Was Bush the worst President ever?

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Well.. not one of the better ones or even a 'good' one.. but far from the worst... not even the worst during my lifetime.. That goes currently to Carter with Obama nipping at his heels...

Bush did some things very badly.. namely the fiscal aspects.. and you will always have anti-war and college professor types that will bitch about the Iraq and Afghan wars... but other than that he was a pretty average or uneventful President...

Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Harding, and Tyler and Pierce have to be the bottom 5

Lincoln and FDR the most overrated.. (With Kennedy not far behind.. and Lincoln and Kennedy overrated there because of the emotional assassination aspect)

Maybe Adams and Madison the most underrated...

Nixon the most maligned (rightfully so for Watergate) but people forget the many things he did good...

And Bush II has to have the most rabid haters we have ever seen (yes, even worse than the Birfers, etc with Obama)

Well.. I'll just bump this up since we have been so overloaded with crap posts in this thread.. maybe someone would like to discuss things about Bush or the other presidents logically

Most bizarre look at history I have seen

Read Glenn Beck much?
It is a highly respected poll of presidential scholars.......what problems do you have with it?

It's not FoxNews?

Yes... liberal college professors etc in a POLL... yeah.. that means EVERYTHING... I bet they are backed up with all kinds of support from places like huffy puffy too.. that seals the deal, right???

Jesus Christ are you one ignorant and hyper-partisan bitch

Yes, I understand Republicans have problems with educated people

Don't like the science? Blame the scientist
Don't like the history? Blame the historian

No... many have problems with the liberal self appointed know it alls who happen to populate college teaching positions because they can't make it successfully in the real world

A title and a piece of paper does not make someone educated... nor does it make them intelligent... nor does it make them an expert... it merely shows the ability to regurgitate what was put in front of them or appease the one teaching who had to do the same thing when they were going thru their 'higher education'...

Many many successful and well learned people are out there, many without degrees or teaching positions that you seem to hold so dear
It is a highly respected poll of presidential scholars.......what problems do you have with it?

It's not FoxNews?

Yes... liberal college professors etc in a POLL... yeah.. that means EVERYTHING... I bet they are backed up with all kinds of support from places like huffy puffy too.. that seals the deal, right???

Jesus Christ are you one ignorant and hyper-partisan bitch

Yes, I understand Republicans have problems with educated people

Don't like the science? Blame the scientist
Don't like the history? Blame the historian

Nope. Intelligent people have a problem with poseur intellectuals like the liberal elites who lay claim to "being" the intelligentsia.

I like science. I only blame scientists who say stupid shit like "consensus" when talking about what science supposedly has showed us.

I like history. I dislike the liberal historians who make empty pretentious assertions.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.
Yes, yes, yes...and a thousand times...YES!!!
Well.. not one of the better ones or even a 'good' one.. but far from the worst... not even the worst during my lifetime.. That goes currently to Carter with Obama nipping at his heels...

Bush did some things very badly.. namely the fiscal aspects.. and you will always have anti-war and college professor types that will bitch about the Iraq and Afghan wars... but other than that he was a pretty average or uneventful President...

Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Harding, and Tyler and Pierce have to be the bottom 5

Lincoln and FDR the most overrated.. (With Kennedy not far behind.. and Lincoln and Kennedy overrated there because of the emotional assassination aspect)

Maybe Adams and Madison the most underrated...

Nixon the most maligned (rightfully so for Watergate) but people forget the many things he did good...

And Bush II has to have the most rabid haters we have ever seen (yes, even worse than the Birfers, etc with Obama)

Well.. I'll just bump this up since we have been so overloaded with crap posts in this thread.. maybe someone would like to discuss things about Bush or the other presidents logically

Most bizarre look at history I have seen

Read Glenn Beck much?

Actually, never have.. most likely never will.. I prefer my engineering texts, my certain fiction writers, and my books about science and phenomena yet to be explained (particularly m theory at this moment)

But nice to know you are so concerned with who I read
I do think Obama has been weak on the economy and I'm extremely dismayed with his inability to address the rampant corruption in the financial industry. But he's been spectacular on our foreign policy and handling the middle eastern situation. He's also ushered in a new age of freedom for a segment of our population and has helped to energize the youth of this country. Every President has his strengths and his weaknesses but I think Obama's strengths outweigh his weaknesses. The man is overrated but he'll be considered one of the best Presidents in history because of the symbol he represents. Also, as soon as he gone all these dumb fucks with ODS will disappear and be on whatever new talking points their masters tell them to be.

