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Was Adam really the first human and if so...

But it's the truth if you believe the Bible story

You would believe that only if you didn't read the story.

When the children of adam and eve wanted to find a mate they went to a city...

Where in Genesis does it say God created all the people in a city?

If Adam and Eve were the only people created then there were no cities for Kane and Abel to visit to find a wife

Ok, so you never read the book.

You might want to take a look before you try to discredit it.

I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve
It’s an allegorical account.

Of course that isn’t as much fun for you, now is it?

You’d rather knock down straw men than to have a meaningful discussion.
But it's the truth if you believe the Bible story

You would believe that only if you didn't read the story.

When the children of adam and eve wanted to find a mate they went to a city...

Where in Genesis does it say God created all the people in a city?

If Adam and Eve were the only people created then there were no cities for Kane and Abel to visit to find a wife

Ok, so you never read the book.

You might want to take a look before you try to discredit it.

I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve

"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

A word to the wise. Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch
Sounds like they knew about evolution 6000 years before Darwin.
I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again
As Jews have said for centuries: The Bible is not meant to be read. It is meant to be studied. When studied--especially in the original language--it is easy to understand the original story is not even close to what atheists (as well as others) claim it is saying.

If nothing else, stop looking at it as an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a book of lessons--a lot of oral history that was presented in story form.
Told that way so it could be remembered and passed down verbally from generation to generation and was for 2500 years.
When Adam was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being everyone else was living like animals. They built cities, but they were unthinking brute beasts and lowlifes.

"Now the (talking) serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. "

When adam was shown every beast that the Lord God also made he gave them names. When he was shown a conman he called it a serpent.

So Eve's sons took "beasts of the fields" as wives?

Nowhere does it say god made any other people than Adam and Eve

Yup. There were plenty of wild women to choose from in the city. And yeah, it doesn't say that God made any other people into living beings , it calls other existing peoples the beasts of the field that the Lord God also made. Just like Adam was an existing animal, taken from the scum of the earth, before he was formed into a living being.

If you thought about Adam being formed into a living being intelligently, you might understand the true subject of the resurrection of the dead.

According to the story a person is not a living being until he tills his own earth and subdues his animal nature.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that a person must be born again, not by the fleshy desire of a human father that forms the body of an animal, but by the spirit of God that forms the mind and produces a new creature, a living- thinking intelligent and rational - "living being".

So the beasts of the field were people not deer, mice, wolves, foxes, bobcats. or any insect or bird etc?

That is the most ridiculous rationalization I have ever heard

Yes. But its not a rationalization, its the only answer that resolves every mystery including kosher law, ritual sacrifice, what Jesus was actually doing while living in the wilderness among the wild beasts, etc... The truth, the very truth.

Angels, demons, the living and the dead, talking serpents, talking donkeys, wolves, sheep, goats, cattle, rats, worms, parasites, bottom feeders, swine that do not ruminate, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, are all metaphors for people that reflect the heights and depths of human potential in the kingdom of God.
I appreciate your posting, but (no offense) I find that harder to believe than even the explanations for "why didn't Frodo just ride the giant eagles to Mordor in the FIRST damn place - Jeez!?"

Have a great week.
Ironically the trilogy was a story about Christianity. Tolkien was a devout Catholic.

The return of the king. Raising the army of the dead. The ring symbolizes the self and what it does to men and the need to destroy it.

Dying to self is a central theme of all the major religions. It’s the only way one can see reality.

No wonder most of you can’t see God.
There was a first human ... but he didn't look like us.

On the other hand ... at some point there must have been a human who first looked like us.

That's just the way things work.

Have there been different species of humans? Was there an evolutionary tree wherein human species diverged and, eventually, some died out and another evolved into us? I think it's plausible, maybe probable.

That's exactly what did happen. There was a time when Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens existed together. Between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago, they fought and had sex. We know this because humans carry certain sequences of Neanderthal DNA.

We 'share' DNA with all kinds of things, including trees. While it's possible we cross-bred with them, it's also possible we didn't.
I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again
As Jews have said for centuries: The Bible is not meant to be read. It is meant to be studied. When studied--especially in the original language--it is easy to understand the original story is not even close to what atheists (as well as others) claim it is saying.

If nothing else, stop looking at it as an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a book of lessons--a lot of oral history that was presented in story form.
So the talking snake is, uh, real??

Hasn't anyone ever tried to get you to eat Jesus in the form of a handy snack food?
Cute. Yes, one reason I can't be a Catholic is that I feel like a vampire when I drink someone's blood, and a zombie when I eat someone's flesh.
Ok, just kidding. :04:
Doesn't "celebrating" the torture and death of Jesus every other sunday and high holiday seem strange too?

Careful there, this meriweather character is very subtle and might try to get you to believe that it is a holy obligation..

And some people don't believe in talking serpents..

