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Was HITLER a Christian indeed?

I think the thread asks whether Hitler was a Christian?
FDR and Mussolini?
Why not ask about why Trump admires Kim Jong Un, Putin, and the Marquis de Sard.

Leftist atheists like you always run from the truth and never acknowledge it. Fascism is a left-wing ideology. Anyway, you're a disingenuous troll.


Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Wikipedia

Go back to school you thick fucker!
I think the thread asks whether Hitler was a Christian?
FDR and Mussolini?
Why not ask about why Trump admires Kim Jong Un, Putin, and the Marquis de Sard.

Leftist atheists like you always run from the truth and never acknowledge it. Fascism is a left-wing ideology. Anyway, you're a disingenuous troll.

For the Strasser brothers, Goebbels, and Himmler it was; Hitler was an anomaly among German Fascists, being almost alone in his rejection of the Soveit Union as a model for Germany. They were 'National Bolshevists' before they had to kowtow to Hitler when he took over the Party after 1926.
I think the thread asks whether Hitler was a Christian?
FDR and Mussolini?
Why not ask about why Trump admires Kim Jong Un, Putin, and the Marquis de Sard.

Leftist atheists like you always run from the truth and never acknowledge it. Fascism is a left-wing ideology. Anyway, you're a disingenuous troll.


Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Wikipedia

Go back to school you thick fucker!

That definition is a lie and you are a stooge.
It is the same definition as in the Oxford English, Collins, Longman, Macmillan Dictionaries etc.
And recognised throughout the World.

It's you and your little braindead bunch of fascist Trumpsters that are lying!
I do not see the fruits of the spirit exhibited in HITLER's views or politics: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/

On the other hand, Germany was a decidedly xtian country and all of his followers were at least nominally members of that faith.
True, but most were not Nazis. And once a dictator gets into power, it is very hard to unseat him. However, consider the following: Was Adolf Hitler a Christian? - a report on How Hitler Viewed God - The 700 Club | CBN.com

Immediately after World War 2, 99% of Germans claimed to never has supported Hitler. Just like every Italian claimed to hate Mussolini and Frenchman claimed to have been in the resistance.
here are the voting stats = standard/typical/etc of elections
..a lot of people do not think in realistic terms....they voted/etc '''like''' other western countries.....hitler was no different than a lot of others [ie: Pol Pot/Amin/Stalin/Mladic/the Hutus/many mass or serial murderers/standard race haters/etc ]
Last edited:
...many German generals/admirals/etc did not like hitler--before and after the elections....pre -WW2 and during WW2
It is the same definition as in the Oxford English, Collins, Longman, Macmillan Dictionaries etc.
And recognised throughout the World.

It's you and your little braindead bunch of fascist Trumpsters that are lying!

LOL just pipe down, faggot; your teachers lied to you all your life, is all.

The Peanut Gallery can amuse themselves by reading any decent bio of Goebbels and Himmler, and they can find 'National Bolshevism' articles in many places around the web.

A good general intro, on where the 'FreiKorps' got much of their socialist theories from:

The Wiki article on them with some more sources:

"Russian National Bolshevism
Russian Civil War
As the Russian Civil War dragged on, a number of prominent Whites switched to the Bolshevik side because they saw it as the only hope for restoring greatness to Russia. Amongst these was Professor Nikolai Ustrialov, initially an anti-communist, who came to believe that Bolshevism could be modified to serve nationalistic purposes. His followers, the Smenovekhovtsy (named after a series of articles he published in 1921) Smena vekh (Russian: change of milestones), came to regard themselves as National Bolsheviks, borrowing the term from Niekisch.[13]

Similar ideas were expressed by the Evraziitsi party and the pro-monarchist Mladorossi. Joseph Stalin's idea of socialism in one country was interpreted as a victory by the National Bolsheviks.[13] Vladimir Lenin, who did not use the term National Bolshevism, identified the Smenovekhovtsy as a tendency of the old Constitutional Democratic Party who saw Russian communism as just an evolution in the process of Russian aggrandisement. He further added that they were a class enemy and warned against communists believing them to be allies.[14]

Co-option of National Bolshevism
Ustrialov and others sympathetic to the Smenovekhovtsy cause, such as Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy and Ilya Ehrenburg, were eventually able to return to the Soviet Union and following the co-option of aspects of nationalism by Stalin and his ideologue Andrei Zhdanov enjoyed membership of the intellectual elite under the designation non-party Bolsheviks.[15][16] Similarly. B. D. Grekov's National Bolshevik school of historiography, a frequent target under Lenin, was officially recognised and even promoted under Stalin, albeit after accepting the main tenets of Stalinism.[17] Indeed, it has been argued that National Bolshevism was the main impetus for the revival of patriotism as an official part of state ideology in the 1930s.[18][19]"

If you're going to claim Hitler was a 'right wing fascist', then you have to claim Stalin was, too; but we know your peer group won't allow you to say that and would shun you for it, so we know you can't admit to that.
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
If Hitler had lost, his rival would have been in charge, also a right winger but an 'Establishment' right winger, not a 'Socialist' one. He would have been a much more competent dictator than Hitler was, so, as usual with history, be careful what you might have changed ...

