Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Total bullshit. I live in NOLA and lived here during Katrina. The screw ups were state and local. The mayor and the governor (both democrats) hated each other and refused to cooperate. The idiot governor refused federal help until it was too late and the mayor was looking for ways to get rich ---and is now under indictment for fraud and misuse of public funds.

It was not Bush's finest hour

Katrina was bigger than New Orleans and Loisianna. That is why we needed federal involvement. Chernoff and Brownie came off as a couple of clowns and Bush appeared indifferent to the suffering.

From a federal viewpoint it was a disaster

There are times r'winger when you make sound-intelligent and fair posts.
This is not one of them. It is the opposite.
The media completely down played the local and state failures in Katrina which were fantastically bad. Almost to the point of unbelievable. Failures so big, they should have been rounded up and held responsible...starting with Nagin. But no, he was re-elected. Even after saying one of the most racist comments by a politician in probably 40 years. And now we all see what he is about.
If Bush was President during the NJ hurricane - you and the media would be railing about how bad he did here as well.
But no word from either. And that makes you a willing sheep.

Um... are you aware the reason Katrina got so fucked is because your buddy George Bush put in one of his asshole buddies as the head of FEMA who's only previous job experience was the head of an Arabic Horse Association? Also, I didn't see Americans stranded on the roofs of their houses and tens of thousands of people become goddamn refugees because of government incompetence in New Jersey.
Probably Obama's the worst considering the enthusiasm of normal people in this and other countries for him to stop the direction this country is going in such as continuous wars for the empire, and too many jobs shipped to foreign countries, which is a major reason our economy is so bad. What's Obama given us? More free trade agreements and this piece of crap disaster in waiting called Obamacare. And now he and his republican buddies with their immigration bill want to flood the country with job seekers who will vacuum up what jobs are left. And the icing on the cake? he's going after your social security, just like george carlin said. No more blue dog corporate democrats we should demand.
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Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

Siena College Poll 2006. You can't be serious.
It was not Bush's finest hour

Katrina was bigger than New Orleans and Loisianna. That is why we needed federal involvement. Chernoff and Brownie came off as a couple of clowns and Bush appeared indifferent to the suffering.

From a federal viewpoint it was a disaster

There are times r'winger when you make sound-intelligent and fair posts.
This is not one of them. It is the opposite.
The media completely down played the local and state failures in Katrina which were fantastically bad. Almost to the point of unbelievable. Failures so big, they should have been rounded up and held responsible...starting with Nagin. But no, he was re-elected. Even after saying one of the most racist comments by a politician in probably 40 years. And now we all see what he is about.
If Bush was President during the NJ hurricane - you and the media would be railing about how bad he did here as well.
But no word from either. And that makes you a willing sheep.

Um... are you aware the reason Katrina got so fucked is because your buddy George Bush put in one of his asshole buddies as the head of FEMA who's only previous job experience was the head of an Arabic Horse Association? Also, I didn't see Americans stranded on the roofs of their houses and tens of thousands of people become goddamn refugees because of government incompetence in New Jersey.

Read your post again...now...read it again...embarrassed yet?
If not...holy crap. You really are that dumb. I sure hope you don't vote....but you probably do which explains why we keep getting the same dumbasses over and over.
Simpleton liberals keep voting in the same corrupt Democrats, because they are convinced everything is the Republicans fault.
Simpleton conservatives keep voting in the same corrupt Republicans, because they are convinced everything is the Democrats fault.
They love folks like you.
There are times r'winger when you make sound-intelligent and fair posts.
This is not one of them. It is the opposite.
The media completely down played the local and state failures in Katrina which were fantastically bad. Almost to the point of unbelievable. Failures so big, they should have been rounded up and held responsible...starting with Nagin. But no, he was re-elected. Even after saying one of the most racist comments by a politician in probably 40 years. And now we all see what he is about.
If Bush was President during the NJ hurricane - you and the media would be railing about how bad he did here as well.
But no word from either. And that makes you a willing sheep.

Um... are you aware the reason Katrina got so fucked is because your buddy George Bush put in one of his asshole buddies as the head of FEMA who's only previous job experience was the head of an Arabic Horse Association? Also, I didn't see Americans stranded on the roofs of their houses and tens of thousands of people become goddamn refugees because of government incompetence in New Jersey.

Read your post again...now...read it again...embarrassed yet?
If not...holy crap. You really are that dumb. I sure hope you don't vote....but you probably do which explains why we keep getting the same dumbasses over and over.
Simpleton liberals keep voting in the same corrupt Democrats, because they are convinced everything is the Republicans fault.
Simpleton conservatives keep voting in the same corrupt Republicans, because they are convinced everything is the Democrats fault.
They love folks like you.

So... you have nothing but pathetic insults to go against my facts? Okay... away with you child.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

Siena College Poll 2006. You can't be serious.

It is a highly respected poll of presidential scholars.......what problems do you have with it?

