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Was HITLER a Christian indeed?

I think the thread asks whether Hitler was a Christian?
FDR and Mussolini?
Why not ask about why Trump admires Kim Jong Un, Putin, and the Marquis de Sard.

Leftist atheists like you always run from the truth and never acknowledge it. Fascism is a left-wing ideology. Anyway, you're a disingenuous troll.


Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Wikipedia

Go back to school you thick fucker!

A closed propaganda mind is a great waste. The "isms" are tools much like hammers, saws and screwdrivers. They are used by all different types of people and groups to further their given agendas

Fascism, political ideology and mass movement that dominated many parts of central, southern, and eastern Europe between 1919 and 1945 and that also had adherents in western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East. Europe’s first fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, took the name of his party from the Latin word fasces, which referred to a bundle of elm or birch rods (usually containing an ax) used as a symbol of penal authority in ancient Rome

Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.

One of Hitler's biggest financial supporters in the very early days was a Jew.
It was the business community that put Hitler in power including Jews, because instability in Germany threatened a communist take over - they would lose everything.
By the time he came to power the particular Jew who helped them was owed so much money, and by that time they'd found out he was a Jew, and his shot up body was found in a hedge after the 'Night of the long knives'.
Leading politicians and the business community all thought he would soften the anti-Semitism once in power, and they could control him. Wrong!
Hitler was INSANE! So the question in the OP is non applicable.
During that time and before, the catholic church taught LUTHERISM----which was basically that Jews murdered Jesus day in and day out. But Hitler did have jewish friends and liked jews to some degree UNTILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.....................................................his beloved catholic mothers death. She got sick, I don't remember from what exactly but I think some form of cancer right off the top of my head. And a JEWISH doctor was called.............................she died horribly and in much pain. Hitler blamed the jewish doctor and outwardly hated all jews after.

It's comforting to think that Hitler was somehow more antisemitic than anyone else in 1930s Europe.

In fact, Hitler was merely repeating what has been the dogma of European thought for nearly 2,000 years.

Hitler had enemies in France, England, and many other European countries. But ... the one thing they did see eye-to-eye with Hitler was his theories about Jews.

Even when Paris was occupied by The Nazis, the areas of Free France were more than willing to ship Jews in their territories back to Germany. England too sent Jewish refugees back to Germany, knowing they would immediately be sent to concentration camps. Poles, and other Eastern Europeans actively assisted the Nazis in hunting down and killing Jews even with their countries occupied by Nazis.

It's a fact that antisemitism in Europe was (and in many places still is) as natural as breathing.
What you are saying is totally untrue. You have never lived in Europe or the UK. Jews are not and have never in modern times been discriminated against in the UK. As for the Vichy French - they were fascists as were the Ukrainians who actually manned the guard posts at Sobibor and Treblinka. Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, Rumanian & Hungarian etc Nationalist/fascists did support Hitler, though as in the case of the Ukraine, Goring's visit declaring them to be treated as slaves tended to turn a lot of them. Slovakia actually paid the Nazis to also take Jewish children after they'd taken their parents.
Britain had Mosley;s 'black shirts' who were a tiny group and usually got beaten up when staging rally's.
Britain's immigration policy was far more lenient than that of the US. Gerry Springer, Ruby Wax, Marianne Faithful. Names you may have heard of, were all taken in by Britain. Read about the 'Kinder Transports'.
Every country has its Right Wing/Nationalist/Fascists. In Britain they are a tiny minority.

Hun--it had to do with being a DIFFERENT TIME--------and the TEACHINGS of MARTIN LUTHER--notorious jew hater who called for the murder of all jews because the jews had killed jesus being taught in the churches. Not just taught---but hammered homed in most weekly sermons THEN.
Ever put your brain into gear before you write?
Your last two posts were so inane I regret the time I wasted reading them!

You seem to think quite highly of yourself, why?
Err......cos I'm a complete and utter twat?
Christianity is the intellectually and metaphysically logical extension of Judaism, a bit as if the Hebrew faith had been confronted by Buddhism.

Most of the anti-Jewish stuff was from the peasantry and was political, not religious hate; Jews were almost always working for oppressive feudal lords and under their protection.

Almost always all people were working for nobels in times of feudalism. A noble was for example the same time the military protector, the capital monopolist, the Lord of judgement, the head of the police and the government.

The so called "Hofjude" (a kind of finance minister and/or tax collector of nobles) existed on religious reasons. Christians were not allowed to earn money with interests rates - so Jews had to make this job.