He was the man behind the 'Black Armies', and more.

"[Reflecting this position as a "state within the state", the Reichswehr created the Ministeramt or Office of the Ministerial Affairs in 1928 under General Kurt von Schleicher to lobby politicians ostensibly for improved military budgets, but in fact the Ministeramt was the vehicle for military interference with politics.[19] German historian Eberhard Kolb wrote that:

"...from the mid-1920s onwards the Army leaders had developed and propagated new social conceptions of a militarist kind, tending towards a fusion of the military and civilian sectors and ultimately a totalitarian military state (Wehrstaat)".[20]
In 1926, Seeckt was ousted by the so-called "modern" faction within the Reichswehr as a group of more technocratic officers were known, which saw Seeckt as too conservative as he was less willing to see the sort of radical reorganization of German society that the "modern" faction wanted.[20] What the German military wanted to see above all was the Wiederwehrhaftmachung of Germany, namely the total militarization of German society in order to fight a total war and thus ensure that Germany did not lose the next war.[21] As such, what both the Nazis and the German Army wanted to see was Germany remade into a totally militarized Volksgemeinschaft that would be ruthlessly purged of those considered to be internal enemies, such as the Jews who were believed to have "stabbed" Germany in "the back" in 1918.[22]

Many officers in the early 1930s started to express admiration for Nazism, which they saw as the best way of creating the much desired Wehrstaat (military state).[23] An important sign of the sympathy for Nazism within the military came in September–October 1930, with the trial in Leipzig of three junior officers, Lieutenant Richard Scheringer [de], Hans Friedrich Wendt and Hans Ludin. The three men were charged with membership in the Nazi Party; at that time membership in political parties was forbidden for members of the Reichswehr. The three officers openly admitted to Nazi Party membership and used it as their defence to claim that the Nazi Party membership should not be forbidden to Reichswehr personnel. When the three officers were caught red-handed distributing Nazi literature at their base, their commanding officer, General Ludwig Beck (of the 5th Artillery Regiment based in Ulm), was furious at their arrest, and argued that since the Nazi Party was a force for good, Reichswehr personnel should be allowed to join the Party.[24] At the Leipzig trial of Ludin and Scheringer, Beck and other officers testified about the good character of the accused, described the Nazi Party as a positive force in German life, and proclaimed his belief that the Reichswehr ban on Nazi Party membership should be rescinded. The trial in Leipzig caused a media sensation and Hitler himself testified at the trial about how much Nazi and Reichswehr values were one and the same.[25] After the trial, many Reichswehr officers started to favour the NSDAP.[26]

By 1931, Germany's reserves of experienced reservists were coming to an end, because Part V of the Treaty of Versailles forbade conscription and existing reservists were ageing.[27] General Kurt von Schleicher worried that unless conscription was restored soon, German military power would be destroyed forever.[27] So, Schleicher and the rest of the Reichswehr leadership were determined that Germany must end Versailles, and in the meantime saw the SA and the other right-wing paramilitary groups as the best substitute for conscription. Schleicher and other Reichswehr generals made secret contacts with the SA leadership starting in 1931.[27] Like the rest of the Reichswehr leadership, Schleicher viewed democracy as a great impediment to military power, and firmly believed that only a dictatorship could make Germany a great military power again.[23] Thus Schleicher worked to replace the democracy with a dictatorship headed by himself. In this way, Schleicher played a key role in the downfall of the Weimar Republic and unintentionally helped to bring about Nazi Germany.[28]]"

Bold in last paragraph added by me. And, contrary to popular belief, Jews were not 'special' in being targeted for extermination, they just had the bad luck to be first in line; soon, all the Slavs would follow them into the ovens as soon as they were no longer useful to the war efforts, Russians included:

