Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

I think your sig. says it all. Why don't you just fly the Israel flag over the American flag as they clearly now control the Republican Party. Some of us with a libertarian bent are troubled by Israel's long standing influence.

Let's face it the only reason we went to war in Iraq was because they were a threat to Israel not to us. For that fact, US serviceman lost their lives in Iraq. If McCain were President we would be invading Iran tomorrow and then McCain could go and kiss Netanyahu's ass.

Hagel has the guts to tell the truth and for that he should be nominated.

Um....no.....that's not at all why America went to war with Iraq. That is paranoid delusion. If libertarians want to be taken seriously at all, you've got to stop with this kind of shit. Frankly, if people who can't stand America (libs, radical islamists, jihadists, screwy libertarians, etc...) would just leave rather than whine incessantly about how terrible it is to live here, things would actually be much better in this country.

And you think we went to war in Iraq for what purpose?.........

Weapons on mass destruction..... come on you could read in overseas papers the nuclear pancake story was a fabrication. Our intelligence was not that bad...... We were doing Israel's bidding end of story. It was Karl Rove's attempt to split the Jewish vote from the Democratic Party and a pipe dream of the neocon's all at the same time.

I don't see a connection between the war in Iraq and Israel, so why don't you prove that?
There was no connection between Israel and Iran in terms of the neo-con lust for war.
A lot of cuckoo right wing members are right here in this thread. I'd love to know where you people come up with such crap. Kind of makes Graham and McCain look sane. Almost.
Moron, he retired because we were going to vote his ass out, you don't know shit about Hagel...just a silly little bitch who pretends be an "expert".

You Lefty's really are idiots you think the fact YOU like him means we should?

He is a weak assed Rino.

A lot of cuckoo right wing members are right here in this thread. I'd love to know where you people come up with such crap. Kind of makes Graham and McCain look sane. Almost.
Prove it bitch.

What specifically in Chuck Hagel's background makes you conclude he is no friend to Israel? I've heard that statement from others, but no one backed it up with facts.

Do you mean your kind of "facts" or the real facts? There is a difference, ya know. Liberals always want to define what facts are, but it's only their interpretation of the facts that seem to count.

In other words, you have no facts. In fact, the facts are that Hagel is a friend of Israel.
What specifically in Chuck Hagel's background makes you conclude he is no friend to Israel? I've heard that statement from others, but no one backed it up with facts.

Do you mean your kind of "facts" or the real facts? There is a difference, ya know. Liberals always want to define what facts are, but it's only their interpretation of the facts that seem to count.

Everyone knows it's a Republican tactic to court the Jewish and Christian right vote by labeling people as anti-Israel that they don't like. I asked for specific examples so you can back your case. Just saying things doesn't mean they are true, so where are the examples to prove Hagel is no friend of Israel? You already have the support of the stupid people in America who will believe something just because you say it is so. I want proof, so post where you received that information and proof requires more than somebody running their fool mouth. Proof is specific examples of statements made by Hagel or things he voted on that was against Israel.

:eusa_eh: Please… The "Jewish and Christian right" isn't the problem, it's the clueless idiots on the left that are the problem. Everything about Hagel is anti-Israel, from is positions on Iran to Hezbollah and his hostility towards the "Jewish lobby" besides that he’s incompetent to run the defense department. Teaching Israel hate….

Professor Hagel


As a professor at Georgetown University, secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel taught a foreign policy course based primarily on anti-Israel materials and far left manifestos that castigate America’s role in the world, according to a copy of Hagel’s 2012 course syllabus.

Hagel, a former Republican senator from Nebraska, taught a Georgetown course focused on foreign policy since at least 2009 and planned to teach a similar course this year, according to the university’s records.

Constructed on the premise that America’s global supremacy is waning, Hagel’s seminar featured writings that criticize America’s standing in the world, advocate in favor of shuttering American military bases, and refer to Israel as guilty of war crimes.

The prominent use of these texts comports with Hagel’s belief that America should soften its alliance with Israel, and negotiate with Iran and other state sponsors of terror.

Several of the texts listed on the 2012 syllabus demand that Israel vacate all “settlements” and compensate Palestinians by granting them portions of Jerusalem, as well as monetary compensation.

“Israel will evacuate nearly all of its settlements in the West Bank, and Palestinian land elsewhere to compensate for the settlements it keeps,” New York Times correspondent Stephen Kinzer prescribed in his 2010 book Reset, one of several books listed on Hagel’s syllabus.

Palestine’s “capital, like Israel’s, will be in Jerusalem,” Kinzer writes. “Palestinians will have the right to return to this state from wherever they are, and to be compensated for land and homes they lost in what is now Israel.”

