Was it a venom intentionally placed in public water supplies?

So you agree with this conspiracy then. I guess you are willing to give up your life to save mother earth...

No, I do not agree with your stupid fucking ass conspiracy. Sarcasm takes an certain IQ to understand, you clearly are well below that level
Your IQ must be really low because those who have to get mad, angry, cuss and swear always have low IQs and foreheads.

Words are words, making some words cuss words or swear words are nothing more than an effort to control you.

And you are happy to let them do it
Yet you let them control the words you use because they told you they were bad words.
We call them cuss words for a reason. The words have nothing to do with anyone telling people they are bad words. The people like yourself that use them know they are bad and want to use them to control people, make them angry, pick a fight and demean others. You know they are bad words because you use them.
You didn't get it. The water is simply what got this going. Today 4 billion people worldwide have received the mRNA vaccines in which are not vaccines at all. They have snake venom in them. Also, note that he clearly said that Remdesivir also is snake venom. Remdesivir is the drug that the CDC and others only recommend for treatment. Just a short time ago, Ron Desantis in Florida tried to get Monoclonal Antibody treatment for Florida and was stonewalled for Remdesivir. And, we know hydroxycloroquine was snuffed out quickly yet there was no reason for it to be outlawed. Both MA and HD work against snake venom. Not only that, he clearly stated that of the deaths mainly by the pneumonia-like breathing problem that has killed most with Covid19 are non-smokers. Less than 5% were smokers who have died. Nicotine blocks the peptides from attaching to the things that cause this pneumonia-like reaction to Covid19. So does Zinc, Ivermectin, Quercetin, N.A.C., Vitamine C, Copper, Bentonite Clay, Corticosteroids, Budesonide.
Remember the pill that is being developed for snake bites? That will be given to those this secret society wants to live. Those who will be friendly to climate change and communism. So, why did you only question the water supply? You didn't watch most of it, did you?

They do not have snake venom in them. That is just QAnon bullshit.
We call them cuss words for a reason.

Yes, because you were programed into thinking some words are bad and other words are not. You were given a list of bad words and never thought to ask who made the list.

The words have nothing to do with anyone telling people they are bad words.

Of course they do. How else would anyone know they are bad? And the list changes all the time.

The people like yourself that use them know they are bad and want to use them to control people, make them angry, pick a fight and demean others. You know they are bad words because you use them.

I know they are just words. Words are not bad nor good, they are just words.
Yes, because you were programed into thinking some words are bad and other words are not. You were given a list of bad words and never thought to ask who made the list.

Of course they do. How else would anyone know they are bad? And the list changes all the time.

I know they are just words. Words are not bad nor good, they are just words.
Really? Words are just words? "I love you" versus "I lust you." No difference? We communicate with words. They are very important and the use of them makes all the difference in the world. No one is controlling me to know the "N" word is bad.
Really? Words are just words? "I love you" versus "I lust you." No difference? We communicate with words.

Yes, they have different meanings. But neither are good nor bad. There is nothing wrong with lust nor with love.

They are very important and the use of them makes all the difference in the world. No one is controlling me to know the "N" word is bad.

Who decided this word was bad? Who gets to make these decisions? And even now it is bad when you use it, but if a rapper puts it in a song, it is no longer bad.

Used to be shit was a bad word, not it is not.

Used to be damn was a bad word, now it is not.

The list is ever changing. It is just stupid
But the effects are exactly what snake venom does. So, are you sure?
I am actually quite well versed in the topic of snakes, both venomous and nonvenomous.

Snake venom has either hemotoxic properties or neurotoxic properties (with a very few having both) or cytotoxic.

Hemotoxic venom breaks down the red blood cells, causing massive internal bleeding.
Neurotoxic venom prevents the neuro transmitters from being produced, which cuts the transmission of impulses in the nervous system.
Cytotoxic venom breaks down tissue, which mainly effects the site of the bite and surrounding areas. Which is why it is not as deadly as the other two types.

So which type of venom is used in vaccines? And how do they prevent the venom from causing the exact same internal problems as with a snake bite, while still being lethal?
Oh, and snake venom placed in the water supply would have no effect on the population whatsoever. You can drink snake venom and be fine, unless you drink a very large concentration of it. But your digestive system will break down the venom. The only possible exception would be if you have an open cut in your mouth. But even then, there is no way venom added to the water supply would be present in a concentrated form, which is required to cause problems.
This is a very interesting theory.

If you dig deep into the Medical snake symbol there is suppose to be a lot of connection to this theory circuliating.

The snake reprsent the serpant which turn is evil— There are two snakes “ Good Evil” just like in the real world there is balance with God and Satan peole just can’t seem to get that one eithr.

THe globalist are sick in the head they love symbols and nubmersa they tell their plans , their controled freaks are paid off enough to create their web of deniars so that way nobody believes it

It’s a huge spun web of many tricks where if you don’t pay attention and can’t connect it all you’ll never see it all that’s why they call Alex Jones a fruit because he can see WTF they tell you decodes it all and the degenerates aren’t able to see that.

As an item of note: The Rod of Asclepius is known as the “only true symbol of medicine.” This qualifier is because a similar Greek symbol began to be popularized during the 20th century by the American armed forces. This symbol, the caduceus, is a rod intertwined with two serpents, generally depicted with wings. This completely unrelated Greek symbol had nothing to do with medicine or healing. Its use has spread somewhat among elements of the modern medical profession, generally being preferred by the commercial market. (The probable reason for its use is simple aesthetic appearance.) However, the Rod of Asclepius remains by far the most popular of the two symbols as the true standard of medicine. Those in the medical profession familiar with the symbols often disdain the use of the caduceus. It is generally declared as either misleading or downright inappropriate, considering its associations with theft and

Oh, and snake venom placed in the water supply would have no effect on the population whatsoever. You can drink snake venom and be fine, unless you drink a very large concentration of it. But your digestive system will break down the venom. The only possible exception would be if you have an open cut in your mouth. But even then, there is no way venom added to the water supply would be present in a concentrated form, which is required to cause problems.

They are using it in the jab , it is attacking some people neurologically ( the vaccine is).

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