Warren.Anyone Here Find Her Just Dead Boring?,Like Most Democrats?

This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?

If she gets the nomination, I’ll vote for her.
You’re right about her persona
But I’ll take it over the current personal, professional, national disgraceful blob
This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?
That's the problem with you Trumpniks. Politics and policy aren't some reality television WWF wresting match. Politics and policy are slow and deliberate, important issues that guide the country. You folks really need to grow up already.

Its the liberals who came up with all this phony "Russian collusion" crapola, and Trump is just fighting fire with fire.

President Trump is no babyface, he's not going to sit around and be abused by you libs without returning fire. Remember he grew up in the mean streets of New York. He got into fights just to make it to the subway or to the corner bodega to buy his mum a pack of pell mells.
LMFAO! He was a pasty white, pampered little beotch boy. Couldn't even handle military school. I have no idea what bio you read but it is apparently rubbish. Jezuz Krist that was funny!
This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?
That's the problem with you Trumpniks. Politics and policy aren't some reality television WWF wresting match. Politics and policy are slow and deliberate, important issues that guide the country. You folks really need to grow up already.
WWF? You mean WWE? Dumbass.

Which voters were acting like savages on Thursday in Minny?
Have a coronary already over it. LOL!

WWE - Wikipedia
This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?
That's the problem with you Trumpniks. Politics and policy aren't some reality television WWF wresting match. Politics and policy are slow and deliberate, important issues that guide the country. You folks really need to grow up already.
WWF? You mean WWE? Dumbass.

Which voters were acting like savages on Thursday in Minny?

No. He means the World Wildlife Federation.
This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?
That's the problem with you Trumpniks. Politics and policy aren't some reality television WWF wresting match. Politics and policy are slow and deliberate, important issues that guide the country. You folks really need to grow up already.

Its the liberals who came up with all this phony "Russian collusion" crapola, and Trump is just fighting fire with fire.

President Trump is no babyface, he's not going to sit around and be abused by you libs without returning fire. Remember he grew up in the mean streets of New York. He got into fights just to make it to the subway or to the corner bodega to buy his mum a pack of pell mells.
LMFAO! He was a pasty white, pampered little beotch boy. Couldn't even handle military school. I have no idea what bio you read but it is apparently rubbish. Jezuz Krist that was funny!

Where did you get the idea he could not handle military school?
Her personality may be boring but, her ideas are job killing and very very expensive to all
classes of our society.

Yes, yes, we hear this every time from you guys..

but it's the Republicans who've brought us nearly every recession in the last century.
Do the math with Pocahontas's numbers, Joe.
This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?
That's the problem with you Trumpniks. Politics and policy aren't some reality television WWF wresting match. Politics and policy are slow and deliberate, important issues that guide the country. You folks really need to grow up already.
WWF? You mean WWE? Dumbass.

Which voters were acting like savages on Thursday in Minny?
Have a coronary already over it. LOL!

WWE - Wikipedia

I am only 38. Not yet. I know it was the WWF at one time but that was what, 30 years ago? Are you old?
This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?
That's the problem with you Trumpniks. Politics and policy aren't some reality television WWF wresting match. Politics and policy are slow and deliberate, important issues that guide the country. You folks really need to grow up already.
WWF? You mean WWE? Dumbass.

Which voters were acting like savages on Thursday in Minny?
Have a coronary already over it. LOL!

WWE - Wikipedia

I am only 38. Not yet. I know it was the WWF at one time but that was what, 30 years ago? Are you old?
I am only 52.
We know you are right up there with other world class economists......

Who know that there are a lot of factors that affect the economy.....and that what happens in an economy is often set up five years earlier.

So please spare us the false correlations.

Five years? Sounds like you are already preparing your "Excuse" as to why Trump will have a recession next year.

You go with that.

There is a reason that over the years the Republican Party has been seen as the party of the "rich". Forget multi-billionaraires, I am talking about "rich" as in being in the upper-middle to just at the bottom of the upper class tax bracket. These are working people that make good money. Lawyers aside(corruption personified), they voted in mass for Republicans because they knew which party was more likely to sustain the economy. Things have started to even out of the last 2 decades or so because many of theese earners live in urban areas that have been fully indoctricated to the left-wing ideology. Upper wage earners outside of large urban areas still remain overwhemingly Republican. The filth(morally and literally) of urban areas has started to gain ground. It is much easier to be immoral. Blame it on indoctrination of our school systems and a lack of emotional maturation.

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