
I love it when people so proudly put their utter ignorance on display for everyone to see.

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Believing glowarm is caused by our actions is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

You are ignorant. We already know that man can effect the local environment (smog for example), do you think it’s so outrageous that we can effect on a global scale ?

I understand that you are too stupid to understand the difference between weather and climate, fortunately, not all people are as stupid as you....
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
You have certainly explained your modus operandi and labled it some one eles.
Thanks Goebbels.
Thanks Goebbels.
He says in a topic inspired by a tweet from the Emperor, who in turn was probably inspired by the Faux News Channel that he binge watches.
Repeatedly told you liars I don't watch fox. I do watch you and sorry scum like you enough to know my "regressive ROE" is spot on.
I understand that you are too stupid to understand the difference between weather and climate, fortunately, not all people are as stupid as you....
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
And all those talking points fail to shield your ignorance...now what???
I love it when people so proudly put their utter ignorance on display for everyone to see.

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Believing glowarm is caused by our actions is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

Actually thinking we can pump as much shit into our air and water without any negative consequences is the ultimate in arrogance and ignorance as well as showing a complete lack of care for those who will come after us

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You’re just boasting your arrogance.

Yes I am. Ignorance offends me.

Hyper-partisanship pisses me off.

The mix of the two is a deadly combination.

So yes, I am arrogant because I know that am better than ignorant partisan hacks.

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Your pride will get you when you think you're better than others.

I do not think I am, I know I am.
I understand that you are too stupid to understand the difference between weather and climate, fortunately, not all people are as stupid as you....
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
And all those talking points fail to shield your ignorance...now what???
Now you post some more lies.
I understand that you are too stupid to understand the difference between weather and climate, fortunately, not all people are as stupid as you....
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
And all those talking points fail to shield your ignorance...now what???
Now you post some more lies.
You have posted enough including Global Warming denial, I can't imagine a bigger lie that that...
I understand that you are too stupid to understand the difference between weather and climate, fortunately, not all people are as stupid as you....
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia
And all those talking points fail to shield your ignorance...now what???
Now you post some more lies.
You have posted enough including Global Warming denial, I can't imagine a bigger lie that that...

I love it when people so proudly put their utter ignorance on display for everyone to see.

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Believing glowarm is caused by our actions is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

Actually thinking we can pump as much shit into our air and water without any negative consequences is the ultimate in arrogance and ignorance as well as showing a complete lack of care for those who will come after us

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You’re just boasting your arrogance.

Yes I am. Ignorance offends me.

Hyper-partisanship pisses me off.

The mix of the two is a deadly combination.

So yes, I am arrogant because I know that am better than ignorant partisan hacks.

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Yet you are by FAR the most ignorant fool on this thread. Another cultist who thinks their moronic religion IZ SYANCE.

There is one and only one constant to the climate of earth, that is change.

Yet another moron who gets all their knowledge from far right wing sources.

Have you ever read a single scientific paper on the subject?

Have you bothered to download the data sets that are free and available to everyone that wants them and then run them through an analysis program to see what the data actually shows?

You can get more than a million points of data from tempagures, to CO2 levels to volcanic activity to solar activity and you can run it through a program like SPSS or R and do multivariate analysis and see which of those has the most impact. Have you ever done that are you just one more ignorant fool that relies on FoxNews for their science?
The issue is not whether or not the climate is changing/adjusting. The issue is that you lefties ignore the facts.
Fact. the earths climate is always in a state of flux.
Fact. "normal" is what is defined by the various climate data collection and study agencies based over defined period of time. Usually 30 years.

The thing that the GOP does not tell you when you get these talking points is that the fact that the climate is always changing is some of the strongest evidence for man affecting it.

Yes, it has always changed and it has always followed a predictable cycle...till now. Something has changed that cycle. And solar energy and volcanic activity has been ruled out.
Believing glowarm is caused by our actions is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

Actually thinking we can pump as much shit into our air and water without any negative consequences is the ultimate in arrogance and ignorance as well as showing a complete lack of care for those who will come after us

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You’re just boasting your arrogance.

Yes I am. Ignorance offends me.

Hyper-partisanship pisses me off.

The mix of the two is a deadly combination.

