf course. Just to hit a bunch of balls into the stratosphere.



Actually, no. Today's economy is far better than Trump's despite Trump riding on the tailwind and benefitting by the Obama economy. Thankfully, Trump didn't get the full opportunity to drive America into bankruptcy and failure as he did so many of the businesses that he did have complete control over.

Thanku, Jesus.


No kidding? Howdja come up with that number? What are your bona fides for judging the totality of the Federal government's workforce of 2.95 million?
And then there are those 'federal employees' that are enlisted in the military, 2.86 million. So, that gives us...roughly ..... 5,800,000 federal employees.. And earnest poster Stryder wants to see between 4,600,000 and 5,200,000 of them 'fired'.
Kinda leaves us with a skeleton work force and military protection, IMHO.

See? That is why the MAGA/QAnon world of posters here is so dissed, dismissed, and disrespected. Fringie crazos.
Other than that, I'm sure there are very fine people on that side. It's just that the MAGA/Q's give 'em such a bad reputation.


But you see there is a distinction between 'alternative' and 'legally authorized'.

Meaning'.....they swore and signed documents stating they WERE the legally authorized official electors.
They then submitted that to the U.S. Archivist.
That's an unfortunate bo-boo on their part.
For which......many of them have now been criminally indicted.

Life can be a real challenge for those who don't do their due diligence. Or trust the wrong untrustworthy people. IMHO


I hear so much about this "Deep State" ominousness. Yet, all those who shrill about it never name names. Never describe how they know who is who in this sinister 'Deep State'. Never explain how one gets to join....or gets kicked-out of.....this Deep State.
I dunno why it has such a vagueness about it. If it is that powerful, that ubiquitous, and omniscient.....then everybody would be familiar with it. Yet, those MAGA-Q's who hissyfit about it seemed to be.....and no disrespect intended......the most ignorant about it.
Why is that?


Ah, sincere poster Hollie, mi amiga......have you paid attention to much of the MAGA-Q Conservative postings on this venue?

Most of them can't get out of the way of their own misogyny, racism, and f-bombs. Why haven't you notice?

NOW.......THAT.....is funny. A hat-tip, to poster Dagosa.

True that. Yet, we have too many ne-er-do-well bottom-rungers on this venue who moan, groan, hiss, and wail about how tough their life is. Bread is too high, eggs too expensive, gas unaffordable, yadda, yadda, yadda.
But, they do have the time to waste on the internet whining and complaining.....instead of out their in the American Land of Opportunity making a better more successful life for themselves and their families.

Yeah, me too. I don't get it either.

Now.....that too.....is funny. PillowBoy ignominiously leaves.....and up pops the devil in a brand new suit, as Doctor Phil.

Phil and his show rode out on a tsnuami of 'Good Riddances'.
For example----

  • " a dozen current and former Dr. Phil employees who said they’d experienced a miserable work environment where they were encouraged to inflate onscreen racist stereotypes and, in one instance, ensure a guest was not properly medicated before her appearance so she’d look unstable. "

  • ".... the exploitation of these stories and the exploitation of people who were in a crisis state to peddle sponsors’ products,” Hampton continued. “It was well known that if you want to up your admission rates at your treatment facility in Malibu, or sell your virtual reality treatment program that’s rooted in zero science, then you just need to do a sponsorship with Dr. Phil’s show. From my community, it’s good riddance.”


Look, amigo. Quality of life is relative. Duh!
'Better than before. Better than them. Better than that. Better than you, etc.

Don't be a snowflake. If life is better in America....live it, enjoy it, be grateful for it.
Or, go live in some "other slum"..... that you prefer. You have choices. Don't trap yourself in a cycle of depression and 'what-coulda-beens'.

Or, go be you somewhere else. America doesn't care for snowflake Debbie Downers. America is the land of opportunity and....optimism.


I ain't in that mythical 1%. I'm in the very real 95 to 99%.
Life is good here. And the rest of us over here in that 95% demographic are regretful that those ne'er-do-wells who live --and relish --- being on the 4% bottom rungs are so whiney and snowflakey.

They harsh our mellow. IMHO

Yes, and we all love your shanks.
...drill baby drill, cut energy costs, that should help bring prices down, also, deport all illegals, that should reduce demand for goods and services and also bring prices down.
And what happens to the prices of goods that depend on labor from illegal immigrants?
...drill baby drill, cut energy costs, that should help bring prices down, also, deport all illegals, that should reduce demand for goods and services and also bring prices down.
1. Drilling... Oil is a global commodity... US is already extracting more oil now than in history.... Problem is OPEC is not... Oil produced in US is not sold at US prices but at Global Priices... This is how the Market works...
Ask yourself, who told OPEC to reduce production or else? Trump was always in the pocket of Big Oil...

2. deport all illegals, that should reduce demand for goods and services and also bring prices down.
Who do you think produces/harvests the food in the US? Seriously... It is not only crops, who do you think milks cows, works with cattle, meat processing plants...?

So your Oil plan is about making Big Oil richer and your plan to reduce demand for food will massively cut supply...
I hear so much about this "Deep State" ominousness. Yet, all those who shrill about it never name names. Never describe how they know who is who in this sinister 'Deep State'. Never explain how one gets to join....or gets kicked-out of.....this Deep State.
I dunno why it has such a vagueness about it. If it is that powerful, that ubiquitous, and omniscient.....then everybody would be familiar with it. Yet, those MAGA-Q's who hissyfit about it seemed to be.....and no disrespect intended......the most ignorant about it.

Why is that?

The first Deep State warrior to show her ugly face that i noticed was lois learner of the IRS who used her power to abuse the anti obama Tea Party movement


Then trump won the white house and many more from the DOJ, FBI and CIA came out of the shadows
It's easy to see Trump is being persecuted. Americans still think the election was stolen. Maybe a similar "War on Biden" should happen.

---Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns 'War' on Trump is Spreading---

Yeah but.....Marjorie Taylor Greene is a lunatic.
Do you often quote lunatics?
...for the 1%. The rest of us are getting hosed by Bidenflation.

Bought groceries lately?
Groceries are through the roof! Everywhere in the world! A Trump presidency would not have changed that, one itty bitty bit!

We likely won't have sirloin or Rib eye steak, ever again! :(

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