It is not Christianity that attacks or opposes Jews, is is the ever present capacity of humans to do inhumanly stupid things.

Yes, and Jews played their own part in their unpopularity, but they don't like to be reminded of it, especially the bigots and xian haters.

Give me a concrete reason why Jews should love Christians. And give me a reason why a Christian should love someone, who calls Christians "xians".

Sorry, serious inquiries only. And, the Peanut Gallery can find the history of the Templars, as well as the Lombards and Hanseatic merchants who also suffered from the same sort of 'bigotry' from the toiling masses at various times, as did bankers, Dutch cloth weavers who immigrated to other countries, etc., etc. Jews were nothing 'speshul', except in their own minds, of course. They in fact fared pretty well overall, since the state far more often than not defended them from their victims for the most part, especially Evil Xian Bishops hiding them in their churches when things got hot.

No, he wasn't, and we two decades of Nazi history and the bios of his closest friend, Canaris, and Martin Bormann's testimony, his personal secretary and personal butt boy to support the public policies. He did however admire Islam, the favorite religion of Democrats.
Err......cos I'm a complete and utter twat?

Not complete, surely.
Do you never get bored repeating yourself for the thousandth time before you get some other dement saying shit like -

"Hitler wasn't as bad as Stalin or Mao! - I don't like communists!"

At 1am here, I just can't be asked!

Surely it must be lights out in whatever institution you occupy.

Try not to wake the other inmates with your typing.
Err......cos I'm a complete and utter twat?

Not complete, surely.
Do you never get bored repeating yourself for the thousandth time before you get some other dement saying shit like -

"Hitler wasn't as bad as Stalin or Mao! - I don't like communists!"

At 1am here, I just can't be asked!

It's now 11 pm here, so can you tell us if you really think Israelis are supposed to commit suicide just because some bigoted university proffessors got inside your head and convinced you to parrot their idiotic bullshit over fake 'refugees' that make a living off of extortion and murders for hire?
Err......cos I'm a complete and utter twat?

Not complete, surely.
Do you never get bored repeating yourself for the thousandth time before you get some other dement saying shit like -

"Hitler wasn't as bad as Stalin or Mao! - I don't like communists!"

At 1am here, I just can't be asked!

It's now 11 pm here, so can you tell us if you really think Israelis are supposed to commit suicide just because some bigoted university proffessors got inside your head and convinced you to parrot their idiotic bullshit over fake 'refugees' that make a living off of extortion and murders for hire?
I have not got the faintest clue what you are on about..
Err......cos I'm a complete and utter twat?

Not complete, surely.
Do you never get bored repeating yourself for the thousandth time before you get some other dement saying shit like -

"Hitler wasn't as bad as Stalin or Mao! - I don't like communists!"

At 1am here, I just can't be asked!

It's now 11 pm here, so can you tell us if you really think Israelis are supposed to commit suicide just because some bigoted university proffessors got inside your head and convinced you to parrot their idiotic bullshit over fake 'refugees' that make a living off of extortion and murders for hire?
I have not got the faintest clue what you are on about..

Of course you don't; most of you commies are indeed ignorant of the agendas you're supporting. It's just that those who keep trying so hard to bash and de-legitimatize Da Evul Xians are nearly always sexual degenerates, deviants, or sociopaths who are themselves probably supportive of mass murdering them, and some of them also think Jews should all die by extension; others are right wing Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews themselves who think they are better off under Islamic nutjobs than the West and don't think 'racially impure' Jews are any more human than Gentiles are. There are other reasons for the obsession with eradicating Da Evul Xians but those are the biggest categories.
I do not see the fruits of the spirit exhibited in HITLER's views or politics: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/

Hitler and the Nazis murdered thousands of Protestant pastors and Catholic priests and nuns. When Hitler began his rise to power, he pretended to be a friend of Christianity, but that posturing was soon exposed as false. He hated all traditional religions.
Hitler was a catholic---raised a catholic, once an alter boy ...

Source of the idea Hitler had been an altar boy? Very short: When Hitler was young he never was confrontated with the idea "anti-Semitism" where he grew up.
I believe Hitler was trying to encourage the return of pagan Norse gods.

He would be part of the Anthropogenic Global Warming cult if alive today, a Gaia worshiper.

