Was Bush the worst President ever?

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During the last election the GOP and Romney did everything it could to distance there selves from any association with Dubya! If his own party treat's him like he's radioactive that should answer any questions as to what his legacy will be.

It doesn't take too many function brain cells to understand why. The reason they shun Bush is because the average American voter is an idiot. There is nothing they can do about that. the average idiot voter is actually stupid enough to believe that it's Bush's fault what happened to our economy. The GOP cannot educate the public so they have to play the game.

It's not too hard to understand that.
Any historian who would rate a President of just 5 years ago, the worst in history - isn't worth his weight in spoiled milk and should be shunned as a historian for the rest of their career.
Until top secret documents are released, until the full result of policies are felt - which can be a decade or more. It is not only presumptuous to make the claim, but it points a neon flashing arrow to the word "bias".

There are plenty of things you can rate the Bush Presidency on:

War on terrorism
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq
No Child Left Behind
Medicare Part D
The economic collapse

We know a lot about what Bush did and didn't do as President. He can surely be evaluated on that. The only thing remaining is the lasting impact of his decisions. That we will not know for a while

Ok, here it is:
9-11 BCorrect response all things concidered.
War on terrorism B We weren't successfully attacked after that during his watch.
Invasion of Afghanistan C Correct move at the time, but telegraphed.
Invasion of Iraq D Unnecessary at the time.
Torture A Right move.
Katrina B Not his fault.
No Child Left Behind F Stupid government program.
Medicare Part D D
The economic collapse A Not in the least his fault, he saw it coming and tried to get the Democrat Congress to act.

I would add:

Fiscal Policy F Spent like a democrat.
Clinton is truly Teflon. He did the most damage to America then any President in my lifetime, including Nixon, Carter and Obama rolled up in one. Clinton's sins were transparent to him. Like having cancer and not knowing.

Is anyone surprised that liberal historians would come to that conclusion?
How dense are you? Bush asked Congress to do something about the coming economic collapse 5 times, FIVE. Bush could not do it, it had to be congress. It's not all political what happened, but it's WAY more Congress's fault than Bush's. Fact.

Republicans had a majority in both houses for 6 years. The dems for barely two and for all intents and purposes, never had a filibuster-proof supermajority, so why are you blaming the dems for that??? And what do you mean "Bush asked congress..." asked them for what, specifically?
i dont think you can get too concerned about what a bunch if current day academics say about him -- probably all of whom voted against him and disliked him personally. It doesnt mean much.

That being said - i think he goes down as a completely unconsequential president -they all seem important at the time but though the lense of history? I dont see him being seen as of any significance good or bad. He will fare worse id think then say a guy like Nixon who seems to get better in the eyes of the so called experts over time. So does ford although to me he is also totally inconsequential as a president as well

I find it hard to think he wont fare better than guys like Carter (who i think will be rememebered as worse than inconsequential -- as awful, how can you argue that?) and even Johnson who looks worse and worse with each passing year. Even Kennedy -- 50 years after there is no one alive who lived during his opresidency, what will he be known for? Getting popped get him a lot of mileagle now (a la James DEan) but then? I really think the most notable thing of his presidency will be that he was an enormous sexual predator and pervert and that will be about it.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

Bush was bad, but the boneheaded decisions and moves that caused the mortgage and financial meltdown, student loan crisis and pushing manufacturing into hyper-speed (remove trade barriers with China, helped China get into the WTO and NAFTA) happened on Clinton's watch. He is a FAR worse President. As was Carter, Buchanan, Nixon (even without the impeachment he made some horrendous moves), Andrew Johnson, Grant and Harding! Obama eventually go down in the top five, but as a sitting President his term isn't over yet so you can't judge him yet!
Any historian who would rate a President of just 5 years ago, the worst in history - isn't worth his weight in spoiled milk and should be shunned as a historian for the rest of their career.
Until top secret documents are released, until the full result of policies are felt - which can be a decade or more. It is not only presumptuous to make the claim, but it points a neon flashing arrow to the word "bias".

There are plenty of things you can rate the Bush Presidency on:

War on terrorism
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq
No Child Left Behind
Medicare Part D
The economic collapse

We know a lot about what Bush did and didn't do as President. He can surely be evaluated on that. The only thing remaining is the lasting impact of his decisions. That we will not know for a while

Without being a tool I couldn't possibly argue against the fact that Bush was a lousy President. The incredibly bad job his administration did in the Iraq invasion alone cost countless American G.I. lives and $billions and $billions of dollars. Inarguabley the worst military mission second only to the policies during Vietnam.
Everything else on your list either has nothing to do with him, or he has marginal involvement, if at all. Each of those have other circumstances and policies outside the Presidency that contribute far...far..FAR more than Bush.

