War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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This is about Syria not Israel

A sample is being set, that the world shall later hold Israel to. And commentators are writing about it.

Israel adamant it won't ratify chemical arms treaty before hostile neighbors

By*Barak Ravid. With Moscow and Washington now discussing a*diplomatic deal*that would rid*Syria*of its*chemical weapons, officials in Jerusalem are preparing for the possibility that Israel will be asked to submit to supervision of the chemical weapons that foreign reports say*it possesses. Israel adamant it won't ratify chemical arms treaty before hostile neighbors - Diplomacy and DefenseIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Nor should it given that this thread is about Syria, who has neither signed nor ratified the treaty, and who IS using chemical weapons. No nation has anything whatsoever to fear from Israel if it leaves Israel alone or if it treats Israel as any other nation. Syria has attacked Israel in the past and it has aided and abetted groups sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. There is nobody, and I mean nobody, who assumes Syria would not immediately overrun Israel the minute it believe it has military superiority.

I have no concerns about Israel having any weapons of any kind. Syria has demonstrated it cannot be trusted with them.

And therein is the difference and why this is a thread about what our response to Syria should be. I suggest you focus on that.
For instance, when is our fearless leader going to call upon Islam to stop clinging to their guns and religion? He had no problem criticizing American Christians for that.

And where in the world do you see him deriving such an authority to do this from?

Hubris is a sin.

Matthew 7:1 Don't judge others or you will be judged.
A sample is being set, that the world shall later hold Israel to. And commentators are writing about it.

Israel adamant it won't ratify chemical arms treaty before hostile neighbors

By*Barak Ravid. With Moscow and Washington now discussing a*diplomatic deal*that would rid*Syria*of its*chemical weapons, officials in Jerusalem are preparing for the possibility that Israel will be asked to submit to supervision of the chemical weapons that foreign reports say*it possesses. Israel adamant it won't ratify chemical arms treaty before hostile neighbors - Diplomacy and DefenseIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Nor should it given that this thread is about Syria, who has neither signed nor ratified the treaty, and who IS using chemical weapons. No nation has anything whatsoever to fear from Israel if it leaves Israel alone or if it treats Israel as any other nation. Syria has attacked Israel in the past and it has aided and abetted groups sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. There is nobody, and I mean nobody, who assumes Syria would not immediately overrun Israel the minute it believe it has military superiority.

I have no concerns about Israel having any weapons of any kind. Syria has demonstrated it cannot be trusted with them.

And therein is the difference and why this is a thread about what our response to Syria should be. I suggest you focus on that.

Let us try to be truthful.

Syria has now signed the treaty, I think that is what I just read. If Im wrong, please let me know.

We have no evidence Assad used chemical weapons, repeating unproven allegations over and over never makes them true.

The thread is a poll addressing whether posters support a US war with Syria, and a place to discuss the prospects of war.

Your opinions about the harmlessness of Israel and Syrias desires or potential actions are your opinions and nothing more.

Israel has attacked Syria, you leave that fact out of your discussion, as well as the fact Israel occupies land of Syria called the Occupied Golan Heights.

Groups sworn to wipe Israel off the map sounds like a Zionist Hasbara propaganda claim.

While you may have no concerns about Israel having any weapons of any kind, that is not true for all of us. And as for your opinion that Syria has demonstrated it cannot be trusted with weapons, that is simply your personal opinion, that and nothing else.

Finally, I suggest you focus on your own acts and STFU about telling me what to do. You are not my Master.
You as usual are deliberately twisting what was said!

The word inferior was never used.

Well, what does explain certain peoples and nations being denied rights other peoples and nations have? I am a Christian who believes every human being in our world was created in the image of God and loved by the God who created them. And all of our lives matter to the God who created us. Treating certain people as if their lives matter less and their lives have no value and they have less rights is turning my back on Jesus command to me to love others. His command was this, a new command, love one another as I have loved you. There is no room in those words to see any persons life as having less value than my own.

You are not a Christian, you are brain washed Muslima convert who hates Jews. Stop lying.:mad:

Matthew 7 Don't judge others or you will be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you.

