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Warren and the Divine Right of Capital: Accountable Capitalism Act

"Section 5(b)(2) requires US corporations to have the purpose of 'creating a general public benefit', while section 5(c) requires that directors have a duty to consider the interests of shareholders, employees (including of subsidiaries and suppliers), customers, the community, environment, and the long-term."

The United States is in a minority of countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development that gives no representation of the workforce in corporate governance.[2]

The theory/practical gap has already been witnessed George

They always find a way to pit one worker ant against another

The theory/practical gap has already been witnessed George

They always find a way to pit one worker ant against another
I think that's true for an economy that depends on private for-profit capitalists to supply a majority of jobs, but what about New Deal jobs? FDR created about ten million jobs when the US workforce totaled about 50 million workers. If we apply the same ratio to today's workforce of 160 million, a unionized Green New Deal could lay the foundation for an economy where a majority of workers decides what, where, and when production will occur.

If we apply the same ratio to today's workforce of 160 million, a unionized Green New Deal

We already have enough unionized government employees leeching off the taxpayer.
We don't need millions more wasting our tax dollars to build more expensive, less reliable "green energy" idiocy.
Georgephillip, and you other far left Socialists, between Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos they have acquired roughly a quarter of a TRILLION DOLLARS in my lifetime. Specifically how much has their earnings taken from your income and net worth?
Not a penny more than I lost in this crime ...
[propaganda_omitted] ...

Accumulating wealth isn't a crime. I understand that you want to make it a crime, but it isn't in a free society.
It's not about you.
Interesting discussion of that phrase. It can possibly be interpreted as supportive, damning, or anything in between. Context is necessary, but I'd venture it generally means "you are not the intended focus nor have "you" been asked to represent those who are.
of that phrase. It can possibly be interpreted as supportive, damning, or anything in between. Context is necessary, but I'd venture it generally means "you are not the intended focus nor have "you" been asked to represent those who are.
I had not considered the ambiguity of the sentence "it's not about you" when I wrote my response to Andy's latest anecdote about his time at McDonald's. I wanted to convey my belief that millions of other workers who may have found it difficult to find a "better job" toiled as wage slaves in an organization that paid its CEO 2124 times as much as the vast majority of its labor force.

Obviously, Andy's decision to leave McDonald's was all about him...:boohoo:

How to parse "It's not about you"

"As far as I could understand, this phrase somehow means 'You're acting selfishly and you don't have the right to do this'. But I am having a hard time putting that into the words 'it's not about you'.

"On the surface the words are gibberish.

"Of course a decision I make for myself is 'about me'. Does the phrase mean "a personal decision that affects you should not concern you'? That also makes little sense."

I wanted to convey my belief that millions of other workers who may have found it difficult to find a "better job"

I get that. You, or them, are both wrong.

You are wrong sir. Because I know these people, I've worked with them most of my life, and the moment they lose their job.... it's amazing how they are able to find another, after saying for years that they can't.

They are wrong. You are wrong too.

The current CEO of Walmart, started off as a crew member. Hourly wage, unloading trucks for Walmart. You can move up the corporate chain. You can choose to enroll in management training.

Or you can whine and cry, and post on a forum, that you can't get a better job.

Whiners stay where they are, typically because no one promotes a whiner. If you are store manager, and you have a whiner crying that they evil CEO makes too much, and they can't find a better job, and they are a wage slave.... would you promote them, so you have to work with that whiner more? No. I know this myself, because when I had to choose people to work with, I specifically did not pick whiny people to be promoted with me.

No one does.

Again, where you are in life, is 90% your choice, and only 10% your circumstance.
The current CEO of Walmart, started off as a crew member. Hourly wage, unloading trucks for Walmart. You can move up the corporate chain. You can choose to enroll in management training.
Why would you think succeeding at Walmart is a good thing, because YOU save money?

One SIMPLE thing you can do to avoid supporting sweatshops — Craig Greenfield

"According to this week's Phnom Penh Post, Cambodians working in factories supplying Walmart have been subjected to horrific workplace abuse ranging from forced labor to sexual harassment.

