Warning to Trump

What do you mean by a liar?

Do you expect him to keep all of his promises?

The important ones, such as immigration.

Look, I have no right to expect anything, I didn't vote for him. I am simply saying that if he does NOT keep the vital promises, the GOP is done. The dims will take congress in 2018. He will not be reelected in 2020, and we may never see another GOP president.

He gets one shot at this, don't fuck it up, don't be a Republican.

What are his vital promises?

And to what extent?

For example, what if he doesn't build a wall but instead builds a fence but doesn't deport anyone?

And what if he doesn't slap a 45% tariff on China and a 35% tariff on Mexico, like he said he would during the election?
OP remember it took decades to corrupt that cesspool in DC I doubt Trump can drain that swamp in a single term. It may take several terms over a few presidents to clean up that mess. Adjust your expectations to that of forward progress on this problem.

is he draining it ? he is pretty close to all the swamp critters.

Negative Nellies form a line to the left.:blahblah:
The reason Trump will succeed is that he understands the concept of BRAND. You build your BRAND with consistency, integrity and delivering what you promise. You don't start with $40 million and build it into a 4 billion dollar Real Estate Empire without doing things right. Will he fail along the way? Of course. That is what winners do. They fail, they learn and ultimately succeed. You are already seeing how hard he works at keeping his promises. He is building his Presidential BRAND.
What do you mean by a liar?

Do you expect him to keep all of his promises?

The important ones, such as immigration.

Look, I have no right to expect anything, I didn't vote for him. I am simply saying that if he does NOT keep the vital promises, the GOP is done. The dims will take congress in 2018. He will not be reelected in 2020, and we may never see another GOP president.

He gets one shot at this, don't fuck it up, don't be a Republican.

What are his vital promises?

And to what extent?

For example, what if he doesn't build a wall but instead builds a fence but doesn't deport anyone?

And what if he doesn't slap a 45% tariff on China and a 35% tariff on Mexico, like he said he would during the election?

What do you think the end goal is?
The reason Trump will succeed is that he understands the concept of BRAND. You build your BRAND with consistency, integrity and delivering what you promise. You don't start with $40 million and build it into a 4 billion dollar Real Estate Empire without doing things right. Will he fail along the way? Of course. That is what winners do. They fail, they learn and ultimately succeed. You are already seeing how hard he works at keeping his promises. He is building his Presidential BRAND.
OP remember it took decades to corrupt that cesspool in DC I doubt Trump can drain that swamp in a single term. It may take several terms over a few presidents to clean up that mess. Adjust your expectations to that of forward progress on this problem.

Honestly, that is not my primary concern. I am more concerned that he will capitulate on illegal immigration and the admission of Muslims from terrorist states.

That would end his presidency before it gets started.

Hence my warning.

I have an uneasy feeling about the words coming from his team.
OP remember it took decades to corrupt that cesspool in DC I doubt Trump can drain that swamp in a single term. It may take several terms over a few presidents to clean up that mess. Adjust your expectations to that of forward progress on this problem.

Honestly, that is not my primary concern. I am more concerned that he will capitulate on illegal immigration and the admission of Muslims from terrorist states.

That would end his presidency before it gets started.

Hence my warning.

I have an uneasy feeling about the words coming from his team.
warn him on twitter.
What do you mean by a liar?

Do you expect him to keep all of his promises?

The important ones, such as immigration.

Look, I have no right to expect anything, I didn't vote for him. I am simply saying that if he does NOT keep the vital promises, the GOP is done. The dims will take congress in 2018. He will not be reelected in 2020, and we may never see another GOP president.

He gets one shot at this, don't fuck it up, don't be a Republican.

What are his vital promises?

And to what extent?

For example, what if he doesn't build a wall but instead builds a fence but doesn't deport anyone?

And what if he doesn't slap a 45% tariff on China and a 35% tariff on Mexico, like he said he would during the election?

Immigration and Obamacare are the vital ones, IMO. I've explained my reasoning several times in this thread.
What do you mean by a liar?

Do you expect him to keep all of his promises?

The important ones, such as immigration.

Look, I have no right to expect anything, I didn't vote for him. I am simply saying that if he does NOT keep the vital promises, the GOP is done. The dims will take congress in 2018. He will not be reelected in 2020, and we may never see another GOP president.

He gets one shot at this, don't fuck it up, don't be a Republican.

You're starting to sound like Truthmatters now.

