Wary NYPD cops letting minor crimes slide


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Wary NYPD cops letting minor crimes slide

Wary NYPD cops letting minor crimes slide New York Post
With cops on edge following the assassination of two patrol officers on a Brooklyn street, many officers have started turning a blind eye to some minor crimes, sources told The Post, while a union mandate that two patrol cars respond to all police calls has led to slower response times to non-emergencies.

“I’m not writing any summonses. Do you think I’m going to stand there so someone can shoot me or hit me in the head with an ax?” One cop said Sunday, referring to the Dec. 20 slayings and another recent attack on the NYPD.

“I’m concerned about my safety,” the cop added. “I want to go to home to my wife and kids.”

An NYPD supervisor noted, “My guys are writing almost no summonses, and probably only making arrests when they have to — like when a store catches a shoplifter.”

Cops should only give a damn if there's a violent crime, looting, rape or murder. Everything else isn't worth it.
What we have because of de Blasio is a culture of lawlessness being created.
Good. The cops need to. Let society get the type of police they asked for. And see how they like it.
That will make most New Yorkers happy, not having cops harass them for the sake of fines and intimidation.

Police should be careful about easing off on the police state, lest people get used to freedom.
Good. The cops need to. Let society get the type of police they asked for. And see how they like it.

Yeah well not everybody is complaining about police doing their job.
That will make most New Yorkers happy, not having cops harass them for the sake of fines and intimidation.

Police should be careful about easing off on the police state, lest people get used to freedom.

I'm a New Yorker, and i'm unfamiliar with this police state you speak of. Why do you think that is?
If the police stop killing people for selling loose cigarettes, anarchy will clearly descend.

Police state .. being instructed to constantly stop and frisk every young black male in the neighborhood would qualify. At least in my book.

Cop ordered in secret recording to stop-and-frisk young blacks males - NY Daily News

The police have never killed anyone for selling loose cigarettes. To claim they have is extremely dishonest to say the least. Blacks have disproportionately benefited with thier lives from the stop and frisk program, despite what your favorite liberal rag tells you. I, myself have never had a problem with stop and frisk. Can you guess why? Here's a hint: it's not because I'm a honkey.
No wonder. I am so tired of these hand up, don't shoot protesters. Michael Brown NEVER EVER put his hands up. I have seen blacks abusing each other in their own communities, they abuse each other to no end. BLACKS need to protest the abuse and violence in their own communities, police are the least of their concern.
I don't see this as a bad thing.

Nor do I. We have too many laws in this country and too many people locked up. We have 25% of the world's prison population, yet we're supposed to be the freest nation in the world.
No wonder. I am so tired of these hand up, don't shoot protesters. Michael Brown NEVER EVER put his hands up. I have seen blacks abusing each other in their own communities, they abuse each other to no end. BLACKS need to protest the abuse and violence in their own communities, police are the least of their concern.

Imagine black on black crime without police. Blacks should worship the ground police walk on.
No wonder. I am so tired of these hand up, don't shoot protesters. Michael Brown NEVER EVER put his hands up. I have seen blacks abusing each other in their own communities, they abuse each other to no end. BLACKS need to protest the abuse and violence in their own communities, police are the least of their concern.

Imagine black on black crime without police. Blacks should worship the ground police walk on.

I suppose they might if the police stopped harassing them, brutalizing them, and murdering them in the streets without justification.
What if Eric Garner had been..a fat white guy selling illegal cigarettes resisting arrest instead. How would that work out? Garners' wife even admitted he was a lazy jerk. Good for nothing.
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No wonder. I am so tired of these hand up, don't shoot protesters. Michael Brown NEVER EVER put his hands up. I have seen blacks abusing each other in their own communities, they abuse each other to no end. BLACKS need to protest the abuse and violence in their own communities, police are the least of their concern.

Imagine black on black crime without police. Blacks should worship the ground police walk on.

I suppose they might if the police stopped harassing them, brutalizing them, and murdering them in the streets without justification.

You're about narrative, not facts.
If the police stop killing people for selling loose cigarettes, anarchy will clearly descend.

Police state .. being instructed to constantly stop and frisk every young black male in the neighborhood would qualify. At least in my book.

Cop ordered in secret recording to stop-and-frisk young blacks males - NY Daily News

I agree that they need to stop going after people for cigarettes and drugs. On the other hand black males commit 5 times as many violent crimes...Do you want the police to stop attempting to stop those?

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