War on Trump is Spreading

H-1B was being abused. When I worked in silicon valley, most of the engineers were H-1b immigrants. They are cheaper and employers enjoyed some government benefits from hiring them instead of Americans. Obama allowed spouses of H-1b workers to work in America which further favors foreign workers over American workers. Employers have been abusing the H-b1 program by ignoring qualified Americans.

“the H-1B has been hijacked as the main highway to bring people from abroad and displace Americans.”

"In fact, the program does not supplement the U.S. workforce. Rather, it supplants able-bodied Americans with foreign workers who are beholden to their employers by virtue of their presence in the U.S. depending upon employer sponsorship."

Trump was correct in limiting H-b1 visas and Biden hurt America when he rescinded Trump's EOs on it.
All I'm saying is that Trump had no intention of increasing legal immigration one bit.

Any Trump supporter that tells me they're all for legal immigration is full of shit.
1. We need to refill the SPR. Trump had oil & gas at great prices. That's money in our pockets not Putin's and Iran's, or big oil's.

2. The 10,000,000 illegals Biden let in are living in free housing, with free food, and free health care. You thing they are going to pick crops? Get a fucking clue. They sell drugs.

3. You're wrong on both topics. Americans suffer financially.

Who told the Saudis to produce less oil or else? I gotta hear this one.
It's easy to see Trump is being persecuted. Americans still think the election was stolen. Maybe a similar "War on Biden" should happen.

---Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns 'War' on Trump is Spreading---

You mean trump is digging his own grave deeper. Remember it's always been about him for him.
All I'm saying is that Trump had no intention of increasing legal immigration one bit.

Any Trump supporter that tells me they're all for legal immigration is full of shit.
Why should legal immigration be increased? We have people already waiting in line to legally enter. Also, read my post about H-b1 visa program and realize it has been corrupted. We already have plenty of American wannabes.
Trump is in court for trying to interfere with congress in the transfer of power....
Trump was trying to get Pence to get the fraudulent votes thrown out. We all should have been in favor of the fraudulent votes being thrown out.
So you have no proof.

This one of your baseless crap...

Now you have made an accusation, I am calling bullshit and asking you for proof... You can't provide proof...

When asked, all you can do is insult because maybe that is all you know how to do...
If you ask learner she will deny any wrongdoing

I call her part of the Deep State because she worked FOR one political faction (obama) by suppressing another political faction (Tea Party)
1. The Kushner investment was looked at by democrats in congress. Nothing illegal, period.
August 2023.

"You're not serious people": Congress called out for ignoring Jared Kushner's "huge scandal"

Even GOP Rep. James Comer acknowledged Kushner "crossed the line" — but they're focused on Hunter Biden

BTW - who held the majority in Congress in August 2023?
2. The Biden investment looks like extortion if you recall Hunter's threatening phone call.

Kushner is the same "elitist" scumbag as his father in law - and has, is absolutely making use of his "presidential" connections. Even with countries that are constantly confronted by the USA, with violating human rights.

As for your Biden "claim", where is the prosecution towards "looks like extortion"??? You mean that MAGA's are even too dumb to persue a court-case, that leans it's accusation onto extortion??

Politicians claiming to be "one of us" - aka claiming to work in the interest of "the average American" - and their NET WORTH as of Feb. 2024
Joe Biden - US$ around 10 million
Your Fuehrer - US$ around 2.5 BILLION.

Anyway my question wasn't as to which one of the Trump or Biden families and "friends" is the more corrupt one - but would you lay priority towards investigating a Billion business deal or a 3.5 million business deal???
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The rich don't put their money in coffee cans and bury in the backyard.

They are the ones who are investing, real wealth, not government debt passed onto the citizens and taxpayers, into America. They are the ones investing into new businesses, factories, and other enterprises. If they buy a yacht, they have provided for the jobs of those who built the yacht, and the businesses where those workers had their jobs. Similar as to private aircraft or high end autos, etc.

It would really help if you socialist-communists learned some real economics basics, maybe even try starting a business of your own and be an employer. You'd learn something useful, do something productive, and stop being a parasitic drain upon our nation ~ world.

Parasites like you contribute little if any value and investment in this nation, you just seek to find ways to pillage and steal from the productive and profit makers to support your worthless and non-productive deadwood asses.
Your GOP giveaway to the rich for forty years have given us the worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever by far, chump of megarich swine.... socialists are democratic, commies not, dunce.
How about you dig deep?

Did they go up in the previous 63 years at all or were they suddenly $2.00?
They have been creeping up over the decades whether R or D appeared to dominate society, economy, government.
Factors outside of direct political control have been in play.
That's part of my message; both major political parties have been involved.
Your GOP giveaway to the rich for forty years have given us the worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever by far, chump of megarich swine.... socialists are democratic, commies not, dunce.
Would appear you are grossly ignorant of history.
Past thousands of years have shown larger scale difference between classes than present.
Not that the differences matter or mean what you would imply.
You are the sort who would be at the bottom no matter when in history or what the form of society-economy-politics.

BTW, suggest you learn some history of the civilizations of past 4,000+ years that precede how we got here. A dufus like you would be far worse off in the previous few thousand years than you are now.
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Your GOP giveaway to the rich for forty years have given us the worst inequality poverty and homelessness ever by far, chump of megarich swine.... socialists are democratic, commies not, dunce.
"socialist" are the stepping stone to communists.
However you are blind and dumb so fail to see how you are a "useful fool"~stooge. :rolleyes:

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