Now, any comments about the thread topic? I oppose war with Syria. And I also oppose arming the Rebels.
Well, what does explain certain peoples and nations being denied rights other peoples and nations have? I am a Christian who believes every human being in our world was created in the image of God and loved by the God who created them. And all of our lives matter to the God who created us. Treating certain people as if their lives matter less and their lives have no value and they have less rights is turning my back on Jesus command to me to love others. His command was this, a new command, love one another as I have loved you. There is no room in those words to see any persons life as having less value than my own.

You are not a Christian, you are brain washed Muslima convert who hates Jews. Stop lying.:mad:

Matthew 7 Don't judge others or you will be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you.

Now, any comments about the thread topic? I oppose war with Syria. And I also oppose arming the Rebels.
If you're gonna teach Sunday School, do it on Sunday. In a church.
It is amazing how you always come back to Israel, no matter what atrocities occur in the Arab world!

Except for devoted hardline spreaders of propaganda such as yourself, the fact remains that the world community is condemning the fact that Syrians are killing each other with the usual bestial ferocity, using chemical weapons to kill innocent women and children who happen to be citizens of Syria.

Since when has Israel ever resorted to killing their own citizens in this bestial manner?

I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others.

Does that mean Christians are not to discern good from evil? Just from unjust? Right from wrong?

It is not unChristian to discern that the nation that protects its most vulnerable citizens is certainly superior to the nation that puts its most vulnerable citizens at high risk or wantonly massacres them.

It is not unChristian to discern that a nation that minds its own business and does not bother its neighbors unless sufficiently provoked is certainly superior to a nation that would murder, maim, massacre, and destroy its neighbor.

It is not unChristian to discern that a nation that provides its citizens with maximum freedom of thought, speech, choice, options, and opportunity is certainly superior to the nation that demands all citizens think, speak, choose, and behave alike or else the citizens will be tortured and/or murdered.

Such discernment does not discriminate between what life has more value than another. In fact it recognizes the worth of all life and denounces those who would wantonly destroy life for no better reason than greed for wealth or power or convenience or due to ideology.

As a Christian, I have no problem with discerning that cruelly and ruthlessly gassing innocent men, women, and children is wrong. I have no problem with doing what I can to stop such an atrocity. And I have no problem with discerning that just blowing something up and probably killing a few more people is not likely to have any affect on stopping such atrocities.

Christians are not to judge others, calling judging others discernment does not correct the problem.

Seeing any person as superior to another is a sin. Jesus says love one another as I have loved you.

Nations are ruled by the Prince of this world, Satan, all of them. And that lesson is learned from the Temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness.

Returning to the thread, I oppose war with Syria because it violates Jesus commands to love one another. I can never support war in absolutely no circumstances under the sun.

There may well be a time for war, and that may well be unavoidable, but never is there a time to support war.
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Israel adamant it won't ratify chemical arms treaty before hostile neighbors

By*Barak Ravid. With Moscow and Washington now discussing a*diplomatic deal*that would rid*Syria*of its*chemical weapons, officials in Jerusalem are preparing for the possibility that Israel will be asked to submit to supervision of the chemical weapons that foreign reports say*it possesses. Israel adamant it won't ratify chemical arms treaty before hostile neighbors - Diplomacy and DefenseIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Nor should it given that this thread is about Syria, who has neither signed nor ratified the treaty, and who IS using chemical weapons. No nation has anything whatsoever to fear from Israel if it leaves Israel alone or if it treats Israel as any other nation. Syria has attacked Israel in the past and it has aided and abetted groups sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. There is nobody, and I mean nobody, who assumes Syria would not immediately overrun Israel the minute it believe it has military superiority.

I have no concerns about Israel having any weapons of any kind. Syria has demonstrated it cannot be trusted with them.

And therein is the difference and why this is a thread about what our response to Syria should be. I suggest you focus on that.

Let us try to be truthful.

Syria has now signed the treaty, I think that is what I just read. If Im wrong, please let me know.

