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Was Adam really the first human and if so...

So the talking snake is, uh, real??

Hasn't anyone ever tried to get you to eat Jesus in the form of a handy snack food?
Cute. Yes, one reason I can't be a Catholic is that I feel like a vampire when I drink someone's blood, and a zombie when I eat someone's flesh.
Ok, just kidding. :04:
Doesn't "celebrating" the torture and death of Jesus every other sunday and high holiday seem strange too?

Careful there, this meriweather character is very subtle and might try to get you to believe that it is a holy obligation..

And some people don't believe in talking serpents..

Imagine that!

That’s only because you don’t have enough faith in God that he would be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death or manifest himself into the host for no other reason than we have faith that he would.

So therefore he will never do it for you and you will never be able to test it for yourself but will continue to criticize and ridicule those who have.

No its you who does not have faith that God is not and never was a human being. What you have faith in is a lie that contradicts the entire teaching of the law and all of the prophets including Jesus himself who said that the spirit alone gives life and that his words are both spirit and life not a matzo.

It is actually the absence of faith to believe that the living God could manifest himself into the host which was made by human hands, has no life, and is not God.
Not to mention stupid.

It is no small coincidence that according to the gospel of John the only mention of flesh and blood was before the last supper and during the last supper the only one given bread was Judas, as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others who told Jesus they understood what he meant by his flesh and blood and the source of eternal life before when they said, "Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know you are the Holy One of God."

But when they asked who the traitor during the last supper he told them it was the person that he gives the bread dipped in wine to. Then he gave it to Judas...."and as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him."

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

I am not criticizing, ridiculing or condemning you. I am telling you that you are already dead, already in hell, already under divine condemnation, oblivious to the fact that you are on your way to permanent destruction.

Everything that you write, everything that comes out of your head, everything that you profess to believe confirms this.

You have rejected the source of eternal life, the actual Body of Christ, words from God that form the body of the teaching that became his flesh, for something that does not even qualify as a cheap snack food.

You have made lying in the name of God, defying the divine commands, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus a religious duty.

If you feel embarrassed as if I was making fun of you ,it is because your conscience is condemning you, not me.

You have never tested so you have never experienced it. I have.
Where in Genesis does it say God created all the people in a city?

If Adam and Eve were the only people created then there were no cities for Kane and Abel to visit to find a wife

Ok, so you never read the book.

You might want to take a look before you try to discredit it.

I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve

"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

A word to the wise. Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch
Sounds like they knew about evolution 6000 years before Darwin.

No they didn't believe that leopards could change their spots and that everyone, by the age of forty, was set in their ways....until Jesus proved them wrong and raised Lazarus from the dead.

Sadly, many still didn't believe even though throngs of the resurrected dead were standing all around right in front of their noses watching.
Genesis tells us creation had a beginning. Science confirms it.
Adam and Eve looked like us, but were perfect humans. It's a wonder why they didn't they last longer in paradise even with free will and all they had to to was not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. What if they put a barrier around it? I would've had it moved to some remote corner of the planet. Maybe there was more to it than meets the eye.
The departure from paradise is a metaphor for their departure from sanity as a consequence of being beguiled by a deceitful lowlife, and no one knows better than you what thats like..

Hob's sharp, cynical, depressive attitude strikes again. You're such an inspiration, Hob.

lol...awww, relax sweetness, I have done him a favor for which he can never repay.

Now he might realize just how close he came to screwing up his chance to live forever. Maybe not. Like you give a shit.

I don't have such high hopes for you knowing that you will be judged in the same intolerant manner that you are judging others with...

You seem inextricably committed to being a dimwitted racist moron dreaming of the good old days when pigmen roamed free.

What happened to you mr tough guy? You left your grandmothers basement after a few decades in oblivion to glom a case of beer, realized that not everyone was pearly white anymore, :shok: shit your pants, and had a nervous breakdown?

Not to worry! You in your awesome whiteness can still keep dreaming that one glorious day pigmen around the world will find their way out of the pigpen.

The irony of you criticizing someone for judging others was rich.

I said that he will be judged in the same intolerant manner that he is judging everyone else. You got a problem with that?

Relax, I am just letting him know his place on the divine menu... He is a vile and loathsome creature whose flesh defiles and contaminates the mind. This is something people should know. Don't you agree? A type of public service announcement.

And, btw, thats not a criticism. Thats a judgement.

Whats with you anyway? You think such a brave white Christian nationalist warrior on a holy crusade for world domination trying his bestest to promote fascism and rally the numbskulls can't fight his own battles on an obscure message board with me who doesn't have the faith to grovel on my knees before a cracker? Something that is so easy for you?

Were you feeling sorry for the ignorant racist asswipe who is proud of the fucked up things people did in Europe under the church during the middle ages? lol... What a guy!

