Was Bush the worst President ever?

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no one has made that argument.

the argument is, leftwingers like yourself will only blame bush, while giving a pass to the state and local authorities who are first and foremost more responsible.

This thread is about the presidency of George Bush not Nagin

Bush had a thousand times the resources at his disposal that Nagin had

Besides, he finally admitted that the buck stopped with him. What's that supposed to mean, if it didn't?

obama said that...and you have NEVER called him on it

you = hack
This thread is about the presidency of George Bush not Nagin

Bush had a thousand times the resources at his disposal that Nagin had

Besides, he finally admitted that the buck stopped with him. What's that supposed to mean, if it didn't?

obama said that...and you have NEVER called him on it

you = hack

I didn't realize Obama created tens of thousands of American refugees and completely fucked up what should've been a pretty easy response to a natural disaster.
You show your ignorance about disaster relief, Winger...

I've had this same conversation dozens of times with people that don't seem to understand that the help coming from FEMA should never be counted on to arrive immediately after a major storm. You're told over and over to provide enough food, water and medical supplies you and your family require to get you through UNTIL help can arrive. You're told that those things may NOT be available for some time following a storm if you decide to stay and ride out the storm and that you should have enough supplies put aside to provide for yourself for at least a week. That didn't happen in New Orleans, Winger. To be quite blunt with you, I've never SEEN a bigger bunch of idiots as some of those who didn't even do the first thing to prepare for that storm and then screamed to the heavens for HELP!!!!!

Go for it......rate Bushs performance during Katrina

Ha! Watch him shift the blame to local and state government.....after Bush admitted the buck stopped with him.

The "blame" begins with ordinary citizens in New Orleans who didn't have the good sense to pack up and leave a city that is in many places BELOW sea level as a category 3 hurricane was headed right for them. It continues with a Mayor who waited too long to call for mandatory evacuations and a Governor who was more concerned with how her leadership would be seen then doing the things that needed to be done. Bush accepted blame because unlike our current President he understands that the buck DOES stop at his desk. With Barack Obama the buck ALWAYS stops elsewhere.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

Ari Fleisher said that??!!

Holy moses!!

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

Wouldn't it be funny if the WMD's were discovered 50 years from now in the archives of the Bush Presidential Library... In a box marked "WMD's found in Iraq, please forward to Angler"
Bush's "reputation" is already improved dramatically and he's only been gone from office for five years. How do you think Barry is going to fare once he's gone from office? Crushing debt and a ruined health care system aren't much of a "legacy". Just saying...
Bush's "reputation" is already improved dramatically and he's only been gone from office for five years. How do you think Barry is going to fare once he's gone from office? Crushing debt and a ruined health care system aren't much of a "legacy". Just saying...

:laugh: To your first sentence. Probably much better since he has actually been a good president and you dumb pigs with ODS will quickly die out.
Bush's "reputation" is already improved dramatically and he's only been gone from office for five years. How do you think Barry is going to fare once he's gone from office? Crushing debt and a ruined health care system aren't much of a "legacy". Just saying...

:laugh: To your first sentence. Probably much better since he has actually been a good president and you dumb pigs with ODS will quickly die out.

right, good presidents double the national debt, put more people in poverty, put more on foodstamps, and have a consistent unemployment around 8%.

wake up, obama has done a terrible job, unless you believe that his job is to fuck up our economy.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

Siena College Poll 2006. You can't be serious.

It is a highly respected poll of presidential scholars.......what problems do you have with it?

It's not FoxNews?

Yes... liberal college professors etc in a POLL... yeah.. that means EVERYTHING... I bet they are backed up with all kinds of support from places like huffy puffy too.. that seals the deal, right???

Jesus Christ are you one ignorant and hyper-partisan bitch
There are those that will forever believe that 9/11 was cooked up by the Bush administration....then others believe that the 2nd Katrina disaster was Bush's fault.
The logic is the same. Both require a suspension of common sense and the willingness to ignore most of what you see in favor of what you want to see.
The man left the economy at the edge of a cliff. He started two wars which have never been paid for. He was the worse President that I witnessed in the WH. Yes
The man left the economy at the edge of a cliff. He started two wars which have never been paid for. He was the worse President that I witnessed in the WH. Yes

Hmmm.. Clinton left us going in to a recession.. he borrowed money to spend and tried to keep it out of budget to hide what was really going on... chose not to go after terrorists etc... in reality, not much different than what you bash Bush for... But we all know you don't put them in the same boat.. I wonder why that is :rolleyes:
The man left the economy at the edge of a cliff. He started two wars which have never been paid for. He was the worse President that I witnessed in the WH. Yes

Hmmm.. Clinton left us going in to a recession.. he borrowed money to spend and tried to keep it out of budget to hide what was really going on... chose not to go after terrorists etc... in reality, not much different than what you bash Bush for... But we all know you don't put them in the same boat.. I wonder why that is :rolleyes:

Jimbo is a known entity. He remains a mere liberal hack stooge. Objectivity is always an alien concept to him and his ilk.
Bush's "reputation" is already improved dramatically and he's only been gone from office for five years. How do you think Barry is going to fare once he's gone from office? Crushing debt and a ruined health care system aren't much of a "legacy". Just saying...

