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Was HITLER a Christian indeed?

I do not see the fruits of the spirit exhibited in HITLER's views or politics: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/

On the other hand, Germany was a decidedly xtian country and all of his followers were at least nominally members of that faith.
And contrary to what you may have heard, there were Jews who originally supported Hitler. So, how are they any different than "nominal christians"? Please see: Yes, In His Early Days, There Were Jews for Hitler Before the Full Horror of His Ideology Was Carried Out in the Holocaust — Buzzflash

One of the members of the Stosstruppe was in fact a Jew.
Christianity is the intellectually and metaphysically logical extension of Judaism, a bit as if the Hebrew faith had been confronted by Buddhism. It is not Christianity that attacks or opposes Jews, is is the ever present capacity of humans to do inhumanly stupid things.
One of the members of the Stosstruppe was in fact a Jew.

It is not Christianity that attacks or opposes Jews,

Most xtians from Edward I of England to Mel Gibson would vehemently disagree with you.

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"xtians"! You and they know nothing about the subject, as do the vast majority of those calling themselves Christian. But, then, all the religions are peopled by masses with undigested bits of nonsense. In fact, as all religions describe and, thus, reduce "God", they blaspheme. If we want to argue over who blasphemes more, there could not be found a better way to waste time.

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she got what she deserved - the christians were innocent and just having some fun. harmonica loves them.

The picture here shows by the way the "enligtened" modern world (here protestants, I guess) and not the world of the "christian" middle ages. The belief in witches was called in the middle ages a prejudice.
... One of the members of the Stosstruppe was in fact a Jew.

Besides that I don't have any idea what a "Stoßtruppe" could had been in this context: Give me the name please and what he did do - and I will start to research what really had happened.
... One of the members of the Stosstruppe was in fact a Jew.

Besides that I don't have any idea what a "Stoßtruppe" could had been in this context: Give me the name please and what he did do - and I will start to research what really had happened.

Hitlers first bodyguards were the Stosstruppe.
It is not Christianity that attacks or opposes Jews,

Most xtians from Edward I of England to Mel Gibson would vehemently disagree with you.

View attachment 402939

What would Mel Gibson disagree with? Do you like to say Mel Gibson is an antisemite? ... Got it. He was totally drunken an was stopped from the police. In this context it is said he used antisemitic words. Which words I do not know. He excused himselve in public. Seems he had and or has a problem with alcohol and had or has a bipolar disorder.

Do you know what he said?
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... One of the members of the Stosstruppe was in fact a Jew.

Besides that I don't have any idea what a "Stoßtruppe" could had been in this context: Give me the name please and what he did do - and I will start to research what really had happened.

Hitlers first bodyguards were the Stosstruppe.

That would make a little sense early on, and shouldn't be surprising, since Hitler was anti-Russian, almost alone among the Nazis in that regard, and many Jews were pro-German, especially American and British Jews, in the decades from the 1890's to the 1920's. Why that was is easy to find in 19th century history of eastern Europe and Russia. Millions of Jews from Russia were fleeing Russia for both Palestine and the U.S.; they made up 10% of so of the immigrants to the U.S. in some years. We ended up with half the world's Jewish population.
... One of the members of the Stosstruppe was in fact a Jew.

Besides that I don't have any idea what a "Stoßtruppe" could had been in this context: Give me the name please and what he did do - and I will start to research what really had happened.

Hitlers first bodyguards were the Stosstruppe.

Eh? ... No idea what you speak about ... one moment ... you speak about the SA-Stoßtrupps? This were rowdies. The Nazis and the Commies had organized weaponed gangs, which made bloody street fights. They killed not only each other in this way - they killed also every trust to the helpless democracy of Weimar. (Reason for this helplessness were the allies of world war 1). The situation in the USA today is perhaps not far from this situation in 192x in Germany.
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Christianity is the intellectually and metaphysically logical extension of Judaism, a bit as if the Hebrew faith had been confronted by Buddhism.

Most of the anti-Jewish stuff was from the peasantry and was political, not religious hate; Jews were almost always working for oppressive feudal lords and under their protection.

It is not Christianity that attacks or opposes Jews, is is the ever present capacity of humans to do inhumanly stupid things.

Yes, and Jews played their own part in their unpopularity, but they don't like to be reminded of it, especially the bigots and xian haters.
Christianity is the intellectually and metaphysically logical extension of Judaism, a bit as if the Hebrew faith had been confronted by Buddhism.

Most of the anti-Jewish stuff was from the peasantry and was political, not religious hate; Jews were almost always working for oppressive feudal lords and under their protection.

Almost always all people were working for nobels in times of feudalism. A noble was for example the same time the military protector, the capital monopolist, the Lord of judgement, the head of the police and the government.

The so called "Hofjude" (a kind of finance minister and/or tax collector of nobles) existed on religious reasons. Christians were not allowed to earn money with interests rates - so Jews had to make this job.

It is not Christianity that attacks or opposes Jews, is is the ever present capacity of humans to do inhumanly stupid things.

Yes, and Jews played their own part in their unpopularity, but they don't like to be reminded of it, especially the bigots and xian haters.

Give me a concrete reason why Jews should love Christians. And give me a reason why a Christian should love someone, who calls Christians "xians".
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Most of Germany's top brass were atheists. Himmler was a Norse religion follower, Hitler was an atheist and despised the church.

