War With Syria: Yea Or Nay?

Do You Support War With Syria?

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Would you? And thereby tip your hand that it was you who used banned substances and destroy any chance to gain the sympathy and support of the international community? To bring wrath down upon yourself? If Assad is no fool, then probably neither are the rebel leaders.

No, I think if it was indeed the rebels who used such weapons, they would do it in a way--against their own--so as to frame Assad and generate sympathy and support for themselves.

That is a possibility but launching chemical weapons is not easy, if the rebels have these capabilities thats not a good sign for Assad either way.

They didn't have to have much capability. Just maybe one canister smuggled out of a stockpile. All they had to do was use it once or twice in a limited manner and point to Assad as the culprit. And voila!!! The international community sides with the rebels and gives them all manner of support while condemning Assad.

If one is crafty enough, he may not even have to win a single battle in order to win a war.

Don't you have to have chemical weapons experts to handle these materials to launch them successfully? I'm not an expert but when I was in the Military we had to do Chem warfare training every year, and it was always a professional who taught the class. If the people handling these things are amateurs it will fuck everything up big time.
That is a possibility but launching chemical weapons is not easy, if the rebels have these capabilities thats not a good sign for Assad either way.

They didn't have to have much capability. Just maybe one canister smuggled out of a stockpile. All they had to do was use it once or twice in a limited manner and point to Assad as the culprit. And voila!!! The international community sides with the rebels and gives them all manner of support while condemning Assad.

If one is crafty enough, he may not even have to win a single battle in order to win a war.

Don't you have to have chemical weapons experts to handle these materials to launch them successfully? I'm not an expert but when I was in the Military we had to do Chem warfare training every year, and it was always a professional who taught the class. If the people handling these things are amateurs it will fuck everything up big time.

But the weapons did not have to be 'launched'. Sarin gas was released in an area where many civilians happened to be at the time. That's the way terrorists do it. The terrorists generally are willing to put themselves at risk when they do stuff like that so safety and/or efficiency would not be a primary concern. That's why militant Islamists will strap bombs on the bodies of kids and send them into areas to blow themselves up. Or fly airplanes into buildings ensuring their certain death. It is possible that just such a person was among the dead following the Sarin gas release in Syria. And who would ever know that other than those who sent him to die for Allah?
They didn't have to have much capability. Just maybe one canister smuggled out of a stockpile. All they had to do was use it once or twice in a limited manner and point to Assad as the culprit. And voila!!! The international community sides with the rebels and gives them all manner of support while condemning Assad.

If one is crafty enough, he may not even have to win a single battle in order to win a war.

Don't you have to have chemical weapons experts to handle these materials to launch them successfully? I'm not an expert but when I was in the Military we had to do Chem warfare training every year, and it was always a professional who taught the class. If the people handling these things are amateurs it will fuck everything up big time.

But the weapons did not have to be 'launched'. Sarin gas was released in an area where many civilians happened to be at the time. That's the way terrorists do it. The terrorists generally are willing to put themselves at risk when they do stuff like that so safety and/or efficiency would not be a primary concern. That's why militant Islamists will strap bombs on the bodies of kids and send them into areas to blow themselves up. Or fly airplanes into buildings ensuring their certain death. It is possible that just such a person was among the dead following the Sarin gas release in Syria. And who would ever know that other than those who sent him to die for Allah?

Just releasing chemicals into an area like that would most definently kill the people administering them too, I would never do that.:eek:
Don't you have to have chemical weapons experts to handle these materials to launch them successfully? I'm not an expert but when I was in the Military we had to do Chem warfare training every year, and it was always a professional who taught the class. If the people handling these things are amateurs it will fuck everything up big time.

But the weapons did not have to be 'launched'. Sarin gas was released in an area where many civilians happened to be at the time. That's the way terrorists do it. The terrorists generally are willing to put themselves at risk when they do stuff like that so safety and/or efficiency would not be a primary concern. That's why militant Islamists will strap bombs on the bodies of kids and send them into areas to blow themselves up. Or fly airplanes into buildings ensuring their certain death. It is possible that just such a person was among the dead following the Sarin gas release in Syria. And who would ever know that other than those who sent him to die for Allah?

Just releasing chemicals into an area like that would most definently kill the people administering them too, I would never do that.:eek:

No you wouldn't. But you also are not a radicalized militant Islamist who has been brainwashed into believing that he will be whisked immediately to heaven and enjoy many virgins if he gloriously gives his life in obedience and service to Allah.
What a minute...

Suddenly we're talking about Manual Release of sarin gas, rather than delivery via rocketry?

I have seen (on this board) a lot of discussion about the forensics of the delivery-rockets (x mm or x cm in diameter) and how the UN weapons team was evaluating same...

And, when it comes to brainwashed Jihadists seeking martyrdom, and being willing to die for Allah, et al...