So yes, I am arrogant because I know that am better than ignorant partisan hacks.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yet you are by FAR the most ignorant fool on this thread. Another cultist who thinks their moronic religion IZ SYANCE.

There is one and only one constant to the climate of earth, that is change.

Yet another moron who gets all their knowledge from far right wing sources.

Have you ever read a single scientific paper on the subject?

Have you bothered to download the data sets that are free and available to everyone that wants them and then run them through an analysis program to see what the data actually shows?

You can get more than a million points of data from tempagures, to CO2 levels to volcanic activity to solar activity and you can run it through a program like SPSS or R and do multivariate analysis and see which of those has the most impact. Have you ever done that are you just one more ignorant fool that relies on FoxNews for their science?
Aha! Another fake fox regressive attack point! Fox, the liberals demon! They chant fox fox fox. Then they lie lie lie!
I love it when people so proudly put their utter ignorance on display for everyone to see.

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Believing glowarm is caused by our actions is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

You are ignorant. We already know that man can effect the local environment (smog for example), do you think it’s so outrageous that we can effect on a global scale ?

I've studied geological cycles and climate change for 20 years. Our effect on the climate is a pinprick. The planet is currently on an extended wobble, know as perturbation, which affects the poles and climates.

Yet another moron who gets all their knowledge from far right wing sources.

You calling others "moron" is a bit beyond the pale, cult boi.

Have you ever read a single scientific paper on the subject?


Have you, cult boi?

Have you bothered to download the data sets that are free and available to everyone that wants them and then run them through an analysis program to see what the data actually shows?

You can get more than a million points of data from tempagures, to CO2 levels to volcanic activity to solar activity and you can run it through a program like SPSS or R and do multivariate analysis and see which of those has the most impact. Have you ever done that are you just one more ignorant fool that relies on FoxNews for their science?

Cult boi, this is the politics section; if you want to get your ignorant ass kicked slither down to the global warming section of the board.

I guarantee that I have far more letters after my name than you do after yours.

Yet another moron who gets all their knowledge from far right wing sources.

You calling others "moron" is a bit beyond the pale, cult boi.

Have you ever read a single scientific paper on the subject?


Have you, cult boi?

Have you bothered to download the data sets that are free and available to everyone that wants them and then run them through an analysis program to see what the data actually shows?

You can get more than a million points of data from tempagures, to CO2 levels to volcanic activity to solar activity and you can run it through a program like SPSS or R and do multivariate analysis and see which of those has the most impact. Have you ever done that are you just one more ignorant fool that relies on FoxNews for their science?

Cult boi, this is the politics section; if you want to get your ignorant ass kicked slither down to the global warming section of the board.

I guarantee that I have far more letters after my name than you do after yours.

All those letters and you are still a fucking ignorant partisan hack.

Yet another moron who gets all their knowledge from far right wing sources.

You calling others "moron" is a bit beyond the pale, cult boi.

Have you ever read a single scientific paper on the subject?


Have you, cult boi?

Have you bothered to download the data sets that are free and available to everyone that wants them and then run them through an analysis program to see what the data actually shows?

You can get more than a million points of data from tempagures, to CO2 levels to volcanic activity to solar activity and you can run it through a program like SPSS or R and do multivariate analysis and see which of those has the most impact. Have you ever done that are you just one more ignorant fool that relies on FoxNews for their science?

Cult boi, this is the politics section; if you want to get your ignorant ass kicked slither down to the global warming section of the board.

I guarantee that I have far more letters after my name than you do after yours.

All those letters and you are still a fucking ignorant partisan hack.


Failure to blindly follow the absurd cult you do is "ignorant," sploogy?
The issue is not whether or not the climate is changing/adjusting. The issue is that you lefties ignore the facts.
Fact. the earths climate is always in a state of flux.
Fact. "normal" is what is defined by the various climate data collection and study agencies based over defined period of time. Usually 30 years.

The thing that the GOP does not tell you when you get these talking points is that the fact that the climate is always changing is some of the strongest evidence for man affecting it.

Yes, it has always changed and it has always followed a predictable cycle...till now. Something has changed that cycle. And solar energy and volcanic activity has been ruled out.
Bullshit, Are you some type of a control freak or are you just stupid in the head?
Nothing in nature is predictable. Jack weed
Recorded history has not been around long enough to predict anything.

