
There is one and only one constant to the climate of earth, that is change.
No kidding? Wow!!!!

So, professor....all the climate scientists who taught you that....have you made them aware that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own life's work? Because I am sure they would enjoy laughing you out of the room.
Fact. the earths climate is always in a state of flux
Wow, another genius! We are truly blessed to have so many savants in our midst.

So, about the climate scientists who taught you that...have you contacted them and made them aware that they are laboring under the ignorance of their very own discoveries?
Pseudocon cackler: "Stupid liberals and their participation trophies....sorry people, some people are just more talented and smarter!"

3 seconds later:

"My opinions are every bit as valid as a climate scientist who devoted his life to this scientific field! How DARE you say I am an uneducated slob whose opinion on this is worthless! Who made YOU the decider of who is better than someone else?!?!?! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!"
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but when you add in the "warming" magically stored in the deep oceans, it actually warmer than average
The issue is not whether or not the climate is changing/adjusting. The issue is that you lefties ignore the facts.
Fact. the earths climate is always in a state of flux.
Fact. "normal" is what is defined by the various climate data collection and study agencies based over defined period of time. Usually 30 years.

The thing that the GOP does not tell you when you get these talking points is that the fact that the climate is always changing is some of the strongest evidence for man affecting it.

Yes, it has always changed and it has always followed a predictable cycle...till now. Something has changed that cycle. And solar energy and volcanic activity has been ruled out.
Bullshit, Are you some type of a control freak or are you just stupid in the head?
Nothing in nature is predictable. Jack weed
Recorded history has not been around long enough to predict anything.

Like I said only Arrogant control freaks think that we have the ability to change the climate. Why don’t you go back to your moms basement and play Nintendo. Shit for brains

People like you that willingly choose to stay ignorant and just parrot talking points do not deserve my pity, but I do feel sorry for you. The information and data is all there at your fingertips but your partisan loyalties will not allow you to see it.

Utterly pathetic.
Al gore is full of shit...

You are correct, Al Gore is full of shit. Al Gore is a con-man that has done more damage than good.

Al Gore being full of shit does not change the actual science and it does not change the data. I once was a skeptic till I was downloaded the data files on climate change and ran them through SPSS. The numbers do not lie.

I personally think we are well beyond the point of doing anything to stop it, what I would like to see happen is for this country to prepare for the coming changes. But we cannot do that because people like Al Gore made it a political issue vice a matter of science.

In the 70's we were told by science that the overuse of chlorofluorocarbons was damaging the ozone layer. And instead of making it a political issue people listened and reacted and the use of chlorofluorocarbons was drastically reduced and the result is that our planet is healing itself.

Sadly this time the science was hijacked by politicians and now every has taken their sides based on their politics instead of actually looking at the science and the data.
It is Arrogant to think that we have An effect one way or another on the climate.
The sun has final say on the climate...

The thing that the GOP does not tell you when you get these talking points is that the fact that the climate is always changing is some of the strongest evidence for man affecting it.

Yes, it has always changed and it has always followed a predictable cycle...till now. Something has changed that cycle. And solar energy and volcanic activity has been ruled out.
Bullshit, Are you some type of a control freak or are you just stupid in the head?
Nothing in nature is predictable. Jack weed
Recorded history has not been around long enough to predict anything.

Like I said only Arrogant control freaks think that we have the ability to change the climate. Why don’t you go back to your moms basement and play Nintendo. Shit for brains

People like you that willingly choose to stay ignorant and just parrot talking points do not deserve my pity, but I do feel sorry for you. The information and data is all there at your fingertips but your partisan loyalties will not allow you to see it.

Utterly pathetic.
Al gore is full of shit...

You are correct, Al Gore is full of shit. Al Gore is a con-man that has done more damage than good.

Al Gore being full of shit does not change the actual science and it does not change the data. I once was a skeptic till I was downloaded the data files on climate change and ran them through SPSS. The numbers do not lie.