Hagel also recommended that students read Parag Khanna’s How To Run The World, which accuses Israel and America of violating the laws of war.

“The United States, Israel, and Ethiopia have been known to sidestep the laws of war in their invasions of Afghanistan/Iraq, Gaza, and Somalia, respectively,” writes Khanna, who serves as a senior research fellow at the left-leaning New America Foundation, an organization known for criticizing Israel.

“Gaza is so densely populated that Israel’s 2008 incursion to rout Hamas inevitably killed several hundred civilians, including many children,” Khanna said later in the book.

Also on Hagel’s reading list is former Carter administration official Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, Strategic Vision, which negatively compares America’s effort to prevent illegal immigration to Israel’s efforts to prevent terrorism.

“America’s decision to construct a wall/fence to separate itself from Mexico as a mechanism to support border security has already stimulated anti-American sentiments,” writes Brzezinski, who has claimed that Israel “buys” influence in the U.S. Congress. “It evokes the negative images of Israel’s construction of a ‘security barrier’ in the West Bank or of the Berlin Wall.”

Hagel taught anti-Israel courses at Georgetown | Washington Free Beacon
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Come on prick, prove Hagel is Israel's friend.

What specifically in Chuck Hagel's background makes you conclude he is no friend to Israel? I've heard that statement from others, but no one backed it up with facts.

Do you mean your kind of "facts" or the real facts? There is a difference, ya know. Liberals always want to define what facts are, but it's only their interpretation of the facts that seem to count.

In other words, you have no facts. In fact, the facts are that Hagel is a friend of Israel.

ahhhh, the politics of personal destruction

As a huge supporter of Israel you make me ill with posts like this. President Obama has more Jews as friends than most any other President in US History. His Jewish friends are all supporters of Israel as is he. Hagel is a friend of Israel too...he like Israeli citizens, has issues with certain governments in Israel, and lobbying groups in the USA...who doesn't?

Israel is a healthy democracy and people like you make it out to be a theocracy
Come on prick, prove Hagel is Israel's friend.

Friends of Israel, some Jews some not, believe Hagel to be a friend of Israel.

Your opinion and attempts to divine his intentions and motives are worthless

You're a pawn in an ideological battle ...

Billionaires - Super PACs - Policy - Cabinet Fights

Dante followed the Super PACs closely during the 2012 Presidential election, and like many of the political junkies wondered what permanent role the PACs would play in American politics.

A few major issues have Super PAC money behind them, but this Hagel fight is one the right wing billionaires have staked their model on.

There will be more of this to come, if the next President is a Republican you can be sure the right will be told to scream bloody murder about Democratic backed Super PACs using this right wing billionaire tactic. If the next President is a Democrat, the right will be told to scream bloody murder when Democrats cry bloody murder about right wing Super PACs doing Hagels on every appointee, proposed or considered and on every potential and real nomination.

Brave new world we have entered. This is the true legacy of Citizens United, which in some ways Dante has come to support for some pretty basic reasons not listed here.

Big money gets in on Cabinet nomination fights - latimes.com
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(smile) Sorry Jake has to prove his assertion, your silly attack is worthless.

Hagel's own words don't bare out your claim kid....and since you agree with Jake help him...prove it.

Come on prick, prove Hagel is Israel's friend.

Friends of Israel, some Jews some not, believe Hagel to be a friend of Israel.

Your opinion and attempts to divine his intentions and motives are worthless
Do you mean your kind of "facts" or the real facts? There is a difference, ya know. Liberals always want to define what facts are, but it's only their interpretation of the facts that seem to count.

Everyone knows it's a Republican tactic to court the Jewish and Christian right vote by labeling people as anti-Israel that they don't like. I asked for specific examples so you can back your case. Just saying things doesn't mean they are true, so where are the examples to prove Hagel is no friend of Israel? You already have the support of the stupid people in America who will believe something just because you say it is so. I want proof, so post where you received that information and proof requires more than somebody running their fool mouth. Proof is specific examples of statements made by Hagel or things he voted on that was against Israel.

:eusa_eh: Please… The "Jewish and Christian right" isn't the problem, it's the clueless idiots on the left that are the problem. Everything about Hagel is anti-Israel, from is positions on Iran to Hezbollah and his hostility towards the "Jewish lobby" besides that he’s incompetent to run the defense department. Teaching Israel hate….

Professor Hagel


As a professor at Georgetown University, secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel taught a foreign policy course based primarily on anti-Israel materials and far left manifestos that castigate America’s role in the world, according to a copy of Hagel’s 2012 course syllabus.

Hagel, a former Republican senator from Nebraska, taught a Georgetown course focused on foreign policy since at least 2009 and planned to teach a similar course this year, according to the university’s records.

