Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

Was anyone impressed???? :lmao: Just watch him on this C-Span video....:eek: I wonder if he is related to Joey Biden???

Senator to DefSec Nominee: Why Have the Iranians Endorsed You? | The Weekly Standard

and little joey bBden is VP and paul Ryan is not


Yeah, America lost that round. Ryan should have promised those who aren't on entitlements, free everything else that is remaining....( We have not seen the last of Paul Ryan ) :woohoo:
Was anyone impressed???? :lmao: Just watch him on this C-Span video....:eek: I wonder if he is related to Joey Biden???

Senator to DefSec Nominee: Why Have the Iranians Endorsed You? | The Weekly Standard

and little joey bBden is VP and paul Ryan is not


Yeah, America lost that round. Ryan should have promised those who aren't on entitlements, free everything else that is remaining....( We have not seen the last of Paul Ryan ) :woohoo:

correction: American voters won that round. The right wing lost that round and the battle. We will see about the war.
I'm very dubious about Chuck Hagel. He was possibly the most anti-Israel Senator during his tenure and that's pretty much the center of most of what he'll be dealing with over the next few years. That's not at all what I want from the highest ranking civilian official in the military.

Obama is giving a lot of ammo to his critics lately.

The highest ranking civilian official in the military is the President.
From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

I was not impressed. Having said that, he is still far superior to certain individuals like Rumsfeld or Bolton or Rice, etc.
He's not a trained monkey.

The really bad performance were the Republicans. All that screaming and whining. They were an embarrassment. Especially McCain. "ANSWER YES OR NO. YES OR NO. YES OR NO". He was as juvenile as about half the USMB. The right half.
I respect him for not crawling into the sandbox with baby McCain and Graham. I hope he is confirmed. Hagel is not a warmonger.

Like obama, hagel hates America. I don't see how either one is helpful to our country in terms of foreign policy.
It's hilarious how the libs turn the story to the pubs "bad performance" when the OP was about how pathetic hagel was...........yet whenever conservatives do this very thing, the idiot liberals whine and cry about how someone is not "staying on topic" or "running from the real issue". Once again, liberals reveal their hypocrisy
Interesting. Nutters are predicting that Hagel won't be confirmed. The lack of understanding about how shit works is scary.....considering the fact that these nutters are the "engaged" ones.
From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

i was less impressed with mccain who used to say he thought hagel should be his sec'y of state.

but why would facts matter when we're trying to satisfy mccain's bitterness.

What’s it got to do with McCain? this is about Chuck Hagel...You can't get past your MSNBC slap happy support of Obama, if you can support this incompetent then you have no principles, and like I said if Hagel were appointed by a Republican, you'd be all over this board calling him a Jew hater and a gay hater bigot...unbelievable:eusa_eh: Pat Buchanan loves the guy, another strike against him in my book. along with the Iran love thing
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I respect him for not crawling into the sandbox with baby McCain and Graham. I hope he is confirmed. Hagel is not a warmonger.

Like obama, hagel hates America. I don't see how either one is helpful to our country in terms of foreign policy.

Hagel was born in North Platte, Nebraska, the son of Betty (née Dunn) and Charles Dean Hagel. His father was of German heritage, while his mother was of Polish and Irish descent.[4][5] He graduated from St. Bonaventure High School (now Scotus Central Catholic High School) in Columbus, Nebraska, in 1964, the Brown Institute for Radio and Television in 1966, and he earned a BA degree in History from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 1971.[3][6]

Hagel is a Vietnam War veteran, having served in the United States Army infantry from 1967 to 1968. Holding the rank of Sergeant (E-5), he served as an infantry squad leader in the 9th Infantry Division.[7] Hagel served in the same infantry squad as his younger brother Tom, and they are believed to be the only American siblings to have done so during the Vietnam War.[8] They also ended up saving each other's lives on separate occasions.[8] While serving during the war, he received the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, two Purple Hearts, Army Commendation Medal, and the Combat Infantryman Badge.[9]

After returning from Vietnam, he worked as a radio newscaster and talk show host in Omaha from 1969 to 1971[10] while finishing college on VA assistance under the GI Bill.[11]

In 1971, Hagel was hired as a staffer for Congressman John Y. McCollister (R-NE), serving until 1977. For the next four years, he worked as a lobbyist for Firestone Tire and Rubber Company,[12] and, in 1980, he served as an organizer for the successful presidential campaign of former California Governor Ronald Reagan.[12]

After Reagan's inauguration as President, Hagel was named deputy administrator of the Veterans Administration. In 1982, however, he resigned his post over a disagreement with VA Administrator Robert P. Nimmo, who was intent on cutting funding for VA programs. Nimmo had referred to veterans groups as "greedy", and to Agent Orange as not much worse than a "little teenage acne."[13]