Global warming = the climate change - is a fact. Reason for the climate change is the human behavior in the industrialized societies during the last 200 years. Nothing of the thoughts and research in this context has anything to do with Hitler or Nazis.
Source of calling Hitler an alter boy was studying his childhood............he was an alter boy with an extremely hyper religious catholic mother. Again, the swatisica was copied from his boyhood church's motiff-----

As far as catholics trying to confuse Hitlers catholicism with paganism------you forget that people of different eras think of things differently and go through fads. In the 20-40s it was in vogue for CHRISTIANS especially catholics (which is likely one of the many reasons catholics were looked down upon in america) to mix their christianity religion with mysticism. New age BS and all of their time. It was all the rage in both Europe and the US.

Again at the end of his life Hitler himself said that “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,” he told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941."

Global warming = the climate change - is a fact. Reason for the climate change is the human behavior in the industrialized societies during the last 200 years. Nothing of the thoughts and research in this context has anything to do with Hitler or Nazis.

One constant to the climate of earth over 4.7 billion years - which is change.

Humans, which have been around for a tiny speck of 100,000 years or so, don't have a fucking thing to do with it.

Moron cult worshipers have inflated egos, think they are all powerful rather than what they really are -irrelevant.

You are wrong.
I do not see the fruits of the spirit exhibited in HITLER's views or politics: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/

Hitler and the Nazis murdered thousands of Protestant pastors and Catholic priests and nuns. When Hitler began his rise to power, he pretended to be a friend of Christianity, but that posturing was soon exposed as false. He hated all traditional religions.
Hitler was a catholic---raised a catholic, once an alter boy ...

Source of the idea Hitler had been an altar boy? Very short: When Hitler was young he never was confrontated with the idea "anti-Semitism" where he grew up.
I believe Hitler was trying to encourage the return of pagan Norse gods.

He would be part of the Anthropogenic Global Warming cult if alive today, a Gaia worshiper.

Global warming = the climate change - is a fact. Reason for the climate change is the human behavior in the industrialized societies during the last 200 years. Nothing of the thoughts and research in this context has anything to do with Hitler or Nazis.
Source of calling Hitler an alter boy was studying his childhood.

What's a bullshit. He visited a Catholic school in a monastery - what was the only school for all people in the whole region, where he lived. That's all. After the Anschluß of Austria he closed the monestary and he threw the monks out, who had lived there since long centuries. After world war 2 the monks came back.

...........he was an alter boy with an extremely hyper religious catholic mother.

His mother was what? She had an illegitimate sexual relation to a married relative whose wife died. She needed a dispense from the church to marry him after the death of his previous wife, because she was pregnant. Such a behavior was seen anything else than "hyper religious" in this time of history.

Again, the swatisica was copied from his boyhood church's motiff-----

So what? The Swastika was all over the world a positive symbol before Hitler destroyed the message of this symbol. It was often used as a symbol for friendship in a similar way how the people use the heart-symbol for love today.

As far as catholics trying to confuse Hitlers catholicism with paganism------

One of the early propagandists of the Nazis signed his writings with "mjölnir" for example. Mjölnir = Thors hammer. Take a look at the Wewelsburg if you like to know more about the religion of the SS.

you forget that people of different eras think of things differently and go through fads.

I know. I speak in the moment with someone, who has not a big idea about the culture of this region of the world, while I grew up in the culture of this region.

In the 20-40s it was in vogue for CHRISTIANS especially catholics (which is likely one of the many reasons catholics were looked down upon in america) to mix their christianity religion with mysticism. New age BS and all of their time. It was all the rage in both Europe and the US.

Again at the end of his life Hitler himself said that “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,” he told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941."

Who is Gerhard Engel? ... Verbindungsoffizier zwischen Hitler und Heer ... How to translate this now? ... Messenger from Adolf Hitler to the army and from the army to Hitler. ... So I guess he was able to kill Hitler, but unfortunatelly he did not do so. Bad luck for Germany - and not only for Germany.

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I do not see the fruits of the spirit exhibited in HITLER's views or politics: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/

Hitler and the Nazis murdered thousands of Protestant pastors and Catholic priests and nuns. When Hitler began his rise to power, he pretended to be a friend of Christianity, but that posturing was soon exposed as false. He hated all traditional religions.
Hitler was a catholic---raised a catholic, once an alter boy ...

Source of the idea Hitler had been an altar boy? Very short: When Hitler was young he never was confrontated with the idea "anti-Semitism" where he grew up.
I believe Hitler was trying to encourage the return of pagan Norse gods.

He would be part of the Anthropogenic Global Warming cult if alive today, a Gaia worshiper.