"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

"And according to this report, "'almart’s commitment to labor rights in Cambodian factories is next to zero.'

"Disgusting. Walmart you make me sick."

"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
Two problems with that. First, there was nothing super smart about Brian. All he did was buy a truck, and start hauling junk. Are you saying that it takes Olympic physical skill, or an MIT degree to haul trash?

This is like Phil Robertson, being a drunk guy at a bar, who started whittling a duck caller, and saying that it takes MIT degrees or Olympic skills, to whittle a duck caller and sell it.

No, to both. The only reason either of these people became wealthy, was simply choice, and effort. That's it.

Take Warren Buffet. Warren was not particularly brilliant. He just was an investor. You go read his history. Before he was even 10-years-old, he was buying shares in companies on Wall St. It's no wonder he is wealthy today, when he started investing before he was 10. Instead of blowing money on baseball cards, and knick knacks, he was investing. His IQ isn't over 200.... he just made good choices, and put in the effort. It's that simple, and that hard.

The second problem I have with that, is that you are implying that somehow merit shouldn't be part of the economic equation.

If you are telling me that wealthy people are wealthy because they are super smart and/or have tremendous skill.... Isn't that good? Shouldn't we support such things? Why are you complaining about people who have wealth because they merit it? Why would we give wealth to the mentally incompetent, or physically unable?
If you are telling me that wealthy people are wealthy because they are super smart and/or have tremendous skill.... Isn't that good? Shouldn't we support such things? Why are you complaining about people who have wealth because they merit it? Why would we give wealth to the mentally incompetent, or physically unable?
Because we have a market system based on ability to pay instead of need. There Are Alternatives.

Yeah, we've seen your alternatives. They suck. All of them suck. That's why you are not living in a commune right now.... are you? No you are not.

That's why every country that has tried your alternatives, has fallen into ruins. Why are you not living in Cuba right now? Or any other purely "according to their need" system?

And don't give me this crap about Europe either. I've been to Europe. You know how the poor live in Europe? Like they are poor. You know how the rich live in Europe? Like they are rich. See these Lego Dutch multi-billionaires, with a private horse farm, because daddies daughter likes to compete in Pony Shows... and you have some idiot in the US talking about how they are so much more "equal" over there. Garbage.

Your system does not work. Never has. Never will.
Trump was on Twitter calling for boycots of specific companies, encouraging the use of others, handing out my tax dollars as subsidies to farmers and billioniare business owners.

Thats your idea of free markets?

No of course not. That's why I didn't vote for him.

If you read something that is not a Free-Market Capitalist idea.... and I'm advocating Free-market Capitalism..... you are free to assume that I am not in support of an idea that isn't an idea I said I supported. Pretty easy.

Logic sir. Try it.

By the way, boycots are free-market capitalist ideas. You are free to go to...or not to go to... any company you do or do not wish to go to. That's free-market sir. Trump can't make me, or prevent me, from going anywhere. Free-market capitalism.

But subsidies.... no, I'm not in favor of taking money from one person, and giving it to another. I am not in favor of that when it is Medicare, Social Security, or Green-energy grants.

I'm against all subsidies. Again... I support free-market capitalism.
An explanation of how boycotts arent free market.

You might have a case if the boycott were called upon by a private individual, but when the highest government official is doing so, this is government intervention.

Subsidies: 9 of 10 counties that voted for Trump get subsidy.

You might have a case if the boycott were called upon by a private individual, but when the highest government official is doing so, this is government intervention.

Speaking about the economy at an event in New Hampshire, Mr Obama told Americans: “When times are tough, you tighten your belts.

“You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college. You prioritise. You make tough choices.”

The economy of the world’s most famous gambling and entertainment destination is heavily dependent on tourism and Las Vegans were already incensed by a comment from Mr Obama last year that companies should not use federal bail out money for trips to the city.

Barack Obama tells Americans 'don't go to Las Vegas'
Protip: If you had facts, logic, and reason on your side, you wouldn't have to put people in mass graves.
Protip: If you had facts, logic, and reason on your side, you wouldn't have to put people in mass graves.
Few killers have filled more mass graves than capitalism
So, to prove how evil capitalism is, you post a graphic showing deaths caused by tyrannical government.