These are the events and issues that define the Bush legacy for better or worse

How Bush responded to these issues and events is already well documented. That can be rated right now. What remains to be seen is the lasting legacy of the George Bush presidency
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

Bush was bad, but the boneheaded decisions and moves that caused the mortgage and financial meltdown, student loan crisis and pushing manufacturing into hyper-speed (remove trade barriers with China, helped China get into the WTO and NAFTA) happened on Clinton's watch. He is a FAR worse President. As was Carter, Buchanan, Nixon (even without the impeachment he made some horrendous moves), Andrew Johnson, Grant and Harding! Obama eventually go down in the top five, but as a sitting President his term isn't over yet so you can't judge him yet!

Anti-zionism morphs into anti-semitism 100% of the time!

I think you make some good points about all this, particularly Bill Clinton. History is not judging him unkindly, why they are no longer even judging him.

I disagree on the point we can not yet judge the obama presidency. We can judge the first four years and to that, I cannot begin to tell you how scandalized I feel.

I like your zionism quote but I always found this "zionism" charge against early century Jews and following, to be sooo misleading to the point of a useful lie for those who despise the Jewish race. (not just their ME neighbors of course)
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There are plenty of things you can rate the Bush Presidency on:

War on terrorism
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq
No Child Left Behind
Medicare Part D
The economic collapse

We know a lot about what Bush did and didn't do as President. He can surely be evaluated on that. The only thing remaining is the lasting impact of his decisions. That we will not know for a while

Without being a tool I couldn't possibly argue against the fact that Bush was a lousy President. The incredibly bad job his administration did in the Iraq invasion alone cost countless American G.I. lives and $billions and $billions of dollars. Inarguabley the worst military mission second only to the policies during Vietnam.
Everything else on your list either has nothing to do with him, or he has marginal involvement, if at all. Each of those have other circumstances and policies outside the Presidency that contribute far...far..FAR more than Bush.

These are the events and issues that define the Bush legacy for better or worse

How Bush responded to these issues and events is already well documented. That can be rated right now. What remains to be seen is the lasting legacy of the George Bush presidency

Only in the annals of the liberal mind.
Take Katrina...there was an enormous failure both at the local and state level of government than to be so pin-headed as to assign blame only to the President.
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Fact: Bush warned of the coming economic crisis and asked the Democrat congress 5 times to do something about it and they refused.

You know nothing...but you're a democrat so that goes without saying.

He did absolutely nothing to stop it - the democrats had a slight lead from Nov. 7 2006 on - and supermajority for what, all of a month? You really think the corporatist right wingers were going to let the dems reign in their idols on Wall Street? LOL!!! The repubs had the reigns for 6 YEARS. And I'm not a democrat. I'm a registered Independent.

so am i Peeps.....but around here depending on who you are disagreeing with you are considered one or the other.......seems to be the way it is....
One need not like Obama to realize what 'W' was - a catastrophe.

Iraq was a catastrophe of major proportions --- not necessarily Bush with all his other matters or good intentions. Too bad our congress was so afraid and pliable at the time, more interested in their own careers than doing what was right for the nation.

Being all right or all left all the time is all wrong.

...especially the left. (just to finish the wise saying :)
What I find amusing about strings like this one is that rather than talk about the job that Barack Obama is doing...progressives want to rehash the George W. Bush Presidency. Gee, wonder why that is? (eye-roll)
Without being a tool I couldn't possibly argue against the fact that Bush was a lousy President. The incredibly bad job his administration did in the Iraq invasion alone cost countless American G.I. lives and $billions and $billions of dollars. Inarguabley the worst military mission second only to the policies during Vietnam.
Everything else on your list either has nothing to do with him, or he has marginal involvement, if at all. Each of those have other circumstances and policies outside the Presidency that contribute far...far..FAR more than Bush.

These are the events and issues that define the Bush legacy for better or worse

How Bush responded to these issues and events is already well documented. That can be rated right now. What remains to be seen is the lasting legacy of the George Bush presidency

Only in the annals of the liberal mind.
Take Katrina...there was an enormous failure both at the local and state level of government than to be so pin-headed as to assign blame only to the President.

Regardless of what Bush could and could not have done, Katrina was a monumental failure for Bush. In a time of tragedy, Americans look to their President for hope. Bush came through with flying colors on 9-11 and failed miserably with Katrina
For much of the Katrina disaster, Bush was a no-show. He appeared indifferent and his flyover on AF1 looked callous.
His "Brownie, you are doing a heckuva job" was a public relations disaster
What I find amusing about strings like this one is that rather than talk about the job that Barack Obama is doing...progressives want to rehash the George W. Bush Presidency. Gee, wonder why that is? (eye-roll)

Bush is opening his Presidential Library tomorrow

You don't find it permissable to discuss his legacy?
What I find amusing about strings like this one is that rather than talk about the job that Barack Obama is doing...progressives want to rehash the George W. Bush Presidency. Gee, wonder why that is? (eye-roll)

Yup. Super big eye roll.
No, obama is clearly the worst. Bush made mistakes but the severly partisan and the ignorant blame Bush for much of what was actually the fault of the Democrat House and Senate.

LOLOL. Fantasy. George Bush destroyed our public image in the rest of the world. President Obama has largely restored it.
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