Global warming = the climate change - is a fact. Reason for the climate change is the human behavior in the industrialized societies during the last 200 years. Nothing of the thoughts and research in this context has anything to do with Hitler or Nazis.
Source of calling Hitler an alter boy was studying his childhood.

What's a bullshit. He visited a Catholic school in a monastery - what was the only school for all people in the whole region, where he lived. That's all. After the Anschluß of Austria he closed the monestary and he threw the monks out, who had lived there since long centuries. After world war 2 the monks came back.

...........he was an alter boy with an extremely hyper religious catholic mother.

His mother was what? She had an illegitimate sexual relation to a married relative whose wife died. She needed a dispense from the church to marry him after the death of his previous wife, because she was pregnant. Such a behavior was seen anything else than "hyper religious" in this time of history.

Again, the swatisica was copied from his boyhood church's motiff-----

So what? The Swastika was all over the world a positive symbol before Hitler destroyed the message of this symbol. It was often used as a symbol for friendship in a similar way how the people use the heart-symbol for love today.

As far as catholics trying to confuse Hitlers catholicism with paganism------

One of the early propagandists of the Nazis signed his writings with "mjölnir" for example. Mjölnir = Thors hammer. Take a look at the Wewelsburg if you like to know more about the religion of the SS.

you forget that people of different eras think of things differently and go through fads.

I know. I speak in the moment with someone, who has not a big idea about the culture of this region of the world, while I grew up in the culture of this region.

In the 20-40s it was in vogue for CHRISTIANS especially catholics (which is likely one of the many reasons catholics were looked down upon in america) to mix their christianity religion with mysticism. New age BS and all of their time. It was all the rage in both Europe and the US.

Again at the end of his life Hitler himself said that “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,” he told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941."

Who is Gerhard Engel? ... Verbindungsoffizier zwischen Hitler und Heer ... How to translate this now? ... Messenger from Adolf Hitler to the army and from the army to Hitler. ... So I guess he was able to kill Hitler, but unfortunatelly he did not do so.
Ahhh, yes the hype religious need to deny the truth to whole on to their belief system.

There is nothing that I told you that was wrong but you try to redirect and deny basics.

Again...........Hitlers mother wasn't just a catholic---she was a hyper-religious CAtholic despite her sleeping around. There are many slutty hypocrit hyper religious catholics --always has been. She was always up till the day she died a hyper-catholic. She and her husband required a dispense because they were actually cousins (2nd cousins I believe)....she was his 3rd wife btw---the first two died how convenient and telling if she was as you say already pregnant and needing to be married.

Gerhard Engel---as the quotes clearly states one of his GENERALS

Hitlers boyhood church was covered with various symbols outside of just christianity---among them and apparently a favorite of the young Hitler was the Swastikas PLURAL which he copied and then used for his nazis. FYI, the swastika is actually AN EARLY EARLY form of the christian cross. But I know catholics would like this historic fact forgotten. Such swastikas crosses were used by the very very early romans and still found in caves where they left the symbol.

Hitler attended two catholic schools, was an alter boy, planned on joining the monastry when he became an adult at one point, CONFIRMED catholic in 1904, crawled in bed with the catholic pope to take over Germany, pushed both Catholicism and Lutheranism on the people of Germany, and told his people that he was a catholic repeatedly. He walked and quack like a Catholic...ergo he was a catholic....
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... Ahhh, yes the hype religious need to deny the truth to whole on to their belief system.

What's wrong with you?

There is nothing that I told you that was wrong but you try to redirect and deny basics.

It was wrong what you said. Everyone knew very well during "the third empire" that the Catholic church had not anything to do with Hitler - except he was an idiot.

Again...........Hitlers mother wasn't just a catholic---she was a hyper-religious CAtholic despite her sleeping around.

What do you call "hyper-religious" in case of Klara Pölzl?

There are many slutty hypocrit hyper religious catholics --always has been. She was always up till the day she died a hyper-catholic.

Seems to me you have not a big idea about Catholics but a lot of hate from the 15th centuries, when protestants destroyed the world.

Gerhard Engel---as the quotes clearly states one of his GENERALS

I know what a general of the German army is. I did not know what a general with the name "Gerhard Engel" personally had to do with Hitler.

Hitlers boyhood church was covered with various symbols outside of just christianity---among them and apparently a favorite of the young Hitler was the Swastikas PLURAL which he copied and then used for his nazis.

You are very simple minded, aren't you? You remember me now to the totally senseless bombing of some few monks and refugees in the little monastery Monte Cassino during world war 2 with an amount of bombs, which would had been enough bombs for a big city like NY.

