Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong?

How war hero John McCain betrayed the Vietnamese peasant who saved his life | Mail Online

McCain has always struck me as selfish and self-centered - and dumb.

So now that's it, huh? MSNBC has told you that there is equivocation between Bergdahl and McCain and, like the good little Browshirts that you are, you run out to do your master's bidding.

Fucking despicable.

No, I'm one of the ones who told MSNBC. BTW, "brownshirts" has a "n" in it.
How war hero John McCain betrayed the Vietnamese peasant who saved his life | Mail Online

McCain has always struck me as selfish and self-centered - and dumb.

So now that's it, huh? MSNBC has told you that there is equivocation between Bergdahl and McCain and, like the good little Browshirts that you are, you run out to do your master's bidding.

Fucking despicable.

No, I'm one of the ones who told MSNBC. BTW, "brownshirts" has a "n" in it.

Typical Nazi bastard. Plotting the destruction of our country while correcting a misspelled word.

You, sir, are a fucking traitor.
When the communist learned that McCain's father was Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., the soon-to-be commander of all U.S. Forces in the Pacific, he was rushed to Gai Lam military hospital (U.S. government documents), a medical facility normally unavailable for U.S. POWs.

More: Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain

It's obvious that McCain received special treatment as a POW.

He was specially tortured.

He received regular special beatings.

He was specially starved.

He received special solitary confinement.

Our resident left wing whackos think that the Hanoi Hilton was a five star resort.
CaféAuLait;9231491 said:
No. This is simply Ravi trying to get you idiots to understand how stupid you look by going after a POW.......or if you can't handle calling what we are doing in Afghanistan a war......a captured US soldier.......in such a transparently political manner.

She is making fun of you. Do you understand?

Hummmmmmm. Tell us all oh wisdom filled one. Did McCain walk away deliberately? Did he tell people he would desert before even arriving in Vietnam as Bowe did before arriving in Afghanistan?

Did he send all of his uniforms home to Mommy and Daddy 2 weeks into his year long deployment?

Did McCain state as Bowe did: "I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be American". "I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools" and "The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at. It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies".

Did McCain state those things like Bowe did BEFORE deliberately walking away? Do we have Vietnamese and Russian transcripts where they stated they were setting up IEDs to kill those looking for the deserter as they were writing "LOL" knowing the troops looking for Bowe would hit them at any moment?

ALL OF the above was proven by Bowe's 15-6 investigation.

Tell me this is what McCain did and I will damn him as well.

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Why can't you understand? This is not a thread where anyone is SERIOUSLY maligning McCain. Have you no awareness?
Actually, I am.
Well, I've just found this highly reputable-looking site that completely exposes the good senator.
The truth will shock you.

Not only
It is well known that during John SIDNEY McCain's interrogations, he was given special attention since his father was an admiral in the US NAVY. As a navy pilot, John SIDNEY McCain also had a great knowledge about weapons, radar systems and deployment; information which was highly valuable to the North Vietnamese and their Soviet patrons. Several of SIDNEY McCain's fellow prisoners witness part of an interrogation, where McCain was questioned by Russian speaking officers. After this interrogation, John SIDNEY McCain was removed from the bamboo holding cage with his fellow prisoners and given extra rations of rice and canned yams. We can deduce from this that John SIDNEY McCain gave his captors vital information during this interrogation in order to get this special treatment, and thus put the lives of thousands of AMERICAN servicemen in danger. Hopefully, the extra rice rations were enough to fill not only the hunger in his belly, but also the deep hole in his conscience...

but also

In all, John McCain was held as a prisoner of war for six years, even though he could have left as soon as the first year. There are many reports that he was constantly bound with ropes and tortured. Why would this be done if he had already given all his information to his captors.

The answer is simple. From John SIDNEY McCain's own accounts of his torture, the acts he was involved in correlate closely to those of SADO MASOCHISM. These are acts that are regularly celebrated by the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERT community.

Before he was killed in a highly suspicious car accident, one of McCain's fellow prisoners testified on the BIBLE that during his time in the prison camp, John SIDNEY McCain had been a "bottom" (this is a pervert designation for a homosexual who receives sodomy rather than give it). This brave soldier also claimed that McCain frequently tried to dress in a feminine manner, and had sex with other prisoners and sometimes even his captors for extra cigarettes and plantains.