It's not FoxNews?
Um... are you aware the reason Katrina got so fucked is because your buddy George Bush put in one of his asshole buddies as the head of FEMA who's only previous job experience was the head of an Arabic Horse Association? Also, I didn't see Americans stranded on the roofs of their houses and tens of thousands of people become goddamn refugees because of government incompetence in New Jersey.

Read your post again...now...read it again...embarrassed yet?
If not...holy crap. You really are that dumb. I sure hope you don't vote....but you probably do which explains why we keep getting the same dumbasses over and over.
Simpleton liberals keep voting in the same corrupt Democrats, because they are convinced everything is the Republicans fault.
Simpleton conservatives keep voting in the same corrupt Republicans, because they are convinced everything is the Democrats fault.
They love folks like you.

So... you have nothing but pathetic insults to go against my facts? Okay... away with you child.

You better look up the word again in a dictionary.
One side of a story is not facts. That is a half-truth, or also known as "spin" by those who knowingly employ half-truths. Then there is you. A blind sheep, following the spin masters like a love-sick teenager believing everything these vipers tell you.
Rush Limbaugh and Scott Pelley.........exactly the same. Only difference is one of them uses a supposed "respected forum" to deliver the spin.
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Total bullshit. I live in NOLA and lived here during Katrina. The screw ups were state and local. The mayor and the governor (both democrats) hated each other and refused to cooperate. The idiot governor refused federal help until it was too late and the mayor was looking for ways to get rich ---and is now under indictment for fraud and misuse of public funds.

It was not Bush's finest hour

Katrina was bigger than New Orleans and Loisianna. That is why we needed federal involvement. Chernoff and Brownie came off as a couple of clowns and Bush appeared indifferent to the suffering.

From a federal viewpoint it was a disaster

There are times r'winger when you make sound-intelligent and fair posts.
This is not one of them. It is the opposite.
The media completely down played the local and state failures in Katrina which were fantastically bad. Almost to the point of unbelievable. Failures so big, they should have been rounded up and held responsible...starting with Nagin. But no, he was re-elected. Even after saying one of the most racist comments by a politician in probably 40 years. And now we all see what he is about.
If Bush was President during the NJ hurricane - you and the media would be railing about how bad he did here as well.
But no word from either. And that makes you a willing sheep.

To think that a hurricane of the destructive power of Katrina could have been handled at the local and state level shows who is neither intelligent or fair
It was not Bush's finest hour

Katrina was bigger than New Orleans and Loisianna. That is why we needed federal involvement. Chernoff and Brownie came off as a couple of clowns and Bush appeared indifferent to the suffering.

From a federal viewpoint it was a disaster

There are times r'winger when you make sound-intelligent and fair posts.
This is not one of them. It is the opposite.
The media completely down played the local and state failures in Katrina which were fantastically bad. Almost to the point of unbelievable. Failures so big, they should have been rounded up and held responsible...starting with Nagin. But no, he was re-elected. Even after saying one of the most racist comments by a politician in probably 40 years. And now we all see what he is about.
If Bush was President during the NJ hurricane - you and the media would be railing about how bad he did here as well.
But no word from either. And that makes you a willing sheep.

To think that a hurricane of the destructive power of Katrina could have been handled at the local and state level shows who is neither intelligent or fair

no one has made that argument.

the argument is, leftwingers like yourself will only blame bush, while giving a pass to the state and local authorities who are first and foremost more responsible.
There are times r'winger when you make sound-intelligent and fair posts.
This is not one of them. It is the opposite.
The media completely down played the local and state failures in Katrina which were fantastically bad. Almost to the point of unbelievable. Failures so big, they should have been rounded up and held responsible...starting with Nagin. But no, he was re-elected. Even after saying one of the most racist comments by a politician in probably 40 years. And now we all see what he is about.
If Bush was President during the NJ hurricane - you and the media would be railing about how bad he did here as well.
But no word from either. And that makes you a willing sheep.

To think that a hurricane of the destructive power of Katrina could have been handled at the local and state level shows who is neither intelligent or fair

no one has made that argument.

the argument is, leftwingers like yourself will only blame bush, while giving a pass to the state and local authorities who are first and foremost more responsible.

This thread is about the presidency of George Bush not Nagin

Bush had a thousand times the resources at his disposal that Nagin had
Read your post again...now...read it again...embarrassed yet?
If not...holy crap. You really are that dumb. I sure hope you don't vote....but you probably do which explains why we keep getting the same dumbasses over and over.
Simpleton liberals keep voting in the same corrupt Democrats, because they are convinced everything is the Republicans fault.
Simpleton conservatives keep voting in the same corrupt Republicans, because they are convinced everything is the Democrats fault.
They love folks like you.

So... you have nothing but pathetic insults to go against my facts? Okay... away with you child.

You better look up the word again in a dictionary.
One side of a story is not facts. That is a half-truth, or also known as "spin" by those who knowingly employ half-truths. Then there is you. A blind sheep, following the spin masters like a love-sick teenager believing everything these vipers tell you.
Rush Limbaugh and Scott Pelley.........exactly the same. Only difference is one of them uses a supposed "respected forum" to deliver the spin.

