
Actually thinking we can pump as much shit into our air and water without any negative consequences is the ultimate in arrogance and ignorance as well as showing a complete lack of care for those who will come after us

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You’re just boasting your arrogance.

Yes I am. Ignorance offends me.

Hyper-partisanship pisses me off.

The mix of the two is a deadly combination.

So yes, I am arrogant because I know that am better than ignorant partisan hacks.

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Only arrogant control freaks think they can change the climate… You consider yourself one?
Only a totally ignorant fuck could thing that adding more CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere than the amount that made the difference the glacial and interglacial periods would have no effect.
It doesn’t, and you have no proof...
Absorption spectra of CO2 and CH4.
This just in, Rustic. The Pope has declared that Galileo is incorrect. The sun circles the earth. Once again, science has been successfully debunked....
Man made climate change is as believable as Bigfoot...
This just in, Rustic. The Pope has declared that Galileo is incorrect. The sun circles the earth. Once again, science has been successfully debunked....
I get it, in your opinion man made climate change is real... I’m not buying it. Lol
Go try and sell crazy elsewhere.
I hope you did not pay much for all those letters after your name if you are stupid enough to think that AGW is a religion. What is your degree in, paranormal investigations?

Son, you're stupid. I mean, you DO grasp that right?

This moronic religion you follow, you think it is brand new, that "concerned syantests" raised alarms about the Himalayas being snow free and New York City being under water by 2000, as Pope Algore the Prevaricator prognosticated in his absurd Sci-Fi film.

But sparky, your stupid little religion is just a rehash of the oldest scam of the books. In reality you worship the Volcano God. Yeah, I know that you're far to stupid to grasp what I mean.

10,000 years back in a primitive village the villagers looked up and saw that the mountain was smoking. They were afraid because it had never done that before. The Shaman (Let's call him Michael Mann, who demands to be addressed as doctor) came out and said he would confer with the spirits to find out what was going on, but that he would need funding in the form of the prize goat of the village. The villagers were very afraid, so they gave the Shaman the goat. Our Intrepid voodoo priest then disappeared into his hut for a week, coincidentally the amount of time it takes a man to eat a whole goat.

Then Dr. Mann appeared and started scratching his hockey stick graph in the dirt, demonstrating how their lack of obedience to the Volcano God had caused the mountain to smoke due to the anger of the god. He showed on his graph how the village would be destroyed from the wrath of the Volcano God lest the village submit to this gods' preist, himself as their uncontested ruler.

Further, he said that the villagers must SACRIFICE to atone for their carbon sins. The most lovely of the young virgin girls would have to be thrown into the volcano. So our shaman takes the beautiful young girl to his hut and rapes her for a week, then drags her up the mountain and throws her in the volcano.

But the mountain keeps smoking, which the Shaman explains is the Volcano God watching them to be sure that they make regular sacrifices through him, they must bring their best foods to him and when he fancies a young girl, she must be sacrificed.

Now a few things that you lack the wits to grasp; the volcano is real. The chance of an eruption is real. But the priest, this Dr. Mann, is a fraud who only wants to rape and pillage. There is no god behind the whole thing and the actions of the village have not a fucking thing to do with anything.

Climate changes, moron. We have been increasing in global temperature since the little ice age. Your "carbon sins" have not a damn thing to do with it, and the syantest shamans your worship have zero impact on systems they neither control nor understand. They are frauds who are bilking the stupid, those like you.

Real scientists deal in fact and evidence, not in "consensus." Religion deals in faith and consensus.
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I hope you did not pay much for all those letters after your name if you are stupid enough to think that AGW is a religion. What is your degree in, paranormal investigations?

Son, you're stupid. I mean, you DO grasp that right?

This moronic religion you follow, you think it is brand new, that "concerned syantests" raised alarms about the Himalayas being snow free and New York City being under water by 2000, as Pope Algore the Prevaricator prognosticated in his absurd Sci-Fi film.

But sparky, your stupid little religion is just a rehash of the oldest scam of the books. In reality you worship the Volcano God. Yeah, I know that you're far to stupid to grasp what I mean.