Your words about others tell more about you than your words about yourself do.
Hasn't anyone ever tried to get you to eat Jesus in the form of a handy snack food?
Cute. Yes, one reason I can't be a Catholic is that I feel like a vampire when I drink someone's blood, and a zombie when I eat someone's flesh.
Ok, just kidding. :04:
Doesn't "celebrating" the torture and death of Jesus every other sunday and high holiday seem strange too?

Careful there, this meriweather character is very subtle and might try to get you to believe that it is a holy obligation..

And some people don't believe in talking serpents..

Imagine that!

That’s only because you don’t have enough faith in God that he would be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death or manifest himself into the host for no other reason than we have faith that he would.

So therefore he will never do it for you and you will never be able to test it for yourself but will continue to criticize and ridicule those who have.

No its you who does not have faith that God is not and never was a human being. What you have faith in is a lie that contradicts the entire teaching of the law and all of the prophets including Jesus himself who said that the spirit alone gives life and that his words are both spirit and life not a matzo.

It is actually the absence of faith to believe that the living God could manifest himself into the host which was made by human hands, has no life, and is not God.
Not to mention stupid.

It is no small coincidence that according to the gospel of John the only mention of flesh and blood was before the last supper and during the last supper the only one given bread was Judas, as a way for Jesus to identify his betrayer to the others who told Jesus they understood what he meant by his flesh and blood and the source of eternal life before when they said, "Your words are words of eternal life. We have faith and know you are the Holy One of God."

But when they asked who the traitor during the last supper he told them it was the person that he gives the bread dipped in wine to. Then he gave it to Judas...."and as soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him."

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

I am not criticizing, ridiculing or condemning you. I am telling you that you are already dead, already in hell, already under divine condemnation, oblivious to the fact that you are on your way to permanent destruction.

Everything that you write, everything that comes out of your head, everything that you profess to believe confirms this.

You have rejected the source of eternal life, the actual Body of Christ, words from God that form the body of the teaching that became his flesh, for something that does not even qualify as a cheap snack food.

You have made lying in the name of God, defying the divine commands, and desecrating the teachings of Jesus a religious duty.

If you feel embarrassed as if I was making fun of you ,it is because your conscience is condemning you, not me.

You have never tested so you have never experienced it. I have.

Tested what? Your lie? Sorry, you are wrong. I have tested it. Thats why I know that it is bullshit.

In the very day you first got down on your knees to worship the lifeless work of human hands decades ago you died.

You don't have the balls to call bullshit bullshit so you will never know what it is to live again.
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Genesis tells us creation had a beginning. Science confirms it.

Us again? How many of you are there?

In the creation story of genesis, the beginning referred to, is not the beginning of time, the universe, the solar system, the planet, or the first plants,animals or human beings.

The creation of heaven and earth is about the time, no more than 6000 years ago, when God established law as a light to the nations, instruction that divides the darkness by teaching people to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, life and death, heaven and earth, a world above and the world below.

Thats what Genesis tells me.

Listen pal, you are in a world of hurt. You are fooling no one.

Why don't you test yourself? See if you can go through one day without referring to yourself in the plural. If you can't, you should probably start wondering who's the boss...

I'll save you some time....You have allowed Satan to enter your mind to perpetuate falsehoods.(as soon as Judas received the bread Satan entered him)

You are your own worst enemy. The best I can do to help you is to tell you to STFU set your sights within and clean house. Your mind has become a funky addled mess. You have a lot of work to do. Be prepared. Your houseguests won't go without a fight.
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Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
1 Corinthians 1:27

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Prometheus Crucified

Paul despises intelligence and manliness, putting them in the same category as the undeserved birth privileges as the aristocracy (eugeneis). This jealous, predatory, and hypocritical attitude was the first coffin nail leading to the Fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark Ages (The "Age of Faith).

Paul's shortcomings have caused a lot of damage to Christianity. Yes, he was great, and I appreciate his genius, courage and diligence. Nonetheless, he was wrong, on a number of critical issues.
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
1 Corinthians 1:27

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Prometheus Crucified

Paul despises intelligence and manliness, putting them in the same category as the undeserved birth privileges as the aristocracy (eugeneis). This jealous, predatory, and hypocritical attitude was the first coffin nail leading to the Fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark Ages (The "Age of Faith).

Paul's shortcomings have caused a lot of damage to Christianity. Yes, he was great, and I appreciate his genius, courage and diligence. Nonetheless, he was wrong, on a number of critical issues.
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.
What was Christianity before Paul and the Popes?
What was Christianity before Paul and the Popes?

least you not forget the 4th century when they wrote the christian bible including forgeries to alter the events of the 1st century - as the stating point for that religion.

the 1st century events were an entitlement for the salvation of the individual by their own means and that of humanity.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
1 Corinthians 1:27

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Prometheus Crucified

Paul despises intelligence and manliness, putting them in the same category as the undeserved birth privileges as the aristocracy (eugeneis). This jealous, predatory, and hypocritical attitude was the first coffin nail leading to the Fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark Ages (The "Age of Faith).