Like I said only Arrogant control freaks think that we have the ability to change the climate. Why don’t you go back to your moms basement and play Nintendo. Shit for brains
The issue is not whether or not the climate is changing/adjusting. The issue is that you lefties ignore the facts.
Fact. the earths climate is always in a state of flux.
Fact. "normal" is what is defined by the various climate data collection and study agencies based over defined period of time. Usually 30 years.

The thing that the GOP does not tell you when you get these talking points is that the fact that the climate is always changing is some of the strongest evidence for man affecting it.

Yes, it has always changed and it has always followed a predictable cycle...till now. Something has changed that cycle. And solar energy and volcanic activity has been ruled out.
Bullshit, Are you some type of a control freak or are you just stupid in the head?
Nothing in nature is predictable. Jack weed
Recorded history has not been around long enough to predict anything.

Like I said only Arrogant control freaks think that we have the ability to change the climate. Why don’t you go back to your moms basement and play Nintendo. Shit for brains

People like you that willingly choose to stay ignorant and just parrot talking points do not deserve my pity, but I do feel sorry for you. The information and data is all there at your fingertips but your partisan loyalties will not allow you to see it.

Utterly pathetic.
The issue is not whether or not the climate is changing/adjusting. The issue is that you lefties ignore the facts.
Fact. the earths climate is always in a state of flux.
Fact. "normal" is what is defined by the various climate data collection and study agencies based over defined period of time. Usually 30 years.

The thing that the GOP does not tell you when you get these talking points is that the fact that the climate is always changing is some of the strongest evidence for man affecting it.

Yes, it has always changed and it has always followed a predictable cycle...till now. Something has changed that cycle. And solar energy and volcanic activity has been ruled out.
Bullshit, Are you some type of a control freak or are you just stupid in the head?
Nothing in nature is predictable. Jack weed
Recorded history has not been around long enough to predict anything.

Like I said only Arrogant control freaks think that we have the ability to change the climate. Why don’t you go back to your moms basement and play Nintendo. Shit for brains

People like you that willingly choose to stay ignorant and just parrot talking points do not deserve my pity, but I do feel sorry for you. The information and data is all there at your fingertips but your partisan loyalties will not allow you to see it.

Utterly pathetic.
Al gore is full of shit...
The issue is not whether or not the climate is changing/adjusting. The issue is that you lefties ignore the facts.
Fact. the earths climate is always in a state of flux.
Fact. "normal" is what is defined by the various climate data collection and study agencies based over defined period of time. Usually 30 years.

The thing that the GOP does not tell you when you get these talking points is that the fact that the climate is always changing is some of the strongest evidence for man affecting it.

Yes, it has always changed and it has always followed a predictable cycle...till now. Something has changed that cycle. And solar energy and volcanic activity has been ruled out.
Bullshit, Are you some type of a control freak or are you just stupid in the head?
Nothing in nature is predictable. Jack weed
Recorded history has not been around long enough to predict anything.

Like I said only Arrogant control freaks think that we have the ability to change the climate. Why don’t you go back to your moms basement and play Nintendo. Shit for brains

People like you that willingly choose to stay ignorant and just parrot talking points do not deserve my pity, but I do feel sorry for you. The information and data is all there at your fingertips but your partisan loyalties will not allow you to see it.

Utterly pathetic.
Al gore is full of shit...

You are correct, Al Gore is full of shit. Al Gore is a con-man that has done more damage than good.

Al Gore being full of shit does not change the actual science and it does not change the data. I once was a skeptic till I was downloaded the data files on climate change and ran them through SPSS. The numbers do not lie.

I personally think we are well beyond the point of doing anything to stop it, what I would like to see happen is for this country to prepare for the coming changes. But we cannot do that because people like Al Gore made it a political issue vice a matter of science.

In the 70's we were told by science that the overuse of chlorofluorocarbons was damaging the ozone layer. And instead of making it a political issue people listened and reacted and the use of chlorofluorocarbons was drastically reduced and the result is that our planet is healing itself.

Sadly this time the science was hijacked by politicians and now every has taken their sides based on their politics instead of actually looking at the science and the data.

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