War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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Sorry bout that,

1. Its not a good idea to police wild people/nations, all you will get in return is and big,*fuck you*, there is no way to please or appease a wild man, or peoples.
2. In my expert opinion we have to pass on this one, if we kill one group of wild men, so what, all we will accomplish is further the cause of the other wild men/group.
3. Either one we take out won't make any difference, in the end both wild men will hate us.
4. Lets just don't and say we did.
5. I voted *NO*!!!


Well said. Thanks.
Pretty funny that so few people understand what is going on and don't realize the two biggest terrorist organizations that threaten the USA (al Qaeda) and it's interest (Hezbolla vs. Israel) have been manipulated into a war with each other, with Iran on the side of Hezbolla and the Sunni Arab states on the side of al Qaeda because they are Sunni. Assad is now dependent on Iran and Hezbolla for support. The rebels are made up of lots of different groups and al Qaeda is just one faction. So, the enemys of the USA and Israel are locked in battle, Shite vs. Sunni, muslim vs. muslim. Each in it's own Holy War against the other. Assad, with the use of internationaly forbidden chemical weapons could end the war or at least neutralize it. That would mean victory for Syria and Iran and defeat for al Qaeda on the SYRIAN BATTTLEFIELD. But they would just pop up somewhere else. The really bad danger with the gas attacks is that it can neutralize or defeat the moderate Sunni forces that are willing to work with the west in the total defeat of al Qaeda when the dust settles on the Syrian battlefield. So, the gas attacks can be a game changer and that is why they need to be stopped. The longer the battles between the terrorist groups go on, the better. They are draining resources and sending their best fighters to die in Syria. The moderate forces are holding back and watching, waiting and preparing. A few cruise missiles may be all that is needed to bring the war back into a nice slow war of attrition between our enemies. And it wouldn't hurt to to neuter the Russians too.

Well maybe they outta just go ahead and do that instead of trying to bullshit the world about some gas attack.

I have access to Russian news broadcast. The real stuff, not the english translation stuff. My Russian friends tell me they are admitting and confirming the gas attacks, but claiming it came from the rebel forces and is a set-up to get western support. It's not hard to confirm a gas attack. It kills the animals as well as the people. Once you find the outer perimeter of dead birds, dogs, rats, etc. you can determine the size of the ordinence. Once you decide the size of the ordinence you look for the point of impact. With that data you can determine the delivery system. Once you determine the delivery system you can ascertain who has that type of system, or who had the ability to deliver ordinence of that size. Ofcourse if both sides have the capibility, you are nowhere, unless you are able to determine the angle of impact and hence, which direction it came from. But if only one side has the ability, even when certain tech data is lacking, you have your proof.
The international community of nations needs to step up as one and condemn Assad. It's too bad our country can't support an indictment of Assad for War Crimes by the International Court of Justice. See why here:

International Court of Justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We should not do anything unilaterally, but under the umbrella of the UN and NATO a massive bombing attack on the command and control of the Assad military would be welcome, and a Cruise Missile with Assad's name on it would be especially pleasing.
The Arab League says Assad did it, France, UK and NATO said he did it, only Putin, China and god knows who, Beck? says he didn't. And this shall not pass. This ain't chickenhawk Raygun and Saddam. This president has principles, not BS. The GOP will bitch to high heaven no matter what he does (except McCain maybe, the only man they have left LOL). What a bunch of a-holes.

No offense, but you're sounding like an irrational rabid Warmonger. Nothing about this accusation makes sense. There is absolutely no strategic value in Assad using Chemical Weapons. It didn't happen. It's just another sad War Propaganda sham. Looks like you're all-in though. And that's very sad. There has to be more critical thinking in situations like this. Why would Assad use Chemical Weapons? It's a No-Win for him. So it's highly unlikely it happened. It makes no sense. There is no reason to go to War with Syria. Period, end of story.
Were not going to war in Syria we launch some cruise missiles which will have minimal to no impact on the overall war in Syria but will give Obama cover for his red line comment then we will call it a day.
Sorry bout that,

1. Assad should not be taken out, if he is guilty he should be brought up on war crimes.
2. To blow his ass up would not be *Just*.
3. Obama better sit back and do *Nothing*.
4. If Obama attacks he should be brought up on war crimes too.
5. Trial by jury or court, not trial by *bomb squad*.