Paul's shortcomings have caused a lot of damage to Christianity. Yes, he was great, and I appreciate his genius, courage and diligence. Nonetheless, he was wrong, on a number of critical issues.
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.
What was Christianity before Paul and the Popes?

Another Jewish sect.... Paul did great work, but he was a man, after all, and subject to human error.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
1 Corinthians 1:27

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Prometheus Crucified

Paul despises intelligence and manliness, putting them in the same category as the undeserved birth privileges as the aristocracy (eugeneis). This jealous, predatory, and hypocritical attitude was the first coffin nail leading to the Fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark Ages (The "Age of Faith).

Paul's shortcomings have caused a lot of damage to Christianity. Yes, he was great, and I appreciate his genius, courage and diligence. Nonetheless, he was wrong, on a number of critical issues.
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.

Peter was the first pope; but Paul actually did a lot more than Peter. He wrote, taught, developed doctrine, took Christianity to the Gentiles, and liberated it from Judaism.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
Anyone who literally believes the Biblical Creation Story has committed intellectual suicide.
1 Corinthians 1:27

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Prometheus Crucified

Paul despises intelligence and manliness, putting them in the same category as the undeserved birth privileges as the aristocracy (eugeneis). This jealous, predatory, and hypocritical attitude was the first coffin nail leading to the Fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark Ages (The "Age of Faith).

Paul's shortcomings have caused a lot of damage to Christianity. Yes, he was great, and I appreciate his genius, courage and diligence. Nonetheless, he was wrong, on a number of critical issues.
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.

Peter was the first pope; but Paul actually did a lot more than Peter. He wrote, taught, developed doctrine, took Christianity to the Gentiles, and liberated it from Judaism.

Paul was a Pharisee, a leader of a ruthless crackdown on the early followers of Jesus who pretended to have a vision that made him blind only to pretend to be healed and see a few days later, A miracle! He then weaseled his way into the community, gained their trust through deception, bullied his way to the top, and took over control of the movement to derail it deliberately by promoting perverse pharisaic views among the gentiles and contradicting Jesus, Peter, and James, on fundamental teachings about what constitutes salvation and the way to eternal life.

Basically he was a guilt ridden, self loathing, hate filled, homophobic, misogynist who promoted bullshit in the name of Jesus - the law is obsolete, Jesus was God, etc.,- to curse the Gentiles and insure that the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah.
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1 Corinthians 1:27

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;”
Prometheus Crucified

Paul despises intelligence and manliness, putting them in the same category as the undeserved birth privileges as the aristocracy (eugeneis). This jealous, predatory, and hypocritical attitude was the first coffin nail leading to the Fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark Ages (The "Age of Faith).

Paul's shortcomings have caused a lot of damage to Christianity. Yes, he was great, and I appreciate his genius, courage and diligence. Nonetheless, he was wrong, on a number of critical issues.
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.

Peter was the first pope; but Paul actually did a lot more than Peter. He wrote, taught, developed doctrine, took Christianity to the Gentiles, and liberated it from Judaism.

Paul was a Pharisee, a leader of a ruthless crackdown on the early followers of Jesus who pretended to have a vision that made him blind only to pretend to be healed and see a few days later, A miracle! He then took over control of the movement promoting pharisaic views among the gentiles and contradicting Jesus on fundamental teachings about what constitutes salvation.

Basically he was a guilt ridden, self loathing, homophobic, misogynist who promoted bullshit in the name of Jesus - the law is obsolete, Jesus was God, etc.,- to curse the Gentiles and insure that the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah.
So you must be glad that a Jew ratted on Jesus and got him killed.
Prometheus Crucified

Paul despises intelligence and manliness, putting them in the same category as the undeserved birth privileges as the aristocracy (eugeneis). This jealous, predatory, and hypocritical attitude was the first coffin nail leading to the Fall of Rome and the onset of the Dark Ages (The "Age of Faith).

Paul's shortcomings have caused a lot of damage to Christianity. Yes, he was great, and I appreciate his genius, courage and diligence. Nonetheless, he was wrong, on a number of critical issues.
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.

Peter was the first pope; but Paul actually did a lot more than Peter. He wrote, taught, developed doctrine, took Christianity to the Gentiles, and liberated it from Judaism.

Paul was a Pharisee, a leader of a ruthless crackdown on the early followers of Jesus who pretended to have a vision that made him blind only to pretend to be healed and see a few days later, A miracle! He then took over control of the movement promoting pharisaic views among the gentiles and contradicting Jesus on fundamental teachings about what constitutes salvation.

