War on Trump is Spreading

So what?

His numbers are still vastly superior.

The Dem cult of anti-personality is up against $2 gas, 1% interest, and ZERO foreign wars.

The Ukraine money could have housed AND fed every single homeless person in America for 16 years.
Tax the rich again and invest in America again duhh, Russian tool
Coming from a trollboy who says there was no election fraud in the last election. :laughing0301:
Coming from a MAGA dream-boy, who can't even realize that his Fuehrer is a pathological fraudster, and who just as his cult crowd, possesses no ability to proof an election fraud, via filing a court-case. Whilst at the same time court cases for voter-fraud committed by Trump and his serfs, have been filed by the Democrats.

But please do feel free to tell me how senile and incompetent Biden managed to "fraud" 7 million votes, in the popular vote.
Actually Stryder, Clinton, Obama, and Biden are not your enemies.
They never launched an insurrection against your Republic.
It's the smelly, orange goo, gold sneaker selling con man you need to worry about.
Actually "MagicMike"; Clinton, Obama, and Biden are my enemies, since they are Leftist-communists.

They have engaged in an internal insurrection seeking to "fundamentally change"(Barry's words) the foundations of the Republic, which was Free Enterprise Capitalism, into another version of failed socialism-communism.

Basically that trio and their supporters are smelly con men we(Conservatives and Real Patriots) need to worry about.

Ideally, people like they, and you, would emigrate to places like People's Republic and Worker's Paradise (communist) China, or Russia, or Cuba, or Venezuela, or similar failed-failing socialist states.
Tax the rich again and invest in America again duhh, Russian tool

The rich don't put their money in coffee cans and bury in the backyard.

They are the ones who are investing, real wealth, not government debt passed onto the citizens and taxpayers, into America. They are the ones investing into new businesses, factories, and other enterprises. If they buy a yacht, they have provided for the jobs of those who built the yacht, and the businesses where those workers had their jobs. Similar as to private aircraft or high end autos, etc.

It would really help if you socialist-communists learned some real economics basics, maybe even try starting a business of your own and be an employer. You'd learn something useful, do something productive, and stop being a parasitic drain upon our nation ~ world.

Parasites like you contribute little if any value and investment in this nation, you just seek to find ways to pillage and steal from the productive and profit makers to support your worthless and non-productive deadwood asses.
Meanwhile, back in reality, with all of this supposed crisis conditions with immigration, wages are rising.

Care to explain that?

How about a link/source we don't have to sign up and be on the list they sell to others for your source.
Meanwhile, the candybars I bought for a nickel or dime back in the 1960s now cost about $2 !!!
Care to calculate that inflation rate?
As for the sock puppet Biden, I've seen many basic consumer items go up from 25% to 50% since he can into office and started to mangle our economy.
Coming from a MAGA dream-boy, who can't even realize that his Fuehrer is a pathological fraudster, and who just as his cult crowd, possesses no ability to proof an election fraud, via filing a court-case. Whilst at the same time court cases for voter-fraud committed by Trump and his serfs, have been filed by the Democrats.

But please do feel free to tell me how senile and incompetent Biden managed to "fraud" 7 million votes, in the popular vote.
Leftist leaning (a.k.a. DemocRAT) judges have rejected the filing of those cases.
Part of the flaw in our Judiciary since we haven't found a way to always have objective judges, remove personal bias.
Sigh..... Ya gotta keep up with the NEWS kyzr!
Republicans took the Majority in the 2022 election...Rep Comer, now the head of the Committee, KILLED THE INVESTIGATION in to Kushner and the Saudi $3 billion deal, and decided Hunter was more politically beneficial to them....
Comer secured the gavel for the House Oversight and Accountability Committee in January, when Republicans officially took control of the lower chamber. The panel plays a central role in the House GOP’s investigative oversight, and the conference has vowed probes into a number of areas, including President Biden’s family...

In his roughly first two months on the job, Comer eliminated a probe looking into Kushner’s business dealings, according to the Times.

The panel launched an investigation into Kushner in June 2022, when it was still in Democrats’ hands, zeroing in on whether or not the president’s son-in-law’s personal financial interests improperly influenced U.S. foreign policy during the Trump administration. Democrats asked Kushner for documents related to an investment his firm, A Fin Management, LLC (Affinity), received from the Saudi Government once he departed the White House...
The democrats investigated Kushner, nothing illegal. Now its time to investigate the Biden crime Family.
Are you really that deluded, or do you habitually lie ???

The scamdemic didn't shut everything down. It was mostly DemocRAT governors abusing their emergency powers authority who shut down the economies of their states with spill over to the rest of the nation. It was they who put many workers out of a job and destroyed many small businesses making many facing evictions, foreclosures, repossessions, and starvation.

Meanwhile those governors and many of their fellow guv'mint workers either kept working and/or collected full pay and benefits while not needing to show up at their jobs. Basically the Leftists and DemocRATs did the "Never let a crisis go to waste - when it's another opportunity to fleece the public and taxpayers."

Trump didn't blow his "roaring economy" all to hell. It was you Leftist and DemocRATs over-reacting and being your usual blend of stupid and larcenous who mortally wounded the economy.

FWIW, about half of those "Wall Street swamp buddies" and "richest 2%" tend to be Leftist and DemocRAT supporting elitists.
You've been brainwashed.
1. Drilling... Oil is a global commodity... US is already extracting more oil now than in history.... Problem is OPEC is not... Oil produced in US is not sold at US prices but at Global Priices... This is how the Market works...
Ask yourself, who told OPEC to reduce production or else? Trump was always in the pocket of Big Oil...

2. deport all illegals, that should reduce demand for goods and services and also bring prices down.
Who do you think produces/harvests the food in the US? Seriously... It is not only crops, who do you think milks cows, works with cattle, meat processing plants...?

So your Oil plan is about making Big Oil richer and your plan to reduce demand for food will massively cut supply...
1. We need to refill the SPR. Trump had oil & gas at great prices. That's money in our pockets not Putin's and Iran's, or big oil's.

2. The 10,000,000 illegals Biden let in are living in free housing, with free food, and free health care. You thing they are going to pick crops? Get a fucking clue. They sell drugs.

3. You're wrong on both topics. Americans suffer financially.

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