I have little trouble believing that someone could work up the insanity or courage to kill themselves as a human bomb... that's over in a nanoscecond after the flash...

But I'm having one helluva lot of trouble believing that even your more fanatical Jidhadists would willingly condemn themselves to the agony of Sarin Gas exposure, which might very well drag-on for some time before they died...

Not sure I'm on solid ground with that, but that was my first common-sense reaction to the idea...
What a minute...

Suddenly we're talking about Manual Release of sarin gas, rather than delivery via rocketry?

I have seen (on this board) a lot of discussion about the forensics of the delivery-rockets (x mm or x cm in diameter) and how the UN weapons team was evaluating same...

And, when it comes to brainwashed Jihadists seeking martyrdom, and being willing to die for Allah, et al...

I have little trouble believing that someone could work up the insanity or courage to kill themselves as a human bomb... that's over in a nanoscecond after the flash...

But I'm having one helluva lot of trouble believing that even your more fanatical Jidhadists would willingly condemn themselves to the agony of Sarin Gas exposure, which might very well drag-on for some time before they died...

Not sure I'm on solid ground with that, but that was my first common-sense reaction to the idea...

Well given that common sense is a rare commodity on this board and others like it, you definitely get my applause with that. :) Just using common sense, HG has been giving me the best debate I've had with anybody in awhile and I've enjoyed it a lot. If I was grading the two of us in a formal debate, I'm not sure which one of us I would be giving the edge to on points. And I'm biased. :)

But then again, there is NO hope of survival if you are flying an airliner into a tall building. There is NO hope of survival if you pull the trigger on a massive bomb strapped to your body. But there is the unpleasant anticipation of horror, flames, feeling your body disintegrate even if for only a moment which is why normal people won't do something like that. But nobody has convinced me that militant jihadists are normal people.

Our American warriors have many times faced odds with the probability of death quite high, but there is always the glimmer of hope that some kind of out or rescue will be provided along with success of the mission. We have not asked our people to do certain suicide for God, country, or the American way.

But whether determined to die for the glory of Allah and promised reward or whether there is the glimmer of hope that the terrorist will be able to carry out a mission of releasing Sarin gas and escaping the consequences of that, who knows. I have no doubt there are jihadists willing to do that.
So tell us, Georgie Boy, how many times are you going to post the same article on these forums like you found gold. Instead of vomiting out the same stuff, start writing Letters to the Editors of all the local newspapers in the Los Angeles County and the surrounding counties giving your opinion and millions of people will be able to read you. Or is that effort too difficult for you and it is much easier and lazier for you to just post the same old stuff you find over and over?
"Strange bedfellows indeed. Bibi Netanyahu, with the full throated backing of the American Israeli Political Action Committee, and the Saudis have mounted an impressive, coordinated effort to push the United States into moving against Syria as a means of weakening Iran. Important to note, key Israeli intelligence and military leaders are against this."

What do you suppose Bibi and Bandar Bu$h have in common, Hossie?

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET
Probably their commonality is not having to squat to pee.
More likely it's their fear of Iran and Hezbollah.

"Netanyahu, as the representative of the Likud faction in Israel, and the Saudis are terrified of Iran. They are not concerned at all about the fact that the U.S. policy in Iraq, specifically the dismantling of the Saddam Hussein regime, created the opening for the expansion of Iranian influence in the region.

"Netanyahu worries that Hezbollah, a key ally of Iran, sits to its immediate north and has developed a formidable military force. This is not the Hezbollah of 1980.

"They are strong, popular and demonstrate the organizational prowess of a nation state. In many respects, they are a state within the confines of Lebanon.

"Despite Iran’s sometimes heated, bellicose rhetorical jabs at Israel, it is not in a position to invade. And it is not in a position to launch an effective strategic missile strike on Israel. If Tehran and its mullahs attempted such a foolhardy strike much of Iran would be immolated by Israeli nuclear weapons."

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET
What a minute...

Suddenly we're talking about Manual Release of sarin gas, rather than delivery via rocketry?

I have seen (on this board) a lot of discussion about the forensics of the delivery-rockets (x mm or x cm in diameter) and how the UN weapons team was evaluating same...

And, when it comes to brainwashed Jihadists seeking martyrdom, and being willing to die for Allah, et al...

I have little trouble believing that someone could work up the insanity or courage to kill themselves as a human bomb... that's over in a nanoscecond after the flash...

But I'm having one helluva lot of trouble believing that even your more fanatical Jidhadists would willingly condemn themselves to the agony of Sarin Gas exposure, which might very well drag-on for some time before they died...

Not sure I'm on solid ground with that, but that was my first common-sense reaction to the idea...