Even after his release, it seems that John SIDNEY McCain continued on with his homosexual acts. Several people have testified under oath that McCain was a constant figure in bars frequented by the homosexual/pervert community in Florida. It is these encounters that are widely known to have led to the end of McCain's first marriage.
The Truth About John McCain || kuro5hin.org


By Psycho Dave in Politics
Mon Jun 23, 2008 at 04:45:29 PM EST

Ahhhh yes, stories written by someone named "Psycho Dave". I believe every word of what he writes. :lmao:
You have to wonder after all these years. He claimed he was "suicidal" and that's why he made anti-American remarks. Remarks he later said he felt "ashamed" of saying. But of course that shame was after he was released.

Has the man been a fraud all along?

I have to wonder since he's currently furthering the talking points of terrorists.

Ask his brothers in arms, A man that throws down own his arms and abandons his country and flees to the enemy....Does he deseved to be saved? A line from saving
Private Ryan : Is the life of one guy worth the life of five? Not if guy runs into
If that guy runs the open arms of the enemy, I say not.
Is there any chance of you ever learning how to use the quote function?
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So now that's it, huh? MSNBC has told you that there is equivocation between Bergdahl and McCain and, like the good little Browshirts that you are, you run out to do your master's bidding.

Fucking despicable.

No, I'm one of the ones who told MSNBC. BTW, "brownshirts" has a "n" in it.

Typical Nazi bastard. Plotting the destruction of our country while correcting a misspelled word.

You, sir, are a fucking traitor.

Well, we're not barbarians, after all.
No, I'm one of the ones who told MSNBC. BTW, "brownshirts" has a "n" in it.

Typical Nazi bastard. Plotting the destruction of our country while correcting a misspelled word.

You, sir, are a fucking traitor.

Well, we're not barbarians, after all.

Barbarian? No. Fucking Nazi? Absolutely.

I'm a 70 year old who hasn't figured this damned spell check out on the iPad. You? Still a fucking idiot. When you offer something other than Nazism and spelling corrections - let me know. Until then? bite me.
Typical Nazi bastard. Plotting the destruction of our country while correcting a misspelled word.

You, sir, are a fucking traitor.

Well, we're not barbarians, after all.

Barbarian? No. Fucking Nazi? Absolutely.

I'm a 70 year old who hasn't figured this damned spell check out on the iPad. You? Still a fucking idiot. When you offer something other than Nazism and spelling corrections - let me know. Until then? bite me.

Damn....so upset. I hate to tell you this.....but you are exhibiting the symptoms of a failed life. By age 70....one ought to have gained control over his emotions and figured out how to relax a bit.

If you'd like some references for books to help you, let me know.
McCain sat docile like a collared bitch while the Republicans tortured POWs in Iraq.

Fuck John McCain.

Yep. When you look back over his life it is shameful.
You have to wonder after all these years. He claimed he was "suicidal" and that's why he made anti-American remarks. Remarks he later said he felt "ashamed" of saying. But of course that shame was after he was released.

Has the man been a fraud all along?

I have to wonder since he's currently furthering the talking points of terrorists.


Remember when McCrazy quit his campaign to solve the financial melt down? Grand stand much? Everybody in the room was rolling their eyes and everything. We need to all get down on our knees and thank our lucky stars that McCrazy and the ever so entertaining Sara Palin were not allowed into the White House. Can we all imagine what the state of the union would be with the country STILL heading DOWN into a death spiral?

AND Bin Ladin would still be alive.
You have to wonder after all these years. He claimed he was "suicidal" and that's why he made anti-American remarks. Remarks he later said he felt "ashamed" of saying. But of course that shame was after he was released.

Has the man been a fraud all along?

I have to wonder since he's currently furthering the talking points of terrorists.


you mean did Mccain pull a Bergdhal?
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...missing and captured soldiers have never had to undergo a character check before being rescued by their government. Should they now face trial by Bill Kristol before we decide whether to rescue them? Is Sarah Palin going to preside over a military death panel for captured soldiers suspected of inadequate dedication to the war effort?

Other Republicans accuse the president of breaking the long-standing rule against “negotiating with terrorists” to free hostages. They’re wrong on two counts: The U.S. has frequently negotiated with “terrorists,” to free hostages and for other reasons. President Carter negotiated with the Iranians who held Americans in the Tehran embassy in 1979, unsuccessfully. President Reagan famously traded arms to Iran for hostages. The entire surge in Iraq was predicated on negotiating with Sunni “terrorists” who had killed American soldiers to bring them into the government and stop sectarian violence.

Besides, this isn’t a terrorist-hostage situation, it’s a prisoner of war swap, and those are even more common: President Nixon freed some North Vietnamese prisoners at the same time former POW Sen. John McCain came home from Hanoi. Even hawkish Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu traded more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit last year. Such prisoner exchanges are particularly frequent when wars are winding down, as Ken Gude explains on Think Progress.

