Wary of Trump - Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.
Don't forget shit stain funded drug cartels!
They told me it never happened. Hillary held a press conference with Mexico bashing American business owners at the same exact time they were forcing gun shipments to narco terrorists in Mexico.
Canadian soldiers are fighting ISIS.
Well, they better get on their game. Like obama, they managed to miss mile long convoys.

Sounds like Trump is killing more civilians than terrorists.

Yeah. Give us the list of all the dead as soon as you get it. I just heard the stat by state officials that the estimated dead in Syria by Obama for his failure to observe his own red line and take action is 400,000.
something tells me this thread isn't going the OP's way.

pity he's to stewpud to learn from this.

When was the last time you heard Canadian leaders express fear about a U.S. president's leadership and support?
Who cares? What are they going to do? Stop allowing their citizens to travel to the US for superior healthcare?

Don't you care about our northern neighbor?
did you give a shit until it gave you a "bullet"?
Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.

Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

Great, it's about time the freeloaders shoulder their part of the burden.

Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.

Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
I know obama failed to lead. He was a pussy. Couldn't get it done. He pissed away a great opportunity.
Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.

Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
I know obama failed to lead. He was a pussy. Couldn't get it done. He pissed away a great opportunity.
This one believes the U.S. should stay in nations it negotiated an exit with and was told to get out of. I wonder why he doesn't blame Bush (who made that deal in the first place).
Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.

Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
I know obama failed to lead. He was a pussy. Couldn't get it done. He pissed away a great opportunity.

Aside from unjustly invading Iraq in the first place - Bush pissed away a great opportunity when he fired Saddam's army - of which many became ISIS leaders.

Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure. We must never forget.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than twenty-six years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Downing Street Memo
World leaders shift their views as they wonder if they can still trust the U.S.

Trump’s brazen comments Tuesday were the latest in a series of diplomatic moves that have antagonized foreign governments and thrown into question some of the U.S.’ longest and strongest alliances.

“Fundamentally, Trump in the last 4½ months has demonstrated that he doesn’t understand or doesn’t care how America has engaged the world for the last 70 years,” former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder told HuffPost.

In a speech days after Trump’s NATO address, German Chancellor Angela Merkel also told supporters that Europe must become more self-reliant as the U.S. policy shifts.

“The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I’ve experienced that in the last few days,” Merkel said, hinting at her experiences at the NATO summit. “We Europeans truly have to take our fate into our own hands.”

Canada’s foreign affairs minister echoed that assessment Tuesday, vowing her country will make a “substantial investment” in its own military as the U.S. gives up its international leadership role.

The Ally From Hell: With A Flick Of His Mood, Trump Throws Allies Off Balance

Canada isn't the only country Trump is making nervous.
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Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.

Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
I know obama failed to lead. He was a pussy. Couldn't get it done. He pissed away a great opportunity.

Aside from unjustly invading Iraq in the first place - Bush pissed away a great opportunity when he fired Saddams army - of which many became ISIS leaders.

Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure. We must never forget.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than twenty-six years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Downing Street Memo
Billy blowjob is the one the declared Saddam had WMD's. He pounded the drums. Blew up buildings, etc.
Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.

Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
I know obama failed to lead. He was a pussy. Couldn't get it done. He pissed away a great opportunity.

Aside from unjustly invading Iraq in the first place - Bush pissed away a great opportunity when he fired Saddams army - of which many became ISIS leaders.

Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure. We must never forget.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than twenty-six years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Downing Street Memo
Billy blowjob is the one the declared Saddam had WMD's. He pounded the drums. Blew up buildings, etc.

All President Clinton did was enforce the northern and southern no-fly zones established by Bush 41 in the 1st Gulf War.
World leaders shift their views as they wonder if they can still trust the U.S.

Trump’s brazen comments Tuesday were the latest in a series of diplomatic moves that have antagonized foreign governments and thrown into question some of the U.S.’ longest and strongest alliances.

“Fundamentally, Trump in the last 4½ months has demonstrated that he doesn’t understand or doesn’t care how America has engaged the world for the last 70 years,” former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder told HuffPost.

In a speech days after Trump’s NATO address, German Chancellor Angela Merkel also told supporters that Europe must become more self-reliant as the U.S. policy shifts.

“The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I’ve experienced that in the last few days,” Merkel said, hinting at her experiences at the NATO summit. “We Europeans truly have to take our fate into our own hands.”

Canada’s foreign affairs minister echoed that assessment Tuesday, vowing her country will make a “substantial investment” in its own military as the U.S. gives up its international leadership role.

The Ally From Hell: With A Flick Of His Mood, Trump Throws Allies Off Balance

Canada isn't the only country Trump is making nervous.
From your link.

