Warren.Anyone Here Find Her Just Dead Boring?,Like Most Democrats?

I'm saying this could have been a peaceful and calming time and Trump is only guilty of giving the massive hate he has received back. What a waste you guys are.

Guy, Trump was the guy who promoted the Racist Birther Lie, the most noxious garbage in our political history.

Now he's whining that everyone who points out his unfitness for office by showing himself to be completely unfit for office.
You mean like Trump.

She's got so little name recognition and so much baggage it will be a slaughter.

I hope she is the nominee....it's gonna be a lot of fun.

You guys keep telling yourself that you are going to be in great shape with an impeached president with a wrecked economy.

You seem to be immune to the fact that your past predictions have consistently been WRONG.

Takes guts to keep prognosticating in the face of abject failure to deliver.
I'm saying this could have been a peaceful and calming time and Trump is only guilty of giving the massive hate he has received back. What a waste you guys are.

Guy, Trump was the guy who promoted the Racist Birther Lie, the most noxious garbage in our political history.

Now he's whining that everyone who points out his unfitness for office by showing himself to be completely unfit for office.
I believe the birthed movement was started by your beloved idols Bill and Hill.
I believe the birthed movement was started by your beloved idols Bill and Hill.

You believe a lot of crazy shit... like Libertarian is a good idea and the Deep State is why you've failed at life.
I believe the birthed movement was started by your beloved idols Bill and Hill.

You believe a lot of crazy shit... like Libertarian is a good idea and the Deep State is why you've failed at life.
Joe it is well known around here, that you were Ears’ Monica when he was a lowly social worker in Chicago. Yet you still love him unconditionally.
This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?

I don't think Pocahontas is that boring at all. If she is nominated, she will be a great foil for the Trumpster, ,pointing out what a phony she is, as the broad gets shriller and shriller.

This is why Trump is working to maneuver the Faux Squaw into the nomination through use of the "Whistleblower" who is taking out Sleepy Joe.
You mean like Trump.

She's got so little name recognition and so much baggage it will be a slaughter.

I hope she is the nominee....it's gonna be a lot of fun.

You guys keep telling yourself that you are going to be in great shape with an impeached president with a wrecked economy.

The Trump Economy is booming, and Nancy is too chicken shit to even put impeachment up for a procedural vote. There are 235 Dems in the House right now, and a lot more than 17 who need a pass from being required to vote "aye" on impeachment.
Joe it is well known around here, that you were Ears’ Monica when he was a lowly social worker in Chicago. Yet you still love him unconditionally.

I didn't vote for him in 2004 or 2008.

I only voted for him in 2012 because I really, really fucking hate Mormons.

But to his credit, he did a pretty good job, given what he had to work with..
The Trump Economy is booming, and Nancy is too chicken shit to even put impeachment up for a procedural vote. There are 235 Dems in the House right now, and a lot more than 17 who need a pass from being required to vote "aye" on impeachment.

Why does she need to put it up for a vote, until they are ready to go to trial... Should point out, that they let Bill Clinton twist in the wind for nearly a year before we first heard the name "Monica Lewinsky", and Newt brought it to a vote.
The Trump Economy is booming, and Nancy is too chicken shit to even put impeachment up for a procedural vote. There are 235 Dems in the House right now, and a lot more than 17 who need a pass from being required to vote "aye" on impeachment.

Why does she need to put it up for a vote, until they are ready to go to trial... Should point out, that they let Bill Clinton twist in the wind for nearly a year before we first heard the name "Monica Lewinsky", and Newt brought it to a vote.


And it was a travesty then.....

It never should have happened.

I was really pissed at Hyde the GOP for a long time over that.

And it was a travesty then.....

It never should have happened.

I was really pissed at Hyde the GOP for a long time over that.

It was a travesty he was impeached, or it was a travesty they dragged it out long enough where people got sick of it?
She's a genuine nutty, crazy person too

You mean she thinks Government should protect workers and consumers, instead of big corporations... What a crazy idea!

She would destroy our economy and not just a little. The only people that would potentially benefit are those that lilve in abject poverty now. They MAY move up from cardboard boxes under bridges to a dumpy project with the rest of the middle class. Virtually everyone's standard of living would take several steps back. Just imagine the impact on those with average salaries lliving in high cost of living states/cities(blue) who already have a poor standard of living compared to those with similar salaries in poor red states. Oh wait, she is only going to tax the rich, not the middle class, right? LOL
She would destroy our economy and not just a little. The only people that would potentially benefit are those that lilve in abject poverty now. They MAY move up from cardboard boxes under bridges to a dumpy project with the rest of the middle class. Virtually everyone's standard of living would take several steps back. Just imagine the impact on those with average salaries lliving in high cost of living states/cities(blue) who already have a poor standard of living compared to those with similar salaries in poor red states. Oh wait, she is only going to tax the rich, not the middle class, right? LOL

You know what, you guys keep saying this...

