Warren introduces bill to make filing taxes easier

go get em grandma. she actually looks like my actual grandma.

Warren introduces bill to make filing taxes easier
Get rid of the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyway...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
I want people to buy that third yacht. People make good money building yachts.
go get em grandma. she actually looks like my actual grandma.

Warren introduces bill to make filing taxes easier
Get rid of the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyway...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
Silly, balancing the scales by using the federal government? That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. The fucking government can burn in fucking hell, there never has been never will be any fairness about them.
There is little difference between the big business/1%ers that you stand up for and the Government that you condem. Can't you see that? They both are corrupt as shit and pretty much run the world. The only one structured or incentivized to do anything about it is government as it is somewhat controlled or ran by the people... in theory of course.
go get em grandma. she actually looks like my actual grandma.

Warren introduces bill to make filing taxes easier
Get rid of the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyway...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.

Then shouldn't we re-instate the organic Constitution and insist that the "gubermint" get out of the investing business? I mean, they are the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries....isn't that a conflict of interest? I believe it is. How can "gubermint" do what is best for the people when they are more worried about padding their bottom line? Isn't communism about government owning all corporations? Looks like we are just about there.
The Government controls its own currency so they don't technically need it in the same way that private investors do. They are in a position of management to maintain the balance of currency flowing in and out of the economy and maintaining value and demand of the dollar. This is all theory of course as there is a TON of corruption both in government and in big business. Not sure how this corruption gets dealt with in the minds of all the anti-regulation crowd...

I know what I am talking about. Go to CAFR1.com and you can see the level of swindling going on within the De Facto corporate composite "gubermint". It is truly sickening.
go get em grandma. she actually looks like my actual grandma.

Warren introduces bill to make filing taxes easier
Get rid of the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyway...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
I want people to buy that third yacht. People make good money building yachts.
You make a good point that highlights the dilemma in the argument... If it were up to me, I'd want better schools, more community programs for the under privileged youth, higher wages, better work environments, and more opportunity for the poor and middle class over more yachts... Though the situation is obviously not that simple...
Get rid of the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyway...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
Silly, balancing the scales by using the federal government? That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. The fucking government can burn in fucking hell, there never has been never will be any fairness about them.
There is little difference between the big business/1%ers that you stand up for and the Government that you condem. Can't you see that? They both are corrupt as shit and pretty much run the world. The only one structured or incentivized to do anything about it is government as it is somewhat controlled or ran by the people... in theory of course.
The federal government can never be trusted, they enable corruption...
go get em grandma. she actually looks like my actual grandma.

Warren introduces bill to make filing taxes easier
Get rid of the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyway...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.

Then shouldn't we re-instate the organic Constitution and insist that the "gubermint" get out of the investing business? I mean, they are the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries....isn't that a conflict of interest? I believe it is. How can "gubermint" do what is best for the people when they are more worried about padding their bottom line? Isn't communism about government owning all corporations? Looks like we are just about there.
The Government controls its own currency so they don't technically need it in the same way that private investors do. They are in a position of management to maintain the balance of currency flowing in and out of the economy and maintaining value and demand of the dollar. This is all theory of course as there is a TON of corruption both in government and in big business. Not sure how this corruption gets dealt with in the minds of all the anti-regulation crowd...

