War on Trump is Spreading

And the Covid money has dried up, no more sponging off the working class.
The working class family got a few thousand in stimulus themselves, silly Willie! Everyone took part in the money grabbing, even the wealthiest!
The current regime is placing this country in great jeopardy. It's unclear whether they're doing it deliberately or whether they're just stupid. Probably a bit of both.
I have no idea what you are talking about regarding the current regime?
Consumer spending IS the GDP, if that goes everything else goes with it.
True. Or, prices will have to drop, if looking at it with a glass half full attitude, instead of glass half empty! 😁
So what?

His numbers are still vastly superior.

The Dem cult of anti-personality is up against $2 gas, 1% interest, and ZERO foreign wars.

The Ukraine money could have housed AND fed every single homeless person in America for 16 years.
So are you suggesting we just abandon all our allies?
Israel too?
You would have just rolled over on your back and given Europe up to the Nazi's in WWII as well huh?
With friends like you the U.S. doesn't really need enemies.
We already are producing at a higher rate than during Trump.
That's in-spite of Biden not because of his policies. Biden also sold SPR oil to China to lower the price of oil
Trump will open ANWR, offshore, add new pipelines, add new LNG terminals.
Gas during Trump was $2.87 Biden had it above $5.
It's easy to see Trump is being persecuted. Americans still think the election was stolen. Maybe a similar "War on Biden" should happen.

---Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns 'War' on Trump is Spreading---

The Marxists/Globalists wouldn't be so frantic to end Trump unless they were deeply concerned that he could end them. You only take flak when you're over the target!!
Actually SeaMajor it's the constant snowflake MAGAt Trumptard whining, bitching, blaming, excusing, and deflecting that is getting old.
Don't you realize what a fool this Trump cult is making of you all?
After you cry "witch hunt" so many times in so many situations it becomes comical and you lose all credibility.
Everyone sees you as a hapless schill who only defends one man over your own country.
And we see posters like you as shills for the Takers and Fakers like Clinton, Obama, and Biden; all of whom never created any wealth, but spent their post collage careers scamming off the taxpayers (and those whom bribed them.

Unfortunately you Leftist want to craft "your own country" into a mix of the Fourth Reich and another failed socialist third world nation.
So what?

His numbers are still vastly superior.

The Dem cult of anti-personality is up against $2 gas, 1% interest, and ZERO foreign wars.

The Ukraine money could have housed AND fed every single homeless person in America for 16 years.
Trump's economy is Not even close to being superior to the Biden numbers.... :)

The $2 gas price was during covid, with fewer working, no one shopping and no one vacationing, using gas, for a few months only, gas was $2 under trump.....in some places.... It never reached $2 a gallon in Maine.

The obscenely low 1% interest rate is a sign of a BAD Economy, needing the interest rate easing in order to stimulate the economy. If Trump's economy was good then he would not have needed the artificial rate easing. If the economy was good and trump forced the 1% anyway, then TRUMP is the one heavily responsible for the inflation we are experiencing today, and high interest rates of today.

The humongous corporate tax cuts given by Trump could have paid for helping the Ukraine fight off the Russian War criminal aggressors, the border wall, border control, and fed all homeless for 100 years.... :rolleyes:
We're not reducing workers, yet.
But you are correct, when they let illegals work that drives down wages for middle class workers, thanks Joe Biden, even less money for groceries.
Higher wages for people results in higher costs to everyone. That's called inflation.

But there's a bigger problem in strangling the labor supply, because increasing wages doesn't magically create workers. Lack of workers can and does result in lack of availability of services that can be critical. Consider home health services. If you're elderly and rely on someone to assist you in your home, and there's no one to do it, you're screwed.

Labor shortages result in less getting done. Want to open a restaurant? Can't. You can't hire. Want to open a factory? Can't. You can't hire.

That results in reduced GDP growth.
Trump's economy is Not even close to being superior to the Biden numbers.... :)

The $2 gas price was during covid, with fewer working, no one shopping and no one vacationing, using gas, for a few months only, gas was $2 under trump.....in some places.... It never reached $2 a gallon in Maine.

The obscenely low 1% interest rate is a sign of a BAD Economy, needing the interest rate easing in order to stimulate the economy. If Trump's economy was good then he would not have needed the artificial rate easing. If the economy was good and trump forced the 1% anyway, then TRUMP is the one heavily responsible for the inflation we are experiencing today, and high interest rates of today.

The humongous corporate tax cuts given by Trump could have paid for helping the Ukraine fight off the Russian War criminal aggressors, the border wall, border control, and fed all homeless for 100 years.... :rolleyes:
Almost all pension funds, 401Ks and IRAs are heavily invested into corporate stocks and bonds. If you want those retirement funds/investments to grow and keep up with inflation (which has been going on for decades now) than taxing and penalizing corporations is really taxing the citizens whom have investments in those corporations.

As so frequently seen here;
1) You are another Leftist who knows squat about economics.
2) You are another Leftist who thinks they are entitled to other peoples wealth and money because you don't want to or can't earn your own.
In form or another, populism is what has elected POTUS since about 1960(JFK).
Populism is what got DemocRATs creaming their panties and electing Obama to two terms he didn't deserve.
Is there a reason you chimed in? Was that nonsense supposed to convince me that populism is suddenly awesome?
The working class family got a few thousand in stimulus themselves, silly Willie! Everyone took part in the money grabbing, even the wealthiest!

I have no idea what you are talking about regarding the current regime?

True. Or, prices will have to drop, if looking at it with a glass half full attitude, instead of glass half empty! 😁
We got some stimulus and that accounted for something Of course, there were some who suggested we peasants get all of the stimulus legislation.
A bunch of fun stuff in this thread this morning. It's sorta like going to the driving range at the golf course. Just to hit a bunch of balls into the stratosphere.



