Was Covid genetically engineered by Obama/Fauci/Wuhan??

"CDC accidentally admits". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I love how your propagandists work. As if the CDC was covering up how useless surgical masks are against smoke.

You really are a credulous rube.

A forest fire produces massive quantities of carbon dioxide. That's what suffocates you to death.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus particle is 100nm (nanometers) in diameter.

A CO2 molecule is 0.33nm in diameter.

So what we are looking at here is the Covid virus is more than 300 times the size of the carbon dioxide molecules which will kill you.

It is the epitome of stupidity to claim that because a mask doesn't work in a forest fire is evidence it does not protect you from Covid.

Good god almighty!
My input? I provided plenty of actual science to show that every idiotic claim made by the tards in this topic are pure bunk.

How's that?

Er... just posting a link does nothing. You can go around calling people "tards", but if you can't actually present what you want to say.... then....
Er... just posting a link does nothing. You can go around calling people "tards", but if you can't actually present what you want to say.... then....
And there's that willful blindness we have all come to expect from the credulous rubes.

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