We have no evidence Assad used chemical weapons, repeating unproven allegations over and over never makes them true.

The thread is a poll addressing whether posters support a US war with Syria, and a place to discuss the prospects of war.

Your opinions about the harmlessness of Israel and Syrias desires or potential actions are your opinions and nothing more.

Israel has attacked Syria, you leave that fact out of your discussion, as well as the fact Israel occupies land of Syria called the Occupied Golan Heights.

Groups sworn to wipe Israel off the map sounds like a Zionist Hasbara propaganda claim.

While you may have no concerns about Israel having any weapons of any kind, that is not true for all of us. And as for your opinion that Syria has demonstrated it cannot be trusted with weapons, that is simply your personal opinion, that and nothing else.

Finally, I suggest you focus on your own acts and STFU about telling me what to do. You are not my Master.

Let us be truthful. Every chance you get to shit on Israel or Zionism, you take it., Nobosy takes you seriously, and with good reason.
"September 10, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - After a stunning geopolitical move by Russia and Syria involving the surrendering of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal, the special interests seeking war have been forced to adjust their rhetoric and timetable around what is now a quickly dissolving casus belli.

"The surrendering of Syria's chemical weapons would not only critically set back rhetorical arguments being made to justify war with the nation, but would also preempt future false flag operations in the works.

"Perhaps fearing war was not possible, just such a false flag appears to have been exposed by Russia's English language news service, RT.

"RT claims sources have discovered a plot by terrorists to carry out a chemical weapons attack on Israel from government controlled areas within Syria for the sole purpose of framing the Syrian government and provoking an Israeli retaliation.

"One can only imagine the torrent of propaganda that would burst forth from the Western media invoking 'gassed Jews' and the 21st Century 'Hitler' Bashar al-Assad - right around the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

Land Destroyer: URGENT: False Flag Involving Israel to Implicate Syria in the Works Says RT
You are not a Christian, you are brain washed Muslima convert who hates Jews. Stop lying.:mad:

Matthew 7 Don't judge others or you will be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others, and the amount you give to others will be given to you.

Now, any comments about the thread topic? I oppose war with Syria. And I also oppose arming the Rebels.
If you're gonna teach Sunday School, do it on Sunday. In a church.

It's okay. She isn't teaching Sunday School. She obviously has not had enough Sunday School to know what Matthew 7 is actually teaching. And that's okay. Lots of folks don't. If you're gonna gig her on something though, gig her on lecturing all of us on our attitudes about Syria and admonishing us not to judge, while she has judged Israel a number of times on this thread and elsewhere. I believe Jesus called that sort of thing 'hypocrisy'. :)
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Meanwhile, our Fearless Leader is jumping up and down to take credit for divesting Assad of his chemical weapons while the Syrian rebels are hopping mad that we're letting Assad turn over his chemical weapons rather than obliterating him. :) Honestly, people, if this all wasn't so tragic, you could easily see it being a Keystone Cops routine.

ISTANBUL, Sept 14 (Reuters) - The head of the opposition Syrian Supreme Military Council said on Saturday a U.S.-Russian agreement to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons was a blow to the two-and-a-half-year uprising to remove President Bashar al-Assad from power.

General Selim Idris said the deal would allow Assad to escape being held accountable for killing hundreds of civilians in a poison gas attack on Damascus on Aug. 21. Assad has denied responsibility for the attack.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced the agreement on removing Syria's chemical weapons on Saturday after nearly three days of talks in Geneva.

Idris said Assad's forces had started moving some of their chemical weapons to Lebanon and Iraq in the last few days to evade a possible U.N. inspection. The assertion could not be immediately verified.

"We have told our friends that the regime has begun moving a part of its chemical weapons arsenal to Lebanon and Iraq. We told them do not be fooled," Idris told reporters in Istanbul.

