War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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Pretty funny that so few people understand what is going on and don't realize the two biggest terrorist organizations that threaten the USA (al Qaeda) and it's interest (Hezbolla vs. Israel) have been manipulated into a war with each other, with Iran on the side of Hezbolla and the Sunni Arab states on the side of al Qaeda because they are Sunni. Assad is now dependent on Iran and Hezbolla for support. The rebels are made up of lots of different groups and al Qaeda is just one faction. So, the enemys of the USA and Israel are locked in battle, Shite vs. Sunni, muslim vs. muslim. Each in it's own Holy War against the other. Assad, with the use of internationaly forbidden chemical weapons could end the war or at least neutralize it. That would mean victory for Syria and Iran and defeat for al Qaeda on the SYRIAN BATTTLEFIELD. But they would just pop up somewhere else. The really bad danger with the gas attacks is that it can neutralize or defeat the moderate Sunni forces that are willing to work with the west in the total defeat of al Qaeda when the dust settles on the Syrian battlefield. So, the gas attacks can be a game changer and that is why they need to be stopped. The longer the battles between the terrorist groups go on, the better. They are draining resources and sending their best fighters to die in Syria. The moderate forces are holding back and watching, waiting and preparing. A few cruise missiles may be all that is needed to bring the war back into a nice slow war of attrition between our enemies. And it wouldn't hurt to to neuter the Russians too.
"What exactly can be considered an imminent threat that needed to be counter acted in a hard and fast reactionary manner when this civil war has been going on for 2 1/2 years"

The imminent threat to obabbles credibility for shooting his mouth off about red lines.
"What exactly can be considered an imminent threat that needed to be counter acted in a hard and fast reactionary manner when this civil war has been going on for 2 1/2 years"

The imminent threat to obabbles credibility for shooting his mouth off about red lines.

I think the folks that are supporting the rebels are getting a little impatient and having to spend too much money.
Pretty funny that so few people understand what is going on and don't realize the two biggest terrorist organizations that threaten the USA (al Qaeda) and it's interest (Hezbolla vs. Israel) have been manipulated into a war with each other, with Iran on the side of Hezbolla and the Sunni Arab states on the side of al Qaeda because they are Sunni. Assad is now dependent on Iran and Hezbolla for support. The rebels are made up of lots of different groups and al Qaeda is just one faction. So, the enemys of the USA and Israel are locked in battle, Shite vs. Sunni, muslim vs. muslim. Each in it's own Holy War against the other. Assad, with the use of internationaly forbidden chemical weapons could end the war or at least neutralize it. That would mean victory for Syria and Iran and defeat for al Qaeda on the SYRIAN BATTTLEFIELD. But they would just pop up somewhere else. The really bad danger with the gas attacks is that it can neutralize or defeat the moderate Sunni forces that are willing to work with the west in the total defeat of al Qaeda when the dust settles on the Syrian battlefield. So, the gas attacks can be a game changer and that is why they need to be stopped. The longer the battles between the terrorist groups go on, the better. They are draining resources and sending their best fighters to die in Syria. The moderate forces are holding back and watching, waiting and preparing. A few cruise missiles may be all that is needed to bring the war back into a nice slow war of attrition between our enemies. And it wouldn't hurt to to neuter the Russians too.

Well maybe they outta just go ahead and do that instead of trying to bullshit the world about some gas attack.
62 to zip? Holy shit. That has never happened on USMB before on a political issue.
Perhaps we have all seen what war does to our brave young men from both sides of the aisle.

If chemical weapons were used, then lets see the evidence you half-black basturd!
Perhaps you do not have a television set, you completely stupid bastard! ...and get yourself a fuckin' dictionary and learn a few words..and how to spell 'em!
Pretty funny that so few people understand what is going on and don't realize the two biggest terrorist organizations that threaten the USA (al Qaeda) and it's interest (Hezbolla vs. Israel) have been manipulated into a war with each other, with Iran on the side of Hezbolla and the Sunni Arab states on the side of al Qaeda because they are Sunni. Assad is now dependent on Iran and Hezbolla for support. The rebels are made up of lots of different groups and al Qaeda is just one faction. So, the enemys of the USA and Israel are locked in battle, Shite vs. Sunni, muslim vs. muslim. Each in it's own Holy War against the other. Assad, with the use of internationaly forbidden chemical weapons could end the war or at least neutralize it. That would mean victory for Syria and Iran and defeat for al Qaeda on the SYRIAN BATTTLEFIELD. But they would just pop up somewhere else. The really bad danger with the gas attacks is that it can neutralize or defeat the moderate Sunni forces that are willing to work with the west in the total defeat of al Qaeda when the dust settles on the Syrian battlefield. So, the gas attacks can be a game changer and that is why they need to be stopped. The longer the battles between the terrorist groups go on, the better. They are draining resources and sending their best fighters to die in Syria. The moderate forces are holding back and watching, waiting and preparing. A few cruise missiles may be all that is needed to bring the war back into a nice slow war of attrition between our enemies. And it wouldn't hurt to to neuter the Russians too.

I wouldn't get involved just yet. Maybe we won't get involved at all - let the European handle it - this time. We will watch and criticize :D

Otherwise you are right.
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Gee, how convenient. Assad has become the Chemical Weapons Boogeyman they desperately wanted him to be. Way too convenient if you ask me. I'm not buying our Government's story on this.
I've been hearing all day 9% of Americans want us to go after Assad and Syria...so far that hasn't rang true with this poll on this thread...Hmmmm...

60% Of Americans Oppose US Involvement In Syria, Only 9% Support Military Action

Yes, the Government/Media Complex is having a tough time spinning this one. Looks like the American People aren't buying it. They're gonna have to do some heavy spinning to change the Poll numbers. Who knows what they'll try next. Stay tuned.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not a good idea to police wild people/nations, all you will get in return is and big,*fuck you*, there is no way to please or appease a wild man, or peoples.
2. In my expert opinion we have to pass on this one, if we kill one group of wild men, so what, all we will accomplish is further the cause of the other wild men/group.
3. Either one we take out won't make any difference, in the end both wild men will hate us.
4. Lets just don't and say we did.
5. I voted *NO*!!!

The Arab League says Assad did it, France, UK and NATO said he did it, only Putin, China and god knows who, Beck? says he didn't. And this shall not pass. This ain't chickenhawk Raygun and Saddam. This president has principles, not BS. The GOP will bitch to high heaven no matter what he does (except McCain maybe, the only man they have left LOL). What a bunch of a-holes.

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