Imagine that!

That’s only because you don’t have enough faith in God that he would be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death or manifest himself into the host for no other reason than we have faith that he would.

So therefore he will never do it for you and you will never be able to test it for yourself but will continue to criticize and ridicule those who have.
Wouldn't a real "god" want to provide a high level of certainty to his beloved children, Meriweather?
Wouldn't loving children want to know and understand their parent?

I'll get the kind of day I deserve, but thank you.
You DESERVE a day with a belief system that is quite certain in its teachings - not one with dragons, giants, unicorns, killing gays, death for gathering twigs on a particular day of the week etc. You are THAT awesome - you deserve that. Don't settle for less!
I woke up today hoping that I would see an ass acting all undeservedly condescending to a good and decent person.

See what I did there?
Adam and Eve looked like us, but were perfect humans. It's a wonder why they didn't they last longer in paradise even with free will and all they had to to was not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. What if they put a barrier around it? I would've had it moved to some remote corner of the planet. Maybe there was more to it than meets the eye.
The departure from paradise is a metaphor for their departure from sanity as a consequence of being beguiled by a deceitful lowlife, and no one knows better than you what thats like..

Hob's sharp, cynical, depressive attitude strikes again. You're such an inspiration, Hob.

lol...awww, relax sweetness, I have done him a favor for which he can never repay.

Now he might realize just how close he came to screwing up his chance to live forever. Maybe not. Like you give a shit.

I don't have such high hopes for you knowing that you will be judged in the same intolerant manner that you are judging others with...

You seem inextricably committed to being a dimwitted racist moron dreaming of the good old days when pigmen roamed free.

What happened to you mr tough guy? You left your grandmothers basement after a few decades in oblivion to glom a case of beer, realized that not everyone was pearly white anymore, :shok: shit your pants, and had a nervous breakdown?

Not to worry! You in your awesome whiteness can still keep dreaming that one glorious day pigmen around the world will find their way out of the pigpen.

The irony of you criticizing someone for judging others was rich.
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

The Creation Story is a myth / allegory. That doesn't mean it's useless, however. It's just not what actually happened. Personally, I believe in Intelligent Design.
I believe GOD. I do not believe man's interpretation of data unobserved and unduplicated... But I'm sure glad you accept that GOD's design is intelligent ant some accident/freak of "nature".
To be totally fair, the Bible is "man's interpretation of data unobserved and unduplicated".

Now for a bit of reality. Today one of God's Intelligent Designed slaughtered a lot of His chosen people. Doesn't look very intelligently designed to me! He looks like "some accident/freak of "nature"."
Maybe you just don’t understand how the law of compensation works because you are a linear thinker in a cyclical universe.

What do you say, want to debate God’s flawed design in the bull ring?
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

I would go with 'Yes', they did look like us. there is nothing in the Genesis story or any other that leads to anything else. Bones of extinct species of apes don't prove human ancestry. From evidence popping up around the world the last few decades, there is also no longer any reason to assume an African origin for humanity either, or even a single origin.

The reference to Adam as 'The First Man' in the Jewish writings could also be merely Jewish racism at work, 'Adam' being the first 'Man' might just mean the first Jew, with others not being considered real ' humans', hence the existence of others outside the 'Garden' that aren't considered full humans by tribal Jews. This mentality exists right up to today among some Jewish sects and rabbis.

When tracing the origins of the majority of the ancient languages, they center on a region around the northern Caucuses or the Black Sea, according to whose map you like the best. That would indicate an area probably closer to human origins than some backwater like Africa, where the 'originals' never got far, despite thousands of years of a head start, so the entire 'out of Africa' nonsense is ridiculous on its face..
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I read somewhere that there was not much physiological difference between us and humans 10,000 years ago. Don’t know if that is true or not.
I read somewhere that there was not much physiological difference between us and humans 10,000 years ago. Don’t know if that is true or not.

We would have had to appear in large numbers at once, not one at a time, in more than one place, and in numerous ethnic permutations. the possible timeline is just too short for the standard 'evolution' rubbish to hold any water.
As Jews have said for centuries: The Bible is not meant to be read. It is meant to be studied. When studied--especially in the original language--it is easy to understand the original story is not even close to what atheists (as well as others) claim it is saying.

If nothing else, stop looking at it as an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a book of lessons--a lot of oral history that was presented in story form.
So the talking snake is, uh, real??

Hasn't anyone ever tried to get you to eat Jesus in the form of a handy snack food?
Cute. Yes, one reason I can't be a Catholic is that I feel like a vampire when I drink someone's blood, and a zombie when I eat someone's flesh.
Ok, just kidding. :04:
Doesn't "celebrating" the torture and death of Jesus every other sunday and high holiday seem strange too?

Careful there, this meriweather character is very subtle and might try to get you to believe that it is a holy obligation..

