Warren Buffet says raising the minimum wage is not the answer

If you dont support the MW hike then you better support welfare.
Having trouble making ends meet working that job that was intended for children & young adults?

Dumb fuck
Thats exactly the situation some people are in. People like you seem to like watching children starve and have a poor life. Youre a POS so that makes sense.
You can see here the minimum wage falling against inflation for the last 45 years:

ah yes, better raise the wages or they threaten us with: they will go on WELFARE

because you know how people USED to do things when they couldn't get by and make it in their lives and the need to take care of their FAMILY.

they went and worked TWO OR THREE jobs

Those who will be paying the tab:

Kevin D. Williamson (National Review)- It is WELL WORTH a full read [visually broken into 3 small sections - so be sure to keep reading; total length no longer than a 2 page printed article]. Who are they? How do they compare to Baby Boomers, Gen Xers? What is their outlook, their options?

"Generation Vexed: The downwardly mobile Millennials may be waking up at last"

The downwardly mobile Millennials may be waking up at last The Millenial generation: the group of people accused of being uninvolved, uninvested, and fated with the ruin of the republic. But while their problems may be unique, are they really that different from their parents generation? The Truncation Generation Baby-Boomers, Unsatisfied A Generation of Contradictions The Truncation Generation The all-to-familiar emoji points to some of hte largest problems of the Millenials Blame it on the emojis. In October, the White House announced that it was rolling out an economic-messaging campaign directed at young voters, and the document it produced was laden with emojis, the pictograms originating in Japan that have become a sort of crude lingua franca in the age of instant post-literate communication. The White House’s “15 Economic Facts about Millennials” listicle, clearly based on the BuzzFeed model, failed to impress, among others, the readers of BuzzFeed, who mocked it ruthlessly: “Propaganda has never looked so cute and hip.” Assistant professor Natalia Mehlman-Petrzela of the New School, a young scholar of political culture, argued that “a Millennial could find this tremendously infantilizing.” Raffi Williams, the RNC’s 25-year-old deputy press secretary, added: “The emoji fail is emblematic of a larger issue for Democrats. They have long used celebrities, glamour, and gimmicks as ways to avoid tackling the issues that matter to our generation, namely the economy.” It probably did not help that the first emoji in the report was the self-congratulatory “applause” pictogram. The Obama administration quietly scrubbed the emojis from the final product.
Read more at: Generation Vexed National Review Online
Raising the minimum wage is a jobs killer, particularly for young unskilled workers. It could be considered racist for targeting poor minority Americans.

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