Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Hagel has also been criticized by the American Jewish Committee for an incident in 1999 where he was the only senator not to sign an open letter to Russian President Boris Yeltsin threatening to cut aid to Russia if it did not take action against rising anti-Semitism in the country.

However, Hagel's refusal to sign the letter was consistent with his policy of never signing letters to foreign heads of state. Hagel, instead, wrote to Bill Clinton on this issue, saying "Anti-Semitism or any form of religious persecution should never be tolerated." -- (Hagel's actions and words together in a full context prove much)

Chuck Hagel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Commentators at The American Conservative and Pat Buchanan endorsed Hagel. Hagel's nomination received support from the libertarian think tank Cato Institute; Justin Logan expressed the hope that Hagel's confirmation might "loosen the neoconservative stranglehold on the GOP."

Chuck Hagel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Translation: Roo is a sock puppet and is trying to distract the burden of proof is on Roo's side, and they can't prove it.
The reactionaries of the far right once again make an assertion that Hagel is no friend of Israel without evidence. When called on it, the freaks want their opponents to provide the evidence against an assertion, not against evidence (which they have not provided) for their assertion.

The far right has been screaming for years because they get the rug pulled out from under them.

Hagel is a friend of Israel until otherwise proven.

Sure...Hagel loves Israel:doubt: Hagel's incompetence is enough to deny him the job he embarrassment his self and Obama for that matter

People like Dante, Rahm Emmanuel, and Barney Frank...all liberal supporters of
Israel are not like you neoconservatives who hate Arabs as much as many Arabs hate Jews

Enough. You people do not own the friendship of Israel
Poor Jake :)
You made the assertion, the burden is on you.

Its ok, I've beat your on a regularlar basis.

Tell me jake, if I am a sock puppet who am I?

Now you have TWO assertions to prove...ain't lookin good for sissy boy.

Translation: Roo is a sock puppet and is trying to distract the burden of proof is on Roo's side, and they can't prove it.
yidnar simply does not understand American history, politics, government, and SCOTUS.

He just does not get it.

People like Dante, Rahm Emmanuel, and Barney Frank...all liberal supporters of
Israel are not like you neoconservatives who hate Arabs as much as many Arabs hate Jews

Enough. You people do not own the friendship of Israel
barney frank is a faggot.
C'mon Jake....prove..

1) Hagel is a friend of Israel
2) Roo is a sock puppet of who?

C'mon sissy boy.


People like Dante, Rahm Emmanuel, and Barney Frank...all liberal supporters of
Israel are not like you neoconservatives who hate Arabs as much as many Arabs hate Jews

Enough. You people do not own the friendship of Israel
barney frank is a faggot.

yidnar simply does not understand American history, politics, government, and SCOTUS.

He just does not get it.
i understand history and the supreme court !! your dear leader is the one that has no understanding of them.
Um....no.....that's not at all why America went to war with Iraq. That is paranoid delusion. If libertarians want to be taken seriously at all, you've got to stop with this kind of shit. Frankly, if people who can't stand America (libs, radical islamists, jihadists, screwy libertarians, etc...) would just leave rather than whine incessantly about how terrible it is to live here, things would actually be much better in this country.

And you think we went to war in Iraq for what purpose?.........

Weapons on mass destruction..... come on you could read in overseas papers the nuclear pancake story was a fabrication. Our intelligence was not that bad...... We were doing Israel's bidding end of story. It was Karl Rove's attempt to split the Jewish vote from the Democratic Party and a pipe dream of the neocon's all at the same time.

I don't see a connection between the war in Iraq and Israel, so why don't you prove that?

It's a message board..... Like I would post classified documents even if I had access to them. It was well documented Saddam had missiles capable of reaching Israel and was funding Palastinians. The weapons of mass destruction have never been found because they were never there. The stories being used by the administration were being debunked in international newspapers while they were being told by the administration. You think our CIA is dumber than London newspaper reporters?

Israel, the Republican Party, and the neo-cons with their stupid Iraq democracy theory converged to start this war. Israel definately had a hand in this war.
Of course you can prove this?

Pissant you are playing in the wrong sand box....prove it or go jerk off.

And you think we went to war in Iraq for what purpose?.........

Weapons on mass destruction..... come on you could read in overseas papers the nuclear pancake story was a fabrication. Our intelligence was not that bad...... We were doing Israel's bidding end of story. It was Karl Rove's attempt to split the Jewish vote from the Democratic Party and a pipe dream of the neocon's all at the same time.

I don't see a connection between the war in Iraq and Israel, so why don't you prove that?