"Trump tweeted his support for the decision by Saudi Arabia and several other Persian Gulf nations to cut ties with Qatar, accusing the longtime U.S. ally and host to an instrumental U.S. military base of funding extremists."

accusing the longtime U.S. ally and host to an instrumental U.S. military base of funding extremists.

Good grief. Please get your talking points from someone that is literate.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland delivers a speech in the House of Commons on Canada's Foreign Policy in Ottawa on Tuesday, June 6, 2017.

Freeland questions U.S. leadership, says Canada must set own course

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland says Ottawa will forge its own path on the world stage because Canada can no longer rely on Washington for global leadership.

In a major speech setting the stage for Wednesday's release of a new multibillion-dollar blueprint for the Canadian Armed Forces, Ms. Freeland rejected Donald Trump's "America First" foreign policy and its dismissal of free trade, global warming and the value of Western alliances in countering Russian adventurism and the Islamic State.

While she did not mention the U.S. President by name, Ms. Freeland expressed deep concern about the desire of many American voters to "shrug off the burden of world leadership."

More: Freeland questions U.S. leadership, says Canada must set own course - The Globe and Mail

I'm sure some nations like Russia will seek to exploit the rifts in international relations to benefit themselves.
Fake Indian, are we including sponsored kills? Obama sent $500 million in weapons after cutting and running leaving hundreds of millions in equipment and weapons behind.

Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
I know obama failed to lead. He was a pussy. Couldn't get it done. He pissed away a great opportunity.

Aside from unjustly invading Iraq in the first place - Bush pissed away a great opportunity when he fired Saddams army - of which many became ISIS leaders.

Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure. We must never forget.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than twenty-six years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Downing Street Memo
Billy blowjob is the one the declared Saddam had WMD's. He pounded the drums. Blew up buildings, etc.

All President Clinton did was enforce the northern and southern no-fly zones established by Bush 41 in the 1st Gulf War.
Incorrect. He blew up buildings and declared Saddam had WMD's.
Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

The question has become 'how long will it take a new administration to repair the terrible damage drumpf has done to our relations with our allies. When Nordic leaders make fun of the US president and his 'putting hands on the Saudi glowing orb' you know they have zero respect for him. And unfortunately that translates into lost respect for the US.
Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

The question has become 'how long will it take a new administration to repair the terrible damage drumpf has done to our relations with our allies. When Nordic leaders make fun of the US president and his 'putting hands on the Saudi glowing orb' you know they have zero respect for him. And unfortunately that translates into lost respect for the US.

Thank you. I agree. A few hours ago I was listening to several experts discuss how long it will take to repair Trump's damage - domestically and globally. They said years - and some damage could likely never be repaired.
Cutting and running? You mean when Iraq ordered us to leave based on the SOFA that Bush negotiated?
I know obama failed to lead. He was a pussy. Couldn't get it done. He pissed away a great opportunity.

Aside from unjustly invading Iraq in the first place - Bush pissed away a great opportunity when he fired Saddams army - of which many became ISIS leaders.

Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure. We must never forget.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than twenty-six years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Downing Street Memo
Billy blowjob is the one the declared Saddam had WMD's. He pounded the drums. Blew up buildings, etc.

All President Clinton did was enforce the northern and southern no-fly zones established by Bush 41 in the 1st Gulf War.
Incorrect. He blew up buildings and declared Saddam had WMD's.

... did he say nuclear weapons... why yes he did...

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Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

Canada to make 'substantial' boost to military spending

OTTAWA — Canada's new foreign policy will involve spending billions on "hard power" military capability because the country can't rely on an American ally that has turned inward, says Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland.

In a major foreign policy speech in the House of Commons today, Freeland didn't mention Donald Trump by name, but made an unabashed pitch for the international rules-based order that the U.S. president's America First policy is attacking.

The U.S. has been an indispensable nation in leading the world since then, she said, but that is changing and Canada has to adapt.

She reiterated the government's disappointment in the U.S. decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"International relationships that had seemed immutable for 70 years are being called into question," she said.

Canada Needs 'Hard Power' To Support Global Order: Freeland

The question has become 'how long will it take a new administration to repair the terrible damage drumpf has done to our relations with our allies. When Nordic leaders make fun of the US president and his 'putting hands on the Saudi glowing orb' you know they have zero respect for him. And unfortunately that translates into lost respect for the US.
You are acting like Obama earned great respect. Lol. Yes the Iranian military is thankful for the billions of dollars Obama gave them.
Apparently Canada is feeling the Trump fear. It has been reported today that Canada plans to boost military spending amid concerns they can no longer depend on the United States for defense under Trump.

About fucking time. Would be nice if Europe stepped up too, but then, of course, they wouldn't be able to afford their Utopian welfare states.

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