And yet this idiot still has nothing to dispute the facts I posted a moment ago. Keep trying to obfuscate the issue, watching someone with a double digit IQ trying to argue politics is funny.
So... you have nothing but pathetic insults to go against my facts? Okay... away with you child.

You better look up the word again in a dictionary.
One side of a story is not facts. That is a half-truth, or also known as "spin" by those who knowingly employ half-truths. Then there is you. A blind sheep, following the spin masters like a love-sick teenager believing everything these vipers tell you.
Rush Limbaugh and Scott Pelley.........exactly the same. Only difference is one of them uses a supposed "respected forum" to deliver the spin.

And yet this idiot still has nothing to dispute the facts I posted a moment ago. Keep trying to obfuscate the issue, watching someone with a double digit IQ trying to argue politics is funny.

i know...i laugh at your posts daily
Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

A 2010 Siena ranking of presidential scholars rated Bush as one of the nation's five worst presidents. A similar 2009 C-SPAN ranking put Bush in the bottom eight.

It is certainly possible that years of reflection and a reinterpretation of his presidency could end up putting Bush in a more positive light, but there's no avoiding the reality that his decision to go to war in Iraq and policies of fiscal recklessness led to huge problems for the country. These are problems the country may still be reeling from as historians give Bush their second look

Nixon, Buchanon, Bush, in that order. Bush could be the 2nd worst and Buchanon the third. Doesn't matter.
To think that a hurricane of the destructive power of Katrina could have been handled at the local and state level shows who is neither intelligent or fair

no one has made that argument.

the argument is, leftwingers like yourself will only blame bush, while giving a pass to the state and local authorities who are first and foremost more responsible.

This thread is about the presidency of George Bush not Nagin

Bush had a thousand times the resources at his disposal that Nagin had

of course it is, however, you made it about nagin and blanco.

don't shy away just because you realize your argument is screwed.
This thread is about the presidency of George Bush not Nagin

Bush had a thousand times the resources at his disposal that Nagin had

Oh bullshit.

Same old, tired, hate site lies.

FEMA helps to rebuild AFTER a disaster. They provide money. They have NEVER been first responders. And despite your idiotic partisan lies, did not act as first responders in Sandy. They did no better at all than they did in Katrina - in fact they performed more poorly, failing to release needed funding for weeks.


You're a mindless hack with zero integrity.

Christy sucks Obama's cock because of all the MONEY that was promised to his state. FEMA did not a fucking thing to relieve the victims - which is okay, it ain't their purpose - and never was.

Sandy hit in areas where PEOPLE were more self-sufficient and acted to help themselves. That is the major difference.

Again, you're just a fucking hack, and patently dishonest.
You better look up the word again in a dictionary.
One side of a story is not facts. That is a half-truth, or also known as "spin" by those who knowingly employ half-truths. Then there is you. A blind sheep, following the spin masters like a love-sick teenager believing everything these vipers tell you.
Rush Limbaugh and Scott Pelley.........exactly the same. Only difference is one of them uses a supposed "respected forum" to deliver the spin.

And yet this idiot still has nothing to dispute the facts I posted a moment ago. Keep trying to obfuscate the issue, watching someone with a double digit IQ trying to argue politics is funny.

i know...i laugh at your posts daily


This thread is about the presidency of George Bush not Nagin

Bush had a thousand times the resources at his disposal that Nagin had

Oh bullshit.

Same old, tired, hate site lies.

FEMA helps to rebuild AFTER a disaster. They provide money. They have NEVER been first responders. And despite your idiotic partisan lies, did not act as first responders in Sandy. They did no better at all than they did in Katrina - in fact they performed more poorly, failing to release needed funding for weeks.


You're a mindless hack with zero integrity.

Christy sucks Obama's cock because of all the MONEY that was promised to his state. FEMA did not a fucking thing to relieve the victims - which is okay, it ain't their purpose - and never was.

Sandy hit in areas where PEOPLE were more self-sufficient and acted to help themselves. That is the major difference.

Again, you're just a fucking hack, and patently dishonest.

That picture can't be right. Where's all the people trapped on the roofs of their houses and literally tens of thousands of American refugees forced into horrible conditions with literal rape and murder occurring? Oh wait... is this the natural disaster that happened on Obama's watch? Hmm...
To think that a hurricane of the destructive power of Katrina could have been handled at the local and state level shows who is neither intelligent or fair

no one has made that argument.

the argument is, leftwingers like yourself will only blame bush, while giving a pass to the state and local authorities who are first and foremost more responsible.

This thread is about the presidency of George Bush not Nagin

Bush had a thousand times the resources at his disposal that Nagin had

Besides, he finally admitted that the buck stopped with him. What's that supposed to mean, if it didn't?
i remember libs proclaiming bush would never win in 04'...i also remember libs saying the gop is dead after obama won in 08'.

tell me...what happened in 04' and 10'?
In 04', Blackwell rigged the election for Bush in Ohio and in 10', young liberals stayed away from the polls to punish democrats for not living up to their campaign pledges.
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