Warehouse Robots Improve Efficiency by 800%; How Will Workers Survive in this Future?

How do you know they aren't the same thing if you have no way to tell they aren't the same thing?

Saying I cant tell if they are the same thing is different from saying that they ARE the same thing.

Even people with I.Q.s far above 120 will be taking orders from computers, and probably have no skills that a computer doesn't also have. How is this a justification for attacking Republicans?

I am not attacking Republicans, I am simply sharing some thoughts that should make Republicans sit up and take notice. IF the GOP continues to preach Open Borders and Free and Unlimited Trade, and opposes all safety net improvements to handle the oncoming crisis, then the GOP will be completely out of power and a distant fringe third party by 2050, I swear it.

I am not making a threat, I am simply shining the flashlight on that 'End of Road' sign up ahead of the speeding GOP Jaguar.
Technological advancements alter job descriptions, skill sets. The fact that manufacturing production units, operation, maintenance, computer programming, and repair requirements simply translate into technological based work force.Trade, technical, vocational type education programs address the changing work environment and job requirements. Our current educational focus toward a college education in humanities or social science fail to prepare future employees for the evolving technical world. In order to move forward our educational system needs to expand in the direction of providing students the opportunity to pursue vocational training as an alternative to a college based curriculum. For instance, auto repair required a simple understanding of an engine, components, principles of combustion, drive lines, while in today's world auto repair requires a firm understanding of diagnostics, computer function, ability to read and comprehend computer wiring diagrams, and flow charts. The US is lagging behind in the preparation of our youth in a changing world and has created a generation of ill prepared entrants into the work force. Education needs to be focused on mathematics, science, reading comprehension, and computer literacy in order to move forward with a productive work force.
In conclusion technological advancements will simply redefine production oriented skill sets and displace old school labor force skill requirements. Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, welders, masons, ditch diggers.......will still be required in order for society to expand, its up to the current generation to adequately prepare the next generation to succeed.
How do you tell the difference between "simulated learning" and real learning? If you can't tell the difference, then aren't they exactly the same thing?

Computers can't design computers like humans because the later are still 10,000 times smarter than the former. That difference will disappear in about 20 years if Moore's law maintains.
Easy. Teach your TV to say the ABC's without any additional programming. if you cant then you know that it cant really learn.

No one said your TV could learn, dumbass. That doesn't mean the in the future there won't be machines that can learn.
Wake me when that becomes a reality instead of pretending its occurring now.

When did I pretend it was occurring now?

You are a special kind of dumbass, aren't you?
When you asked how I could tell the difference between real learning and simulated learning.

Computers that can learn exist now.

You're still a dumbass.
Technological advancements alter job descriptions, skill sets. The fact that manufacturing production units, operation, maintenance, computer programming, and repair requirements simply translate into technological based work force.Trade, technical, vocational type education programs address the changing work environment and job requirements. Our current educational focus toward a college education in humanities or social science fail to prepare future employees for the evolving technical world. In order to move forward our educational system needs to expand in the direction of providing students the opportunity to pursue vocational training as an alternative to a college based curriculum. For instance, auto repair required a simple understanding of an engine, components, principles of combustion, drive lines, while in today's world auto repair requires a firm understanding of diagnostics, computer function, ability to read and comprehend computer wiring diagrams, and flow charts. The US is lagging behind in the preparation of our youth in a changing world and has created a generation of ill prepared entrants into the work force. Education needs to be focused on mathematics, science, reading comprehension, and computer literacy in order to move forward with a productive work force.
In conclusion technological advancements will simply redefine production oriented skill sets and displace old school labor force skill requirements. Electricians, plumbers, carpenters, welders, masons, ditch diggers.......will still be required in order for society to expand, its up to the current generation to adequately prepare the next generation to succeed.
You describe the early transition period very well, but over the long haul, even ditch digger jobs will be done by robots. ROBOTS will be done by Robots.

Unemployment will be 90% and political spin needs to start adjusting for that reality TODAY
The maintenance crews in these so called robots warehouses are still quite large. Throw in refrigerated warehouses and the maintenance crews grow even larger.