Actually, no. Today's economy is far better than Trump's despite Trump riding on the tailwind and benefitting by the Obama economy. Thankfully, Trump didn't get the full opportunity to drive America into bankruptcy and failure as he did so many of the businesses that he did have complete control over.

Thanku, Jesus.


No kidding? Howdja come up with that number? What are your bona fides for judging the totality of the Federal government's workforce of 2.95 million?
And then there are those 'federal employees' that are enlisted in the military, 2.86 million. So, that gives us...roughly ..... 5,800,000 federal employees.. And earnest poster Stryder wants to see between 4,600,000 and 5,200,000 of them 'fired'.
Kinda leaves us with a skeleton work force and military protection, IMHO.

See? That is why the MAGA/QAnon world of posters here is so dissed, dismissed, and disrespected. Fringie crazos.
Other than that, I'm sure there are very fine people on that side. It's just that the MAGA/Q's give 'em such a bad reputation.


But you see there is a distinction between 'alternative' and 'legally authorized'.

Meaning'.....they swore and signed documents stating they WERE the legally authorized official electors.
They then submitted that to the U.S. Archivist.
That's an unfortunate bo-boo on their part.
For which......many of them have now been criminally indicted.

Life can be a real challenge for those who don't do their due diligence. Or trust the wrong untrustworthy people. IMHO


I hear so much about this "Deep State" ominousness. Yet, all those who shrill about it never name names. Never describe how they know who is who in this sinister 'Deep State'. Never explain how one gets to join....or gets kicked-out of.....this Deep State.
I dunno why it has such a vagueness about it. If it is that powerful, that ubiquitous, and omniscient.....then everybody would be familiar with it. Yet, those MAGA-Q's who hissyfit about it seemed to be.....and no disrespect intended......the most ignorant about it.
Why is that?


Ah, sincere poster Hollie, mi amiga......have you paid attention to much of the MAGA-Q Conservative postings on this venue?

Most of them can't get out of the way of their own misogyny, racism, and f-bombs. Why haven't you notice?

NOW.......THAT.....is funny. A hat-tip, to poster Dagosa.

True that. Yet, we have too many ne-er-do-well bottom-rungers on this venue who moan, groan, hiss, and wail about how tough their life is. Bread is too high, eggs too expensive, gas unaffordable, yadda, yadda, yadda.
But, they do have the time to waste on the internet whining and complaining.....instead of out their in the American Land of Opportunity making a better more successful life for themselves and their families.

Yeah, me too. I don't get it either.

Now.....that too.....is funny. PillowBoy ignominiously leaves.....and up pops the devil in a brand new suit, as Doctor Phil.

Phil and his show rode out on a tsnuami of 'Good Riddances'.
For example----

  • " a dozen current and former Dr. Phil employees who said they’d experienced a miserable work environment where they were encouraged to inflate onscreen racist stereotypes and, in one instance, ensure a guest was not properly medicated before her appearance so she’d look unstable. "

  • ".... the exploitation of these stories and the exploitation of people who were in a crisis state to peddle sponsors’ products,” Hampton continued. “It was well known that if you want to up your admission rates at your treatment facility in Malibu, or sell your virtual reality treatment program that’s rooted in zero science, then you just need to do a sponsorship with Dr. Phil’s show. From my community, it’s good riddance.”


Look, amigo. Quality of life is relative. Duh!
'Better than before. Better than them. Better than that. Better than you, etc.

Don't be a snowflake. If life is better in America....live it, enjoy it, be grateful for it.
Or, go live in some "other slum"..... that you prefer. You have choices. Don't trap yourself in a cycle of depression and 'what-coulda-beens'.

Or, go be you somewhere else. America doesn't care for snowflake Debbie Downers. America is the land of opportunity and....optimism.


I ain't in that mythical 1%. I'm in the very real 95 to 99%.
Life is good here. And the rest of us over here in that 95% demographic are regretful that those ne'er-do-wells who live --and relish --- being on the 4% bottom rungs are so whiney and snowflakey.

They harsh our mellow. IMHO
The 80-90% was partly metaphor, but mostly refers to those in Washington D.C., nominally known as "The Swamp".
With advancement in guv'mint jobs mostly based on seniority of employment, most of the deadwood is at the top, and on down. They are the ones overpaid and under-producing, best place to cut fat and deadwood.
Is there a reason you chimed in? Was that nonsense supposed to convince me that populism is suddenly awesome?
But you illustrate how easy it is for something on the screen to read and mean something different in various minds.

My point was to remind that populism is embedded in the process with over half a century of domination in politics and the election process. It might suck, many things in life do also, but one needs to learn how to deal and live with it.
Trump's economy is Not even close to being superior to the Biden numbers.... :)

The $2 gas price was during covid, with fewer working, no one shopping and no one vacationing, using gas, for a few months only, gas was $2 under trump.....in some places.... It never reached $2 a gallon in Maine.

The obscenely low 1% interest rate is a sign of a BAD Economy, needing the interest rate easing in order to stimulate the economy. If Trump's economy was good then he would not have needed the artificial rate easing. If the economy was good and trump forced the 1% anyway, then TRUMP is the one heavily responsible for the inflation we are experiencing today, and high interest rates of today.

The humongous corporate tax cuts given by Trump could have paid for helping the Ukraine fight off the Russian War criminal aggressors, the border wall, border control, and fed all homeless for 100 years.... :rolleyes:
Those tax cuts helped us all. Have you been to the grocery store lately? Oh my God Biden's prices are outrageous.

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