"All of this initiative does not interest us. Russia is a partner with the regime in killing the Syrian people. A crime against humanity has been committed and there is not any mention of accountability."
Syrian Rebels Slam U.S.-Russia Deal, Say Assad Is Moving Chemical Weapons To Lebanon And Iraq

Speaking of Sunday School, Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of the big fish until he agreed to obey God and go preach the word of God to Nineveh. He loathed Nineveh. He didn't want to do it. But he was persuaded via the big fish. And so he did. And Ninevah heard him, repented, and turned to God and was blessed by God. Was Jonah pleased? Hell no. He was hopping mad that Nineveh wasn't going to receive the wrath of God and be obliterated. (Nineveh, by the way, was in that part of the ancient world that is now Iraq.)

Okay the story is likely allegory, but allegory or true, there's no doubt about it. History does repeat itself.
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Many military types believe Saddam did have chemical weapons at the very least and that he shipped them out to Syria as the coalition was amassing forces to invade Iraq to get them. So we found much less than we hoped to find, President Bush's credibility was trashed, and we found ourselves embroiled in a decade long conflict that many Americans think didn't accomplish nearly enough to make it worth it.

Now just suppose, President Obama yet again reverses positions and ultimatums and actually puts American boots on the ground to go get Assad's chemical weapons. The same chemical weapons that Assad has not admitted he has, has not admitted that he used, and that the Syrian rebels now say Assad is busily shipping to Iraq and Lebanon. So we get in there and find nothing.

Would that affect Obama's crediblity?

Are we happy knowing that chemical weapons have been distributed to Iraq and Lebanon?

Of course all this is still in the 'what if' realm, but the plot definitely thickens.
Someone might point out it's a violation of international law to use or threaten to use force against any sovereign state absent imminent threat of UNSC sanction?

"In an address to the American people, Obama said he was working with U.S. allies to 'provide humanitarian support, to help the moderate opposition and to shape a political settlement' for ending a conflict that has killed more than 100,000 people and made refugees of millions more.

"That simple message belies a hodgepodge of often contradicting goals and strategies unlikely to be resolved by the new international effort to get Bashar Assad's government to relinquish its chemical weapons or by any U.S. military action if diplomacy fails.

"These include Obama's vacillations on providing military assistance to rebels as part of a peace strategy and his repeated demand that Assad relinquish power but still retain a veto over any replacement government."

Obama's Larger Syria Strategy in Disarray | Military.com
What a glorious Sunday in America. A bunch of great Football Games and no useless War. God Bless America. :)
What a glorious Sunday in America. A bunch of great Football Games and no useless War. God Bless America. :)

:) Is it okay to be just cautiously optimistic about that? If Assad is the guilty party re those chemical weapons, the track record for dictators is not very encouraging. All have said what they thought their 'allies' wanted to hear or instructed them to say, and then they went right ahead and did whatever they damn well pleased.

If the rebels are the guilty party, absolving Assad from the consequences of the crime they tried to pin on him is likely to just spur greater efforts to get the world mad at him.

But in Matthew 24:6 the Bible says: "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for these things must come to pass; but the end is not yet."

So I think your determination to enjoy this Sunday is justified and the way to go for now. Gratitude for small blessings amongst the horrendous chaos all around us is a good thing.
What a glorious Sunday in America. A bunch of great Football Games and no useless War. God Bless America. :)

:) Is it okay to be just cautiously optimistic about that? If Assad is the guilty party re those chemical weapons, the track record for dictators is not very encouraging. All have said what they thought their 'allies' wanted to hear or instructed them to say, and then they went right ahead and did whatever they damn well pleased.

If the rebels are the guilty party, absolving Assad from the consequences of the crime they tried to pin on him is likely to just spur greater efforts to get the world mad at him.

But in Matthew 24:6 the Bible says: "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for these things must come to pass; but the end is not yet."

So I think your determination to enjoy this Sunday is justified and the way to go for now. Gratitude for small blessings amongst the horrendous chaos all around us is a good thing.

It is not OK to just be cautiously optimistic.

The American people won this war against Israel and AIPAC and we are not at war with Syria today.

I cannot stop thanking and praising God for what He has done.

How great is my God, how great is my God.

And I hope the American people do not forget the lesson we have learned, we can oppose wars and stop our country from starting new wars.

