War on Trump is Spreading

Because private leases have grown 10 fold in five years since biden shut off most of the public leases.
WASHINGTON— Federal data show the Biden administration approved 6,430 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first two years, outpacing the Trump administration's 6,172 drilling-permit approvals in its first two years.Jan 24, 2023

Biden Administration Oil, Gas Drilling Approvals Outpace ...

ENERGYWIRE | President Joe Biden has approved nearly 50 percent more oil and gas drilling permits for wells on federal land since taking office than former President Donald Trump did in his first three years, according to newly released data from the Interior Department.Jan 30, 2024

Biden administration oil drilling permits outpace Trump​

WASHINGTON— Federal data show the Biden administration approved 6,430 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first two years, outpacing the Trump administration's 6,172 drilling-permit approvals in its first two years.Jan 24, 2023

Biden Administration Oil, Gas Drilling Approvals Outpace ...

ENERGYWIRE | President Joe Biden has approved nearly 50 percent more oil and gas drilling permits for wells on federal land since taking office than former President Donald Trump did in his first three years, according to newly released data from the Interior Department.Jan 30, 2024

Biden administration oil drilling permits outpace Trump

The increase was private leases during the last year of trumps presidency. This happens on cycles. Oil companies know when the private and public lease increase and decrease. I saw a 23 percent increase in 2020 in the last few months for private.
1. Drilling... Oil is a global commodity... US is already extracting more oil now than in history.... Problem is OPEC is not... Oil produced in US is not sold at US prices but at Global Priices... This is how the Market works...
Ask yourself, who told OPEC to reduce production or else? Trump was always in the pocket of Big Oil...

2. deport all illegals, that should reduce demand for goods and services and also bring prices down.
Who do you think produces/harvests the food in the US? Seriously... It is not only crops, who do you think milks cows, works with cattle, meat processing plants...?

So your Oil plan is about making Big Oil richer and your plan to reduce demand for food will massively cut supply...

I hear so much about this "Deep State" ominousness. Yet, all those who shrill about it never name names. Never describe how they know who is who in this sinister 'Deep State'. Never explain how one gets to join....or gets kicked-out of.....this Deep State.
I dunno why it has such a vagueness about it. If it is that powerful, that ubiquitous, and omniscient.....then everybody would be familiar with it. Yet, those MAGA-Q's who hissyfit about it seemed to be.....and no disrespect intended......the most ignorant about it.

Why is that?

The first Deep State warrior to show her ugly face that i noticed was lois learner of the IRS who used her power to abuse the anti obama Tea Party movement

View attachment 909280

Then trump won the white house and many more from the DOJ, FBI and CIA came out of the shadows
Please show proof of her membership or employment in the Deep State...
The increase was private leases during the last year of trumps presidency. This happens on cycles. Oil companies know when the private and public lease increase and decrease. I saw a 23 percent increase in 2020 in the last few months for private.
The oil companies also bid on leases and delay the extraction for decades.
Oil produced in US is not sold at US prices but at Global Priices...
Better that than a return to the 1980’s and US dependence on OPEC


Biden wants to kill oil production entirely

So what do you care how much it costs?
We do have the best economy out of all major nations....
That's quite irrelevant.

I will remind you of the financial meltdown of 2008. That's how reality works. (As distinct from wishful thinking).

Credit card debt averages about 7000 per person right now, at 22% interest.

And the Covid money has dried up, no more sponging off the working class.

Consumer spending IS the GDP, if that goes everything else goes with it.

The current regime is placing this country in great jeopardy. It's unclear whether they're doing it deliberately or whether they're just stupid. Probably a bit of both.
...drill baby drill, cut energy costs, that should help bring prices down, also, deport all illegals, that should reduce demand for goods and services and also bring prices down.
Something has to give. Even the libtards are seeing it now. I was just talking to a dozen of them yesterday. There's much unhappiness in the mix.
Donald Trump is a narcissistic, amoral IDIOT.
So what?

His numbers are still vastly superior.

The Dem cult of anti-personality is up against $2 gas, 1% interest, and ZERO foreign wars.

The Ukraine money could have housed AND fed every single homeless person in America for 16 years.
Man, this is getting OLD.
Actually SeaMajor it's the constant snowflake MAGAt Trumptard whining, bitching, blaming, excusing, and deflecting that is getting old.
Don't you realize what a fool this Trump cult is making of you all?
After you cry "witch hunt" so many times in so many situations it becomes comical and you lose all credibility.
Everyone sees you as a hapless schill who only defends one man over your own country.
So what?

His numbers are still vastly superior.

The Dem cult of anti-personality is up against $2 gas, 1% interest, and ZERO foreign wars.

The Ukraine money could have housed AND fed every single homeless person in America for 16 years.
Populism sucks.

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