Was Bush the worst President ever?

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No, obama is clearly the worst. Bush made mistakes but the severly partisan and the ignorant blame Bush for much of what was actually the fault of the Democrat House and Senate.

LOLOL. Fantasy. George Bush destroyed our public image in the rest of the world. President Obama has largely restored it.

Absolute garbage. But even if I gaveyou that, it doesn't make Bush the worst nor does it rescue obama from being the worst.
No, obama is clearly the worst. Bush made mistakes but the severly partisan and the ignorant blame Bush for much of what was actually the fault of the Democrat House and Senate.

LOLOL. Fantasy. George Bush destroyed our public image in the rest of the world. President Obama has largely restored it.

Uh,no. Here are approval ratings of the US over time. Our image has stayed the same or declined.
Global Views of U.S. Leadership

Facts are irrelevant to Poopet, unless they support his agenda. Otherwise, you're just a hater for bringing up the truth...:eusa_shhh:
LOLOL. Fantasy. George Bush destroyed our public image in the rest of the world. President Obama has largely restored it.

LOL :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Obama is a buffoon, the world is laughing at him and us over his incompetent foreign policy.

Where is the documentation to support that nonsensical view? I'll wait. And not from a right wing news source, either.

It's in the same place as your documentation that obama has restored our reputation.
You show your ignorance about disaster relief, Winger...

I've had this same conversation dozens of times with people that don't seem to understand that the help coming from FEMA should never be counted on to arrive immediately after a major storm. You're told over and over to provide enough food, water and medical supplies you and your family require to get you through UNTIL help can arrive. You're told that those things may NOT be available for some time following a storm if you decide to stay and ride out the storm and that you should have enough supplies put aside to provide for yourself for at least a week. That didn't happen in New Orleans, Winger. To be quite blunt with you, I've never SEEN a bigger bunch of idiots as some of those who didn't even do the first thing to prepare for that storm and then screamed to the heavens for HELP!!!!!
LOL :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Obama is a buffoon, the world is laughing at him and us over his incompetent foreign policy.

Where is the documentation to support that nonsensical view? I'll wait. And not from a right wing news source, either.

It's in the same place as your documentation that obama has restored our reputation.

dont ask him to prove it.....he will put you on ignore....
You show your ignorance about disaster relief, Winger...

I've had this same conversation dozens of times with people that don't seem to understand that the help coming from FEMA should never be counted on to arrive immediately after a major storm. You're told over and over to provide enough food, water and medical supplies you and your family require to get you through UNTIL help can arrive. You're told that those things may NOT be available for some time following a storm if you decide to stay and ride out the storm and that you should have enough supplies put aside to provide for yourself for at least a week. That didn't happen in New Orleans, Winger. To be quite blunt with you, I've never SEEN a bigger bunch of idiots as some of those who didn't even do the first thing to prepare for that storm and then screamed to the heavens for HELP!!!!!

we are told here in California that if a major quake hits, the first 2-3 days its you and the first responders....don't expect the State to show up for at least 3-4 days.....the Feds should show up AT LEAST in 4-5 days ......if any can get there sooner they will.....
LOL :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Obama is a buffoon, the world is laughing at him and us over his incompetent foreign policy.

Where is the documentation to support that nonsensical view? I'll wait. And not from a right wing news source, either.

It's in the same place as your documentation that obama has restored our reputation.

I see. Having difficulty in supporting your claim and too lazy to post it. Bad dodge. Moving on.
Not the worst. Tragic, but not the worst. I didn't think he was capable of the introspection when he said he was unprepared for war when he made the decision.
"Iraq was a catastrophe of major proportions --- not necessarily Bush with all his other matters or good intentions. Too bad our congress was so afraid and pliable at the time, more interested in their own careers than doing what was right for the nation."

Correct about Congress.

P.S. The saying stands as it is and needs no additions.
no, but he certainly was not the worst

below half though

i find it ironic how obama is carrying on many bush policies and yet libbies LOVE him, but when bush was in office, he was bad, bad, bad man for the same policies. libs don't hold it against obama, just bush.

Not the worst. Tragic, but not the worst. I didn't think he was capable of the introspection when he said he was unprepared for war when he made the decision.

i can't stand listening to him talk. i think i got used it because about a year or so after obama took office, he and laura did an interview and i couldn't stop laughing at how dumb bush sounds.
For much of the Katrina disaster, Bush was a no-show. He appeared indifferent and his flyover on AF1 looked callous.

Do you really think Bush was indifferent to the suffering of the people on the Gulf Coast? Or is simply that your hatred of Bush makes you view him that way? Bush didn't REALLY do anything differently than Barack Obama has done for disasters since he became President. The royal fuck-up took place at the local level during Katrina...Governor Blanco and Mayor Nagin were clueless. Bush took heat because the Federal Government couldn't react fast enough to salvage that complete FUBAR.