Hitler attended two catholic schools, was an alter boy, planned on joining the monastry when he became an adult at one point, CONFIRMED catholic in 1904, crawled in bed with the catholic pope to take over Germany, pushed both Catholicism and Lutheranism on the people of Germany, and told his people that he was a catholic repeatedly. He walked and quack like a Catholic...ergo he was a catholic....

And what exactly do you think had the Nazis to do with the Catholic church? As far a I know are "the German Christians" ("die Deutschen Christen" and not "die deutschen Christen" what's a very big difference in the German language) the only "Christian" Nazi-organisation - and they tried to overtake the protestants (What's by the way a main reason why the protestants in Germany decided after world war 2 to build together a common church organisation, the EKD.)

Concrete Question: Why started the Nazis (together with the Soviets) world war 2 by trying to eliminate the Catholic country Poland?
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hexenkartothek was an investigation into witch trials led by SS-Untersturmführer Rudolf Levin under the orders of Heinrich Himmler.[1]
Himmler organised a team of SS researchers to collect historical records of witch trials with the goal of proving that the Catholic Church had used the trials to eliminate the German heritage.[2][3] This prompted Stuart Clark to dub the Nazi regime "Europe's first and only 'pro-witch' government."[4] One pamphlet, 1935's The Christian Witch-Craze,[5] claimed that the witch-hunts were an attempt to exterminate "Aryan womanhood".
Ah, the "Hammer of Witches"...
... Ahhh, yes the hype religious need to deny the truth to whole on to their belief system.

What's wrong with you?

There is nothing that I told you that was wrong but you try to redirect and deny basics.

It was wrong what you said. Everyone knew very well during "the third empire" that the Catholic church had not anything to do with Hitler - except he was an idiot.

Again...........Hitlers mother wasn't just a catholic---she was a hyper-religious CAtholic despite her sleeping around.

What do you call "hyper-religious" in case of Klara Pölzl?

There are many slutty hypocrit hyper religious catholics --always has been. She was always up till the day she died a hyper-catholic.

Seems to me you have not a big idea about Catholics but a lot of hate from the 15th centuries, when protestants destroyed the world.

Gerhard Engel---as the quotes clearly states one of his GENERALS

I know what a general of the German army is. I did not know what a general with the name "Gerhard Engel" personally had to do with Hitler.

Hitlers boyhood church was covered with various symbols outside of just christianity---among them and apparently a favorite of the young Hitler was the Swastikas PLURAL which he copied and then used for his nazis.

You are very simple minded, aren't you? You remember me now to the totally senseless bombing of some few monks and refugees in the little monastery Monte Cassino during world war 2 with an amount of bombs, which would had been enough bombs for a big city like NY.

Hitler attended two catholic schools, was an alter boy, planned on joining the monastry when he became an adult at one point, CONFIRMED catholic in 1904, crawled in bed with the catholic pope to take over Germany, pushed both Catholicism and Lutheranism on the people of Germany, and told his people that he was a catholic repeatedly. He walked and quack like a Catholic...ergo he was a catholic....

And what exactly do you think had the Nazis to do with the Catholic church? As far a I know are "the German Christians" ("die Deutschen Christen" and not "die deutschen Christen" what's a very big difference in the German language) the only "Christian" Nazi-organisation - and they tried to overtake the protestants (What's by the way a main reason why the protestants in Germany decided after world war 2 to build together a common church organisation, the EKD.)

Concrete Question: Why started the Nazis (together with the Soviets) world war 2 by trying to eliminate the Catholic country Poland?

She is described as a DEVOUT and very religious Catholic---what I call hyper religious-----aka religiousity which is a psychological term. There are many good christians out there--------------but when you get to hyper religious ones--that is a clear warning sign as they tend to be the hypocrits, the outright insane, and the ones prone to drugs and crime and fascism.

Seems to you is wrong------and I have no clue what you are trying to blame the protestants for.

The topic is Hitler and the Nazis and their catholicism-----------catholic Hitler had lots of protestants murdered while he was in charge.

If you have a specific question about a certain general---why aren't you googling? I gave you the full name....copy and paste is all you gotta do for yourself.

Hitler could not have taken control of Germany if not for the ACCORD that he and the corrupt Catholic Pope crawled into bed for...in exchange for a church tax to be collected by the nazis and given directly to the Pope---------there would have been no catholic political party help for the Nazis and the nazis and hitler would not have had control on Germany, would not have been able to do the gas chambers, and would not have been able to start the wars. Ultimately, if not for the Catholics---there would have been no WW2. When you say your prayers tonight, remember to thank your god for this pope and all the suffering that help usher in along with his catholic Hitler.