We can live in peace, peace is as much a choice as war is.
"On September 11, Foreign Policy headlined 'Exclusive: UN Report Will Point to Assad Regime in Massive Chemical Attack,' saying:

“'UN inspectors have collected a ‘wealth’ of evidence on the use of nerve agents that points to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons against his own people, according to a senior Western official.'

"On September 16, they’re expected to release their findings. They’ll say whether or not chemical weapons were used. If so, which ones.

"They’ll do so without attribution.

"They won’t point fingers either way. Syria will be blamed by implication. How this affects events going forward remains to be seen.

"Washington will take full advantage.

"Moscow demands peaceful conflict resolution.

"AIPAC and other Zionist organizations want war.

"Anti-Defamation League head Abraham Foxman said 'It’s Iran, Stupid…'
Syria’s a sideshow. It’s prelude to targeting Tehran. ADL wants military force against both countries. So do other Israeli Lobby organizations.

"They’re lobbying Congress to authorize it.

"Stopping it faces long odds.
Assad Pledges Full Cooperation, Pentagon Plans Countdown to War? | Global Research
"On September 11, Foreign Policy headlined 'Exclusive: UN Report Will Point to Assad Regime in Massive Chemical Attack,' saying:

“'UN inspectors have collected a ‘wealth’ of evidence on the use of nerve agents that points to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons against his own people, according to a senior Western official.'

"On September 16, they’re expected to release their findings. They’ll say whether or not chemical weapons were used. If so, which ones.

"They’ll do so without attribution.

"They won’t point fingers either way. Syria will be blamed by implication. How this affects events going forward remains to be seen.

"Washington will take full advantage.

"Moscow demands peaceful conflict resolution.

"AIPAC and other Zionist organizations want war.

"Anti-Defamation League head Abraham Foxman said 'It’s Iran, Stupid…'
Syria’s a sideshow. It’s prelude to targeting Tehran. ADL wants military force against both countries. So do other Israeli Lobby organizations.

"They’re lobbying Congress to authorize it.

"Stopping it faces long odds.
Assad Pledges Full Cooperation, Pentagon Plans Countdown to War? | Global Research

From that lengthy and fairly well done summary, I would have chosen different lines to post to show the problem. Such as the Turks catching rebels red handed with Sarin in their possession. That's a pretty important fact for consideration within everything else don't you think?

I don't think Israel has any interest in promoting a Syrian civil war other than it keeps Assad busy and focused on something other than Israel. I think Israel is perfectly willing to ignore Syria as long as Syria leaves Israel alone.

I do think Israel has a vested interest in Iran not acquiring nuclear weapons along with the capability of short range use of them. And I would not be surprised to learn that Israel is hoping for a window of opportunity to do something about that.
What a glorious Sunday in America. A bunch of great Football Games and no useless War. God Bless America. :)

:) Is it okay to be just cautiously optimistic about that? If Assad is the guilty party re those chemical weapons, the track record for dictators is not very encouraging. All have said what they thought their 'allies' wanted to hear or instructed them to say, and then they went right ahead and did whatever they damn well pleased.

If the rebels are the guilty party, absolving Assad from the consequences of the crime they tried to pin on him is likely to just spur greater efforts to get the world mad at him.

But in Matthew 24:6 the Bible says: "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for these things must come to pass; but the end is not yet."

So I think your determination to enjoy this Sunday is justified and the way to go for now. Gratitude for small blessings amongst the horrendous chaos all around us is a good thing.

It is not OK to just be cautiously optimistic.

The American people won this war against Israel and AIPAC and we are not at war with Syria today.

I cannot stop thanking and praising God for what He has done.

How great is my God, how great is my God.

And I hope the American people do not forget the lesson we have learned, we can oppose wars and stop our country from starting new wars.

We can live in peace, peace is as much a choice as war is.
However, peace is currently not nearly as profitable.
That will never change if we continue "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican when electing our House and Senate members. There are third party candidates appearing on many ballots around this country, and millions of voters could say NO to Republican AND Democrat war whores alike.

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