Image is everything.....especially when you are President

Bush got it on 9-11 and nailed it in his public apperances and post 9-11 speeches
With Katrina he bumbled. He reacted with too little too late. His chosen leaders were inept. His Brownie, you are doing a heckuva job was insulting to all Americans

It was a major Bush blinder

That's ridiculous. An offhand remark made to buck up the people working on a crisis is a major blunder? How exactly is THAT insulting to all Americans?

You actually thought BROWNIE was doing a heckuva job?

He was an embarrassment and highlighted how Bush had put the head of a horse mans association at the head of a critical agency. He didn't even know people were in the convention center
You show your ignorance about disaster relief, Winger...

I've had this same conversation dozens of times with people that don't seem to understand that the help coming from FEMA should never be counted on to arrive immediately after a major storm. You're told over and over to provide enough food, water and medical supplies you and your family require to get you through UNTIL help can arrive. You're told that those things may NOT be available for some time following a storm if you decide to stay and ride out the storm and that you should have enough supplies put aside to provide for yourself for at least a week. That didn't happen in New Orleans, Winger. To be quite blunt with you, I've never SEEN a bigger bunch of idiots as some of those who didn't even do the first thing to prepare for that storm and then screamed to the heavens for HELP!!!!!

Go for it......rate Bushs performance during Katrina
You show your ignorance about disaster relief, Winger...

I've had this same conversation dozens of times with people that don't seem to understand that the help coming from FEMA should never be counted on to arrive immediately after a major storm. You're told over and over to provide enough food, water and medical supplies you and your family require to get you through UNTIL help can arrive. You're told that those things may NOT be available for some time following a storm if you decide to stay and ride out the storm and that you should have enough supplies put aside to provide for yourself for at least a week. That didn't happen in New Orleans, Winger. To be quite blunt with you, I've never SEEN a bigger bunch of idiots as some of those who didn't even do the first thing to prepare for that storm and then screamed to the heavens for HELP!!!!!

Go for it......rate Bushs performance during Katrina

Ha! Watch him shift the blame to local and state government.....after Bush admitted the buck stopped with him.
You show your ignorance about disaster relief, Winger...

I've had this same conversation dozens of times with people that don't seem to understand that the help coming from FEMA should never be counted on to arrive immediately after a major storm. You're told over and over to provide enough food, water and medical supplies you and your family require to get you through UNTIL help can arrive. You're told that those things may NOT be available for some time following a storm if you decide to stay and ride out the storm and that you should have enough supplies put aside to provide for yourself for at least a week. That didn't happen in New Orleans, Winger. To be quite blunt with you, I've never SEEN a bigger bunch of idiots as some of those who didn't even do the first thing to prepare for that storm and then screamed to the heavens for HELP!!!!!

Go for it......rate Bushs performance during Katrina

7 on a scale of 1-10
LOL :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Obama is a buffoon, the world is laughing at him and us over his incompetent foreign policy.

Where is the documentation to support that nonsensical view? I'll wait. And not from a right wing news source, either.

can you say Benghazi? can you say Boston islamic bombers? can you say giving F-16s to the muslim brotherhood? This weak president is encourageing the terrorists because they know that he sympathizes with them and does not have the balls to stop them.

Sure can. Can you say CIA-backed covert operation? Can you say Boston "white" Islamic bombers? Encouraging terrorism??? My suggestion to you is to stop using whatever drugs you're indulging in that are causing your paranoia and delusions.
You show your ignorance about disaster relief, Winger...

I've had this same conversation dozens of times with people that don't seem to understand that the help coming from FEMA should never be counted on to arrive immediately after a major storm. You're told over and over to provide enough food, water and medical supplies you and your family require to get you through UNTIL help can arrive. You're told that those things may NOT be available for some time following a storm if you decide to stay and ride out the storm and that you should have enough supplies put aside to provide for yourself for at least a week. That didn't happen in New Orleans, Winger. To be quite blunt with you, I've never SEEN a bigger bunch of idiots as some of those who didn't even do the first thing to prepare for that storm and then screamed to the heavens for HELP!!!!!

Go for it......rate Bushs performance during Katrina

Ha! Watch him shift the blame to local and state government.....after Bush admitted the buck stopped with him.

No one is shifting blame. Nagin and Blanco did not report to Bush, and they were the major screw ups.

In case you don't understand why. Nagin and Blanco (both democrats) but Nagin supported Jindal (R) in the governor race against Blanco. They hated each other and refused to work together on anything before or after Katrina.

So keep your anti-bush spin machine going, but you will be lying when you put the blame anywhere but on the mayor and governor
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