Senate voting record

According to David Boaz, during the Bush administration, Hagel maintained a "traditionally Republican" voting record, receiving "a lifetime rating of 84 percent from the American Conservative Union and consistent A and B grades from the National Taxpayers Union."[21] On the Issues describes Hagel as a "libertarian-leaning conservative."[22] According to Boaz, among his most notable votes, Hagel:

Voted for the Patriot Act[23]
Voted for the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts[24][25]
Voted against No Child Left Behind[26]
Voted against Bush’s Medicare prescription drug bill[27]
Voted against McCain-Feingold[28]

Source: Chuck Hagel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You far righties are great at being on the internet and calling Vietnam Era Veterans communists and making up all kinds of bullshit about them. You obviously don't consider it a sin to bear false witness against a person, you don't even know. The man's record shows he had to do something in his two years of service more than getting wounded twice to get promoted to Sergeant during that amount of time. You can't become a squad leader in the Vietnam War without proving yourself. The man's record shows, he cared more about veterans than his job at the VA.

I don't pretend to know that much about Chuck Hagel, but I don't see anything in his record to indicate he didn't serve America with a clear conscience. I do see evidence that you are talking out of your ass.
Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Super PAC noise machine gave the GOP Romney over other GOP contenders attacks Hagel

From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

Yes reasonable and rational Americans of all political stripes were impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance.

Why you are falling in line behind the Super PAC noise machine that gave the GOP Romney over all other GOP contenders?


You use the terms 'Republican' and 'Liberals' as opposing factions. Very interesting. Why? Because smaht people know Conservative and GOP have become one, whereas Democrats and Liberals are two distinct groups

Sorry I don't fall in line with anybody I never liked Hagel as a Senator besides being no friend to Israel he's not competent to run the defense dept. period
Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Super PAC noise machine gave the GOP Romney over other GOP contenders attacks Hagel

From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

Yes reasonable and rational Americans of all political stripes were impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance.

Why you are falling in line behind the Super PAC noise machine that gave the GOP Romney over all other GOP contenders?


You use the terms 'Republican' and 'Liberals' as opposing factions. Very interesting. Why? Because smaht people know Conservative and GOP have become one, whereas Democrats and Liberals are two distinct groups

Sorry I don't fall in line with anybody I never liked Hagel as a Senator besides being no friend to Israel he's not competent to run the defense dept. period

What specifically in Chuck Hagel's background makes you conclude he is no friend to Israel? I've heard that statement from others, but no one backed it up with facts.
Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Super PAC noise machine gave the GOP Romney over other GOP contenders attacks Hagel


Yes reasonable and rational Americans of all political stripes were impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance.

Why you are falling in line behind the Super PAC noise machine that gave the GOP Romney over all other GOP contenders?


You use the terms 'Republican' and 'Liberals' as opposing factions. Very interesting. Why? Because smaht people know Conservative and GOP have become one, whereas Democrats and Liberals are two distinct groups

Sorry I don't fall in line with anybody I never liked Hagel as a Senator besides being no friend to Israel he's not competent to run the defense dept. period

What specifically in Chuck Hagel's background makes you conclude he is no friend to Israel? I've heard that statement from others, but no one backed it up with facts.

Chuck Hagel is only concerned with the "Jewish lobby" all other lobbying groups are fine with him I guess. Other reasons have already been listed Iran loves Chuck ..For good reason
People don't like working for Chuck Hagel....

Hagel’s Staff Fled in Droves
Hagel had second-highest staff turnover rate in the Senate


In 2005, 20 of 51 staffers left Mr. Hagel’s office, the vast majority of whom left Capitol Hill altogether and were replaced quickly by people with no legislative staff experience. Only George Allen, the former Virginia senator and governor, had a higher turnover rate in the Senate.

“He was ‘The Cornhusker wears Prada’ to his staff, some of whom describe their former boss as perhaps the most paranoid and abusive in the Senate, one who would rifle through staffers’ desks and berate them for imagined disloyalty,” former Pentagon adviser Michael Rubin told political analyst Taylor Marsh about Mr. Hagel.

Hagel was one of the worst bossess in Congress | Washington Free Beacon
Sorry I don't fall in line with anybody I never liked Hagel as a Senator besides being no friend to Israel he's not competent to run the defense dept. period

What specifically in Chuck Hagel's background makes you conclude he is no friend to Israel? I've heard that statement from others, but no one backed it up with facts.

Chuck Hagel is only concerned with the "Jewish lobby" all other lobbying groups are fine with him I guess. Other reasons have already been listed Iran loves Chuck ..For good reason

specifically - definition of specifically by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Try looking up the word specifically and come up with facts! Can't you do better than just running your fool mouth?
As I said yesterday.. this was planned.. he is a sacrificial lamb.. and while both sides froth over how bad he is... when he most probably gets denied, and the stink continues, Obama will slide in with who he really wants, under the radar

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