War: Usa to provide military support to syria 'rebels'

Did somebody maim and murder children for money and market share? I missed the memo.
Did somebody ever worry about being a "cafeteria centrist" during a food fight?
You could tell from the media "stories" that Obama administration would get up the political courage to take sides in the Syria conflict. The problem is that Americans aren't as willing to support another muslem brotherhood revoluion.

I wouldn't say that. I'd like to be able to. But i wouldn't. The American people are fickle nowadays

The pied-piper Obama will have his minions marching lockstep behind him whatever his decision

Bush III
Haliburton is going to make more money on Syria? Is Barack Obama really Dick Cheny in drag?
I think we should support both sides. Sell our obsolete equipment for the highest dollar. Cash on the barrelhead. Could help the economy. Why should we care who wins?
I think we should support both sides. Sell our obsolete equipment for the highest dollar. Cash on the barrelhead. Could help the economy. Why should we care who wins?
It probably depends on how you define "we."

The following is a leftist perspective on why the US and NATO are anxious to redraw some more borders in the Middle East:

"Recent developments in Syria and Lebanon point to military escalation, namely the evolution towards a broader regional war, which has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since 2004.

"The borders of Syria and Lebanon are surrounded. British and US troops are stationed in Jordan, The Turkish High Command in liaison with NATO is providing military support to the Free Syrian Army. Allied naval forces are deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean."

This time the impetus $eems to have more to do with oil pipelines than oil fields; however, the usual suspects will still cash in the big chips:

"Virtually unnoticed, the inauguration of the Ceyhan-Tblisi-Baku (BTC) oil pipeline, which links the Caspian sea to the Eastern Mediterranean, took place on the 13th of July, at the very outset of the Israeli sponsored (2006) bombings of Lebanon.

"One day before the Israeli air strikes, the main partners and shareholders of the BTC pipeline project, including several heads of State and oil company executives were in attendance at the port of Ceyhan.

"They were then rushed off for an inauguration reception in Istanbul, hosted by Turkey’s President Ahmet Necdet Sezer in the plush surroundings of the Çýraðan Palace.

"Also in attendance was British Petroleum’s (BP) CEO, Lord Browne together with senior government officials from Britain, the US and Israel. BP leads the BTC pipeline consortium. Other major Western shareholders include Chevron, Conoco-Phillips, France’s Total and Italy’s ENI. (see Annex)

"Israel’s Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Binyamin Ben-Eliezer was present at the venue together with a delegation of top Israeli oil officials."

You might take a look at the maps buried in this link, especially the one showing Iraq divided into a an Arab Shia State, Sunni Iraq, and a Baghdad City State dividing the two.
Are you confused about the number of Iraqis, Libyans, and Syrians who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by "Clark's bullshit" since March '03? Maybe you just prefer the taste of other people's blood?

Yes, George, AmeriKKKa and Jews are evil. We get it.

People of any race, religion or nationality who maim and murder children for money and market share are evil.
Got it?

Oh, you mean Planned Parenthood.
I think we should support both sides. Sell our obsolete equipment for the highest dollar. Cash on the barrelhead. Could help the economy. Why should we care who wins?

Obsolete or not, some of those weapons WILL end up being used against our troops in Afghanistan and that is why arming Syrian rebels is absolutely NUTS.

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