Warren just kissed her 2020 chances goodbye.

Too bad you're not smart enough to understand the level of poetic achievement this absurd statement illustrates.

Gee, Little Angel, do you hate all women? Or is it an ageist thing? Retraction and apology might suffice to get back your "certified progressive" standing but there can be no guarantee.
Line em up and knock em down, one by one. Continuing the witch hunt will be suicide for Dems.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., became the first major 2020 Democratic candidate to call for President Trump’s impeachment, breaking with the party’s leadership in the House of Representatives.

2020 Vision: Warren is first major candidate to call for impeachment as Mueller fallout continues

It's her "Hail Mary" attempt.

She currently trails both Sanders and Biden in her home state. She is hoping to grab onto far left voters when the other
candidates don't seek/demand impeachment.

She's already washed up but she could really hurt Biden if she drops out early. Her voters will just switch over to Bernie
not the Glass Jar, Biden. That will send Bernie in front of Biden
How can anyone take Warren seriously after she was caught lying about her ethnicity for decades?
Nobody cares too much about that. I think it's her resemblances to Hillary that turns people off....a sort of fakeness and insincerity in her voice, like she's just another politician-- not 'one of us' as she tries to pretend to be. So her lie about the Native American heritage doesn't seem too surprising...she's hiding character flaws but people pick up on it and she comes across as untrustworthy.

Donald Trump can be lying his ass off, everyone knows he's full of shit --but they still trust him ( he's just reading a script and you have to understand his 'code language' or something )...it's a strange phenomenon in politics. Looking back at Obama we know he lied constantly but most people didn't know it at the time.( but at least he didn't say anything monumentally stupid like " Honey turn off the TV. The wind stopped blowing ." )
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Warren (Liawatha) is the ultimate MOONBAT. Unhinged, crazy, policies all over the place, but mostly right down the Progressive/Social Engineering line.

She is the definition of Leftist Loon.
She's gotta out-crazy the rest of the field if she wants to stay in the (futile) race to cheat Hillary out of her rightful place at the top of the Democrat Party Hit Parade.

The fact is the NO DEMOCRAT CAN WIN IN 2020. Simple as that. America loves incumbents in general, a booming economy and vicious, Nazi like witch hunt makes it utterly impossible for the democrats to win the presidency.

So what is this parade of clowns all about then? They know they have zero chance, so what are they, and the Soros group that controls them, doing? Simple, changing the national dialogue. They are grooming America in the same way a gay teacher grooms a 6 year old grade school boy to be receptive at 12 or 13 (Arizona Approved!). Warren is a clown, the words she speaks are met with derision. BUT she bleats out the same Stalinist script that Booker, Harris, and the rest of the dwarfs bleat. The goal is to get the script into the national dialogue, to make the Stalinist ideas they promote seem normal.

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