War with Russia?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
A Russian truck convoy is heading to Ukraine to provide "humanitarian assistance" to the areas still controlled by the Rebels. What if Ukraine refuses to let them in? Will Russia go in anyway and effectively annex part or all of Ukraine? Will the Baltic States be next? Will Poland repeat its WW2 role?

Not interested in the blame game, just your assessment of this situation.
Bad news. I do not believe Russia will stop at the Ukraine either. I believe Putins' ambitions run far greater the Ukraine. I believe this is just the beginning, jwoodie.
Putin has overwhelming support to do so in his country and although his economy is stable, he'd eventually start to ruin it while NATO sends even better and better weapons to the Ukraine.

Half the reason we want Ukraine in NATO is to create a nuclear first strike capability with ABM's. Putin knows this. The morons in the Pentagon know this. It's madness.

Attacking the Ukraine a lot less risky that attacking a pathetic NATO nation like Estonia.
Putin has overwhelming support to do so in his country and although his economy is stable, he'd eventually start to ruin it while NATO sends even better and better weapons to the Ukraine.

Half the reason we want Ukraine in NATO is to create a nuclear first strike capability with ABM's. Putin knows this. The morons in the Pentagon know this. It's madness.

Attacking the Ukraine a lot less risky that attacking a pathetic NATO nation like Estonia.

What the heck you mean what?

What ain't no country I ever heard of. Do they speak English in "what"?

The Ukraine isn't NATO. An attack on a NATO country is tantamount to a hot war between two super powers and the eventual use of tactical nuclear weapons at best.

Bush abandoned the ABM treaty years ago under the guise of protecting Europe from Iran and the DPRK. What he was really doing was creating a situation where a nuclear first strike on Russia would be possible to get away with.
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What the heck you mean what?

What ain't no country I ever heard of. Do they speak English in "what"?

The Ukraine isn't NATO. An attack on a NATO country is tantamount to a hot war between two super powers and the eventual use of tactical nuclear weapons at best.

Bush abandoned the ABM treaty years ago under the guise of protecting Europe from Iran and the DPRK. What he was really doing was creating a situation where a nuclear first strike on Russia would be possible to get away with.

I was hoping you had something of value to contribute and had inadvertently created an unintelligible post.
Really? I'd re-think that position. If you're talking about MAD then I hope you're correct.

There are many reasons why a nation might be incapable of challenging Russia. A steadfast refusal is just one of them. Russia is well aware that they can do anything they want. They are secure in the knowledge that no one will challenge them. Certainly not the United States.
Almost 300 trucks. "All of them were painted in pristine white, and matching tarpaulin was stretched over their cargo. As they prepared to head out, a priest went around and sprinkled their engines with holy water as television cameras rolled. But the nicest touch was applied to the drivers, whose identical knee-high shorts and khaki caps made them look like postal deliverymen."

Absolutely surreal! like a dream .....an allucination among the fog of the day.... LOL.

A flair for drama. you gotta give Putin that! :D

Also very stupid and unnecessary, but our government specializes in very stupid and unnecessary.
Especially if armament concerns can be enriched in the process and the security and "intelligence" branches of government can find excuse to expand.
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We are in no position for a war and the American public wants zero to do with another conflict. Russia isn't that dumb to start a war with a superpower.
Estonia was deliberately repopulated with Russians after WW2 and narrowly voted for independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union. There are now more ethnic Russians than Estonians in that country, so a Russian annexation would not be entirely unpopular. Estonia is a NATO member, but "internal unrest" (a la Ukraine?) would not necessarily trigger a military response by other NATO members. Also, it is a remote country for which supplies and support would be difficult. Are they next in line, or will Putin put on hold his dream of restoring the Russian Empire?
Ukraine is doing what it has to do. They want confirmation that the Russians aren't arming the Rebels in an ongoing War. From what I've read they will allow them to go forward once inspected by the Red Cross to ensure they are humanitarian in nature only.
We are in no position for a war and the American public wants zero to do with another conflict. Russia isn't that dumb to start a war with a superpower.

Russia isn't starting a war with a super power if that super power is in no position for a war and the people don't want one. Under those circumstances Russia couldn't start a war if it wanted to. It can do anything it wants without risking a war.
There is no one capable of engaging in a war with Russia.

China realizes the military strength of the Russians. Which is why she has become so bold in her speech concerning Taiwan and the USA. When China invades Taiwan, and she will....... be sure that Russia will be there to back her and go to war with us which is precisely what Putin is hoping for because his plans are common knowledge to the elite of Russia. His own Alexander Dugan has boasted of this nuclear strike they have planned against us by privately telling people - America will not exist in the future. Remember the news report in Russia where they actually televised a mock nuclear attack on USA by the Russians? How about Mednedev in his speech of I don't want to alarm anyone but if a nuclear response is needed..... oh there have been plenty of signals here but the American people are not getting the message yet.

Yes, the Russians have made their plans and the Ukraine, Poland, Romania, is the least of them.... try all of Europe.. and the middle east..
Estonia was deliberately repopulated with Russians after WW2 and narrowly voted for independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union. There are now more ethnic Russians than Estonians in that country, so a Russian annexation would not be entirely unpopular. Estonia is a NATO member, but "internal unrest" (a la Ukraine?) would not necessarily trigger a military response by other NATO members. Also, it is a remote country for which supplies and support would be difficult. Are they next in line, or will Putin put on hold his dream of restoring the Russian Empire?

I've been there jwoodie. It isn't that remote. I've had breakfast in Vilnius, which is in the southern part of Lithuania, and driven in a car to Tallin, which is the northernmost part of Estonia in time for dinner. About a 10 hour drive when you include a lunch stop in Riga.

You might be off on you population estimate also. There are more there than in Lithuania, but in Lithuania they have only a very small population there. I think they have more Polish than Russian. Latvia has more of a Russian population than Estonia, but only slightly. Latvia and Estonia both have maybe 25% Russian populations.
I don't think China will "invade" Taiwan. As China becomes stronger, both economically and militarily, there will be a drift towards normalization between them. Besides, China wouldn't want to disrupt its beneficial (to them) economic/financial relationship with the U.S.
Estonia was deliberately repopulated with Russians after WW2 and narrowly voted for independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union. There are now more ethnic Russians than Estonians in that country, so a Russian annexation would not be entirely unpopular. Estonia is a NATO member, but "internal unrest" (a la Ukraine?) would not necessarily trigger a military response by other NATO members. Also, it is a remote country for which supplies and support would be difficult. Are they next in line, or will Putin put on hold his dream of restoring the Russian Empire?

I've been there jwoodie. It isn't that remote. I've had breakfast in Vilnius, which is in the southern part of Lithuania, and driven in a car to Tallin, which is the northernmost part of Estonia in time for dinner. About a 10 hour drive when you include a lunch stop in Riga.

You might be off on you population estimate also. There are more there than in Lithuania, but in Lithuania they have only a very small population there. I think they have more Polish than Russian. Latvia has more of a Russian population than Estonia, but only slightly. Latvia and Estonia both have maybe 25% Russian populations.

When I was there a couple of years ago, I was told that the vote was 52-48 and that the Russians were breeding like rabbits, LOL. Maybe bad information? Also, the Baltic is their most viable route to the West. When it freezes over, I doubt Finland would defy Russia to resupply them.

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