And the pay tends to be pretty good if you're strong in motor controls, energy management and refrigeration.

40 an hour or so plus very liberal benefits. Stock options like 3 for 1 and so on. Don't bother applying if you're afraid of heights.
In the early stages of the Digital Revolution, some jobs will be created to maintain the automated production/service robots will do. But these jobs will not be equal in number to the jobs lost due to automation. And eventually these maintenance jobs and more specialized jobs will also become automated.

In the long run, jobs will become very scarce and the human economy will shift more and more toward self sufficiency via three avenues; self production, community specialization/sharing and barter.
The near future is robots replacing jobs but you all only need to go to rural China to witness what is going to happen when the need for products made by robots will end. These rural Chinese have no need for 99% of what robots make.
After the robot revolution, which will soon end rural life will be the future of America.
The millions of 'city dwellers' are going to have to move into the country and learn to farm or die.
A up-scale professional 'urban' couple working downtown: Easily spend $15K a year on 'lattes'/food truck lunches/take out/restaurants.
How many acres of farm land and equipment would that amount buy in a few years.
I know of just such a couple living in a condo in Dallas.
The week before Christmas they were both permanently laid off.
Total gross income used to be $300K. Now they have a fucking condo they are underwater on. Neither of them will EVER get these jobs back. EVER!
No savings.
Thirty K in CC debt.
He can't give away his (cough) antique car collection.
Multiply their reality now by twenty million and see what the US looks like in a couple of years.
I kept telling him if he wanted to 'collect' something fucking collect some farm implements and a tractor and some cheap arable land.
The maintenance crews in these so called robots warehouses are still quite large. Throw in refrigerated warehouses and the maintenance crews grow even larger.

And the pay tends to be pretty good if you're strong in motor controls, energy management and refrigeration.

40 an hour or so plus very liberal benefits. Stock options like 3 for 1 and so on. Don't bother applying if you're afraid of heights.
In the early stages of the Digital Revolution, some jobs will be created to maintain the automated production/service robots will do. But these jobs will not be equal in number to the jobs lost due to automation. And eventually these maintenance jobs and more specialized jobs will also become automated.

In the long run, jobs will become very scarce and the human economy will shift more and more toward self sufficiency via three avenues; self production, community specialization/sharing and barter.
The near future is robots replacing jobs but you all only need to go to rural China to witness what is going to happen when the need for products made by robots will end. These rural Chinese have no need for 99% of what robots make.
After the robot revolution, which will soon end rural life will be the future of America.
The millions of 'city dwellers' are going to have to move into the country and learn to farm or die.
A up-scale professional 'urban' couple working downtown: Easily spend $15K a year on 'lattes'/food truck lunches/take out/restaurants.
How many acres of farm land and equipment would that amount buy in a few years.
I know of just such a couple living in a condo in Dallas.
The week before Christmas they were both permanently laid off.
Total gross income used to be $300K. Now they have a fucking condo they are underwater on. Neither of them will EVER get these jobs back. EVER!
No savings.
Thirty K in CC debt.
He can't give away his (cough) antique car collection.
Multiply their reality now by twenty million and see what the US looks like in a couple of years.
I kept telling him if he wanted to 'collect' something fucking collect some farm implements and a tractor and some cheap arable land.

I agree except I dont think it will be entirely rural, with most going into semi-rural '4th ring' suburbs.
Eventually there will be a war between the humans and the machines.
This 'war' will last as long as one of Guno's jerkoffs looking at a Sarah Palin poster.
My 308 Norma Magnum can disable any robot from 200 yards down range. The lifeblood of any robot is electrical energy. Shut it off and the robot is as scary as my fucking minibar fridge.
This 'war' will last as long as one of Guno's jerkoffs looking at a Sarah Palin poster.
My 308 Norma Magnum can disable any robot from 200 yards down range. The lifeblood of any robot is electrical energy. Shut it off and the robot is as scary as my fucking minibar fridge.

But the trick is hitting the plug from 100 yards.
Easy. Teach your TV to say the ABC's without any additional programming. if you cant then you know that it cant really learn.

