War on Trump is Spreading

We got some stimulus and that accounted for something Of course, there were some who suggested we peasants get all of the stimulus legislation.
Stimulus was just more charged on the National credit card.
Only "needed" because of how the DemocRATs were locking down the wealth creation part of the economy.
And we see posters like you as shills for the Takers and Fakers like Clinton, Obama, and Biden; all of whom never created any wealth, but spent their post collage careers scamming off the taxpayers (and those whom bribed them.

Unfortunately you Leftist want to craft "your own country" into a mix of the Fourth Reich and another failed socialist third world nation.
Actually Stryder, Clinton, Obama, and Biden are not your enemies.
They never launched an insurrection against your Republic.
It's the smelly, orange goo, gold sneaker selling con man you need to worry about.
You can when progs get to interpret the evidence.
Stimulus was just more charged on the National credit card.
Only "needed" because of how the DemocRATs were locking down the wealth creation part of the economy.
It was needed because Trump's bullshit story about some "roaring and prosperous economy" up until then was just a fabricated smokescreen.
Within two months of the pandemic shutting everything down most Americans and their businesses were broke facing evictions, foreclosures, repossessions, and starvation.
It blew his "roaring economy" fable all to hell.
It exposed the fact that the only people his policies had benefitted and made "abundant" were his rich Wall Street swamp buddies and the rest of America's richest 2%.
The rest of the country was still working two or three jobs at once and living paycheck to paycheck.
Actually Stryder, Clinton, Obama, and Biden are not your enemies.
They never launched an insurrection against your Republic.
It's the smelly, orange goo, gold sneaker selling con man you need to worry about.
It's Dims, jackass.

Who the fuck is "Stryder?"
Look at the evidence... Even the stuff publicly available is pretty damning...

He is up on 91 felonies... Some of them in the Documents case he has pleaded guilty on TV...

He doesn't own top secret documents... He withheld them from the FBI and lied about it... That is a crime, he admits to doing it..

Trump tried to claim that he owned the documents, he doesn't... Unlike Biden or Pence who discovered they had them in error, Trump found he had them, hid them and then lied about it...

Biden and Pence didn't pack there boxes (either do I think Trump do it either)... We have no proof on any of the three men that they ordered someone to pack government owned documents and send them to there homes. Federal employees did that, no proof exists that we know of them making anything but a mistake for all three men...
Difference is, Biden and Pence found out they had property which Government owns and reported it imediately... Trump found out, hid it, then when found refused to hand it back... Then he haded some back and said it was all of it... Then he moved them around Maralargo to conceal it from searches... This is all on tape or admitted by Trump himself...

These are criminal actions, thus Trump is a criminal... He gets innocent until proven guilty but the evidence is overwhelming and the crimes are serious, there are people serving years in jail for mishandling these types of documents..
Bullshit fantasy. ^^^^
Nothing. The Saudis can invest their own money wherever thwy want to, legally.
I don't care what the Saudis do w/their money, I care about corrupt American politicians.

So your contention is that that was all on the up and up. Am I right?
No, only because he is trying to be President again.
No. ,Grand Jurists were explained what the criminal laws are and what Trump did and they voted to indict the pussy grabber Jesus because no one is outside the law, or above the law.

Yes, Biden wanted Trump to run against. He doesn’t want him dropping out unless a jury convicts him and he had no options left. That means that entire jury must convict him so he needs to buy one in every trial, but he can’t use the money he stole doing business in New York.
It was needed because Trump's bullshit story about some "roaring and prosperous economy" up until then was just a fabricated smokescreen.
Within two months of the pandemic shutting everything down most Americans and their businesses were broke facing evictions, foreclosures, repossessions, and starvation.
It blew his "roaring economy" fable all to hell.
It exposed the fact that the only people his policies had benefitted and made "abundant" were his rich Wall Street swamp buddies and the rest of America's richest 2%.
The rest of the country was still working two or three jobs at once and living paycheck to paycheck.
Biden was the one spewing the bullshit. Calling a huge spending bill an "inflation fighting bill" was utterly absurd, and morons like you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
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No. ,Grand Jurists were explained what the criminal laws are and what Trump did and they voted to indict the pussy grabber Jesus because no one is outside the law, or above the law.

Yes, Biden wanted Trump to run against. He doesn’t want him dropping out unless a jury convicts him and he had no options left. That means that entire jury must convict him so he needs to buy one in every trial, but he can’t use the money he stole doing business in New York.
He didn't steal any money, moron. Even engoron admits that.
It was needed because Trump's bullshit story about some "roaring and prosperous economy" up until then was just a fabricated smokescreen.
Within two months of the pandemic shutting everything down most Americans and their businesses were broke facing evictions, foreclosures, repossessions, and starvation.
It blew his "roaring economy" fable all to hell.
It exposed the fact that the only people his policies had benefitted and made "abundant" were his rich Wall Street swamp buddies and the rest of America's richest 2%.
The rest of the country was still working two or three jobs at once and living paycheck to paycheck.
Are you really that deluded, or do you habitually lie ???

The scamdemic didn't shut everything down. It was mostly DemocRAT governors abusing their emergency powers authority who shut down the economies of their states with spill over to the rest of the nation. It was they who put many workers out of a job and destroyed many small businesses making many facing evictions, foreclosures, repossessions, and starvation.

Meanwhile those governors and many of their fellow guv'mint workers either kept working and/or collected full pay and benefits while not needing to show up at their jobs. Basically the Leftists and DemocRATs did the "Never let a crisis go to waste - when it's another opportunity to fleece the public and taxpayers."

Trump didn't blow his "roaring economy" all to hell. It was you Leftist and DemocRATs over-reacting and being your usual blend of stupid and larcenous who mortally wounded the economy.

FWIW, about half of those "Wall Street swamp buddies" and "richest 2%" tend to be Leftist and DemocRAT supporting elitists.

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