War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.
We all realize that you would like to see Israel destroyed by your friends, Frau Sherri, and perhaps the only thing holding your friends back is knowing what Israel has in its arsenal. Syria gave up their nukes? I think they had a little nudge from Israel, wot? And the treaty doesn't mean you give up your weapons. It means you agree not to use them.

"Currently 189 states are party to the CWC.[1] Of the seven United Nations Member States that are not, two have signed but not yet ratified the treaty (Burma and Israel) and five states have not signed the treaty (Angola, North Korea, Egypt, South Sudan and Syria)."

When might we expect Israel's ratification, before or after regime change in Tehran?

Chemical Weapons Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

It is amazing how you always come back to Israel, no matter what atrocities occur in the Arab world!

Except for devoted hardline spreaders of propaganda such as yourself, the fact remains that the world community is condemning the fact that Syrians are killing each other with the usual bestial ferocity, using chemical weapons to kill innocent women and children who happen to be citizens of Syria.

Since when has Israel ever resorted to killing their own citizens in this bestial manner?

I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others.

You as usual are deliberately twisting what was said!

The word inferior was never used.
It is amazing how you always come back to Israel, no matter what atrocities occur in the Arab world!

Except for devoted hardline spreaders of propaganda such as yourself, the fact remains that the world community is condemning the fact that Syrians are killing each other with the usual bestial ferocity, using chemical weapons to kill innocent women and children who happen to be citizens of Syria.

Since when has Israel ever resorted to killing their own citizens in this bestial manner?

I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others.

You as usual are deliberately twisting what was said!

The word inferior was never used.

Well, what does explain certain peoples and nations being denied rights other peoples and nations have? I am a Christian who believes every human being in our world was created in the image of God and loved by the God who created them. And all of our lives matter to the God who created us. Treating certain people as if their lives matter less and their lives have no value and they have less rights is turning my back on Jesus command to me to love others. His command was this, a new command, love one another as I have loved you. There is no room in those words to see any persons life as having less value than my own.
When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.
We all realize that you would like to see Israel destroyed by your friends, Frau Sherri, and perhaps the only thing holding your friends back is knowing what Israel has in its arsenal. Syria gave up their nukes? I think they had a little nudge from Israel, wot? And the treaty doesn't mean you give up your weapons. It means you agree not to use them.

"Currently 189 states are party to the CWC.[1] Of the seven United Nations Member States that are not, two have signed but not yet ratified the treaty (Burma and Israel) and five states have not signed the treaty (Angola, North Korea, Egypt, South Sudan and Syria)."

When might we expect Israel's ratification, before or after regime change in Tehran?

Chemical Weapons Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel sez, "We don't need no stinkin' ratification".
"...I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others."
Entirely non sequitur to Skye's pointing out your faux analogy and weak segue for another of your endless Israel rants...

If yer gonna hit back, at least use live ammunition rather than blanks, yes?
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Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

This is about Syria not Israel
Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

This is about Syria not Israel
Israel supports war with Syria.

"A group from Israel arrived in Washington on August 26. It included the Director of the Political-Security Staff in the Defense Ministry, Jaj. Gen. (res) Amos Gilad, Director of Planning Branch Maj. Gen. Nimrod Shefer, and IDF intelligence Research Department Director, Brigadier General Ital Brun. After some intense discussions, they shared some of their tapes with US officials.

"The Bandar/AIPAC arguments being, pushed by this delegation and being spread around Capitol Hill as part of 'Israel sharing its sterling intelligence' can be summarized as follows:

"The US must avoid half measures to pursue a limited punitive response to the use of chemical weapons. What is needed is a sustained Bosnia style bombing campaign until Bashar al-Assad is removed from office. Giving in to that temptation would be a mistake.

"The use of the CW affords President Obama an underserved opportunity to correct his errant Middle East policies.

"As Isreal’s agent, Robert Satloff of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) is telling anyone who is willing to listen, 'Obama’s deep reluctance to engage in Syria is clear to all. This hesitancy is part of his policy to wind down U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and his championing of the idea of "nation building at home.'"