Well given that common sense is a rare commodity on this board and others like it, you definitely get my applause with that. :) Just using common sense, HG has been giving me the best debate I've had with anybody in awhile and I've enjoyed it a lot. If I was grading the two of us in a formal debate, I'm not sure which one of us I would be giving the edge to on points. And I'm biased. :)

But then again, there is NO hope of survival if you are flying an airliner into a tall building. There is NO hope of survival if you pull the trigger on a massive bomb strapped to your body. But there is the unpleasant anticipation of horror, flames, feeling your body disintegrate even if for only a moment which is why normal people won't do something like that. But nobody has convinced me that militant jihadists are normal people.

Our American warriors have many times faced odds with the probability of death quite high, but there is always the glimmer of hope that some kind of out or rescue will be provided along with success of the mission. We have not asked our people to do certain suicide for God, country, or the American way.

But whether determined to die for the glory of Allah and promised reward or whether there is the glimmer of hope that the terrorist will be able to carry out a mission of releasing Sarin gas and escaping the consequences of that, who knows. I have no doubt there are jihadists willing to do that.

You could deploy the chemicals, than put a gun in your mouth I guess. :dunno:
"Strange bedfellows indeed. Bibi Netanyahu, with the full throated backing of the American Israeli Political Action Committee, and the Saudis have mounted an impressive, coordinated effort to push the United States into moving against Syria as a means of weakening Iran. Important to note, key Israeli intelligence and military leaders are against this."

What do you suppose Bibi and Bandar Bu$h have in common, Hossie?

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET
Probably their commonality is not having to squat to pee.
More likely it's their fear of Iran and Hezbollah.

"Netanyahu, as the representative of the Likud faction in Israel, and the Saudis are terrified of Iran. They are not concerned at all about the fact that the U.S. policy in Iraq, specifically the dismantling of the Saddam Hussein regime, created the opening for the expansion of Iranian influence in the region.

"Netanyahu worries that Hezbollah, a key ally of Iran, sits to its immediate north and has developed a formidable military force. This is not the Hezbollah of 1980.

"They are strong, popular and demonstrate the organizational prowess of a nation state. In many respects, they are a state within the confines of Lebanon.

"Despite Iran’s sometimes heated, bellicose rhetorical jabs at Israel, it is not in a position to invade. And it is not in a position to launch an effective strategic missile strike on Israel. If Tehran and its mullahs attempted such a foolhardy strike much of Iran would be immolated by Israeli nuclear weapons."

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET
When are you going to realize, George, that Netanyahu has The Big Guy on his side? Nothing's going to happen to Israel as you would wish. You're pissing into the wind.
"Strange bedfellows indeed. Bibi Netanyahu, with the full throated backing of the American Israeli Political Action Committee, and the Saudis have mounted an impressive, coordinated effort to push the United States into moving against Syria as a means of weakening Iran. Important to note, key Israeli intelligence and military leaders are against this."

What do you suppose Bibi and Bandar Bu$h have in common, Hossie?

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET
Probably their commonality is not having to squat to pee.
More likely it's their fear of Iran and Hezbollah.

"Netanyahu, as the representative of the Likud faction in Israel, and the Saudis are terrified of Iran. They are not concerned at all about the fact that the U.S. policy in Iraq, specifically the dismantling of the Saddam Hussein regime, created the opening for the expansion of Iranian influence in the region.

"Netanyahu worries that Hezbollah, a key ally of Iran, sits to its immediate north and has developed a formidable military force. This is not the Hezbollah of 1980.

"They are strong, popular and demonstrate the organizational prowess of a nation state. In many respects, they are a state within the confines of Lebanon.

"Despite Iran’s sometimes heated, bellicose rhetorical jabs at Israel, it is not in a position to invade. And it is not in a position to launch an effective strategic missile strike on Israel. If Tehran and its mullahs attempted such a foolhardy strike much of Iran would be immolated by Israeli nuclear weapons."

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET
You really are pathetic, Georgie Boy. You find a site and you beat it to death. Maybe you are delusional enough to think the viewers are going to read the same stuff you keep on vomiting out. Meanwhile, forget about squatting. Maybe some day you will be doing wudu every time you go to the toilet because you wouldn't want the jinns to get up your orifices. By the way, what do Georgie Boy and Calypso Louis Farrakhan have in common? As an aside, it's a shame that Georgie Boy didn't put as much effort into his private life as he does to blame the Jews and Israel on the different forums.
What a minute...

Suddenly we're talking about Manual Release of sarin gas, rather than delivery via rocketry?

I have seen (on this board) a lot of discussion about the forensics of the delivery-rockets (x mm or x cm in diameter) and how the UN weapons team was evaluating same...

And, when it comes to brainwashed Jihadists seeking martyrdom, and being willing to die for Allah, et al...

I have little trouble believing that someone could work up the insanity or courage to kill themselves as a human bomb... that's over in a nanoscecond after the flash...