Also as it has been said:

"The purpose of intervention in Syria, at this point, will not be to turn the tide of the war against Assad’s favor. It will be to underline a fundamental international norm set forth by the West: the world will not tolerate the use of WMD. Sovereignty is a responsibility, they will assert, and not a right."
Pretty funny that so few people understand what is going on and don't realize the two biggest terrorist organizations that threaten the USA (al Qaeda) and it's interest (Hezbolla vs. Israel) have been manipulated into a war with each other, with Iran on the side of Hezbolla and the Sunni Arab states on the side of al Qaeda because they are Sunni. Assad is now dependent on Iran and Hezbolla for support. The rebels are made up of lots of different groups and al Qaeda is just one faction. So, the enemys of the USA and Israel are locked in battle, Shite vs. Sunni, muslim vs. muslim. Each in it's own Holy War against the other. Assad, with the use of internationaly forbidden chemical weapons could end the war or at least neutralize it. That would mean victory for Syria and Iran and defeat for al Qaeda on the SYRIAN BATTTLEFIELD. But they would just pop up somewhere else. The really bad danger with the gas attacks is that it can neutralize or defeat the moderate Sunni forces that are willing to work with the west in the total defeat of al Qaeda when the dust settles on the Syrian battlefield. So, the gas attacks can be a game changer and that is why they need to be stopped. The longer the battles between the terrorist groups go on, the better. They are draining resources and sending their best fighters to die in Syria. The moderate forces are holding back and watching, waiting and preparing. A few cruise missiles may be all that is needed to bring the war back into a nice slow war of attrition between our enemies. And it wouldn't hurt to to neuter the Russians too.

Well maybe they outta just go ahead and do that instead of trying to bullshit the world about some gas attack.

I have access to Russian news broadcast. The real stuff, not the english translation stuff. My Russian friends tell me they are admitting and confirming the gas attacks, but claiming it came from the rebel forces and is a set-up to get western support. It's not hard to confirm a gas attack. It kills the animals as well as the people. Once you find the outer perimeter of dead birds, dogs, rats, etc. you can determine the size of the ordinence. Once you decide the size of the ordinence you look for the point of impact. With that data you can determine the delivery system. Once you determine the delivery system you can ascertain who has that type of system, or who had the ability to deliver ordinence of that size. Ofcourse if both sides have the capibility, you are nowhere, unless you are able to determine the angle of impact and hence, which direction it came from. But if only one side has the ability, even when certain tech data is lacking, you have your proof.

both sides have ability. The gas story is a cover anyway. People just want Assad gone.
I think it'll take a few more days to get enough proof to go ahead...

and he won't be lying like Booosh and Cheney. Assad had done this several times before (or maybe 30 times according to the rebels, is the only person who has these weapons,and thought he could get away with anything, or one of generals did.
Looks like Obama is making a unilateral decision without involving congress. Gee, he used to criticize this sort of thing, but suddenly it's okay.

It needs to be openly discussed. If we get involved in any way, there needs to be a clear reason, a clear goal and approval of congress. I don't give a shit what the U.N. thinks, but our allies, especially those in Arab countries need to have our backs. Why aren't they already taking action?

I don't trust Obama. I think the only reason he wants to get involved is to help his dismal approval rating. His decisions on foreign policy thus far have been in favor of some of the radical Muslims. I still think his loyalties lie in places other than the U.S.

I think Obama will have a lot of opposition, including Dems, if he just decides to do this on his own. Of course, he is a loner anyway and not a good team player.
If he does this unilaterally? TIME to Impeach his ass. FINAL STRAW...

I agree. I think we are being goaded into a war and we shouldn't fall for it. It's likely the Muslim Brotherhood will be the winners again. I swear Obama is hellbent on helping them gain power. He can't get over them losing Egypt.

I also find it unsettling that the latest deaths are the only ones this administration has expressed shock at. How many millions have been slaughtered in those countries with nary a blink from the left and suddenly we must step in and help? They are sure chemical weapons were used, just as we were sure Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds, but somehow this time it's different as far as Obama is concerned. He hasn't explained how it would be in the best interest of the U.S. and our allies for us to step in and fight. And there are no plans for a regime change, so what the hell is the point? If we're going to strike people for being evil, are we sending some drones to drop bombs on the Muslim Brotherhood?

Obama and Kerry are going on and on about the horrible atrocity, as if there has been nothing like it before. I didn't see this sort of grief from the left after 9/11. I hate seeing innocents killed, but don't see how sending our sons and daughters to slaughter is going to help Syria. Obama promised no troops on the ground, but we all know how good his promises aren't.

The opinion of the people and congress carry no weight with Obama. I hope even the Dems turn against him for this stupid move if he goes through with this.
The Arab League says Assad did it, France, UK and NATO said he did it, only Putin, China and god knows who, Beck? says he didn't. And this shall not pass. This ain't chickenhawk Raygun and Saddam. This president has principles, not BS. The GOP will bitch to high heaven no matter what he does (except McCain maybe, the only man they have left LOL). What a bunch of a-holes.

We have the FIRST "yes" form the hater dupe libtard war monger a.k.a. francoHFW :lol:
Sorry bout that,

1. If Obama shoots one fucking missile, I want war criminal charges filed asap!
2. McCain can go an fuck himself, the liitle war monger!!!!

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Wow, possibly the most one-sided Poll i've ever seen here at USMB. Dare i say, even looks a bit Bi-Partisan. Hmm?

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