Warriors: What we "train" the police for


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Richard Nixon called police forces “the real front-line soldiers in the war on crime.” Bill Clinton, in his signing ceremony for the 1994 crime bill, called them “the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for us every day.” In 2018, Donald Trump described their job as follows: “Every day, our police officers race into darkened alleys and deserted streets, and onto the doorsteps of the most hardened criminals … the worst of humanity.”

For decades, the warrior cop has been the popular image of police in America, reinforced by TV shows, movies, media, police recruitment videos, police leaders, and public officials.

This image is largely misleading. Police do fight crime, to be sure — but they are mainly called upon to be social workers, conflict mediators, traffic directors, mental health counselors, detailed report writers, neighborhood patrollers, and low-level law enforcers, sometimes all in the span of a single shift. In fact, the overwhelming majority of officers spend only a small fraction of their time responding to violent crime.

We train police to be warriors — and then send them out to be social workers

Then they take on the role of judge, jury and executioner.
Most of the people who want to be police officers are wildly unsuited for what they end up doing. All these ex-soldier, ex-jock, ex-schoolyard bullies that seem to populate our police departments are just wrong. The job actually sucks for those looking for violent excitement and instant artificial respect.
Warriors aren't hip deep in paperwork...


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