It's a message board..... Like I would post classified documents even if I had access to them. It was well documented Saddam had missiles capable of reaching Israel and was funding Palastinians. The weapons of mass destruction have never been found because they were never there. The stories being used by the administration were being debunked in international newspapers while they were being told by the administration. You think our CIA is dumber than London newspaper reporters?

Israel, the Republican Party, and the neo-cons with their stupid Iraq democracy theory converged to start this war. Israel definately had a hand in this war.
Poor Jake.
Poor Dante.
Poor whoever that last kid was.

All shown to be fakes.
Prove Israel was not founded by self loathing Jews who escaped the Nazis by killing other Jews.

You think you can debate? What you do is shout and stomp your boots.

Let um go long enough and the bigots come out in full force:cuckoo:

AHEM...no one has ever accused Dante of being anti Israel or an anti-Semite

Making a point is now somehow subject to political correctness of a hebrew sort?

Go ahead...try and paint Dante as anti Jew or anti Israel...

I dare you

I've thought about that same point, but considered it defensive. I've always supported Israel and happen to like the Jewish people I've met, who were mostly shop keepers (retail) of one sort or another, some large and some small. The sub/steak shops in the old days were dominated by Italians and Jews and their products were so much better than what you can buy today. I've only met one Jewish national in my lifetime and he grabbed a shoplifter and took him right to the ground when alerted by the clerk in an auto parts store. Once I was in a bar waiting for a flight to Houston and a Jewish bartender and a Polish guy exchanged jokes about their own ethnicity back and forth for about an hour and they didn't stop to think one up; it was like rapid fire. I was amazed they had such good memories.

It's my impression that people accusing others of being against a country are projecting their own characteristics on other people. The motive in this case totally appears to be a right-wing hack job. I've asked for any proof of Hagel's poor conduct and all they have posted is take their word for it. I can't say I agree with everything Hagel has voted for as a Senator, such as voting against the McCain–Feingold Act, but the legislation was changed to Shays–Meehan in the House and I don't know why Hagel didn't support such campaign finance reform. Hagel voted for the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts. If Chuck Hagel was running for the Senate in my state, he wouldn't be getting my vote, but he is nominated to be Secretary of Defense, so let's look back at some of the past people who were Secretary of Defense. Oh, Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense, so obviously anyone is qualified!
And you think we went to war in Iraq for what purpose?.........

Weapons on mass destruction..... come on you could read in overseas papers the nuclear pancake story was a fabrication. Our intelligence was not that bad...... We were doing Israel's bidding end of story. It was Karl Rove's attempt to split the Jewish vote from the Democratic Party and a pipe dream of the neocon's all at the same time.

I don't see a connection between the war in Iraq and Israel, so why don't you prove that?

It's a message board..... Like I would post classified documents even if I had access to them. It was well documented Saddam had missiles capable of reaching Israel and was funding Palastinians. The weapons of mass destruction have never been found because they were never there. The stories being used by the administration were being debunked in international newspapers while they were being told by the administration. You think our CIA is dumber than London newspaper reporters?

Israel, the Republican Party, and the neo-cons with their stupid Iraq democracy theory converged to start this war. Israel definately had a hand in this war.

The WMD was in Iraq and destroyed in Iraq, before the war. Those scud missiles couldn't hit the broad side of a barn and were not effective offensive weapons. There is plenty of desert between Iraq and Israel, the Iraqis lived in concentrated areas, the Iraqi nuclear program was blown up and all arabs had to oppose Israel. Iraq was not a threat to Israel and once had probably the largest Jewish city population in the world in Baghdad. I can't think of a city that had more, but all that changed throughout areas of the Middle East after the state of Israel started.

The Neo-cons had a hair up their ass about Iraq from the beginning. I think Iraq does have oil reserves that rival Saudi Arabia and that could be their motive. The Neo-cons also had the concept that it was good for America to dominate the world. I do not think their agenda was to serve Israel and it was only to serve themselves.

You can believe Israel had a connection with the Iraq War, but I don't see a connection. Saddam was clearly an asshole, but he had the power to keep Iraq under his control and even a stable shitty Iraq was better for Israel than an unstable one. I think Israel always considered Iran much more of a threat and don't forget southern Iraq has a majority Shiite population dominated by Saddam. Saddam kept the Shiites in Iran (about two-thirds of the population) in check, just by controlling his country. Saddam wasn't in a position to be friendly with Iran.

So Saddam once had WMD meaning biological and chemical weapons, but who the hell doesn't? Yes, Saddam used them against the Iranians to keep from being overrun, but that's what they were for. When Saddam used them against the Kurdish people, he was sending the message that he would kill everybody in ways they couldn't fight back against, because he was a totally ruthless SOB.

I've seen extremists on the left and right oppose Israel and blame them for all kinds of things, but I haven't seen evidence or logic to support such claims.

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