I know what I am talking about. Go to CAFR1.com and you can see the level of swindling going on within the De Facto corporate composite "gubermint". It is truly sickening.
Thanks, i'll check it out
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
Silly, balancing the scales by using the federal government? That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. The fucking government can burn in fucking hell, there never has been never will be any fairness about them.
There is little difference between the big business/1%ers that you stand up for and the Government that you condem. Can't you see that? They both are corrupt as shit and pretty much run the world. The only one structured or incentivized to do anything about it is government as it is somewhat controlled or ran by the people... in theory of course.
The federal government can never be trusted, they enable corruption...
As does big business... Even more so i'd say
Get rid of the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyway...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
I want people to buy that third yacht. People make good money building yachts.
You make a good point that highlights the dilemma in the argument... If it were up to me, I'd want better schools, more community programs for the under privileged youth, higher wages, better work environments, and more opportunity for the poor and middle class over more yachts... Though the situation is obviously not that simple...
It should be Nobody's business what anyone makes, least of all the federal governments...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
I want people to buy that third yacht. People make good money building yachts.
You make a good point that highlights the dilemma in the argument... If it were up to me, I'd want better schools, more community programs for the under privileged youth, higher wages, better work environments, and more opportunity for the poor and middle class over more yachts... Though the situation is obviously not that simple...
It should be Nobody's business what anyone makes, least of all the federal governments...
Well unfortunately we are stuck living in a land that provides the most opportunity, comfort, and security than any other on this planet. There are expenses needed to manage and maintain that. There is a responsibility to educate, protect, and provide for our citizens. This is what makes our land what it is. I'd love for less government and more freedom, but you also can't be an absolutist about it. There are situations where government is needed, helpful and useful and there are situations when it isn't. Understanding the whole picture and being smart and efficient about it is what is necessary. It has to be a mix of the "Right" and "Left" ideologies and if we can't find a way to acknowledge the other side and work together we are gonna stay in a stand still...
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
I want people to buy that third yacht. People make good money building yachts.
You make a good point that highlights the dilemma in the argument... If it were up to me, I'd want better schools, more community programs for the under privileged youth, higher wages, better work environments, and more opportunity for the poor and middle class over more yachts... Though the situation is obviously not that simple...
It should be Nobody's business what anyone makes, least of all the federal governments...
Well unfortunately we are stuck living in a land that provides the most opportunity, comfort, and security than any other on this planet. There are expenses needed to manage and maintain that. There is a responsibility to educate, protect, and provide for our citizens. This is what makes our land what it is. I'd love for less government and more freedom, but you also can't be an absolutist about it. There are situations where government is needed, helpful and useful and there are situations when it isn't. Understanding the whole picture and being smart and efficient about it is what is necessary. It has to be a mix of the "Right" and "Left" ideologies and if we can't find a way to acknowledge the other side and work together we are gonna stay in a stand still...
Sorry to see you see no fault in the government.
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
I want people to buy that third yacht. People make good money building yachts.
You make a good point that highlights the dilemma in the argument... If it were up to me, I'd want better schools, more community programs for the under privileged youth, higher wages, better work environments, and more opportunity for the poor and middle class over more yachts... Though the situation is obviously not that simple...
It should be Nobody's business what anyone makes, least of all the federal governments...
Well unfortunately we are stuck living in a land that provides the most opportunity, comfort, and security than any other on this planet. There are expenses needed to manage and maintain that. There is a responsibility to educate, protect, and provide for our citizens. This is what makes our land what it is. I'd love for less government and more freedom, but you also can't be an absolutist about it. There are situations where government is needed, helpful and useful and there are situations when it isn't. Understanding the whole picture and being smart and efficient about it is what is necessary. It has to be a mix of the "Right" and "Left" ideologies and if we can't find a way to acknowledge the other side and work together we are gonna stay in a stand still...
Sorry to see you see no fault in the government.
Can you read? I called the governement corrupt in multiple posts on this thread
Get rid of the income tax, it's unconstitutional anyway...
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
Silly, balancing the scales by using the federal government? That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. The fucking government can burn in fucking hell, there never has been never will be any fairness about them.
There is little difference between the big business/1%ers that you stand up for and the Government that you condem. Can't you see that? They both are corrupt as shit and pretty much run the world. The only one structured or incentivized to do anything about it is government as it is somewhat controlled or ran by the people... in theory of course.
Big business produces jobs & product. Govt produce nothing.
Want to make filing taxes easier and eliminate use of the IRS as a political weapon at the same time/

Congress just needs to change the tax laws so forms have no division, and the only multiplication being taxable income times the rate, and that's only needed if filer chooses not to use the tax table.
Knowing how well govt computer programs work this would be nothing but a waste of taxpayer dollars.....latest exhibit is Obamacare exchanges
I disagree... I'd lower the business taxes and income taxes on lower income individuals (under 100K) then I'd tax the shit out of the top earners, both on income and property... Go ahead, have fun with the insults... the income inequality in this country is getting ridiculous and something needs to be done about it.
Income tax punishes success...
So what?? With success comes an unfair advantage... There is nothing wrong with keeping the scales in balance. This can still be done in the spirit of capitalism, so spare us the socialism talk. The type of lifestyle the infamous 1% life is ridiculous. The amount of power the top corporations have is ridiculous... I have no problem with those people having to think twice before buying their third private yacht...
Silly, balancing the scales by using the federal government? That is the funniest thing I've heard all day. The fucking government can burn in fucking hell, there never has been never will be any fairness about them.
There is little difference between the big business/1%ers that you stand up for and the Government that you condem. Can't you see that? They both are corrupt as shit and pretty much run the world. The only one structured or incentivized to do anything about it is government as it is somewhat controlled or ran by the people... in theory of course.
Big business produces jobs & product. Govt produce nothing.
The largest employers are...small businesses...99.7 of employer firms....Not corporate America..

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