Bombing of monte Cassino---Feb 1944 was done by the allies dear.
I do not see the fruits of the spirit exhibited in HITLER's views or politics: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/

Hitler and the Nazis murdered thousands of Protestant pastors and Catholic priests and nuns. When Hitler began his rise to power, he pretended to be a friend of Christianity, but that posturing was soon exposed as false. He hated all traditional religions.
Hitler was a catholic---raised a catholic, once an alter boy ...

Source of the idea Hitler had been an altar boy? Very short: When Hitler was young he never was confrontated with the idea "anti-Semitism" where he grew up.
I believe Hitler was trying to encourage the return of pagan Norse gods.

He would be part of the Anthropogenic Global Warming cult if alive today, a Gaia worshiper.

Global warming = the climate change - is a fact. Reason for the climate change is the human behavior in the industrialized societies during the last 200 years. Nothing of the thoughts and research in this context has anything to do with Hitler or Nazis.
Source of calling Hitler an alter boy was studying his childhood.

What's a bullshit. He visited a Catholic school in a monastery - what was the only school for all people in the whole region, where he lived. That's all. After the Anschluß of Austria he closed the monestary and he threw the monks out, who had lived there since long centuries. After world war 2 the monks came back.

...........he was an alter boy with an extremely hyper religious catholic mother.

His mother was what? She had an illegitimate sexual relation to a married relative whose wife died. She needed a dispense from the church to marry him after the death of his previous wife, because she was pregnant. Such a behavior was seen anything else than "hyper religious" in this time of history.

Again, the swatisica was copied from his boyhood church's motiff-----

So what? The Swastika was all over the world a positive symbol before Hitler destroyed the message of this symbol. It was often used as a symbol for friendship in a similar way how the people use the heart-symbol for love today.

As far as catholics trying to confuse Hitlers catholicism with paganism------

One of the early propagandists of the Nazis signed his writings with "mjölnir" for example. Mjölnir = Thors hammer. Take a look at the Wewelsburg if you like to know more about the religion of the SS.

you forget that people of different eras think of things differently and go through fads.

I know. I speak in the moment with someone, who has not a big idea about the culture of this region of the world, while I grew up in the culture of this region.

In the 20-40s it was in vogue for CHRISTIANS especially catholics (which is likely one of the many reasons catholics were looked down upon in america) to mix their christianity religion with mysticism. New age BS and all of their time. It was all the rage in both Europe and the US.

Again at the end of his life Hitler himself said that “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,” he told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941."

Who is Gerhard Engel? ... Verbindungsoffizier zwischen Hitler und Heer ... How to translate this now? ... Messenger from Adolf Hitler to the army and from the army to Hitler. ... So I guess he was able to kill Hitler, but unfortunatelly he did not do so.
Ahhh, yes the hype religious need to deny the truth to whole on to their belief system.

There is nothing that I told you that was wrong but you try to redirect and deny basics.

Again...........Hitlers mother wasn't just a catholic---she was a hyper-religious CAtholic despite her sleeping around. There are many slutty hypocrit hyper religious catholics --always has been. She was always up till the day she died a hyper-catholic. She and her husband required a dispense because they were actually cousins (2nd cousins I believe)....she was his 3rd wife btw---the first two died how convenient and telling if she was as you say already pregnant and needing to be married.

Gerhard Engel---as the quotes clearly states one of his GENERALS

Hitlers boyhood church was covered with various symbols outside of just christianity---among them and apparently a favorite of the young Hitler was the Swastikas PLURAL which he copied and then used for his nazis. FYI, the swastika is actually AN EARLY EARLY form of the christian cross. But I know catholics would like this historic fact forgotten. Such swastikas crosses were used by the very very early romans and still found in caves where they left the symbol.

Hitler attended two catholic schools, was an alter boy, planned on joining the monastry when he became an adult at one point, CONFIRMED catholic in 1904, crawled in bed with the catholic pope to take over Germany, pushed both Catholicism and Lutheranism on the people of Germany, and told his people that he was a catholic repeatedly. He walked and quack like a Catholic...ergo he was a catholic....
Again...........Hitlers mother wasn't just a catholic---she was a hyper-religious CAtholic despite her sleeping around. There are many slutty hypocrit hyper religious catholics --always has been

Do you have a link for that assumption??

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