But I'm having one helluva lot of trouble believing that even your more fanatical Jidhadists would willingly condemn themselves to the agony of Sarin Gas exposure, which might very well drag-on for some time before they died...

Not sure I'm on solid ground with that, but that was my first common-sense reaction to the idea...

Well given that common sense is a rare commodity on this board and others like it, you definitely get my applause with that. :) Just using common sense, HG has been giving me the best debate I've had with anybody in awhile and I've enjoyed it a lot. If I was grading the two of us in a formal debate, I'm not sure which one of us I would be giving the edge to on points. And I'm biased. :)

But then again, there is NO hope of survival if you are flying an airliner into a tall building. There is NO hope of survival if you pull the trigger on a massive bomb strapped to your body. But there is the unpleasant anticipation of horror, flames, feeling your body disintegrate even if for only a moment which is why normal people won't do something like that. But nobody has convinced me that militant jihadists are normal people.

Our American warriors have many times faced odds with the probability of death quite high, but there is always the glimmer of hope that some kind of out or rescue will be provided along with success of the mission. We have not asked our people to do certain suicide for God, country, or the American way.

But whether determined to die for the glory of Allah and promised reward or whether there is the glimmer of hope that the terrorist will be able to carry out a mission of releasing Sarin gas and escaping the consequences of that, who knows. I have no doubt there are jihadists willing to do that.

You could deploy the chemicals, than put a gun in your mouth I guess. :dunno:

Or, you could give them gas masks and "special clothing" and tell them they would be just fine.
"...Well given that common sense is a rare commodity..."
As a follow-up to this, that occurred to me later, it seems sensible to mention that my own focus, earlier in this exchange, was not upon likelihood of survival; certain death was presumed on my part under all of those examples; rather, my focus was upon how LONG it took to die and the AGONY that a Gas victim would experience, as the primary deterrent to talking your average Jihadist into delivering by hand. A lot of folks can deal with dying; most just abhor the idea of taking a long time to do it, and writhing in sheets of blinding, ungodly agony while they're doing it. Hope that helps to clarify things a bit.
You could deploy the chemicals, than put a gun in your mouth I guess.

Yeah, but the effects of sarin begin instantaneously upon contact, if I correctly remember my very modest CBR seminars/clinicals in Basic Training, long ago, and I'm not sure they'd have time to pull their gun before they fell to the ground already near-paralyzed.

"...Or, you could give them gas masks and "special clothing" and tell them they would be just fine.

My guess is that even so equipped, amateurs like that would turn-up dead by the dozens, and I don't recall seeing anything of the sort in the confused tangle of data coming our way.
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You could deploy the chemicals, than put a gun in your mouth I guess.

Yeah, but the effects of sarin begin instantaneously upon contact, if I correctly remember my very modest CBR seminars/clinicals in Basic Training, long ago, and I'm not sure they'd have time to pull their gun before they fell to the ground already near-paralyzed.

"...Or, you could give them gas masks and "special clothing" and tell them they would be just fine.

My guess is that even so equipped, amateurs like that would turn-up dead by the dozens, and I don't recall seeing anything of the sort in the confused tangle of data coming our way.
If you breathe in Sarin you have 9 seconds to seek forgiveness.
Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.
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Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

It is amazing how you always come back to Israel, no matter what atrocities occur in the Arab world!

Except for devoted hardline spreaders of propaganda such as yourself, the fact remains that the world community is condemning the fact that Syrians are killing each other with the usual bestial ferocity, using chemical weapons to kill innocent women and children who happen to be citizens of Syria.

Since when has Israel ever resorted to killing their own citizens in this bestial manner?
Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.
We all realize that you would like to see Israel destroyed by your friends, Frau Sherri, and perhaps the only thing holding your friends back is knowing what Israel has in its arsenal. Syria gave up their nukes? I think they had a little nudge from Israel, wot? And the treaty doesn't mean you give up your weapons. It means you agree not to use them.
Syria just became a full member of the global anti-chemical weapons treaty. If they do not follow through then a show of force is appropriate.

Syria says now a full member of chemical arms pact | Reuters

When shall we see Israel ratify this treaty and get rid of their chemical weapons? When shall we see Israel sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and get rid of their nuclear weapons? Russia and Syria set the example for Israel to follow.

It is amazing how you always come back to Israel, no matter what atrocities occur in the Arab world!

Except for devoted hardline spreaders of propaganda such as yourself, the fact remains that the world community is condemning the fact that Syrians are killing each other with the usual bestial ferocity, using chemical weapons to kill innocent women and children who happen to be citizens of Syria.

Since when has Israel ever resorted to killing their own citizens in this bestial manner?

I am amazed at the Hypocrisy and double standards of people who see certain nations and their peoples as inferior to others.

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