And some people don't believe in talking serpents..

Imagine that!

That’s only because you don’t have enough faith in God that he would be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death or manifest himself into the host for no other reason than we have faith that he would.

So therefore he will never do it for you and you will never be able to test it for yourself but will continue to criticize and ridicule those who have.

No its you who does not have faith that God is not and never was a human being. What you have faith in is a lie that contradicts the entire teaching of the law and all of the prophets including Jesus himself who said that the spirit alone gives life and that his words are both spirit and life not a matzo.

It is actually the absence of faith to believe that the living God could manifest himself into the host which was made by human hands, has no life, and is not God.
Not to mention stupid.

It is no small coincidence that according to the gospel of John the only mention of flesh and blood was before the last supper and during the last supper the only one given bread was Judas, as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others who told Jesus they understood what he meant by his flesh and blood and the source of eternal life before when they said, "Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know you are the Holy One of God."

But when they asked who the traitor during the last supper he told them it was the person that he gives the bread dipped in wine to. Then he gave it to Judas...."and as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him."

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

I am not criticizing, ridiculing or condemning you. I am telling you that you are already dead, already in hell, already under divine condemnation, oblivious to the fact that you are on your way to permanent destruction.

Everything that you write, everything that comes out of your head, everything that you profess to believe confirms this.

You have rejected the source of eternal life, the actual Body of Christ, words from God that form the body of the teaching that became his flesh, for something that does not even qualify as a cheap snack food.

You have made lying in the name of God, defying the divine commands, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus a religious duty.

If you feel embarrassed as if I was making fun of you ,it is because your conscience is condemning you, not me.
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You would believe that only if you didn't read the story.

When the children of adam and eve wanted to find a mate they went to a city...

Where in Genesis does it say God created all the people in a city?

If Adam and Eve were the only people created then there were no cities for Kane and Abel to visit to find a wife

Ok, so you never read the book.

You might want to take a look before you try to discredit it.

I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve

"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

A word to the wise. Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch
Sounds like they knew about evolution 6000 years before Darwin.

No they didn't believe that leopards could change their spots and that everyone, by the age of forty, was set in their ways....until Jesus proved them wrong and raised Lazarus from the dead.

Sadly, many still didn't believe even though throngs of the resurrected dead were standing all around right in front of their noses watching.
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Adam and Eve looked like us, but were perfect humans. It's a wonder why they didn't they last longer in paradise even with free will and all they had to to was not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. What if they put a barrier around it? I would've had it moved to some remote corner of the planet. Maybe there was more to it than meets the eye.
The departure from paradise is a metaphor for their departure from sanity as a consequence of being beguiled by a deceitful lowlife, and no one knows better than you what thats like..

Hob's sharp, cynical, depressive attitude strikes again. You're such an inspiration, Hob.

lol...awww, relax sweetness, I have done him a favor for which he can never repay.

Now he might realize just how close he came to screwing up his chance to live forever. Maybe not. Like you give a shit.

I don't have such high hopes for you knowing that you will be judged in the same intolerant manner that you are judging others with...

You seem inextricably committed to being a dimwitted racist moron dreaming of the good old days when pigmen roamed free.

What happened to you mr tough guy? You left your grandmothers basement after a few decades in oblivion to glom a case of beer, realized that not everyone was pearly white anymore, :shok: shit your pants, and had a nervous breakdown?

Not to worry! You in your awesome whiteness can still keep dreaming that one glorious day pigmen around the world will find their way out of the pigpen.

The irony of you criticizing someone for judging others was rich.

I said that he will be judged in the same intolerant manner that he is judging everyone else. You got a problem with that?

Relax, I am just letting him know his place on the divine menu... He is a vile and loathsome creature whose flesh defiles and contaminates the mind. This is something people should know. Don't you agree? A type of public service announcement.

And, btw, thats not a criticism. Thats a judgement.

Whats with you anyway? You think such a brave white Christian nationalist warrior on a holy crusade for world domination trying his bestest to promote fascism and rally the numbskulls can't fight his own battles on an obscure message board with me who doesn't have the faith to grovel on my knees before a cracker? Something that is so easy for you?

Were you feeling sorry for the ignorant racist asswipe who is proud of the fucked up things people did in Europe under the church during the middle ages? lol... What a guy!
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The Bible is a testimony to the wisdom and folly of a population that is representative of all. It points at something, but that something remains to be discovered by the individual through personal revelation. The major problem with this, as with all religions, is imposing interpretations on others who do not share them.
The Bible is a testimony to the wisdom and folly of a population that is representative of all. It points at something, but that something remains to be discovered by the individual through personal revelation. The major problem with this, as with all religions, is imposing interpretations on others who do not share them.

The problem is a bunch of people just making up stupid stuff to suit themselves, and making no attempt at all to actually read and study the books and the history and context of them.

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