No one said your TV could learn, dumbass. That doesn't mean the in the future there won't be machines that can learn.
Wake me when that becomes a reality instead of pretending its occurring now.

When did I pretend it was occurring now?

You are a special kind of dumbass, aren't you?
When you asked how I could tell the difference between real learning and simulated learning.

Computers that can learn exist now.

You're still a dumbass.
No they dont learn. They store data thats already accumulated and present it to you like they learned it. Thats why its simulated. Learning is an organic process not a mechanical one. I computer cannot learn because there is no original thought present to ask questions.
The maintenance crews in these so called robots warehouses are still quite large. Throw in refrigerated warehouses and the maintenance crews grow even larger.

And the pay tends to be pretty good if you're strong in motor controls, energy management and refrigeration.

40 an hour or so plus very liberal benefits. Stock options like 3 for 1 and so on. Don't bother applying if you're afraid of heights.
In the early stages of the Digital Revolution, some jobs will be created to maintain the automated production/service robots will do. But these jobs will not be equal in number to the jobs lost due to automation. And eventually these maintenance jobs and more specialized jobs will also become automated.

In the long run, jobs will become very scarce and the human economy will shift more and more toward self sufficiency via three avenues; self production, community specialization/sharing and barter.
The near future is robots replacing jobs but you all only need to go to rural China to witness what is going to happen when the need for products made by robots will end. These rural Chinese have no need for 99% of what robots make.
After the robot revolution, which will soon end rural life will be the future of America.
The millions of 'city dwellers' are going to have to move into the country and learn to farm or die.
A up-scale professional 'urban' couple working downtown: Easily spend $15K a year on 'lattes'/food truck lunches/take out/restaurants.
How many acres of farm land and equipment would that amount buy in a few years.
I know of just such a couple living in a condo in Dallas.
The week before Christmas they were both permanently laid off.
Total gross income used to be $300K. Now they have a fucking condo they are underwater on. Neither of them will EVER get these jobs back. EVER!
No savings.
Thirty K in CC debt.
He can't give away his (cough) antique car collection.
Multiply their reality now by twenty million and see what the US looks like in a couple of years.
I kept telling him if he wanted to 'collect' something fucking collect some farm implements and a tractor and some cheap arable land.

I agree except I don't think it will be entirely rural, with most going into semi-rural '4th ring' suburbs.
The reason I believe it will be essentially rural is simple: Too many of the 'smart set LIBs have no understanding of what the dangers are to be found around similar desperate 'no-nothings'. I believe the temptation to just steal what you need will be very great for some of these people. They will eventually have to flee the '4th ring' suburbs or be victimized literally to death. Not only that but the already violent criminal element will know where the easy prey are and who they are.
I recommend the weaker you are the further away you want to be from the predators.
Not only that but the farther into the country they flee the more likely they are to find peace loving hard working solid men and women who are always willing to lend a helping hand.
This is an example of how the Third Industrial or Digital Revolution is making human labor obsolete. How will working class people survive with 90% unemployment rates? How will conservatives adjust their rhetoric to survive? Will we see socialism take over both parties?

These warehouse robots can boost productivity by 800%

This is why we need more abortion clinics.

No woman or girl in America or the world should ever pay for an abortion or struggle to get an abortion by having to drive more that 5 miles from her house.

Plan B pills should be free.
The maintenance crews in these so called robots warehouses are still quite large. Throw in refrigerated warehouses and the maintenance crews grow even larger.

And the pay tends to be pretty good if you're strong in motor controls, energy management and refrigeration.

40 an hour or so plus very liberal benefits. Stock options like 3 for 1 and so on. Don't bother applying if you're afraid of heights.
In the early stages of the Digital Revolution, some jobs will be created to maintain the automated production/service robots will do. But these jobs will not be equal in number to the jobs lost due to automation. And eventually these maintenance jobs and more specialized jobs will also become automated.

In the long run, jobs will become very scarce and the human economy will shift more and more toward self sufficiency via three avenues; self production, community specialization/sharing and barter.