Doom on you - YouTube
OP remember it took decades to corrupt that cesspool in DC I doubt Trump can drain that swamp in a single term. It may take several terms over a few presidents to clean up that mess. Adjust your expectations to that of forward progress on this problem.

Honestly, that is not my primary concern. I am more concerned that he will capitulate on illegal immigration and the admission of Muslims from terrorist states.

That would end his presidency before it gets started.

Hence my warning.

I have an uneasy feeling about the words coming from his team.
warn him on twitter.

Why would he listen to me?

Although I have a Ph.D. in SPCM, so if I DID get his attention he might offer me a lucrative position in one of his companies....

Trump just said that Pakistan, it's people and it's leader are "fantastic".

Do you think fantastic people should be allowed to immigrate to the US?
What do you mean by a liar?

Do you expect him to keep all of his promises?

The important ones, such as immigration.

Look, I have no right to expect anything, I didn't vote for him. I am simply saying that if he does NOT keep the vital promises, the GOP is done. The dims will take congress in 2018. He will not be reelected in 2020, and we may never see another GOP president.

He gets one shot at this, don't fuck it up, don't be a Republican.

You're starting to sound like Truthmatters now.

Doom on you - YouTube

Yer kidding me?

I wool nver phere ewe.. :D
I must begin this by acknowledging that I did not vote for Donald Trump, nor did I support him during the campaign.

However, I have steadfastly said for the last year that Donal Trump would be president. Feel free to check the body of my posts here to confirm this. For the first time during my tenure on the board, I actually BET that Trump would win. So what made me so certain Trump would win? Simple, America is fed up with the liars,

John McCain is a liar. McCain is a long time advocate of open borders, to the point that the TEA party began to protest the scheme of Dubya and McCain to provide amnesty to illegals. (I have pictures from 2006 to prove this,) When McCain ran for president in 2008, he said that he was an advocate of strong and secure borders. Anyone with and IQ greater than Bodecea knew full well that he was lying. He was pissing in the face of the America voters and telling them it was raining.

Mitt Romney is a liar. Romney is a left of center RINO who has promoted open borders his entire career. In 2012 he ran for president; he claimed he would secure the borders and enforce American law. Romney was shitting on the head of the American voter and telling them he was giving them a hat. Anyone with an IQ greater than rdean KNEW that Romney way blatantly lying.

This defines the Republicans, they lie every time. America is tired of having Republicans tell them that they will do the honorable and right thing, just to renege each and every time they are elected, usually before they even take office. The GOP's logic is that the democrats will destroy the nation so we better vote for them. True enough that the democrats are dedicated to putting an end to the Constitutional Republic, but the Republicans are no help in stopping the fiends.

But Trump was different, from the first time he called Rosie O'Donnell a fat traitor, THEN DIDN'T BACK DOWN when the MSM hit squad went after him, America got the sense that Trump actually had convictions, that he would NOT lie about securing the border and supporting America,

Here is my warning to Trump, DON'T betray America, don't pull a Mitt or McCain and show yourself a liar who said what was needed to get elected only to do an about face once in office. IF Trump turns out to be another Republican liar, then the fury of hell will be upon him and the GOP.

Yes, if Trump does stands firm, the Hollywood Elite, the dominant fake news outlets, and pop culture will declare even further war on him. We know how vicious the left and the dominant media is, these are demagogues who have no principle and will tell any lie, using billion dollar Hollywood budgets to sell their lies (Miss Sloan pile of shit, for instance).

Donald Trump CAN be the man America needs, but he MUST resist the urge to be a liar to be that man. Does he have the right stuff? We shall see, but he is not off to a promising start.

Trump is the lyingest liar. No need to wait and see. We already know.

Your mind is made up before the facts are in. Got it.

Lone Fluffer, Crixus, and Guno5000 are simply trolls, They have one goals, to derail a thread that is politically inconvenient,

Expect nothing approaching reason from them, you will not get it.

again, you are an ignorant turd who gets informed off facebook and twitter. will be intresting to see yalls lamentations when amnesty happens, bammer care is still in place, wall aint built and we get another john roberts on the supreme court.