I personally think we are well beyond the point of doing anything to stop it, what I would like to see happen is for this country to prepare for the coming changes. But we cannot do that because people like Al Gore made it a political issue vice a matter of science.

In the 70's we were told by science that the overuse of chlorofluorocarbons was damaging the ozone layer. And instead of making it a political issue people listened and reacted and the use of chlorofluorocarbons was drastically reduced and the result is that our planet is healing itself.

Sadly this time the science was hijacked by politicians and now every has taken their sides based on their politics instead of actually looking at the science and the data.
It is Arrogant to think that we have An effect one way or another on the climate.
The sun has final say on the climate...

No matter how many times you post that video, it still does not make it true.

Had we not paid heed to the warning in the 70s and let the ozone depletion more than you would have seen massive climate change in a short period of time.

It is arrogant to think we can pump all the shit we want into the air and water and not pay the price.
Bullshit, Are you some type of a control freak or are you just stupid in the head?
Nothing in nature is predictable. Jack weed
Recorded history has not been around long enough to predict anything.

Like I said only Arrogant control freaks think that we have the ability to change the climate. Why don’t you go back to your moms basement and play Nintendo. Shit for brains

People like you that willingly choose to stay ignorant and just parrot talking points do not deserve my pity, but I do feel sorry for you. The information and data is all there at your fingertips but your partisan loyalties will not allow you to see it.

Utterly pathetic.
Al gore is full of shit...

You are correct, Al Gore is full of shit. Al Gore is a con-man that has done more damage than good.

Al Gore being full of shit does not change the actual science and it does not change the data. I once was a skeptic till I was downloaded the data files on climate change and ran them through SPSS. The numbers do not lie.

I personally think we are well beyond the point of doing anything to stop it, what I would like to see happen is for this country to prepare for the coming changes. But we cannot do that because people like Al Gore made it a political issue vice a matter of science.

In the 70's we were told by science that the overuse of chlorofluorocarbons was damaging the ozone layer. And instead of making it a political issue people listened and reacted and the use of chlorofluorocarbons was drastically reduced and the result is that our planet is healing itself.

Sadly this time the science was hijacked by politicians and now every has taken their sides based on their politics instead of actually looking at the science and the data.
It is Arrogant to think that we have An effect one way or another on the climate.
The sun has final say on the climate...

No matter how many times you post that video, it still does not make it true.

Had we not paid heed to the warning in the 70s and let the ozone depletion more than you would have seen massive climate change in a short period of time.

It is arrogant to think we can pump all the shit we want into the air and water and not pay the price.

Man does not have the ability to effect the climate one way or the other, It’s arrogant to think so.
You progressive control freaks go right ahead and Believe in your fairytale of man-made climate change, just leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation in the believe of it.
There is one and only one constant to the climate of earth, that is change.
No kidding? Wow!!!!

So, professor....all the climate scientists who taught you that....have you made them aware that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own life's work? Because I am sure they would enjoy laughing you out of the room.

The retards who spewed idiocy about the AGW religion in my masters program aren't worth the effort of pissing on if they were on fire. Bunch of fucking morons who can't figure out it isn't 1300 any more.

AGW has GOT to be the dumbest religion in human history.
People like you that willingly choose to stay ignorant and just parrot talking points do not deserve my pity, but I do feel sorry for you. The information and data is all there at your fingertips but your partisan loyalties will not allow you to see it.

Utterly pathetic.
Al gore is full of shit...

You are correct, Al Gore is full of shit. Al Gore is a con-man that has done more damage than good.

Al Gore being full of shit does not change the actual science and it does not change the data. I once was a skeptic till I was downloaded the data files on climate change and ran them through SPSS. The numbers do not lie.

I personally think we are well beyond the point of doing anything to stop it, what I would like to see happen is for this country to prepare for the coming changes. But we cannot do that because people like Al Gore made it a political issue vice a matter of science.

In the 70's we were told by science that the overuse of chlorofluorocarbons was damaging the ozone layer. And instead of making it a political issue people listened and reacted and the use of chlorofluorocarbons was drastically reduced and the result is that our planet is healing itself.