It’s true that Bergdahl was never officially categorized as a “prisoner of war,” since the Pentagon apparently stopped using that designation years ago. But he was defined as “missing/captured,” which is essentially the same thing. And while the Taliban fighters who were released were likewise not formally designated prisoners of war, either, because of the odd, formally undeclared status of the war with Afghanistan, that’s what they were. As President Obama said Tuesday morning, “This is what happens at the end of wars.” Imagine the outrage if the president brought the troops home from Afghanistan but left Bergdahl behind.

It’s shocking to see conservatives argue that the Taliban should have the final word on an American soldier’s fate, even if he’s accused of desertion. There’s already an Army inquiry into the conditions of Bergdahl’s disappearance. “Our army’s leaders will not look away from misconduct if it occurred,” the Joint Chiefs chair Martin Dempsey said Monday night. Would John McCain, for instance, deny Bergdahl the right to military justice and leave his punishment to the Taliban?

Even some Democrats who had doubts about the 2012 Bergdahl release deal, like Sen. Dianne Feinstein, support the exchange executed last weekend. “I support the president’s decision, particularly in light of Sgt. Bergdahl’s declining health. It demonstrates that America leaves no soldier behind,” she said in a statement. Former CIA director Leon Panetta opposed the earlier deal because he felt it didn’t do enough to prevent the five Taliban leaders from returning to combat; this deal holds them in Qatar for at least a year. Panetta also lauded the deal Monday night because of Bergdahl’s use to intelligence agencies.

It may be that the terms of the Bergdahl deal merit congressional investigation, particularly about whether Congress was sufficiently consulted on the deal. Partly because of the ongoing efforts to free Bergdahl, Congress agreed to reduce its own requirements for notification of Guantánamo releases. But Obama, in a signing statement, signaled he believed even the relaxed law tied his hands, arguing that the president needed the flexibility to act quickly in certain situations when negotiating a transfer of Guantánamo prisoners. Yes, it’s true that Obama and other Democrats criticized George W. Bush’s wanton use of signing statements. This one can be debated. But Republicans didn’t wail en masse over Bush’s signing statements or his national security secrecy the way they are doing now.

Congressional investigations are one thing; shrill partisan hackery is another.

The right?s unhinged Bergdahl hypocrisy: The ultimate way to savage Obama - Salon.com
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Remember when McCrazy quit his campaign to solve the financial melt down? Grand stand much? Everybody in the room was rolling their eyes and everything. We need to all get down on our knees and thank our lucky stars that McCrazy and the ever so entertaining Sara Palin were not allowed into the White House. Can we all imagine what the state of the union would be with the country STILL heading DOWN into a death spiral?

AND Bin Ladin would still be alive.

Wow. You fell for the spin....not surprised. It is folks like you they count on believing the spin...you know...mindless sheeple that will regurgitate anything they are asked to regurgitate no matter how ridiculous it sounds.

McCain put his campaign on hold so he could go back to doing the job he was elected to do AND paid to do at a crucial time in our history.

Not everyone was rolling their eyes. Just democrats who were told to raise their eyes seeing as THEIR party candidate pretty much admitted that his limited experience would prove to be "non essential" in dealing with the serious financial turn of events.

And I am not surprised. Obama does not believe in allowing ANYTHING to slow his campaign up.

I mean...heck....we had an American ambassador and 3 other Americans killed in a terrorist attack and he refused to cancel his rally in Las Vegas the very next day.
It IS questionable why he would pick a running mate that is a complete bimbo without vetting her.

That sure speaks poorly for the Obama voters! After all, Palin had better qualifications to actually be President than the scumbucket liar we have now! I know she was a VP candidate, but if she has been the P candidate and won, we would be much better off now as a country.

Only a biased idiot would disagree. That said, Palin would not have been my nominating choice at all, but look what the hell you dumbasses elected!!! :eusa_whistle:
This is the dumbest fucking post ever. John McCain is an American hero. The left will stop at nothing to smear people.
It IS questionable why he would pick a running mate that is a complete bimbo without vetting her.

That sure speaks poorly for the Obama voters! After all, Palin had better qualifications to actually be President than the scumbucket liar we have now! I know she was a VP candidate, but if she has been the P candidate and won, we would be much better off now as a country.

Only a biased idiot would disagree. That said, Palin would not have been my nominating choice at all, but look what the hell you dumbasses elected!!! :eusa_whistle:

Gets my vote for one of the best joke posts of USMB!!!

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