The same rich Jews and Saudis who pushed Iran Contra in the 80s and the invasion of Iraq ten years ago are lining up in support of US missiles over Damascus.

Prince Bandar and Zionist Lobby Partnering to Maneuver Obama into Prolonged War with Syria | Foreign Policy Journal
Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

This is about Syria not Israel

A sample is being set, that the world shall later hold Israel to. And commentators are writing about it.
"...A sample is being set, that the world shall later hold Israel to. And commentators are writing about it."

You should probably go back and re-read the last Moderator's comment about non sequitur segues regarding Israel, in a Syria-focused thread...

Sherri is your typical 'Blame Israel for everything in the Middle East' , terrorist supporting anti-Zionist .
When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

This is about Syria not Israel

A sample is being set, that the world shall later hold Israel to. And commentators are writing about it.

Israel adamant it won't ratify chemical arms treaty before hostile neighbors

By*Barak Ravid. With Moscow and Washington now discussing a*diplomatic deal*that would rid*Syria*of its*chemical weapons, officials in Jerusalem are preparing for the possibility that Israel will be asked to submit to supervision of the chemical weapons that foreign reports say*it possesses. Israel adamant it won't ratify chemical arms treaty before hostile neighbors - Diplomacy and DefenseIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source
When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

This is about Syria not Israel

A sample is being set, that the world shall later hold Israel to. And commentators are writing about it.

Should Israel conduct themselves as Syria has then I am sure they will be held accountable in the same, if not harsher, manner.

Again this is about Syria, care to join the discussion?
Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

This thread is about going to war with Syria. We understand your obsessive hatred of Israel, but they aren't killing Syrians. Americans aren't killing Syrians. Syrians are killing Syrians. We aren't going to war with Syria. The topic is Syria. Please stay on it.
Looks like it's going to happen. But it's still worth checking out what USMB thinks.
Think you can join in this discussion without mentioning the contributions of the USA and Israel?

"Before taking any steps to implement the Russian proposal for surrendering his chemical weapons stocks and means of manufacture, Bashar Assad wants Israel to ratify he Convention banning Chemical Weapons, Israel signed the treaty in 1993 but never ratified it."

DEBKAfile: Assad says Israel must first ratify chemical arms treaty
When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

It is amazing how you always come back to Israel, no matter what atrocities occur in the Arab world!

Except for devoted hardline spreaders of propaganda such as yourself, the fact remains that the world community is condemning the fact that Syrians are killing each other with the usual bestial ferocity, using chemical weapons to kill innocent women and children who happen to be citizens of Syria.

Since when has Israel ever resorted to killing their own citizens in this bestial manner?

I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others.

Does that mean Christians are not to discern good from evil? Just from unjust? Right from wrong?

It is not unChristian to discern that the nation that protects its most vulnerable citizens is certainly superior to the nation that puts its most vulnerable citizens at high risk or wantonly massacres them.

It is not unChristian to discern that a nation that minds its own business and does not bother its neighbors unless sufficiently provoked is certainly superior to a nation that would murder, maim, massacre, and destroy its neighbor.

It is not unChristian to discern that a nation that provides its citizens with maximum freedom of thought, speech, choice, options, and opportunity is certainly superior to the nation that demands all citizens think, speak, choose, and behave alike or else the citizens will be tortured and/or murdered.

Such discernment does not discriminate between what life has more value than another. In fact it recognizes the worth of all life and denounces those who would wantonly destroy life for no better reason than greed for wealth or power or convenience or due to ideology.

As a Christian, I have no problem with discerning that cruelly and ruthlessly gassing innocent men, women, and children is wrong. I have no problem with doing what I can to stop such an atrocity. And I have no problem with discerning that just blowing something up and probably killing a few more people is not likely to have any affect on stopping such atrocities.
It is amazing how you always come back to Israel, no matter what atrocities occur in the Arab world!