Sadly this time the science was hijacked by politicians and now every has taken their sides based on their politics instead of actually looking at the science and the data.
It is Arrogant to think that we have An effect one way or another on the climate.
The sun has final say on the climate...

No matter how many times you post that video, it still does not make it true.

Had we not paid heed to the warning in the 70s and let the ozone depletion more than you would have seen massive climate change in a short period of time.

It is arrogant to think we can pump all the shit we want into the air and water and not pay the price.

Man does not have the ability to effect the climate one way or the other, It’s arrogant to think so.

You are a good and faithful little drone. Your party masters must be so proud of you.
There is one and only one constant to the climate of earth, that is change.
No kidding? Wow!!!!

So, professor....all the climate scientists who taught you that....have you made them aware that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own life's work? Because I am sure they would enjoy laughing you out of the room.

The retards who spewed idiocy about the AGW religion in my masters program aren't worth the effort of pissing on if they were on fire. Bunch of fucking morons who can't figure out it isn't 1300 any more.

AGW has GOT to be the dumbest religion in human history.

I hope you did not pay much for all those letters after your name if you are stupid enough to think that AGW is a religion. What is your degree in, paranormal investigations?
Time to let the 'Great Global Warming Swindle' pass quietly into history. The planet cools, the planet warms. Deal with it folks. It's completely unnecessary to panic, and allow Government to seize more control of our lives. As a species, we'll either adapt to a changing climate, or we won't. It is what it is.
Al gore is full of shit...

You are correct, Al Gore is full of shit. Al Gore is a con-man that has done more damage than good.

Al Gore being full of shit does not change the actual science and it does not change the data. I once was a skeptic till I was downloaded the data files on climate change and ran them through SPSS. The numbers do not lie.

I personally think we are well beyond the point of doing anything to stop it, what I would like to see happen is for this country to prepare for the coming changes. But we cannot do that because people like Al Gore made it a political issue vice a matter of science.

In the 70's we were told by science that the overuse of chlorofluorocarbons was damaging the ozone layer. And instead of making it a political issue people listened and reacted and the use of chlorofluorocarbons was drastically reduced and the result is that our planet is healing itself.

Sadly this time the science was hijacked by politicians and now every has taken their sides based on their politics instead of actually looking at the science and the data.
It is Arrogant to think that we have An effect one way or another on the climate.
The sun has final say on the climate...

No matter how many times you post that video, it still does not make it true.

Had we not paid heed to the warning in the 70s and let the ozone depletion more than you would have seen massive climate change in a short period of time.

It is arrogant to think we can pump all the shit we want into the air and water and not pay the price.

Man does not have the ability to effect the climate one way or the other, It’s arrogant to think so.

You are a good and faithful little drone. Your party masters must be so proud of you.

Obviously you are too full of yourself to watch this... here it is anyway. Lol
You are correct, Al Gore is full of shit. Al Gore is a con-man that has done more damage than good.

Al Gore being full of shit does not change the actual science and it does not change the data. I once was a skeptic till I was downloaded the data files on climate change and ran them through SPSS. The numbers do not lie.

I personally think we are well beyond the point of doing anything to stop it, what I would like to see happen is for this country to prepare for the coming changes. But we cannot do that because people like Al Gore made it a political issue vice a matter of science.

In the 70's we were told by science that the overuse of chlorofluorocarbons was damaging the ozone layer. And instead of making it a political issue people listened and reacted and the use of chlorofluorocarbons was drastically reduced and the result is that our planet is healing itself.

Sadly this time the science was hijacked by politicians and now every has taken their sides based on their politics instead of actually looking at the science and the data.
It is Arrogant to think that we have An effect one way or another on the climate.
The sun has final say on the climate...

No matter how many times you post that video, it still does not make it true.

Had we not paid heed to the warning in the 70s and let the ozone depletion more than you would have seen massive climate change in a short period of time.