HAHAHAA...I am going to attempt to show you how dumb this post is..

The man is overrated but he will be considered one of the best Presidents in history
...sweet Jesus do you not see the hilarity of this sentence???
I'm extremely dismayed with his inability to address the rampant corruption in the financial industry.
...now replace the word "inability" with "unwillingness"...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT BUSH DID...oh but he is the worst President and Obama is the best...yeah I get you.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.
Yes, yes, yes...and a thousand times...YES!!!

So, you buy the bullshit and shout it from the rooftop?



Very persuasive.
Yes... liberal college professors etc in a POLL... yeah.. that means EVERYTHING... I bet they are backed up with all kinds of support from places like huffy puffy too.. that seals the deal, right???

Jesus Christ are you one ignorant and hyper-partisan bitch

Yes, I understand Republicans have problems with educated people

Don't like the science? Blame the scientist
Don't like the history? Blame the historian

No... many have problems with the liberal self appointed know it alls who happen to populate college teaching positions because they can't make it successfully in the real world

A title and a piece of paper does not make someone educated... nor does it make them intelligent... nor does it make them an expert... it merely shows the ability to regurgitate what was put in front of them or appease the one teaching who had to do the same thing when they were going thru their 'higher education'...

Many many successful and well learned people are out there, many without degrees or teaching positions that you seem to hold so dear

I know.....Rightwing uneducated "experts" like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and Palin
Yes, I understand Republicans have problems with educated people

Don't like the science? Blame the scientist
Don't like the history? Blame the historian

No... many have problems with the liberal self appointed know it alls who happen to populate college teaching positions because they can't make it successfully in the real world

A title and a piece of paper does not make someone educated... nor does it make them intelligent... nor does it make them an expert... it merely shows the ability to regurgitate what was put in front of them or appease the one teaching who had to do the same thing when they were going thru their 'higher education'...

Many many successful and well learned people are out there, many without degrees or teaching positions that you seem to hold so dear

I know.....Rightwing uneducated "experts" like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and Palin

Funny that it is you and your ilk that constantly cite them and bring them up.... I would love for you to show me anything I have posted using their speech or writings
I do think Obama has been weak on the economy and I'm extremely dismayed with his inability to address the rampant corruption in the financial industry. But he's been spectacular on our foreign policy and handling the middle eastern situation. He's also ushered in a new age of freedom for a segment of our population and has helped to energize the youth of this country. Every President has his strengths and his weaknesses but I think Obama's strengths outweigh his weaknesses. The man is overrated but he'll be considered one of the best Presidents in history because of the symbol he represents. Also, as soon as he gone all these dumb fucks with ODS will disappear and be on whatever new talking points their masters tell them to be.

HAHAHAA...I am going to attempt to show you how dumb this post is..

The man is overrated but he will be considered one of the best Presidents in history
...sweet Jesus do you not see the hilarity of this sentence???
I'm extremely dismayed with his inability to address the rampant corruption in the financial industry.
...now replace the word "inability" with "unwillingness"...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT BUSH DID...oh but he is the worst President and Obama is the best...yeah I get you.

What is this idiot rambling about?
Bush's "reputation" is already improved dramatically and he's only been gone from office for five years. How do you think Barry is going to fare once he's gone from office? Crushing debt and a ruined health care system aren't much of a "legacy". Just saying...

:laugh: To your first sentence. Probably much better since he has actually been a good president and you dumb pigs with ODS will quickly die out.

When your "legacy" is the longest period of sustained high unemployment since the Great Depression...the largest increase in the national debt since the start of the nation...and a healthcare reform bill that increased the cost of health care while it diminished the quality of care received...how does that translate into being "good"?
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever? - The Week

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleisher told NBC News: "I'm increasingly doubtful, just because I think the lens of history is not changing. A lot of us used to say President Bush will look good and he'll be vindicated in the public eye. But realistically speaking, I don't see a lot of the people who write history all of a sudden changing their mind about George W. Bush."

As Jill Lawrence points out, the polling of historians seems to back this up.

Nearly 60 percent of the historians and political scientists in a 2006 Siena College survey rated Bush's presidency a failure and two-thirds said he did not have a realistic chance of improving his standing.

Not the best president we ever had but definitely not the worst.
What did Bush do well?

Appointments of Chernoff and Brownie?
Performance of FEMA?

Well? It could be said he (and his henchmen, the Bush league) did succeed in effectively bamboozling almost half the country.

Almost half.
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