That didn't work out so great for you, did it?
So, to prove how evil capitalism is, you post a graphic showing deaths caused by tyrannical government.
Tyrannical capitalist government, you mean?

"Put on the U2 and The Cranberries and let’s down some green brew folks, it’s that time of year again.

"But while St. Patrick’s Day is cause to celebrate everything Irish-American, it’s also a good time to ponder just why more than a million Irish were forced to leave Ireland while another million were dying of starvation in such a short period of time in the first place.

"The answer, which also explains why millions of children are currently going without enough food in the U.S., has much more to do with market systems than Mother Nature."

EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus
Your first item: "Hurricane Katrina (deliberate faulty construction): 1,836"

It's handy when your first item is bullshit. Makes it easier to dismiss the rest as worthless, too.
Your first item: "Hurricane Katrina (deliberate faulty construction): 1,836"

It's handy when your first item is bullshit. Makes it easier to dismiss the rest as worthless, too.
What makes you"think" it's bullshit?
Something Trump told you.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
"Thursday's" ($19 million) "report urged the Corps to shift its formulaic cost-benefit approach on how it decides what projects are worthwhile. The agency was urged to look at potential environmental, societal and cultural losses, "without reducing everything to one measure such as dollars."

HWhyyy...the daveman wouldn't be caught dead doing that!

Here's a list of $20.35 trillion of Elizabeth Warren tax hikes

via Washington Examiner

Here's a list of $20.35 trillion of Elizabeth Warren tax hikes

"Healthcare payroll tax: $8.8 trillion.

This is supposed to be levied on employers to pay for healthcare for everybody, but economists have long concluded that such taxes inevitably get passed on to workers, which would include the middle class.

Wealth taxes: $3.75 trillion.

Warren has spent much of her campaign campaigning on a surtax on those with over $50 million in wealth. As part of her healthcare proposal, she wants to charge billionaires an extra 6%.

Foreign earnings tax/tax on foreign firms: $1.65 trillion.

This would raise taxes on American companies’ foreign profits and tax foreign companies based on their domestic sales.

Asset depreciation tax: $1.25 trillion.

This would make companies deduct the depreciation of investments as they depreciate, rather allowing them to do it all at once.

Repealing Trump tax cuts: $1 trillion.

Warren has proposed to help pay for an additional $1 trillion in funding for a transition to renewable energy, “by reversing Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and giant corporations.”

“Real” corporate profits tax: $1 trillion.

A 7% surtax on corporate profits above $100 million.

Financial transactions tax: $800 billion.

This would slap a tax on the sale of bonds, stocks, or derivatives.

Big banks tax: $100 billion

A fee on the “forty or so” biggest banks.

These total: $20.35 trillion.

Additional tax increases without specific revenue estimates:

Social Security tax hike: Warren has proposed increasing taxes on the income and investments of those earning over $250,000 to pay for an expansion of Social Security.

Excessive lobbying tax: She has proposed taxing businesses that spend over $500,000 on lobbying. This one is more punitive than intended as a money raiser.

Guns and ammo taxes: She wants to increase excise taxes to 30% on guns, and 50% on ammo.

Tax on military contractors: Military contractors who do not achieve net-zero carbon emissions would pay a 1% tax on the value of any contract.

Additional revenue raisers that Warren is claiming:

Reducing tax evasion and fraud: $2.3 trillion.

Warren’s healthcare plan claims she can raise this much by stepping up enforcement.

Increasing taxable income: $1.15 trillion.

Warren predicts that when the government is paying for healthcare, it will increase worker salaries, thus generating more income subject to taxation. Currently, health benefits are not taxed."
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there

That's terrible!!

Paying Cambodians to make stuff.
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there

That's terrible!!

Paying Cambodians to make stuff.
And, oh, happy day! Just LOOK AT THEM NOW!


^^^MOM!^^..............................................................................^^POP^^^ (forced out of business by Walmart!)

Hey, work for Walmart or die bitches. Hmm, reminds me of the Republican HC plan.
Last edited:
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there

That's terrible!!