10,000 years back in a primitive village the villagers looked up and saw that the mountain was smoking. They were afraid because it had never done that before. The Shaman (Let's call him Michael Mann, who demands to be addressed as doctor) came out and said he would confer with the spirits to find out what was going on, but that he would need funding in the form of the prize goat of the village. The villagers were very afraid, so they gave the Shaman the goat. Our Intrepid voodoo priest then disappeared into his hut for a week, coincidentally the amount of time it takes a man to eat a whole goat.

Then Dr. Mann appeared and started scratching his hockey stick graph in the dirt, demonstrating how their lack of obedience to the Volcano God had caused the mountain to smoke due to the anger of the god. He showed on his graph how the village would be destroyed from the wrath of the Volcano God lest the village submit to this gods' preist, himself a

So, I was right about your degree. Thought so.

We really do need to listen to the Experts---like Al Gore----else by "1900 all animal life upon the globe will cease, killed by carbon dioxide".

But, just now, the Loons and Pinheads in New England, New York, Chicago etc. are causing much Global Warming (to the detriment of all all animal life--including Humans)---by burning the shit out of coal, heating oil, and natural gas to keep from freezing their hypocrite asses off...and being hypocrites...are blaming Republicans in the Heartland for providing that which they are burning to stay alive.

Hypocrisy---thy name is Democrat.

The Washinton Post--1922

Now, there is a reliable newspaper---bought out of near Bankruptcy by the turd Jeff Bezos to push his political agenda. It says, in 1922:

"The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.


Was Al Gore around in 1922? Seems so---who else would try to sell: ....seals are finding the water too hot

Global Warming: 1922

Yet another moron who gets all their knowledge from far right wing sources.

You calling others "moron" is a bit beyond the pale, cult boi.

Have you ever read a single scientific paper on the subject?


Have you, cult boi?

Have you bothered to download the data sets that are free and available to everyone that wants them and then run them through an analysis program to see what the data actually shows?

You can get more than a million points of data from tempagures, to CO2 levels to volcanic activity to solar activity and you can run it through a program like SPSS or R and do multivariate analysis and see which of those has the most impact. Have you ever done that are you just one more ignorant fool that relies on FoxNews for their science?

Cult boi, this is the politics section; if you want to get your ignorant ass kicked slither down to the global warming section of the board.

I guarantee that I have far more letters after my name than you do after yours.
By God, that is not evident by your post. Yes, I have read many scientific papers. Primarily in Geology, but also in many other disciplines. It is quite obvious you have not.

Sucks Old Cocks, watching Bill Nye reruns is not reading scientific papers.

Tell me, scientist to scientist, is consensus and fealty to dogma the heart of the scientific method as the AGW cult claims?

We over on the supply chain management side tend to engage in hypothesis formulation with falsification where any and all matters are open to challenge and there is no dogma of "settled science."

But then, we must produce tangible results, where AGW syantests need only write sacred texts for those with zero capacity for critical thought to worship .

In these geology papers, did the record in the rocks show that the earth has always been a perfect temperature until the Capitalists angered Gaea with their carbon sins? 4.7 billion years of a static climate that suddenly was disturbed by your political enemies?
Man does not have the ability to effect the climate one way or the other, It’s arrogant to think so.

You are a good and faithful little drone. Your party masters must be so proud of you.
Obviously you are too full of yourself to watch this... here it is anyway. Lol

The Great Global Warming Swindle is over. Most realize that people turned it into a political/religious crusade. Obviously climate changes, but there's no need to panic about it. But if you do wanna panic about climate change, panic about 'Global Cooling.' The planet drastically cooling, will kill off many humans. 'Global Warming' isn't a problem in comparison.

Human and plant life have been proven to thrive in warm climates. However, human and plant life don't do well in harsh cold climates. That's when massive die-offs occur. But hey, i choose to not panic about either. I choose instead to enjoy every bit of the time i have left on this earth. I advise folks to do the same. We're only here for a very short time.





Very convincing data that the warming is not all that great.

Bias info

Not just biased, openly fraudulent.
I love it when people so proudly put their utter ignorance on display for everyone to see.