Planning the war of extermination in the East
On August 22, 1939, in a conference between Hitler and all of the Reich's senior military leaders, Hitler stated quite explicitly that the coming war against Poland was to be a "war of extermination" in which Hitler expressed his intention to "...to kill without pity or mercy all men, women and children of the Polish race or language".[46] The British historian Sir John Wheeler-Bennett wrote that whatever doubts the Wehrmacht might still have had about the sort of regime that they were about to go to war for and the kind of people that they would be fighting for in this war, should have been clearly dispelled by Hitler's genocidal comments during the conference of August 22, 1939, and that the claims made after the war that the Wehrmacht simply did not understand the nature of the regime that they fought for, are not believable.[46] Anti-Semitic and anti-Polish attitudes like the views expressed above coloured all the instructions that came to Wehrmacht during the summer of 1939 as part of the preparations for the invasion of Poland.[45]

The war against the Soviet Union was presented as a war of extermination right from the start. On March 3, 1941, Hitler summoned the entire military leadership to hear a secret speech about the upcoming Operation Barbarossa in which Hitler stressed that Barbarossa was to be a "war of extermination", that the German military was to disregard all the laws of war, and that he both expected and wanted to see the deaths of millions of people.[47] With the exception of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, who protested that this was both morally and legally wrong, none of the officers who heard Hitler's speech voiced any objections.[47]

Since some of the officers, such as General Franz Halder, who had previously argued with Hitler about military matters remained silent after hearing this speech, John Wheeler-Bennett presumes that they had no objections to the sort of war that Hitler intended to wage.[48] In 1989, British historian Richard J. Evans wrote that right from the beginning of the war against the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, the Wehrmacht waged a genocidal war of "extreme brutality and barbarism".[49] Evans wrote that Wehrmacht officers regarded the Russians as "subhuman"; were from the time of the invasion of Poland in 1939 telling their troops the war was caused by "Jewish vermin"; and explained to their troops that war with the Soviet Union was to wipe out the "Jewish Bolshevik subhumans", the "Mongol hordes", the "Asiatic flood" and the "red beast", language clearly intended to produce war crimes by reducing the enemy to something less than human.[50] Such views helped to explain why 3,300,000 of the 5,700,000 Soviet POWs taken by the Germans died in captivity.[51]

Criminal orders
On May 19, 1941, the OKW issued the "Guidelines for the Conduct of the Troops in Russia", which began by declaring that "Judeo-Bolshevism" to be the most deadly enemy of the German nation and that "It is against this destructive ideology and its adherents that Germany is waging war".[52] The "Guidelines" urged "ruthless and vigorous measures against Bolshevik inciters, guerrillas, saboteurs, Jews and the complete elimination of all active and passive resistance".[52] Reflecting the influence of the guidelines, in a directive sent out to the troops under his command, General Erich Hoepner of the Panzer Group 4 proclaimed:

The war against Russia is an important chapter in the German nation's struggle for existence. It is the old battle of the Germanic against the Slavic people, of the defense of European culture against Muscovite-Asiatic inundation and of the repluse [sic] of Jewish Bolshevism. The objective of this battle must be the demolition of present-day Russia and must, therefore, be conducted with unprecedented severity. Every military action must be guided in planning and execution by an iron resolution to exterminate the enemy remorselessy [sic] and totally. In particular no adherents of the contemporary Russian Bolshevik system are to be spared.[53]
Very typical of the German Army propaganda as part of the preparations for Barbarossa was the following passage from a pamphlet issued in June 1941:

Anyone who has ever looked into the face of a Red commissar knows what the Bolsheviks are. There is no need here for theoretical reflections. It would be an insult to animals if one were to call the features of these, largely Jewish, tormentors of people beasts. They are the embodiment of the infernal, of the personified insane hatred of everything that is noble in humanity. In the shape of these commissars we witness the revolt of the subhuman against noble blood. The masses whom they are driving to their deaths with every means of icy terror and lunatic incitement would have brought about an end of all meaningful life, had the incursion not been prevented at the last moment" [the last statement is a reference to the "preventive war" that Barbarossa was alleged to be].[54]

As a result of the very intense anti-Semitic and anti-Slavic propaganda before and during Barbarossa, most Army officers and soldiers tended to regard the war against the Soviet Union in Nazi terms, seeing their Soviet opponents as so much sub-human trash deserving to be destroyed without mercy.[54] One German soldier wrote home on August 4, 1941, that:

Having encountered these Bolshevik hordes and having seen how they live has made a lasting impression on me. Everyone, even the last doubter knows today, that the battle against these sub-humans, who've been whipped into a frenzy by the Jews, was not only necessary but came in the nick of time. Our Führer has saved Europe from certain chaos.[54]
It is the same definition as in the Oxford English, Collins, Longman, Macmillan Dictionaries etc.
And recognised throughout the World.

It's you and your little braindead bunch of fascist Trumpsters that are lying!