Paying Cambodians to make stuff.
And, oh, happy day! Just LOOK AT THEM NOW!


^^^MOM!^^..............................................................................^^POP^^^ (forced out of business by Walmart!)

The quickest way to end starvation, immediately stop working for western companies......

$0 is better than what they get now, eh?
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there

That's terrible!!

Paying Cambodians to make stuff.
And, oh, happy day! Just LOOK AT THEM NOW!


^^^MOM!^^..............................................................................^^POP^^^ (forced out of business by Walmart!)

The quickest way to end starvation, immediately stop working for western companies......

$0 is better than what they get now, eh?
Whoa, wait! You arguing with Andy now? Seriously? What happened to Jobs, jobs, jobs galore,.. anyone, anywhere! ???
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….
Correct. You too.
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there

That's terrible!!

Paying Cambodians to make stuff.
And, oh, happy day! Just LOOK AT THEM NOW!


^^^MOM!^^..............................................................................^^POP^^^ (forced out of business by Walmart!)

The quickest way to end starvation, immediately stop working for western companies......

$0 is better than what they get now, eh?
Whoa, wait! You arguing with Andy now? Seriously? What happened to Jobs, jobs, jobs galore,.. anyone, anywhere! ???

Pretty sure I'm arguing with you...…..
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….
Correct. You too.

I'll get right on that......even if it starves poor Cambodians.
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….
Correct. You too.

I'll get right on that......even if it starves poor Cambodians.
Good, "patriot"! Then they can reopen their old stores. FREEDOM! FREE MARKETS!
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….
Correct. You too.

I'll get right on that......even if it starves poor Cambodians.
Good, "patriot"! Then they can reopen their old stores. FREEDOM!

WalMart put their stores out of business? In Cambodia?
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….
Correct. You too.

I'll get right on that......even if it starves poor Cambodians.
Good, "patriot"! Then they can reopen their old stores. FREEDOM!

WalMart put their stores out of business? In Cambodia?
Stores, sewing shops, whatever!..
The company union told the workers that the company was bankrupt and the owner had fled the country.

The garment workers are owed around $200,000 collectively—less than what Walmart makes in profits every six minutes.

Since their boss-run union wouldn't fight back, 200 workers organized themselves and began protesting outside the factory gates January 1. In the middle of the night January 3, they noticed company staff attempting to remove the sewing machines from the factory.

“We decided to start sleeping outside of the factory to prevent management from taking the machinery out,” said Yorn Sok Leng, 30, who has worked at the factory for two years.

With the help of a worker center, the Community Legal Education Centre (CLEC), the workers occupied the outside of the factory—setting up tarps, a sleeping area, and a kitchen.
You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….
Correct. You too.

I'll get right on that......even if it starves poor Cambodians.
Good, "patriot"! Then they can reopen their old stores. FREEDOM!

WalMart put their stores out of business? In Cambodia?
Stores, sewing shops, whatever!..
The company union told the workers that the company was bankrupt and the owner had fled the country.

The garment workers are owed around $200,000 collectively—less than what Walmart makes in profits every six minutes.

Since their boss-run union wouldn't fight back, 200 workers organized themselves and began protesting outside the factory gates January 1. In the middle of the night January 3, they noticed company staff attempting to remove the sewing machines from the factory.

“We decided to start sleeping outside of the factory to prevent management from taking the machinery out,” said Yorn Sok Leng, 30, who has worked at the factory for two years.

With the help of a worker center, the Community Legal Education Centre (CLEC), the workers occupied the outside of the factory—setting up tarps, a sleeping area, and a kitchen.

Stores, sewing shops, whatever!..

That's awful!

What were the names of the Cambodian "Stores [and] sewing shops" driven under by WalMart?

The company union told the workers that the company was bankrupt

A unionized company went out of business? How is that possible?

The garment workers are owed around $200,000 collectively—less than what Walmart makes in profits every six minutes.

That's awful! A company not owned or run by WalMart owes some non-WalMart workers some money.

There must be billions of non-WalMart workers around the world. Why should we care more about these
200 than the other billions plus?

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