If you lefties really believed that, you wouldn't be so crazy with rage and despair.

not really. I voted for trump cynically assuming this is what he would do and he did it. Giuliani, Huckaboo, Mittens, Perry Crispy cream, all are in favor of sanctuary cities. Then you have Trumps relationship with McConnell thats just weird, then you got trump backing off bammer care. Cant wait to see his revamped pics for the supreme court. One term president at best. Republicans will jam him up and then it will be cool to watch how fast you trumpkins flip flop on your support of the donald.
OP remember it took decades to corrupt that cesspool in DC I doubt Trump can drain that swamp in a single term. It may take several terms over a few presidents to clean up that mess. Adjust your expectations to that of forward progress on this problem.

Honestly, that is not my primary concern. I am more concerned that he will capitulate on illegal immigration and the admission of Muslims from terrorist states.

That would end his presidency before it gets started.

Hence my warning.

I have an uneasy feeling about the words coming from his team.
warn him on twitter.

Why would he listen to me?

Although I have a Ph.D. in SPCM, so if I DID get his attention he might offer me a lucrative position in one of his companies....


Who wouldn't? You are clearly a very intelligent person.
Trump is the lyingest liar. No need to wait and see. We already know.

Your mind is made up before the facts are in. Got it.

Lone Fluffer, Crixus, and Guno5000 are simply trolls, They have one goals, to derail a thread that is politically inconvenient,

Expect nothing approaching reason from them, you will not get it.

again, you are an ignorant turd who gets informed off facebook and twitter. will be intresting to see yalls lamentations when amnesty happens, bammer care is still in place, wall aint built and we get another john roberts on the supreme court.

If you lefties really believed that, you wouldn't be so crazy with rage and despair.

not really. I voted for trump cynically assuming this is what he would do and he did it. Giuliani, Huckaboo, Mittens, Perry Crispy cream, all are in favor of sanctuary cities. Then you have Trumps relationship with McConnell thats just weird, then you got trump backing off bammer care. Cant wait to see his revamped pics for the supreme court. One term president at best. Republicans will jam him up and then it will be cool to watch how fast you trumpkins flip flop on your support of the donald.


If so, what do you think happens next?

If not, what do you think happens next?
OP remember it took decades to corrupt that cesspool in DC I doubt Trump can drain that swamp in a single term. It may take several terms over a few presidents to clean up that mess. Adjust your expectations to that of forward progress on this problem.

Honestly, that is not my primary concern. I am more concerned that he will capitulate on illegal immigration and the admission of Muslims from terrorist states.

That would end his presidency before it gets started.

Hence my warning.

I have an uneasy feeling about the words coming from his team.
warn him on twitter.

Why would he listen to me?

Although I have a Ph.D. in SPCM, so if I DID get his attention he might offer me a lucrative position in one of his companies....


Oh nice... did you take a specialized course in how to lie? He might need someone to teach him how to be better at that.
Your mind is made up before the facts are in. Got it.

Lone Fluffer, Crixus, and Guno5000 are simply trolls, They have one goals, to derail a thread that is politically inconvenient,

Expect nothing approaching reason from them, you will not get it.

again, you are an ignorant turd who gets informed off facebook and twitter. will be intresting to see yalls lamentations when amnesty happens, bammer care is still in place, wall aint built and we get another john roberts on the supreme court.

If you lefties really believed that, you wouldn't be so crazy with rage and despair.

not really. I voted for trump cynically assuming this is what he would do and he did it. Giuliani, Huckaboo, Mittens, Perry Crispy cream, all are in favor of sanctuary cities. Then you have Trumps relationship with McConnell thats just weird, then you got trump backing off bammer care. Cant wait to see his revamped pics for the supreme court. One term president at best. Republicans will jam him up and then it will be cool to watch how fast you trumpkins flip flop on your support of the donald.


If so, what do you think happens next?

If not, what do you think happens next?

if so, business as usual. If not i will be shocked and wrong, ya?
OP remember it took decades to corrupt that cesspool in DC I doubt Trump can drain that swamp in a single term. It may take several terms over a few presidents to clean up that mess. Adjust your expectations to that of forward progress on this problem.

Honestly, that is not my primary concern. I am more concerned that he will capitulate on illegal immigration and the admission of Muslims from terrorist states.

That would end his presidency before it gets started.

Hence my warning.

I have an uneasy feeling about the words coming from his team.
warn him on twitter.

Why would he listen to me?

Although I have a Ph.D. in SPCM, so if I DID get his attention he might offer me a lucrative position in one of his companies....

do not tell him about your phd, anyone can get one of those. most probably from one of those librul indoctrination institutions like wharton, fordham, or hahvahd. present your warning as coming from a common man, a plain man, a guy who does not get paid for honest work by a bullying rich asshole.

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