It is arrogant to think we can pump all the shit we want into the air and water and not pay the price.

Man does not have the ability to effect the climate one way or the other, It’s arrogant to think so.

You are a good and faithful little drone. Your party masters must be so proud of you.

Obviously you are too full of yourself to watch this... here it is anyway. Lol

The Great Global Warming Swindle is over. Most realize that people turned it into a political/religious crusade. Obviously climate changes, but there's no need to panic about it. But if you do wanna panic about climate change, panic about 'Global Cooling.' The planet drastically cooling, will kill off many humans. 'Global Warming' isn't a problem in comparison.

Human and plant life have been proven to thrive in warm climates. However, human and plant life don't do well in harsh cold climates. That's when massive die-offs occur. But hey, i choose to not panic about either. I choose instead to enjoy every bit of the time i have left on this earth. I advise folks to do the same. We're only here for a very short time.
It is Arrogant to think that we have An effect one way or another on the climate.
The sun has final say on the climate...

No matter how many times you post that video, it still does not make it true.

Had we not paid heed to the warning in the 70s and let the ozone depletion more than you would have seen massive climate change in a short period of time.

It is arrogant to think we can pump all the shit we want into the air and water and not pay the price.

Man does not have the ability to effect the climate one way or the other, It’s arrogant to think so.

You are a good and faithful little drone. Your party masters must be so proud of you.

Obviously you are too full of yourself to watch this... here it is anyway. Lol

The Great Global Warming Swindle is over. Most realize that people turned it into a political/religious crusade. Obviously climate changes, but there's no need to panic about it. But if you do wanna panic about climate change, panic about 'Global Cooling.' The planet drastically cooling, will kill off many humans. 'Global Warming' isn't a problem in comparison.

Human and plant life have been proven to thrive in warm climates. However, human and plant life don't do well in harsh cold climates. That's when massive die-offs occur. But hey, i choose to not panic about either. I choose instead to enjoy every bit of the time i have left on this earth. I advise folks to do the same. We're only here for a very short time.

Just like Obamacare/single payer, universal background checks climate change is all about control, never about the good of the country...
No matter how many times you post that video, it still does not make it true.

Had we not paid heed to the warning in the 70s and let the ozone depletion more than you would have seen massive climate change in a short period of time.

It is arrogant to think we can pump all the shit we want into the air and water and not pay the price.
Man does not have the ability to effect the climate one way or the other, It’s arrogant to think so.

You are a good and faithful little drone. Your party masters must be so proud of you.
Obviously you are too full of yourself to watch this... here it is anyway. Lol

The Great Global Warming Swindle is over. Most realize that people turned it into a political/religious crusade. Obviously climate changes, but there's no need to panic about it. But if you do wanna panic about climate change, panic about 'Global Cooling.' The planet drastically cooling, will kill off many humans. 'Global Warming' isn't a problem in comparison.

Human and plant life have been proven to thrive in warm climates. However, human and plant life don't do well in harsh cold climates. That's when massive die-offs occur. But hey, i choose to not panic about either. I choose instead to enjoy every bit of the time i have left on this earth. I advise folks to do the same. We're only here for a very short time.

Just like Obamacare/single payer, universal background checks climate change is all about control, never about the good of the country...

Yup, all you have to do is look at who's behind the Global Warming Swindle. All are NWO Globalist Authoritarians. It's another tool they're using to seize absolute control of Citizens' lives.

But i think more & more folks are realizing what's going on. Less & less are buying into the Global Warming fear mongering. They see that it's become a dogmatic cult at this point. It's all about the control. I really do think the Global Warming zealots' days are numbered. Folks are catching on to the scam.
I love it when people so proudly put their utter ignorance on display for everyone to see.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Believing glowarm is caused by our actions is the height of arrogance and ignorance.
All the Scientific Societies in the world, all the National Academies of Sciences, and all the major Universities have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. So we are supposed to believe a few right wing ignoramuses that never took a high school science class that this is all bullshit, and a conspiracy? LOL


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