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Believing glowarm is caused by our actions is the height of arrogance and ignorance.
All the Scientific Societies in the world, all the National Academies of Sciences, and all the major Universities have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. So we are supposed to believe a few right wing ignoramuses that never took a high school science class that this is all bullshit, and a conspiracy? LOL

I've studied it. What's happening right now has to do with pole shifts and perturbation.
I love it when people so proudly put their utter ignorance on display for everyone to see.

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Believing glowarm is caused by our actions is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

Tell a liberal that the biggest problem with them is ignorance and apathy! They will will likely respond with "I don't know and I don't care!"

Morons that have never once looked at the actual data and who think a cold day is proof against climate change should never, ever speak of anyone’s ignorance but their own.

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The real data without a warmer bias...
You’re just boasting your arrogance.

Yes I am. Ignorance offends me.

Hyper-partisanship pisses me off.

The mix of the two is a deadly combination.

So yes, I am arrogant because I know that am better than ignorant partisan hacks.

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Only arrogant control freaks think they can change the climate… You consider yourself one?
Only a totally ignorant fuck could thing that adding more CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere than the amount that made the difference the glacial and interglacial periods would have no effect.
It doesn’t, and you have no proof...
Absorption spectra of CO2 and CH4.
And neither one can get beyond the skin layer of 72% of earths surface.. The chemical phase change prevents it from being absorbed and is carried by water vapor to high above the region it could affect the earth further... No possible absorption due to KNOWN PHYSICS... But you keep posting up this fantasy devoid of facts or science to prove it.
Yes I am. Ignorance offends me.

Hyper-partisanship pisses me off.

The mix of the two is a deadly combination.

So yes, I am arrogant because I know that am better than ignorant partisan hacks.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Only arrogant control freaks think they can change the climate… You consider yourself one?
Only a totally ignorant fuck could thing that adding more CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere than the amount that made the difference the glacial and interglacial periods would have no effect.
It doesn’t, and you have no proof...
Absorption spectra of CO2 and CH4.
And neither one can get beyond the skin layer of 72% of earths surface.. The chemical phase change prevents it from being absorbed and is carried by water vapor to high above the region it could affect the earth further... No possible absorption due to KNOWN PHYSICS... But you keep posting up this fantasy devoid of facts or science to prove it.
Al gore taught him well...
No matter how many times you post that video, it still does not make it true.

Had we not paid heed to the warning in the 70s and let the ozone depletion more than you would have seen massive climate change in a short period of time.

It is arrogant to think we can pump all the shit we want into the air and water and not pay the price.
Man does not have the ability to effect the climate one way or the other, It’s arrogant to think so.

You are a good and faithful little drone. Your party masters must be so proud of you.
Obviously you are too full of yourself to watch this... here it is anyway. Lol

The Great Global Warming Swindle is over. Most realize that people turned it into a political/religious crusade. Obviously climate changes, but there's no need to panic about it. But if you do wanna panic about climate change, panic about 'Global Cooling.' The planet drastically cooling, will kill off many humans. 'Global Warming' isn't a problem in comparison.

Human and plant life have been proven to thrive in warm climates. However, human and plant life don't do well in harsh cold climates. That's when massive die-offs occur. But hey, i choose to not panic about either. I choose instead to enjoy every bit of the time i have left on this earth. I advise folks to do the same. We're only here for a very short time.





Very convincing data that the warming is not all that great.

The planet cools, the planet warms. Been the case for 4.5 Billion years. Modern humans will have to adapt to a changing climate, just as all humans have throughout the history of humanity. That being said, there is no credible evidence supporting the belief humans can't survive warm climates. In fact, the evidence proves the opposite. Human and plant life have been proven to thrive in warm climates. So humanity will survive a warmer climate.

Now if you are inclined to buy into climate change fear mongering, it's a cooling climate i would worry about. Human and plant life don't survive extreme cold climates too well. Extreme cold is a relentless killer. But regardless, i'd rather preserve my freedom & liberty. I don't support panicking and allowing Government to seize more control of our lives. I'll take my chances with the 'Global Warming Boogeyman', rather than with oppressive Big Government. I value my freedom & liberty much more than i fear the 'Global Warming Boogeyman.' That's how i feel anyway.

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