Basically he was a guilt ridden, self loathing, homophobic, misogynist who promoted bullshit in the name of Jesus - the law is obsolete, Jesus was God, etc.,- to curse the Gentiles and insure that the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah.
So you must be glad that a Jew ratted on Jesus and got him killed.

No, I'm glad that Jesus made it so easy to identify his betrayers.....
Paul's shortcomings have caused a lot of damage to Christianity. Yes, he was great, and I appreciate his genius, courage and diligence. Nonetheless, he was wrong, on a number of critical issues.
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.

Peter was the first pope; but Paul actually did a lot more than Peter. He wrote, taught, developed doctrine, took Christianity to the Gentiles, and liberated it from Judaism.

Paul was a Pharisee, a leader of a ruthless crackdown on the early followers of Jesus who pretended to have a vision that made him blind only to pretend to be healed and see a few days later, A miracle! He then took over control of the movement promoting pharisaic views among the gentiles and contradicting Jesus on fundamental teachings about what constitutes salvation.

Basically he was a guilt ridden, self loathing, homophobic, misogynist who promoted bullshit in the name of Jesus - the law is obsolete, Jesus was God, etc.,- to curse the Gentiles and insure that the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah.
So you must be glad that a Jew ratted on Jesus and got him killed.

No, I'm glad that Jesus made it so easy to identify his betrayers.....
Do Jews feel bad about having ratted on Jesus?
The Road to "Damn, Ask Us"

He changed Christianity as much as the Popes did.

Peter was the first pope; but Paul actually did a lot more than Peter. He wrote, taught, developed doctrine, took Christianity to the Gentiles, and liberated it from Judaism.

Paul was a Pharisee, a leader of a ruthless crackdown on the early followers of Jesus who pretended to have a vision that made him blind only to pretend to be healed and see a few days later, A miracle! He then took over control of the movement promoting pharisaic views among the gentiles and contradicting Jesus on fundamental teachings about what constitutes salvation.

Basically he was a guilt ridden, self loathing, homophobic, misogynist who promoted bullshit in the name of Jesus - the law is obsolete, Jesus was God, etc.,- to curse the Gentiles and insure that the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah.
So you must be glad that a Jew ratted on Jesus and got him killed.

No, I'm glad that Jesus made it so easy to identify his betrayers.....
Do Jews feel bad about having ratted on Jesus?

Is there a living Jew still around that ratted on Jesus 2000 years ago that would feel bad about it? I had no idea.

Where has that old fart been hiding? How did he live so long?
Peter was the first pope; but Paul actually did a lot more than Peter. He wrote, taught, developed doctrine, took Christianity to the Gentiles, and liberated it from Judaism.

Paul was a Pharisee, a leader of a ruthless crackdown on the early followers of Jesus who pretended to have a vision that made him blind only to pretend to be healed and see a few days later, A miracle! He then took over control of the movement promoting pharisaic views among the gentiles and contradicting Jesus on fundamental teachings about what constitutes salvation.

Basically he was a guilt ridden, self loathing, homophobic, misogynist who promoted bullshit in the name of Jesus - the law is obsolete, Jesus was God, etc.,- to curse the Gentiles and insure that the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah.
So you must be glad that a Jew ratted on Jesus and got him killed.

No, I'm glad that Jesus made it so easy to identify his betrayers.....
Do Jews feel bad about having ratted on Jesus?

Is there a living Jew still around that ratted on Jesus 2000 years ago that would feel bad about it? I had no idea.

Where has that old fart been hiding? How did he live so long?
Ya, but Jews in general must feel bad that one of theirs ratted out Jesus.
Paul was a Pharisee, a leader of a ruthless crackdown on the early followers of Jesus who pretended to have a vision that made him blind only to pretend to be healed and see a few days later, A miracle! He then took over control of the movement promoting pharisaic views among the gentiles and contradicting Jesus on fundamental teachings about what constitutes salvation.

Basically he was a guilt ridden, self loathing, homophobic, misogynist who promoted bullshit in the name of Jesus - the law is obsolete, Jesus was God, etc.,- to curse the Gentiles and insure that the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah.
So you must be glad that a Jew ratted on Jesus and got him killed.

No, I'm glad that Jesus made it so easy to identify his betrayers.....
Do Jews feel bad about having ratted on Jesus?

Is there a living Jew still around that ratted on Jesus 2000 years ago that would feel bad about it? I had no idea.

Where has that old fart been hiding? How did he live so long?
Ya, but Jews in general must feel bad that one of theirs ratted out Jesus.

Sheesh. Why would they? Should someone else feel bad about the way you turned out?

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