No, it's leftist academics and ideologues that loved fascism who then had to distance themselves from it after the war. Therefore, they dishonestly defined fascism as "far-right".

You can't tell or acknowledge truth because you are a Godless-atheist that is devoid of truth, like your spiritual father and lord, Satan.
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...

without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
It is the same definition as in the Oxford English, Collins, Longman, Macmillan Dictionaries etc.
And recognised throughout the World.

It's you and your little braindead bunch of fascist Trumpsters that are lying!

No, it's leftist academics and ideologues that loved fascism who then had to distance themselves from it after the war. Therefore, they dishonestly defined fascism as "far-right".

You can't tell or acknowledge truth because you are a Godless-atheist that is devoid of truth, like your spiritual father and lord, Satan.
You can't tell or acknowledge truth because you are a Godless-atheist that is devoid of truth, like your spiritual father and lord, Satan.
if satan is not dead and walking Earth why do they not show themselves - what would that hurt, bucky - christianity you suck on surly would have come across their path by now. where do you think they live.
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...
View attachment 399703
without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
what are you talking about?
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...
View attachment 399703
without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?
your list of excuses - after 80 million casualties ...
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
oh, oops ... not everyone is irresponsible what about them, monica. are you a christian.
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...
View attachment 399703
without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?
your list of excuses - after 80 million casualties ...
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
oh, oops ... not everyone is irresponsible what about them, monica. are you a christian.
you are out of your cotton pickin' mind
1. disprove what I said--I posted the links to prove it
2. excuses?? you are babbling crap
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...
View attachment 399703
without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?
your list of excuses - after 80 million casualties ...
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
oh, oops ... not everyone is irresponsible what about them, monica. are you a christian.
there were a lot of good Germans in WW2
..you don't know shit about history--so I'd lay low if I were you
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...
View attachment 399703
without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?
your list of excuses - after 80 million casualties ...
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
oh, oops ... not everyone is irresponsible what about them, monica. are you a christian.
and I'm not a christian
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...
View attachment 399703
without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?
your list of excuses - after 80 million casualties ...
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
oh, oops ... not everyone is irresponsible what about them, monica. are you a christian.
you are out of your cotton pickin' mind
1. disprove what I said--I posted the links to prove it
2. excuses?? you are babbling crap
1. disprove what I said--I posted the links to prove it
2. excuses?? you are babbling crap
just call them all innocent babies ...

forgive them, they knew not what they were doing ...

she got what she deserved - the christians were innocent and just having some fun. harmonica loves them.
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...
View attachment 399703
without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?
your list of excuses - after 80 million casualties ...
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
oh, oops ... not everyone is irresponsible what about them, monica. are you a christian.
you are out of your cotton pickin' mind
1. disprove what I said--I posted the links to prove it
2. excuses?? you are babbling crap
1. disprove what I said--I posted the links to prove it
2. excuses?? you are babbling crap
just call them all innocent babies ...
View attachment 399781
forgive them, they knew not what they were doing ...
View attachment 399783
she got what she deserved - the christians were innocent and just having some fun. harmonica loves them.
....stop drinking so much.......you don't know much about the subject, that's obvious......so if all Germans were bad, that means all Americans were bad during the Vietnam war/etc
..see how silly your point is?
Germany pre-WW2/etc was like a lot of countries' politics --even today
a lot of people did not vote
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
not sure the excuses fit the bill ...
View attachment 399703
without remorse - history repeats itself.

remorse for losing doesn't count.
what are you talking about?
what are you talking about?
your list of excuses - after 80 million casualties ...
some were for hitler--some against--some did not care
some were fanatically for--some fanatically against
some of those for hitler were against some of his policies
some of those against him were for some of his policies
some groups against--some for--some in between
oh, oops ... not everyone is irresponsible what about them, monica. are you a christian.
you are out of your cotton pickin' mind
1. disprove what I said--I posted the links to prove it
2. excuses?? you are babbling crap
1. disprove what I said--I posted the links to prove it
2. excuses?? you are babbling crap
just call them all innocent babies ...
View attachment 399781
forgive them, they knew not what they were doing ...
View attachment 399783
she got what she deserved - the christians were innocent and just having some fun. harmonica loves them.
....stop drinking so much.......you don't know much about the subject, that's obvious......so if all Germans were bad, that means all Americans were bad during the Vietnam war/etc
..see how silly your point is?
....stop drinking so much.......you don't know much about the subject, that's obvious......so if all Germans were bad, that means all Americans were bad during the Vietnam war/etc
..see how silly your point is?
not all of them ...

did you want to put them in a concentration camp ...

speaking of which were they innocent also the ss concentration camps, they really were just looking out for their fellow brethern. you love them too.

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