:laugh: To your first sentence. Probably much better since he has actually been a good president and you dumb pigs with ODS will quickly die out.

right, good presidents double the national debt, put more people in poverty, put more on foodstamps, and have a consistent unemployment around 8%.

wake up, obama has done a terrible job, unless you believe that his job is to fuck up our economy.

I do think Obama has been weak on the economy and I'm extremely dismayed with his inability to address the rampant corruption in the financial industry. But he's been spectacular on our foreign policy and handling the middle eastern situation. He's also ushered in a new age of freedom for a segment of our population and has helped to energize the youth of this country. Every President has his strengths and his weaknesses but I think Obama's strengths outweigh his weaknesses. The man is overrated but he'll be considered one of the best Presidents in history because of the symbol he represents. Also, as soon as he gone all these dumb fucks with ODS will disappear and be on whatever new talking points their masters tell them to be.
no one has made that argument.

the argument is, leftwingers like yourself will only blame bush, while giving a pass to the state and local authorities who are first and foremost more responsible.

This thread is about the presidency of George Bush not Nagin

Bush had a thousand times the resources at his disposal that Nagin had

of course it is, however, you made it about nagin and blanco.

don't shy away just because you realize your argument is screwed.

Well.. not one of the better ones or even a 'good' one.. but far from the worst... not even the worst during my lifetime.. That goes currently to Carter with Obama nipping at his heels...

Bush did some things very badly.. namely the fiscal aspects.. and you will always have anti-war and college professor types that will bitch about the Iraq and Afghan wars... but other than that he was a pretty average or uneventful President...

Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Harding, and Tyler and Pierce have to be the bottom 5

Lincoln and FDR the most overrated.. (With Kennedy not far behind.. and Lincoln and Kennedy overrated there because of the emotional assassination aspect)

Maybe Adams and Madison the most underrated...

Nixon the most maligned (rightfully so for Watergate) but people forget the many things he did good...

And Bush II has to have the most rabid haters we have ever seen (yes, even worse than the Birfers, etc with Obama)

Well.. I'll just bump this up since we have been so overloaded with crap posts in this thread.. maybe someone would like to discuss things about Bush or the other presidents logically
The man left the economy at the edge of a cliff. He started two wars which have never been paid for. He was the worse President that I witnessed in the WH. Yes

Bush's "fault" in the 2008 disaster....10%. I gave it that high, because I do not believe he had the wherewithal or the willingness to do anything about obvious problems arising.
Clinton's "fault" in the 2008 disaster...40%. It was during his presidency that the foundation and design of the corrupt mortgage/loan industry was made ...and he was absolutely involved.
Congress/Senate "fault" in the 2008 disaster.....50%. They were willing participants in the mortgage scheme and virtually none of them spoke out or did anything to stop it.
Siena College Poll 2006. You can't be serious.

It is a highly respected poll of presidential scholars.......what problems do you have with it?

It's not FoxNews?

Yes... liberal college professors etc in a POLL... yeah.. that means EVERYTHING... I bet they are backed up with all kinds of support from places like huffy puffy too.. that seals the deal, right???

Jesus Christ are you one ignorant and hyper-partisan bitch

Yes, I understand Republicans have problems with educated people

Don't like the science? Blame the scientist
Don't like the history? Blame the historian
:laugh: To your first sentence. Probably much better since he has actually been a good president and you dumb pigs with ODS will quickly die out.

right, good presidents double the national debt, put more people in poverty, put more on foodstamps, and have a consistent unemployment around 8%.

wake up, obama has done a terrible job, unless you believe that his job is to fuck up our economy.

I do think Obama has been weak on the economy and I'm extremely dismayed with his inability to address the rampant corruption in the financial industry. But he's been spectacular on our foreign policy and handling the middle eastern situation. He's also ushered in a new age of freedom for a segment of our population and has helped to energize the youth of this country. Every President has his strengths and his weaknesses but I think Obama's strengths outweigh his weaknesses. The man is overrated but he'll be considered one of the best Presidents in history because of the symbol he represents. Also, as soon as he gone all these dumb fucks with ODS will disappear and be on whatever new talking points their masters tell them to be.

My view is a little more harsh on O's economy management and engagement with financial SS (see, Geithner et al), but believe you've said the rest as well as its been said.
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