Certainly your comment is informative but some forms of warehousing, such as produce, for example, may never be a viable choice for robotics. And for obvious reasons. And, up front front costs are still a huge drag on automation beyond where we're at now, in many cases.
Once again you are not thinking clearly.
The all-up manufacturing costs of one robot PLUS the all up costs of manufacturing three replacement components for a robot which can do what any burger flipper can do is comparable to paying three burger flippers minimum wage for three years. After that the robot will work without calling in sick of stealing or coming to work pissed and or stoned for twenty years.
McDonald's and Wendy's literally have warehouses packed with enough robots to make any franchise virtually human free. They are waiting for the right time to install them.
This is an example of how the Third Industrial or Digital Revolution is making human labor obsolete. How will working class people survive with 90% unemployment rates? How will conservatives adjust their rhetoric to survive? Will we see socialism take over both parties?

These warehouse robots can boost productivity by 800%

This is why we need more abortion clinics.

No woman or girl in America or the world should ever pay for an abortion or struggle to get an abortion by having to drive more that 5 miles from her house.

Plan B pills should be free.
Everywhere in the inner city shitholes where there are two Starbucks on the same intersection kitty-corner from one another Starbucks is closing one down and turning it into a free abortion clinic.
Great would be for those who are willing to put in the effort to achieve the American Dream - rather than the current crop who thinks that simply by being born here they are entitled to a white picket fence. America /has/ forgotten what made America great.
Bullshit. My dad came here from Greece, got a job at Ford and raised a family. In fact I don't even think he finished Highschool. My mom did finish highschool and got a job as a receptionist at Henry Ford Emergency and worked her way up to medical biller. Even before she was a medical biller she had a pretty good job for a high school grad. My parents have hundreds of thousands of dollars, get a penson & social security and medicare and in my eyes they are rich. Back before Bushanomics or Reaganomics America was great. If two high school grads could achieve that and every other factory rat at the big 3 could achieve that, then that was a time when America was great.

My grandmother too. She never made much more than minimum wage but saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and back 10 years ago a person like that could live off the interest. Today a person like that gets 1% on that money. The bankers are fucking us all.
This is an example of how the Third Industrial or Digital Revolution is making human labor obsolete. How will working class people survive with 90% unemployment rates? How will conservatives adjust their rhetoric to survive? Will we see socialism take over both parties?

These warehouse robots can boost productivity by 800%

Could a robot post on USMB using your personality?

Probably not. Case closed.

This is an example of how the Third Industrial or Digital Revolution is making human labor obsolete. How will working class people survive with 90% unemployment rates? How will conservatives adjust their rhetoric to survive? Will we see socialism take over both parties?

These warehouse robots can boost productivity by 800%
Hopefully we downsize. In the future, maybe people don't have kids or have as many kids. And poor people should stop having kids. Maybe eventually we won't have poor people. Cut the population in half.
Why are you so fascinated with keeping poor people from procreating? :laugh:

Of all the endeavors known to man that is the least likely to every be successful.
I don't want there to be poor people in the future. ...y

There will be. There will also stupid people like you, fish.

China's lonely hearts: The millions of men who will NEVER find love

Many British singletons struggle to find love, but for many men in China the task seems insurmountable, due to a severe shortage of women.
Thirty years of China's one-child policy, coupled with a cultural preference for male children, led to mass abortions of girls. As a result, by the year 2020 it's predicted there will be 24 million men with no partner.

Simple solution. Just turn gay and don't worry about having kids.
Why are you so fascinated with keeping poor people from procreating? :laugh:

Of all the endeavors known to man that is the least likely to every be successful.
I don't want there to be poor people in the future. Think avatar. Were any of those people hungry? Unemployed? World Population Clock: 7.4 Billion People (2016) - Worldometers

7 billion 400 million reasons why
There were no poor people in Avatar. The blue people lived off the land.
How are Republicans going to make America great again when they don't want to pay workers anymore than $15 hr? Great again for who?
I dont recall a time when america was great. Repubs are the least likely to make it great. In the capitalistic system you determine your own worth. Dont settle for $15 hr.

We all know you hate America, so what's your point?
We don't hate America. We hate Americans like you.

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