But I'm old enough to remember that six of the seven recessions that occurred during my lifetime happened when Republicans were in charge.... And Democrats were the ones who got us out of them.

You guys made these kinds of predictions when Clinton and Obama raised taxes on the rich, but funny thing. THE ECONOMY ACTUALLY GOT BETTER AFTER THAT!

And it was a travesty then.....

It never should have happened.

I was really pissed at Hyde the GOP for a long time over that.

It was a travesty he was impeached, or it was a travesty they dragged it out long enough where people got sick of it?

It was a travesty he was impeached.

They should have taken him out back, beat the shit out of him, and called it good.

The GOP looked like fools.

And it was a travesty then.....

It never should have happened.

I was really pissed at Hyde the GOP for a long time over that.

It was a travesty he was impeached, or it was a travesty they dragged it out long enough where people got sick of it?

As far as the Clinton Impeachment, it was Clinton lying about the money. He committed Sex Harassment against Paula Corbin Jones, but instead of just ponying up the money he owed her like any decent man would- he lied about it and tried to cheat the girl out of the money she was owed.

The oral copulation that Clinton engaged in was on Taxpayer time and in the workplace.A friend of mine worked as a security guard and was caught having relations with his gf in the security shack. Fired on the spot, no questions asked. Why are minimum wage security guards held to higher standards than the President. If Clinton had used the apartment of Madelyn Albright, Jan Reno or another underling for his prurient activities, like Fred MacMurray used Jack Lemmon's apartment back in the day, it wouldn't have been other people's business.

I can't feel sorry at all for Slick Willy, its his own damn fault for being cheap and not taking precautions.
The only people that would potentially benefit are those that lilve in abject poverty now. They MAY move up from cardboard boxes under bridges to a dumpy project with the rest of the middle class. Virtually everyone's standard of living would take several steps back

So your fear is that if the poor got help you would lose money in some way?

Newsflash...unless you're very wealthy...not so much

But then the way you denigrate the middle class...
You mean she thinks Government should protect workers and consumers, instead of big corporations...

Government should protect businesses from nut jobs like you that think a slip on a public side walk out front is worth a million dollars. Fucking meathead tards are all alike, one and all have forgot that the business of America IS business, commie.
This is my opinion, but Im sure other normal Americans will agree that all that were/still are running for President are just as boring/plain as humanly possible.
But we wont hear that on CNN/MSNBC,, right?
Warren is no different than an annoying/boring neighbor with never anything interesting to say.
But we are likely never to hear anyone say that on live TV where millions will pick it up and tell all of their friends.
Biden? Yah, dull and boring, then again, he can't attract more than 200 people.
when we had about 24 Dems running, I just found them as boring as a turtle or cockroach.
No wonder the Dem's are in panic mode for 2020...yes?
Warren reminds me of the lady at the Wallgreens checkout on Sunday morning
After what Trump is doing to this country and our Democracy...I'd settle happily for boring
As far as the Clinton Impeachment, it was Clinton lying about the money. He committed Sex Harassment against Paula Corbin Jones, but instead of just ponying up the money he owed her like any decent man would- he lied about it and tried to cheat the girl out of the money she was owed.

Paula Jones was a lying sack of shit. Why should anyone give her money for supposedly seeing a dick. She knows what a dick looks like.

The oral copulation that Clinton engaged in was on Taxpayer time and in the workplace.A friend of mine worked as a security guard and was caught having relations with his gf in the security shack. Fired on the spot, no questions asked. Why are minimum wage security guards held to higher standards than the President. If Clinton had used the apartment of Madelyn Albright, Jan Reno or another underling for his prurient activities, like Fred MacMurray used Jack Lemmon's apartment back in the day, it wouldn't have been other people's business.

A whole bunch of flaws in this argument. The security guard wasn't working in his house.... Clinton was. In any event, he wasn't held accountable for doing or not doing his job. The argument was that he lied when he said he didn't have sex with Lewinsky, even though something like 18% of men don't consider a blow job to be actual sex.

In any event, it was a silly thing to use the ultimate sanction our government has against a duly elected president who had actually won two elections.

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