Constructed on the premise that America’s global supremacy is waning, Hagel’s seminar featured writings that criticize America’s standing in the world, advocate in favor of shuttering American military bases, and refer to Israel as guilty of war crimes.

The prominent use of these texts comports with Hagel’s belief that America should soften its alliance with Israel, and negotiate with Iran and other state sponsors of terror.

Several of the texts listed on the 2012 syllabus demand that Israel vacate all “settlements” and compensate Palestinians by granting them portions of Jerusalem, as well as monetary compensation.

“Israel will evacuate nearly all of its settlements in the West Bank, and Palestinian land elsewhere to compensate for the settlements it keeps,” New York Times correspondent Stephen Kinzer prescribed in his 2010 book Reset, one of several books listed on Hagel’s syllabus.

Palestine’s “capital, like Israel’s, will be in Jerusalem,” Kinzer writes. “Palestinians will have the right to return to this state from wherever they are, and to be compensated for land and homes they lost in what is now Israel.”

Hagel also recommended that students read Parag Khanna’s How To Run The World, which accuses Israel and America of violating the laws of war.

“The United States, Israel, and Ethiopia have been known to sidestep the laws of war in their invasions of Afghanistan/Iraq, Gaza, and Somalia, respectively,” writes Khanna, who serves as a senior research fellow at the left-leaning New America Foundation, an organization known for criticizing Israel.

“Gaza is so densely populated that Israel’s 2008 incursion to rout Hamas inevitably killed several hundred civilians, including many children,” Khanna said later in the book.

Also on Hagel’s reading list is former Carter administration official Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, Strategic Vision, which negatively compares America’s effort to prevent illegal immigration to Israel’s efforts to prevent terrorism.

“America’s decision to construct a wall/fence to separate itself from Mexico as a mechanism to support border security has already stimulated anti-American sentiments,” writes Brzezinski, who has claimed that Israel “buys” influence in the U.S. Congress. “It evokes the negative images of Israel’s construction of a ‘security barrier’ in the West Bank or of the Berlin Wall.”

Hagel taught anti-Israel courses at Georgetown | Washington Free Beacon

A college course has a reading list and you claim that as proof? A college course can examine every side of an issue and it's usually good to do it that way.

Do you believe the Israeli or American Jewish people agree on what to do with settlements?

Can't you come up with a quote from Hagel and not hearsay from a hack?

ahhhh, the politics of personal destruction

As a huge supporter of Israel you make me ill with posts like this. President Obama has more Jews as friends than most any other President in US History. His Jewish friends are all supporters of Israel as is he. Hagel is a friend of Israel too...he like Israeli citizens, has issues with certain governments in Israel, and lobbying groups in the USA...who doesn't?

Israel is a healthy democracy and people like you make it out to be a theocracy

Kinda like the racist saying he has a lot of black friends..Who cares...Chuck Hagel only has problems with the "Jewish lobby" apparently
(smile) Sorry Jake has to prove his assertion, your silly attack is worthless.

Hagel's own words don't bare out your claim kid....and since you agree with Jake help him...prove it.

When assassinating the character of a good man all one has to do is take a few comments out of context and use them in an attempt to portray a long career in public service to an ideological caricature as people do with calling Robert Bird a racist Klansman, or George Wallace one at the end of his life.

Do people change opinions and beliefs? Can any man being tarred and feathered with his own words strung around his neck? Yes.

Deceit, deception, dishonesty, and debasement of civil disagreements and debate are what you engage in
Everyone knows it's a Republican tactic to court the Jewish and Christian right vote by labeling people as anti-Israel that they don't like. I asked for specific examples so you can back your case. Just saying things doesn't mean they are true, so where are the examples to prove Hagel is no friend of Israel? You already have the support of the stupid people in America who will believe something just because you say it is so. I want proof, so post where you received that information and proof requires more than somebody running their fool mouth. Proof is specific examples of statements made by Hagel or things he voted on that was against Israel.

:eusa_eh: Please… The "Jewish and Christian right" isn't the problem, it's the clueless idiots on the left that are the problem. Everything about Hagel is anti-Israel, from is positions on Iran to Hezbollah and his hostility towards the "Jewish lobby" besides that he’s incompetent to run the defense department. Teaching Israel hate….

Several of the texts listed on the 2012 syllabus demand that Israel vacate all “settlements” and compensate Palestinians by granting them portions of Jerusalem, as well as monetary compensation.

“Israel will evacuate nearly all of its settlements in the West Bank, and Palestinian land elsewhere to compensate for the settlements it keeps,” New York Times correspondent Stephen Kinzer prescribed in his 2010 book Reset, one of several books listed on Hagel’s syllabus.