Except for devoted hardline spreaders of propaganda such as yourself, the fact remains that the world community is condemning the fact that Syrians are killing each other with the usual bestial ferocity, using chemical weapons to kill innocent women and children who happen to be citizens of Syria.

Since when has Israel ever resorted to killing their own citizens in this bestial manner?

I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others.

Does that mean Christians are not to discern good from evil? Just from unjust? Right from wrong?

It is not unChristian to discern that the nation that protects its most vulnerable citizens is certainly superior to the nation that puts its most vulnerable citizens at high risk or wantonly massacres them.

It is not unChristian to discern that a nation that minds its own business and does not bother its neighbors unless sufficiently provoked is certainly superior to a nation that would murder, maim, massacre, and destroy its neighbor.

It is not unChristian to discern that a nation that provides its citizens with maximum freedom of thought, speech, choice, options, and opportunity is certainly superior to the nation that demands all citizens think, speak, choose, and behave alike or else the citizens will be tortured and/or murdered.

Such discernment does not discriminate between what life has more value than another. In fact it recognizes the worth of all life and denounces those who would wantonly destroy life for no better reason than greed for wealth or power or convenience or due to ideology.

As a Christian, I have no problem with discerning that cruelly and ruthlessly gassing innocent men, women, and children is wrong. I have no problem with doing what I can to stop such an atrocity. And I have no problem with discerning that just blowing something up and probably killing a few more people is not likely to have any affect on stopping such atrocities.

I wouldn't bother Foxie, Sherri hates Israel with such a passion that she will always bring up no matter what the dicussion is. We could be discussing rollerblading and she will talk about how cruel and inhumane Israeli roller skaters are.:cuckoo:
I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others.

You as usual are deliberately twisting what was said!

The word inferior was never used.

Well, what does explain certain peoples and nations being denied rights other peoples and nations have? I am a Christian who believes every human being in our world was created in the image of God and loved by the God who created them. And all of our lives matter to the God who created us. Treating certain people as if their lives matter less and their lives have no value and they have less rights is turning my back on Jesus command to me to love others. His command was this, a new command, love one another as I have loved you. There is no room in those words to see any persons life as having less value than my own.

You are not a Christian, you are brain washed Muslima convert who hates Jews. Stop lying.:mad:
I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others.

Does that mean Christians are not to discern good from evil? Just from unjust? Right from wrong?

It is not unChristian to discern that the nation that protects its most vulnerable citizens is certainly superior to the nation that puts its most vulnerable citizens at high risk or wantonly massacres them.

It is not unChristian to discern that a nation that minds its own business and does not bother its neighbors unless sufficiently provoked is certainly superior to a nation that would murder, maim, massacre, and destroy its neighbor.

It is not unChristian to discern that a nation that provides its citizens with maximum freedom of thought, speech, choice, options, and opportunity is certainly superior to the nation that demands all citizens think, speak, choose, and behave alike or else the citizens will be tortured and/or murdered.

Such discernment does not discriminate between what life has more value than another. In fact it recognizes the worth of all life and denounces those who would wantonly destroy life for no better reason than greed for wealth or power or convenience or due to ideology.

As a Christian, I have no problem with discerning that cruelly and ruthlessly gassing innocent men, women, and children is wrong. I have no problem with doing what I can to stop such an atrocity. And I have no problem with discerning that just blowing something up and probably killing a few more people is not likely to have any affect on stopping such atrocities.

I wouldn't bother Foxie, Sherri hates Israel with such a passion that she will always bring up no matter what the dicussion is. We could be discussing rollerblading and she will talk about how cruel and inhumane Israeli roller skaters are.:cuckoo:

My post wasn't necessarily for Sherri's benefit though. It was my appeal that we all need to dump the senseless political correctness that gives Islamic attitudes/atrocities (or anybody else) a pass while focusing on targets that are considered politically correct to denigrate such as conservatives, Christians, or Israel.
For instance, when is our fearless leader going to call upon Islam to stop clinging to their guns and religion? He had no problem criticizing American Christians for that.

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