These are all well known outside of the progressive, revisionist bubble.

“In Hitler’s eyes Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves,” wrote Alan Bullock “Hitler, A Study in Tyranny,” a seminal biography. “Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle of the fittest.”

The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science ... Gradually the myths crumble. All that is left to prove that nature there is no frontier between the organic and inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light, but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.

By 1942, Hitler vowed, according to Bullock, to “root out and destroy the influence of the Christian Churches,” describing them as “the evil that is gnawing our vitals.”
Hitler ordered the death of ten million in concentration camps and started a war that killed 50 million.

So, no.

15 million. 6 million Jews and 9 million who are ignored entirely by history - most of whom were Christian.

Eh? "Deignore" please the number 9 millions. Who exactly are this people? 2 million Russian pows were murdered from the Nazis, 220,000-500,000 gypsies were murdered from them all over Europe ... who else? Who are this additional 6.3-6.5 million people?


In 1933, Jews in Germany numbered around 525,000, or only 1 percent of the total German population. During the next six years, Nazis undertook an “Aryanization” of Germany, dismissing non-Aryans from civil service, liquidating Jewish-owned businesses and stripping Jewish lawyers and doctors of their clients. Under the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was considered a Jew, while those with two Jewish grandparents were designated Mischlinge (half-breeds). }

Hitler hated Jews, no question. But he was also OBSESSED with creating a pure Iranian race. Poles, Slavs, Georgians, etc. were not "Aryan" enough ( "Aryan" is Farsi, meaning "Iranian.") The Nazi regime slaughtered Jehovah's Witnesses, ethic Russians, Turks (who migrated after the fall of the Ottomans). As the methamphetamine fueled insanity increased with Hitler, so did his obsession with purging the "impure."
Global warming = the climate change - is a fact. Reason for the climate change is the human behavior in the industrialized societies during the last 200 years. Nothing of the thoughts and research in this context has anything to do with Hitler or Nazis.

One constant to the climate of earth over 4.7 billion years - which is change.

Humans, which have been around for a tiny speck of 100,000 years or so, don't have a fucking thing to do with it.

Moron cult worshipers have inflated egos, think they are all powerful rather than what they really are -irrelevant.
One of Hitler's biggest financial supporters in the very early days was a Jew.
It was the business community that put Hitler in power including Jews, because instability in Germany threatened a communist take over - they would lose everything.
By the time he came to power the particular Jew who helped them was owed so much money, and by that time they'd found out he was a Jew, and his shot up body was found in a hedge after the 'Night of the long knives'.
Leading politicians and the business community all thought he would soften the anti-Semitism once in power, and they could control him. Wrong!
Hitler was INSANE! So the question in the OP is non applicable.
During that time and before, the catholic church taught LUTHERISM----which was basically that Jews murdered Jesus day in and day out. But Hitler did have jewish friends and liked jews to some degree UNTILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.....................................................his beloved catholic mothers death. She got sick, I don't remember from what exactly but I think some form of cancer right off the top of my head. And a JEWISH doctor was called.............................she died horribly and in much pain. Hitler blamed the jewish doctor and outwardly hated all jews after.

It's comforting to think that Hitler was somehow more antisemitic than anyone else in 1930s Europe.

In fact, Hitler was merely repeating what has been the dogma of European thought for nearly 2,000 years.

Hitler had enemies in France, England, and many other European countries. But ... the one thing they did see eye-to-eye with Hitler was his theories about Jews.

Even when Paris was occupied by The Nazis, the areas of Free France were more than willing to ship Jews in their territories back to Germany. England too sent Jewish refugees back to Germany, knowing they would immediately be sent to concentration camps. Poles, and other Eastern Europeans actively assisted the Nazis in hunting down and killing Jews even with their countries occupied by Nazis.

It's a fact that antisemitism in Europe was (and in many places still is) as natural as breathing.
What you are saying is totally untrue. You have never lived in Europe or the UK. Jews are not and have never in modern times been discriminated against in the UK. As for the Vichy French - they were fascists as were the Ukrainians who actually manned the guard posts at Sobibor and Treblinka. Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Polish, Rumanian & Hungarian etc Nationalist/fascists did support Hitler, though as in the case of the Ukraine, Goring's visit declaring them to be treated as slaves tended to turn a lot of them. Slovakia actually paid the Nazis to also take Jewish children after they'd taken their parents.
Britain had Mosley;s 'black shirts' who were a tiny group and usually got beaten up when staging rally's.
Britain's immigration policy was far more lenient than that of the US. Gerry Springer, Ruby Wax, Marianne Faithful. Names you may have heard of, were all taken in by Britain. Read about the 'Kinder Transports'.
Every country has its Right Wing/Nationalist/Fascists. In Britain they are a tiny minority.

Hun--it had to do with being a DIFFERENT TIME--------and the TEACHINGS of MARTIN LUTHER--notorious jew hater who called for the murder of all jews because the jews had killed jesus being taught in the churches. Not just taught---but hammered homed in most weekly sermons THEN.
Ever put your brain into gear before you write?
Your last two posts were so inane I regret the time I wasted reading them!

You seem to think quite highly of yourself, why?

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