Palestine’s “capital, like Israel’s, will be in Jerusalem,” Kinzer writes. “Palestinians will have the right to return to this state from wherever they are, and to be compensated for land and homes they lost in what is now Israel.”

Hagel also recommended that students read Parag Khanna’s How To Run The World, which accuses Israel and America of violating the laws of war.

“The United States, Israel, and Ethiopia have been known to sidestep the laws of war in their invasions of Afghanistan/Iraq, Gaza, and Somalia, respectively,” writes Khanna, who serves as a senior research fellow at the left-leaning New America Foundation, an organization known for criticizing Israel.

“Gaza is so densely populated that Israel’s 2008 incursion to rout Hamas inevitably killed several hundred civilians, including many children,” Khanna said later in the book.

Also on Hagel’s reading list is former Carter administration official Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, Strategic Vision, which negatively compares America’s effort to prevent illegal immigration to Israel’s efforts to prevent terrorism.

“America’s decision to construct a wall/fence to separate itself from Mexico as a mechanism to support border security has already stimulated anti-American sentiments,” writes Brzezinski, who has claimed that Israel “buys” influence in the U.S. Congress. “It evokes the negative images of Israel’s construction of a ‘security barrier’ in the West Bank or of the Berlin Wall.”

Hagel taught anti-Israel courses at Georgetown | Washington Free Beacon

A college course has a reading list and you claim that as proof? A college course can examine every side of an issue and it's usually good to do it that way.

Do you believe the Israeli or American Jewish people agree on what to do with settlements?

Can't you come up with a quote from Hagel and not hearsay from a hack?

Hagel's syllabus...Professor Hagel's class. You don't do anything but run your stupid mouth.
Shut up and prove your point assbite.

If not go play in the little kids sandbox, its in the next room.

(smile) Sorry Jake has to prove his assertion, your silly attack is worthless.

Hagel's own words don't bare out your claim kid....and since you agree with Jake help him...prove it.

When assassinating the character of a good man all one has to do is take a few comments out of context and use them in an attempt to portray a long career in public service to an ideological caricature as people do with calling Robert Bird a racist Klansman, or George Wallace one at the end of his life.

Do people change opinions and beliefs? Can any man being tarred and feathered with his own words strung around his neck? Yes.

Deceit, deception, dishonesty, and debasement of civil disagreements and debate are what you engage in

ahhhh, the politics of personal destruction

As a huge supporter of Israel you make me ill with posts like this. President Obama has more Jews as friends than most any other President in US History. His Jewish friends are all supporters of Israel as is he. Hagel is a friend of Israel too...he like Israeli citizens, has issues with certain governments in Israel, and lobbying groups in the USA...who doesn't?

Israel is a healthy democracy and people like you make it out to be a theocracy

Kinda like the racist saying he has a lot of black friends..Who cares...Chuck Hagel only has problems with the "Jewish lobby" apparently

Many racists do have black friends. Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond had many black friends and even looked out for their interests on certain levels. They just had philosophical differences about the mixing of the races, except where their penises where concerned.

The thing is a lobby has been formed to defeat Hagel and it has nothing to do with what is best for Isreal...are you too dumb to see through it?

Do people, misspeak? Yes. You have here....

grow up, people of good faith and character see your posts for what they are...misinformed alarmist opinion

Billionaires - Super PACs - Policy - Cabinet Fights

Dante followed the Super PACs closely during the 2012 Presidential election, and like many of the political junkies wondered what permanent role the PACs would play in American politics.

A few major issues have Super PAC money behind them, but this Hagel fight is one the right wing billionaires have staked their model on.

There will be more of this to come, if the next President is a Republican you can be sure the right will be told to scream bloody murder about Democratic backed Super PACs using this right wing billionaire tactic. If the next President is a Democrat, the right will be told to scream bloody murder when Democrats cry bloody murder about right wing Super PACs doing Hagels on every appointee, proposed or considered and on every potential and real nomination.

Brave new world we have entered. This is the true legacy of Citizens United, which in some ways Dante has come to support for some pretty basic reasons not listed here.

Big money gets in on Cabinet nomination fights - latimes.com
Before you go too much further, I live in Nebraska, you know nothing about this man, I do.

(smile) Sorry Jake has to prove his assertion, your silly attack is worthless.

Hagel's own words don't bare out your claim kid....and since you agree with Jake help him...prove it.

When assassinating the character of a good man all one has to do is take a few comments out of context and use them in an attempt to portray a long career in public service to an ideological caricature as people do with calling Robert Bird a racist Klansman, or George Wallace one at the end of his life.

Do people change opinions and beliefs? Can any man being tarred and feathered with his own words strung around his neck? Yes.

Deceit, deception, dishonesty, and debasement of civil disagreements and debate are what you engage in

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